‘System of abuse’? At least 10,000 children sexually abused at hands of French Catholic Church since 1950s – report RT – Daily news

‘System of abuse’? At least 10,000 children sexually abused at hands of French Catholic Church since 1950s – report RT – Daily news


At least 10,000 children have fallen victim to sex abuse by clergy and other officials of the Catholic Church in France since the 1950s, an independent commission set up to investigate such crimes said in its preliminary report. “It’s possible that the…

US Capitol Police call for National Guard to be deployed for another TWO MONTHS, citing threats  RT – Daily news

US Capitol Police call for National Guard to be deployed for another TWO MONTHS, citing threats RT – Daily news


A 60-day extension to the National Guard’s deployment to the US Capitol is being reviewed by the Pentagon, the Associated Press has reported. Over 5,000 troops have been stationed there since January’s Capitol riot. Capitol Police made the request for the 60-day…

Twitch reverts back to ‘women’ after tweet celebrating ‘Womxn’s History Month’ savaged online RT – Daily news

Twitch reverts back to ‘women’ after tweet celebrating ‘Womxn’s History Month’ savaged online RT – Daily news


Streaming platform Twitch has returned to the conventional spelling for “women” after its social media post hailing “Womxn’s History Month” – avoiding any “gender-binary language” – backfired and angered critics on all sides. Though the company took to Twitter on Monday to…

WATCH: Demonstrators occupy French national theaters in anti-Covid lockdown protests RT – Daily news

WATCH: Demonstrators occupy French national theaters in anti-Covid lockdown protests RT – Daily news


Protesters have occupied three of France’s national theaters in opposition to coronavirus shutdowns, as cultural spaces have remained closed since the country’s lockdown began in October. The theater occupations come amid growing anger in the country over the continued closure of cultural…

‘Tone-deaf!’: Brits blast BoJo after reports he’s forming ‘charity’ to pay for fiancée’s No.10 makeover including ‘gold’ wallpaper RT – Daily news

‘Tone-deaf!’: Brits blast BoJo after reports he’s forming ‘charity’ to pay for fiancée’s No.10 makeover including ‘gold’ wallpaper RT – Daily news


Brits are up in arms over reports that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is planning to create a charity which would help foot the bill for his fiancée Carrie Symonds’ expensive makeover of No. 10 Downing Street. Johnson was reportedly left shocked by…

Beheaded over a LIE? French teen whose story of schoolteacher & Prophet Mohammed cartoons led to his murder wasn’t even in class RT – Daily news

Beheaded over a LIE? French teen whose story of schoolteacher & Prophet Mohammed cartoons led to his murder wasn’t even in class RT – Daily news


The schoolgirl who claimed a teacher asked Muslim students to leave the lesson before displaying obscene caricatures of Prophet Mohammed as part of his freedom-of-speech class lied about being there to avoid parental punishment. The unnamed 13-year-old girl, whose story was deemed…

Nazi war criminal celebrated by Lithuanian government as hero of WW2 resistance exposed by his own granddaughter in brand new book RT – Daily news

Nazi war criminal celebrated by Lithuanian government as hero of WW2 resistance exposed by his own granddaughter in brand new book RT – Daily news


American journalist Silvia Foti exposed a major cover-up by the Lithuanian government. Her grandfather, considered a WWII hero in the country, was actually a Nazi mass murderer. Now she’s written a book that tells the real story. It seems clear that Foti’s…

HALF of Americans question Biden’s physical & mental health, concerned over lack of press conferences – poll RT – Daily news

HALF of Americans question Biden’s physical & mental health, concerned over lack of press conferences – poll RT – Daily news


A new poll has found that 50 percent of Americans are questioning President Biden’s mental fitness, and over half are concerned about his lack of solo press conferences. Asked “how confident are you that Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to…

Japan and TEPCO claim radioactive Fukushima water can be “safely” dumped in the Pacific Ocean – Cassie B. – NaturalNews.com

Japan and TEPCO claim radioactive Fukushima water can be “safely” dumped in the Pacific Ocean – Cassie B. – NaturalNews.com


(Natural News) The government of Japan plans to release more than a million tons of water contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster into the Pacific Ocean despite intense opposition from local fishermen and environmental groups around the world. Fukushima…

The Clash Between Central Bankers and Investors Over Inflation and Interest Rates – Prof Rodrigue Tremblay Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** “Investing illusions can continue for a surprisingly long time. Wall Street … The post The…
