Russia & West Trade Blame For Vaccine ‘Price Gouging’ & Exploitation Of Africa ZeroHedge News

Russia & West Trade Blame For Vaccine ‘Price Gouging’ & Exploitation Of Africa ZeroHedge News


Russia & West Trade Blame For Vaccine ‘Price Gouging’ & Exploitation Of Africa Westerners bringing ‘benefits’ to the African continent has long been met with deep suspicion and even hostility from local Africans, given the colonial legacy stemming especially from the 19th century…

Saudi Arabia ‘categorically rejects’ US claims about Khashoggi killing, as Washington stops short of sanctioning Crown Prince MBS

Saudi Arabia ‘categorically rejects’ US claims about Khashoggi killing, as Washington stops short of sanctioning Crown Prince MBS


Riyadh has rejected the US intelligence report blaming Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi as “abusive and incorrect,” even as the Kingdom is unlikely to face serious punishment. “The Kingdom’s government categorically rejects the abusive…

How do you do, fellow kids? Biden White House leaves followers baffled after tweeting out-of-touch meme with Canadian PM

How do you do, fellow kids? Biden White House leaves followers baffled after tweeting out-of-touch meme with Canadian PM


The Biden administration has taken a popular meme and mutilated it, leaving what appears to be praise for Canada’s Justin Trudeau but which was hard to understand either way. Biden’s White House Twitter account posted two images in a row captioned “How…

Tweeter, tailor, soldier, spy: Canada’s spy agency inadvertently seeks double agent in laughable social media gaffe RT – Daily news

Tweeter, tailor, soldier, spy: Canada’s spy agency inadvertently seeks double agent in laughable social media gaffe RT – Daily news


The Canadian espionage agency used a quote from ‘A Perfect Spy’, a novel about a double-agent who betrayed his country, in a Twitter recruitment ad, raising questions about its own ‘intelligence’. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) drew many bemused and sarcastic…

“Conservatism Devoid of Backbone Is Doomed to Failure” – Governor Ron DeSantis Hammers Spineless Republicans in CPAC Open (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

“Conservatism Devoid of Backbone Is Doomed to Failure” – Governor Ron DeSantis Hammers Spineless Republicans in CPAC Open (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit


Flordia Governor Ron DeSantis kicked off the annual CPAC Convention Friday morning in Orlando. CPAC is meeting this year in Florida rather than the military zone in Washington DC due to the open business environment in the state. Governor DeSantis told the…

In fresh censorship, Twitter bans ‘Russian’ accounts it says are ‘undermining confidence in NATO’ amid rising tensions with Moscow

In fresh censorship, Twitter bans ‘Russian’ accounts it says are ‘undermining confidence in NATO’ amid rising tensions with Moscow


Nearly 400 Twitter accounts have been shut down in the latest Silicon Valley banning spree over allegations many are linked to Moscow and work to discredit a US-led military grouping that stages war-games on the country’s border. On Tuesday, Russian media reported…

“We’re Really Moving Into a Coup Situation, a Police State Situation” – Ex-Bill Clinton Advisor and Author Naomi Wolf Warns of Totalitarian State Under Biden (Video) – The Gateway Pundit

“We’re Really Moving Into a Coup Situation, a Police State Situation” – Ex-Bill Clinton Advisor and Author Naomi Wolf Warns of Totalitarian State Under Biden (Video) – The Gateway Pundit


Former advisor to Bill Clinton and author, Naomi Wolf, was on Tucker Carlson’s Show on FOX News on Monday night. Naomi warned that under Biden America was becoming a ‘totalitarian state before our eyes’. Of course, this is true, even a Bill…

WATCH: Biden AG Pick Says Antifa/BLM Attacks on Courthouse May Not be Domestic Terrorism Because They Happened at Night – The Gateway Pundit

WATCH: Biden AG Pick Says Antifa/BLM Attacks on Courthouse May Not be Domestic Terrorism Because They Happened at Night – The Gateway Pundit


When questioned by Senator Josh Hawley about if he considers Antifa and Black Lives Matter attacks on the courthouse in Portland to be “domestic terrorism,” Joe Biden’s Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland said he might not, because those attacks happened at night….

Mandatory glasses next? Spectacles-wearers TWO to THREE times less likely to get Covid-19, study suggests RT – Daily news

Mandatory glasses next? Spectacles-wearers TWO to THREE times less likely to get Covid-19, study suggests RT – Daily news


Research from India has indicated that people wearing glasses are far less likely to become infected with Covid-19 than those without, which appears to support health advice to wear spectacles instead of contact lenses. Covid-19 can spread in many different ways, and…

With increased support from Moscow following Minsk political crisis, Belarus has become a ‘military district’ of Russia – Estonia RT – Daily news

With increased support from Moscow following Minsk political crisis, Belarus has become a ‘military district’ of Russia – Estonia RT – Daily news


Minsk and Moscow have integrated their militaries so closely that Belarus is essentially a military district of Russia. That’s according to the Estonian Intelligence Service, which published its annual report last week. The publication focused mainly on supposed threats posed to the…

World Economic Forum shouted down on Twitter for suggesting Covid-19 lockdowns ‘improved cities all over the world’

World Economic Forum shouted down on Twitter for suggesting Covid-19 lockdowns ‘improved cities all over the world’


The World Economic Forum, globalist champion of the Great Reset, has ruffled feathers online with an “out-of-touch” tweet how Covid-19 lockdowns are “quietly improving cities” across the globe. A video accompanying the Friday tweet by the WEF shows images of deserted streets,…

Students Demand Removal Of George Washington Statue… At University Of Washington ZeroHedge News

Students Demand Removal Of George Washington Statue… At University Of Washington ZeroHedge News


Students Demand Removal Of George Washington Statue… At University Of Washington Authored by Angela Morabito via Campus Reform, The University of Washington’s Black Student Union has garnered nearly 8,000 signatures on a petition that demands the school remove a statue of George Washington, the…

Switzerland REJECTS AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, citing lack of sufficient data to prove effectiveness – Arsenio Toledo –

Switzerland REJECTS AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, citing lack of sufficient data to prove effectiveness – Arsenio Toledo –


(Natural News) The main medical regulator of Switzerland has rejected the Oxford-AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. According to the regulator, there is a lack of available trial data to prove that the vaccine is safe to use. “With regard to the AstraZeneca…

Counter-Terrorism’?: Two Decades after 9/11, New Interactive Map Details Footprint of US War Machine in 85 Countries Brett Wilkins Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** “The map raises a number of questions. Why is the United … The post Counter-Terrorism’?:…

Scientists Discover ‘All-Natural’ COVID Treatment That Can Prevent ‘Cytokine Storm’ In Severe Patients ZeroHedge News

Scientists Discover ‘All-Natural’ COVID Treatment That Can Prevent ‘Cytokine Storm’ In Severe Patients ZeroHedge News


Scientists Discover ‘All-Natural’ COVID Treatment That Can Prevent ‘Cytokine Storm’ In Severe Patients A team of scientists from Israel and Iceland has published a new report showing that an extraction of spirulina algae has the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19…

‘High culture & iron fists’: Welcome to ‘Five Directions of the World’ – the Dagestan school which raised UFC star Zabit RT RT – Daily news

‘High culture & iron fists’: Welcome to ‘Five Directions of the World’ – the Dagestan school which raised UFC star Zabit RT RT – Daily news


Among the rich tapestry of Dagestan’s combat sports culture, there is one school nurturing young generations to think, not just fight. Welcome to ‘Five Directions of the World’ – a place often known as ‘the Shaolin of Dagestan’. In the latest episode…

Saudi Crown Prince Approved Operation Against Khashoggi, US Intelligence Report Shows Reuters

Saudi Crown Prince Approved Operation Against Khashoggi, US Intelligence Report Shows Reuters


WASHINGTON—Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved of an operation to capture or kill dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was murdered in 2018, according to a declassified intelligence assessment released on Friday in a manner choreographed to limit damage to U.S.-Saudi ties…

‘The war machine is back’: Biden reminded of previous criticism on Trump’s ‘escalation’ in Syria after he orders fresh strike RT – Daily news

‘The war machine is back’: Biden reminded of previous criticism on Trump’s ‘escalation’ in Syria after he orders fresh strike RT – Daily news


President Joe Biden has drawn praise from hawks and accusations of hypocrisy from critics after he authorized a reprisal airstrike on Syria, claiming that by bombing “Iran-backed militia” infrastructure he is deescalating tension. The Biden administration, which has publicly stated its intention…

Artificial Intelligence and Profit Driven Supercomputers, Part of the Super-Rich “Money Game” – Emanuel Pastreich Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** Even young children can sense that we live in an age … The post Artificial…

Democrats want right-leaning news outlets to be canceled from cable and satellite – Ethan Huff –

Democrats want right-leaning news outlets to be canceled from cable and satellite – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) The House Energy and Commerce Committee convened a hearing recently to address “the spread of disinformation and extremism by traditional news media,” which members of Congress claim “presents a tangible and destabilizing threat” to the country. Entitled, “Fanning the Flames:…

Pfizer is threatening governments around the world and demanding RANSOM to protect against future vaccine injury lawsuits – Lance D Johnson –

Pfizer is threatening governments around the world and demanding RANSOM to protect against future vaccine injury lawsuits – Lance D Johnson –


(Natural News) Before Pfizer’s experimental mRNA technology was globally approved as a “safe” vaccine for covid-19, the pharmaceutical juggernaut was already negotiating with governments around the world on how to deal with acute vaccine injury, vaccine-induced hospitalization and death, three inevitable and…

“I  Believe Joe Biden’s Mental State is a Clear National Security Threat” – Newsmax Host Grant Stinchfield on Joe Biden’s Dementia (VIDEO) The Gateway Pundit

“I Believe Joe Biden’s Mental State is a Clear National Security Threat” – Newsmax Host Grant Stinchfield on Joe Biden’s Dementia (VIDEO) The Gateway Pundit


Australian reporter Cory Bernardi is the first prominent mainstream host to report on Joe Biden’s obvious dementia that is apparent to anyone paying attention. No one in the US liberal media is strong enough to point this out – President Biden is…

Biden reinstates funding to WHO, sends $200 million American taxpayer dollars to corrupt body that lied about coronavirus – Ethan Huff –

Biden reinstates funding to WHO, sends $200 million American taxpayer dollars to corrupt body that lied about coronavirus – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) By the end of the month, China Joe is planning to send over $200 million in American taxpayer money to the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO), undoing President Trump’s decision to axe all funding to the globalist entity. Despite the…

The Impact of the Corona Crisis on Mental Health: Suicides, Drug Overdose, Alcoholism Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research


The following text is Chapter VI of Prof. Chossudovsky’s E-Book. To access the full document consisting of ten Chapters, click below: The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” by … The…

WE GOT SCAMMED! … BREAKING: John Durham Resigns – Effective February 28th — Before Biden AG Takes Office – The Gateway Pundit

WE GOT SCAMMED! … BREAKING: John Durham Resigns – Effective February 28th — Before Biden AG Takes Office – The Gateway Pundit


John Durham announced on Friday he will resign effective on February 28 at midnight. Durham was investigating the Mueller Russia-Collusion coup against President Trump and his administration. He was appointed as Special Counsel in October. He resigned in office in Connecticut. There…

Pentagon says military does not have resources for “urban combat” in dystopian “megacities” – Ethan Huff –

Pentagon says military does not have resources for “urban combat” in dystopian “megacities” – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) With the new domestic “war on terror” quickly gaining steam, the Pentagon is anticipating a dystopian future in which the military is entirely ill-equipped for “urban combat.” In a video entitled, “Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity” that was shown…

Russian Foreign Ministry says Twitter no longer independent social media, but a tool of ‘digital diktat’ under control of West RT – Daily news

Russian Foreign Ministry says Twitter no longer independent social media, but a tool of ‘digital diktat’ under control of West RT – Daily news


Twitter is rapidly changing from an independent platform into a tool of Western countries to impose a dictatorship over the internet. That’s according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, following a recent ban of Russian accounts. Speaking on Friday, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria…

Boston halts advanced school program over ‘equity’ concerns after study finds it has too many ‘white and Asian’ students

Boston halts advanced school program over ‘equity’ concerns after study finds it has too many ‘white and Asian’ students


Public schools in Boston, Massachusetts are suspending new enrollment in an advanced study program citing concerns over “inequities” that supposedly emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic and the need to be more “antiracist.” Fourth-graders hoping to get into the Advanced Work Classes (AWC)…

Israeli PM urges Biden to maintain sanctions on International Criminal Court to stave off war crimes investigation – media

Israeli PM urges Biden to maintain sanctions on International Criminal Court to stave off war crimes investigation – media


Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly urged US President Joe Biden to maintain his predecessor’s sanctions against the International Criminal Court, arguing that even if he disagrees with them, the US and Israel must stick together. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu personally called up Biden…

“We Don’t Find It Safe Enough” – EU Lawmaker Jérôme Rivière: Mail-in Ballots and Voting Machines Banned in France (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

“We Don’t Find It Safe Enough” – EU Lawmaker Jérôme Rivière: Mail-in Ballots and Voting Machines Banned in France (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit


In the aftermath of the 2020 elections, honest Americans are looking to make widespread reforms to the voting systems and procedures used in America. One America’s Jack Posobiec spoke with a French member of the European Parliament Jérôme Rivière to see whether…

West ‘obsessed’ with imposing its own version of democracy in Belarus, country’s FM claims, urging closer ties with Russia instead RT – Daily news

West ‘obsessed’ with imposing its own version of democracy in Belarus, country’s FM claims, urging closer ties with Russia instead RT – Daily news


When it comes to protest-hit Belarus, the US and EU are intent on imposing their own systems and values with no regard for the country’s own journey to democracy, its foreign minister has said, after successive waves of sanctions. Vladimir Makei told…

‘We have a hint… it may be possible’: Controversial stem cell therapy repaired injured spinal cords in 13 patients RT – Daily news

‘We have a hint… it may be possible’: Controversial stem cell therapy repaired injured spinal cords in 13 patients RT – Daily news


Using a somewhat controversial stem cell therapy, a joint team of Japanese and US-based researchers have successfully repaired some damage in 13 patients with spinal cord injuries (SCI). SCIs can often cause permanent loss of movement and physical sensation from resultant nerve…

‘I’m doing what I’m doing in obedience to Christ’: Pastor arrested for holding church service Michael Austin, The Western Journal WND

‘I’m doing what I’m doing in obedience to Christ’: Pastor arrested for holding church service Michael Austin, The Western Journal WND


With over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic first began, Canada’s lockdown restrictions remain particularly stringent. So much so that a pastor was arrested on Tuesday for failing to restrict his church’s attendance to 15 percent capacity. James Coates, a pastor at…

Biden’s Latest Strike on Syria. The S-300 No-Show. The Russia-Israel De Facto Alliance? Andrew Korybko Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** The Alt-Media Community is suspiciously silent about the S-300s’ no-show following … The post Biden’s…

UK unemployment hits 5.1%, the highest in almost 5 years, as young workers bear brunt of Covid-19 restrictions RT – Daily news

UK unemployment hits 5.1%, the highest in almost 5 years, as young workers bear brunt of Covid-19 restrictions RT – Daily news


Official data released on Tuesday shows that UK unemployment reached a five-year high of 5.1 percent in the last quarter of 2020 as the government introduced its second Covid-19 induced lockdown. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that 1.74 million people…

SARS Variants, Spike Proteins and More All Rest on One Big Fat Assumption Makia Freeman Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** Without virus isolation, the SARS variants brainwashing theme is being increasingly … The post SARS Variants,…

French City Removes Meat From School Lunches, Slammed For “Putting Ideology On Kids’ Plates” ZeroHedge News

French City Removes Meat From School Lunches, Slammed For “Putting Ideology On Kids’ Plates” ZeroHedge News


French City Removes Meat From School Lunches, Slammed For “Putting Ideology On Kids’ Plates” Consuming meat has become a cultural staple across the world. But with the surging middle class in China and elsewhere, demand for beef, pork, and processed chicken has…

Coke Woke: Why Is America’s Favorite Fizzy Drink Lecturing Employees to ‘Be Less White’? Strategic Culture Foundation


Instead of having the good sense to understand the dangers of embracing and propagating bigoted myths about an entire race of people, the management at Coca-Cola seem to have embraced it. A whistleblower inside of the Coca-Cola Company has revealed the shocking…

Pfizer Demanding Bank Reserves, Military Bases And Embassy Buildings As Collateral For COVID-19 Vaccines – GreatGameIndia


Pharma giant Pfizer has been holding sovereign governments to ransom making bizarre demands asking for bank reserves, embassy buildings and military bases as collateral in return for COVID-19 vaccines. The post Pfizer Demanding Bank Reserves, Military Bases And Embassy Buildings As Collateral…

Planetary Hysteria: Manufactured COVID-19 “Health Crisis” Pushes Humanity, Global Society to Total Shutdown Larry Chin Global Research


This incisive article by Larry Chin written with foresight was first published shortly after the implementation of the March 18, 2020 lockdown in the United States. *** The COVID-19 charade is the biggest single disruption of human society in modern … The…

Russia Says Jihadists Are Planning “Simulated” Chemical Attack In Idlib To Get Biden’s Attention ZeroHedge News

Russia Says Jihadists Are Planning “Simulated” Chemical Attack In Idlib To Get Biden’s Attention ZeroHedge News


Russia Says Jihadists Are Planning “Simulated” Chemical Attack In Idlib To Get Biden’s Attention In what feels like a throwback scenario to 2017 which marked the first time Trump bombed Syria over al-Qaeda’s unverified claims of a government chemical attack on a “rebel”-held…

Trump cries it’s ‘fascism, not justice’ as SCOTUS allows release of tax returns to NY prosecutor, adds he ‘won’ 2020 election RT – Daily news

Trump cries it’s ‘fascism, not justice’ as SCOTUS allows release of tax returns to NY prosecutor, adds he ‘won’ 2020 election RT – Daily news


Former US President Donald Trump has lashed out at the Supreme Court after losing his lawyers failed to block his tax returns and financial records from being released to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. The court’s ruling was in response to Trump’s…

Haiti Official Stashes Wealth in Montréal. “Canada’s Contribution to Enabling Haitian Corruption” – Yves Engler Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** Recent media reports of a Haitian official stashing wealth in Montréal … The post Haiti…

What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”? F. William Engdahl Global Research


The Pharma giant Pfizer use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines. Before we rush to get jabbed in hopes of some immunity, we should know more about the radical experimental technology and…

UK homeless deaths rose by a third in 2020, as Covid hit social sector cut to bone by years of austerity, researchers say

UK homeless deaths rose by a third in 2020, as Covid hit social sector cut to bone by years of austerity, researchers say


Nearly 1,000 homeless people died in the UK last year, researchers said on Monday, blaming the 37 percent increase in deaths among rough sleepers on coronavirus hitting a social segment left vulnerable after a decade of cuts. The Dying Homeless Project found…

Leaked Docs Reveal Large-Scale Effort Of British Govt To Use Anti-Russian Media & Influencers To “Weaken Russian State” ZeroHedge News

Leaked Docs Reveal Large-Scale Effort Of British Govt To Use Anti-Russian Media & Influencers To “Weaken Russian State” ZeroHedge News


Leaked Docs Reveal Large-Scale Effort Of British Govt To Use Anti-Russian Media & Influencers To “Weaken Russian State” Via, The usage of propaganda and disinformation by global and regional actors as a tool to promote their interests has been an open…

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