UK threatens Covid-19 rule breakers with £10,000 fines and up to 10 years behind bars RT – Daily news

UK threatens Covid-19 rule breakers with £10,000 fines and up to 10 years behind bars RT – Daily news


UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock has unveiled stricter punishments for individuals who flout Covid-19 border restrictions and quarantine rules, threatening £10,000 fines and up to 10 years in prison. The new measures are part of what Hancock describes as a “no apologies”…

Free will hacked: AI can be trained to manipulate human behavior and decisions, according to research in Australia RT – Daily news

Free will hacked: AI can be trained to manipulate human behavior and decisions, according to research in Australia RT – Daily news


Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers in Australia have demonstrated how it is possible to train a system to manipulate human behavior and decision-making, highlighting the double-edged sword that is modern high tech. AI now pervades the vast majority of contemporary human society and…

VIDEO: Russian Covid-19 Vaccine Vindicated Despite Western ‘Pandemic’ of Russophobia on 08/02/2021 at 17:40 Strategic Culture Foundation


One would think that the mainstream media would want to help to save lives by highlighting some of Russia’s legitimate successes against the coronavirus. But pushing an endless stream of Russophobia is clearly far more important to them. [#item_url ] Strategic Culture…

New CDU leader & possible Merkel successor Laschet voices support for Ukraine joining EU, but says Nord Stream 2 must be completed RT – Daily news

New CDU leader & possible Merkel successor Laschet voices support for Ukraine joining EU, but says Nord Stream 2 must be completed RT – Daily news


Less than a month after being elected as leader of Germany’s most powerful political party, Armin Laschet revealed that he believes the European Union should give Ukraine a pathway towards becoming a member of the bloc. Laschet, who now heads Chancellor Angela…

Conservatives and Trump supporters who get censored are being accused of spreading “disinformation” for speaking up about the abuse

Conservatives and Trump supporters who get censored are being accused of spreading “disinformation” for speaking up about the abuse


(Natural News) Trump supporters, conservatives, and independent media, are all unilaterally being censored, blocked, banned, and demonetized online. Anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the authoritarian democrats, the technocrat elites, and their globalist allies is being removed from social media, shamed…

Let the Investigation Begin: The International Criminal Court, Israel and the Palestinian Territories Dr. Binoy Kampmark Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** International tribunals tend to be praised, in principle, by those they … The post Let…

Biden Administration Draws Criticism for Decision to Scrap Trump’s Policy on Confucius Institutes – Frank Fang | The Epoch Times

Biden Administration Draws Criticism for Decision to Scrap Trump’s Policy on Confucius Institutes – Frank Fang | The Epoch Times


The Biden administration has quietly killed a rule proposed by the Trump administration to safeguard U.S. academic freedom from the threat of Beijing-funded Confucius Institutes (CIs). The proposed rule, named “Establishing Requirement for Student and Exchange Visitor Program Certified Schools to Disclose…

In Game Changer, International Criminal Court Will Take Up Israeli War Crimes and Apartheid in Palestine Prof. Juan Cole Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** On Friday, the International Criminal Court found that it had jurisdiction … The post In…

Central banks are transferring wealth from the average person to the likes of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos  – Keiser Report

Central banks are transferring wealth from the average person to the likes of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos – Keiser Report


The money supply increased dramatically in the US in 2020 since the lockdowns closed the economy. RT’s Keiser Report talks to Mike Maloney, a leading expert on monetary history, economics, and precious metals. “We’re approaching an endgame here,” says Maloney, the CEO…

The Clash Between the UK and EU Over Northern Ireland Is a Precursor to Confrontations That Will Last Decades on 09/02/2021 at 17:00 Strategic Culture Foundation


By Patrick COCKBURN “Get your retaliation in first,” is a cynical old saying in Northern Irish politics that means you hit your opponent whenever you can without waiting for a provocation. It neatly captures the violent traditions of the province and explains why…

Washington ready to rejoin UN Human Rights Council… to shift its attention from Israel’s violations RT RT – Daily news

Washington ready to rejoin UN Human Rights Council… to shift its attention from Israel’s violations RT RT – Daily news


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has announced America will “re-engage” with the UNHRC as an “observer” in a bid to pressure the international body to dispense with what he called its “disproportionate” focus on Israel. Touting the Biden administration’s supposed return…

New York City’s top health official tests positive for coronavirus; Mayor de Blasio pushes for more vaccinations Arsenio Toledo

New York City’s top health official tests positive for coronavirus; Mayor de Blasio pushes for more vaccinations Arsenio Toledo


(Natural News) New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Dave Chokshi announced on Wednesday, Feb. 3, that he has tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Chokshi, 39, said that he was experiencing mild symptoms. Mayor Bill de Blasio subsequently used Chokshi’s positive…

WHO official thanks Britain for taking risk with ‘first dose first’ vaccination, calls on it to share its stockpile with needy RT RT – Daily news

WHO official thanks Britain for taking risk with ‘first dose first’ vaccination, calls on it to share its stockpile with needy RT RT – Daily news


The WHO’s Covid-19 envoy has praised ‘brave’ Britain for trying an experimental vaccination regimen and proving its viability. The UK should think about sharing some of its stocks with poorer nations soon, he also suggested. The vaccines against Covid-19 are a “fantastic…

Biden restores China’s opportunity to influence American education – Bob Unruh WND

Biden restores China’s opportunity to influence American education – Bob Unruh WND


  President Biden quietly has restored China’s ability to influence American education through its Communist Party-financed Confucius Institute. President Trump late last year enacted a policy to pressure universities to disclose any contracts and transactions with the institute by primary, secondary and…

Two Men with Black Lives Matter Arrested after they Rubbed Dirty Diaper on Conservative Reporter’s Face – And Smash Egg on Her Head – Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit

Two Men with Black Lives Matter Arrested after they Rubbed Dirty Diaper on Conservative Reporter’s Face – And Smash Egg on Her Head – Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit


Two Black Lives Matter protesters, both men, were arrested after they rubbed a dirty diaper on a conservative reporter’s face and then smashed an egg on her head. Conservative reporter Tara Szczepanski was also knocked with an umbrella and the victim of…

Achtung Baby! (It’s Cold Outside) – Germany’s “Green” Energy Fail Rescued By Coal And Gas – The Burning Platform

Achtung Baby! (It’s Cold Outside) – Germany’s “Green” Energy Fail Rescued By Coal And Gas – The Burning Platform


Via, Barely a week after Davos luminaries met with world leaders and Silicon Valley oligarchs to plot their latest phase of the Great Reset, the underlying provenance of their entire ‘climate emergency’ thesis is still struggling to correspond with reality. Their much-celebrated…

Mike Lindell to Bannon War Room: “Absolute Truth” Film Was Seen by Over 10 Million People After Friday Release – Five Million Completed the Film

Mike Lindell to Bannon War Room: “Absolute Truth” Film Was Seen by Over 10 Million People After Friday Release – Five Million Completed the Film


Steve Bannon interviewed Mike Lindell on The War Room on Saturday.  The two discussed Lindell’s release of the online movie ‘Absolute Truth’ on Friday.  According to Lindell the reaction to ‘Absolute Truth’ was remarkable.  In its first day the movie was watched…

Mike Lindell to Bannon War Room: “Absolute Truth” Film Was Seen by Over 10 Million People After Friday Release – Five Million Completed the Film

Mike Lindell to Bannon War Room: “Absolute Truth” Film Was Seen by Over 10 Million People After Friday Release – Five Million Completed the Film


Steve Bannon interviewed Mike Lindell on The War Room on Saturday.  The two discussed Lindell’s release of the online movie ‘Absolute Truth’ on Friday.  According to Lindell the reaction to ‘Absolute Truth’ was remarkable.  In its first day the movie was watched…

Mike Lindell to Bannon War Room: “Absolute Truth” Film Was Seen by Over 10 Million People After Friday Release

Mike Lindell to Bannon War Room: “Absolute Truth” Film Was Seen by Over 10 Million People After Friday Release


Steve Bannon interviewed Mike Lindell on The War Room on Saturday.  The two discussed Lindell’s release of the online movie ‘Absolute Truth’ on Friday.  According to Lindell the reaction to ‘Absolute Truth’ was remarkable.  In its first day the movie was watched in its entirety by 5 million people according to Lindell and the data…

The post Mike Lindell to Bannon War Room: “Absolute Truth” Film Was Seen by Over 10 Million People After Friday Release – Five Million Completed the Film appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Biden’s Iran Policy Is Just Trump’s Iran Policy With a Rainbow Flag Emoji on 09/02/2021 at 15:00  Strategic Culture Foundation

Biden’s Iran Policy Is Just Trump’s Iran Policy With a Rainbow Flag Emoji on 09/02/2021 at 15:00 Strategic Culture Foundation


By Caitlin JOHNSTONE In a new interview with CBS Evening News, President Biden confirmed that his administration will not be lifting sanctions imposed upon Iran in order to bring Tehran to the negotiating table for the restoration of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly…

Supreme Court Ruling in California Case Allows In-Person Worship Services to Resume… With Some Limits, Thanks to Amy Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh

Supreme Court Ruling in California Case Allows In-Person Worship Services to Resume… With Some Limits, Thanks to Amy Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh


The US Supreme Court in a splintered decision just before midnight Friday ruled 6-3 that in-person worship services in California can resume. However, indoor services can only be at 25% capacity and singing is still restricted thanks to Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh. The lawsuits against Governor Newsom were brought by South Bay…

The post Supreme Court Ruling in California Case Allows In-Person Worship Services to Resume… With Some Limits, Thanks to Amy Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Navalny Is A NATO Agent, But Not All Unauthorized Protesters Are Foreign Proxies Andrew KORYBKO


Recent statements from President Putin, spy chief Naryshkin, and Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova confirm that anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny is a NATO agent, but that doesn’t mean that all unauthorized protesters who previously gathered in his support are foreign proxies since many…

Two Scientists Fired From Top Canadian Laboratory After Shipping Viruses to Wuhan Institute of Virology Andrew Chen RSS Feed | The Epoch Times

Two Scientists Fired From Top Canadian Laboratory After Shipping Viruses to Wuhan Institute of Virology Andrew Chen RSS Feed | The Epoch Times


Two Chinese Canadian virology scientists have been fired by the Public Health Agency of Canada after they were evicted from the National Microbiology Laboratory under a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) investigation that remains largely a mystery. “The two scientists are no…

Biden Administration Immediately Caused the GDP to Decrease as Companies Stopped Hiring After the 2020 Election

Biden Administration Immediately Caused the GDP to Decrease as Companies Stopped Hiring After the 2020 Election


After setting the record for the greatest increase in GDP history in the third Quarter, the Biden effect is slowing the economy and shrinking the GDP. In Q3 President Trump’s Administration set the record for the largest increase in GDP in US history.  This won’t be the case in Q4 after firms realized there might…

The post Biden Administration Immediately Caused the GDP to Decrease as Companies Stopped Hiring After the 2020 Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

YouTube Censors Gateway Pundit, Locks Down Account After Posting Interview with New Hampshire Official on Stolen Votes from Voting Machines Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit

YouTube Censors Gateway Pundit, Locks Down Account After Posting Interview with New Hampshire Official on Stolen Votes from Voting Machines Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit


As we previously reported– A recent hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes. Via Facebook The Dominion machine counted results were wrong…

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