Biden Administration To Ban Menthol Cigarettes… Because They’re ‘Racist’? ZeroHedge News

Biden Administration To Ban Menthol Cigarettes… Because They’re ‘Racist’? ZeroHedge News


Biden Administration To Ban Menthol Cigarettes… Because They’re ‘Racist’? Authored by Rick Moran via, The Biden administration will propose canceling (banning) menthol cigarettes because they attack more black people than white people. Menthol cigarettes are racist. Regular flavored cigarettes don’t kill…

Facebook on ‘dangerous path,’ International Federation of Journalists head warns as platform cracks down on RT-affiliated Redfish RT – Daily news

Facebook on ‘dangerous path,’ International Federation of Journalists head warns as platform cracks down on RT-affiliated Redfish RT – Daily news


Censorship of political views by a private company like Facebook can undermine media freedom, the head of the International Federation of Journalists warned after the page of RT’s digital content project, Redfish, was deleted. Redfish’s account on Facebook, which had over 830,000…

Canadian provincial leader actually admits officials “got it wrong” with widespread COVID lockdowns in tearful apology – JD Heyes –

Canadian provincial leader actually admits officials “got it wrong” with widespread COVID lockdowns in tearful apology – JD Heyes –


(Natural News) The leader of one of Canada’s provinces has put his American political counterparts to shame by actually stepping up and taking responsibility for getting a lot about the COVID-19 pandemic response wrong and harming people in the process, to include the…

Stop saying you “did your research” before you got the Covid-19 vaccine … because YOU ARE the research – S.D. Wells –

Stop saying you “did your research” before you got the Covid-19 vaccine … because YOU ARE the research – S.D. Wells –


(Natural News) For decades, natural health enthusiasts have been hounded by vaccine fanatics for not getting injected with every CDC-recommended vaccine that comes to market, and they blame us all for being “anti-science.” Oh, but how the tables have turned. Now the…

Covid-19 vaccine refusers should be crushed, says WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin, a medical fascist – Ethan Huff –

Covid-19 vaccine refusers should be crushed, says WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin, a medical fascist – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) Resident Joe Biden has exceeded his goal of plunging 100 million Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections into Americans’ arms during his first 100 days in office, which has empowered Jennifer Rubin from The Washington Post to officially call for the jab…

Researchers launch study to explore connection between irregular menstruations and coronavirus vaccines – Arsenio Toledo –

Researchers launch study to explore connection between irregular menstruations and coronavirus vaccines – Arsenio Toledo –


(Natural News) Two researchers have launched a study to determine if Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines cause abnormal menstruations after hundreds of women noticed irregularities. The research is being conducted by Dr. Kathryn Clancy, an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Illinois…

Australian MP blasts Facebook’s ‘interference’ after his OFFICIAL page was banned for Covid-19 ‘misinformation’ RT – Daily news

Australian MP blasts Facebook’s ‘interference’ after his OFFICIAL page was banned for Covid-19 ‘misinformation’ RT – Daily news


After Facebook deleted the official page of Craig Kelly for spreading “misinformation” about the coronavirus and vaccines, the independent MP said the “book-burning” US social media giant was interfering in Australia’s democracy. Kelly was informed of Facebook’s ban by text on Monday…

ANOTHER LEAKED AUDIO: John Kerry’s 2016 Meeting with Syrian “Revolutionaries” Pushing for US Bomb Attacks on Syria (AUDIO) – The Gateway Pundit

ANOTHER LEAKED AUDIO: John Kerry’s 2016 Meeting with Syrian “Revolutionaries” Pushing for US Bomb Attacks on Syria (AUDIO) – The Gateway Pundit


As reported on Monday — In a recently leaked audio, Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him about Israel’s covert operations in Syria. John Kerry served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2013 –…

Another Humiliation on the World Stage: Idiot Joe Biden is the Only One Wearing a Mask During Virtual Climate Change Discussion with World Leaders (VIDEO) The Gateway Pundit

Another Humiliation on the World Stage: Idiot Joe Biden is the Only One Wearing a Mask During Virtual Climate Change Discussion with World Leaders (VIDEO) The Gateway Pundit


This is embarrassing. Idiot Joe Biden was the only one wearing a face mask during a virtual climate change meeting with foreign heads of state. Even China’s Xi Jingping wasn’t wearing a mask. Joe Biden held a virtual climate summit with leaders…

Plant-based “vaccine” uses herbs to activate the immune system against the coronavirus, without the blood clot risk – Virgilio Marin –

Plant-based “vaccine” uses herbs to activate the immune system against the coronavirus, without the blood clot risk – Virgilio Marin –


(Natural News) Canadian company Medicago has developed a plant-based vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). The two-dose vaccine uses virus-like particles (VLP) grown in a tobacco shrub to confer immunity against COVID-19. VLPs are molecules that closely resemble a virus. They are not…

Mass Murder: 3,486 Deaths in the U.S. Following COVID Injections in 4 Months: More Vaccine Deaths Recorded Than in the Past 15 Years Combined – Brian Shilhavy Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** The CDC announced this week that deaths reported to the Vaccine … The post Mass Murder:…

Hunter Biden will Guest Teach a Class on ‘Fake News’ at Tulane University This Fall – The Gateway Pundit

Hunter Biden will Guest Teach a Class on ‘Fake News’ at Tulane University This Fall – The Gateway Pundit


Joe Biden’s deviant spawn Hunter will guest teach a class on fake news at Tulane University this fall. What exactly are Hunter Biden’s qualifications for this teaching gig? Hunter Biden is a Yale-educated lawyer and has profited from his father’s political connections…

“The Social Contract Is Broken”: Why Millennials Who Lack Rich Parents Feel Increasingly Hopeless ZeroHedge News

“The Social Contract Is Broken”: Why Millennials Who Lack Rich Parents Feel Increasingly Hopeless ZeroHedge News


“The Social Contract Is Broken”: Why Millennials Who Lack Rich Parents Feel Increasingly Hopeless The worsening precarity of the millennial generation has been a hot topic for the financial press over the last year, and it hasn’t failed to disappoint. Thinkpieces about…

Over 200 doctors call for global vitamin D distribution because it inexpensively reduces covid infections, hospitalizations and deaths – Lance D Johnson –

Over 200 doctors call for global vitamin D distribution because it inexpensively reduces covid infections, hospitalizations and deaths – Lance D Johnson –


(Natural News) Over two hundred doctors and scientists have come together in support of worldwide distribution of vitamin D to help treat covid infections and reduce hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths. The doctors are calling on all governments and healthcare systems around…

America’s Crumbling Infrastructure: Bridges – Strategic Culture Foundation


Every four years the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) measures the conditions of bridge, water and transportation infrastructure within the US and publishes its findings through the Infrastructure Report Card. In 2021, America’s Cumulative Infrastructure Grade is C-, that is worse than…

BioNTech co-founder echoes Pfizer CEO, expects people to get vaccinated against coronavirus annually – Nolan Barton –

BioNTech co-founder echoes Pfizer CEO, expects people to get vaccinated against coronavirus annually – Nolan Barton –


(Natural News) BioNTech co-founder and chief medical officer Dr. Ozlem Tureci echoed comments made by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla who said that people will likely need a third shot of the two-dose Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine as immunity against the virus wanes. She also expects…

The danger of scientific cretinism – Matteo Martini

The danger of scientific cretinism – Matteo Martini

Gomez-Davila, a Colombian philosopher and aphorist, wrote that science deceives in three ways: “Transforming its propositions into norms, divulging its results more than its methods, keeping silent about its epistemological limitations” [1]. Gomez-Davila, a Colombian philosopher and aphorist, wrote that science deceives…

If you can’t beat them, join them? JP Morgan to create BITCOIN FUND after caving to clients’ crypto-lusts RT – Daily news

If you can’t beat them, join them? JP Morgan to create BITCOIN FUND after caving to clients’ crypto-lusts RT – Daily news


After years of dismissing bitcoin and crypto as little more than useless child’s playthings, JP Morgan Chase’s eating its own words, poised to debut a new actively-managed fund for wealthy private clients by the end of the summer. Partnering with institutional investor…

Arizona judge HALTS election audit, as Republicans make final play to uncover election fraud RT – Daily news

Arizona judge HALTS election audit, as Republicans make final play to uncover election fraud RT – Daily news


The fate of a GOP-backed election audit in Arizona now hangs in the balance, after a Maricopa County judge paused counting until Monday, so that Democrats can prepare their objection. Republicans hope to find evidence of fraud. Arizona’s Republican-controlled State Senate ordered…

“Election Panic” Coming In 2022, Martin Armstrong Warns “It’s Going To Turn Violent” ZeroHedge News

“Election Panic” Coming In 2022, Martin Armstrong Warns “It’s Going To Turn Violent” ZeroHedge News


“Election Panic” Coming In 2022, Martin Armstrong Warns “It’s Going To Turn Violent” Via Greg Hunter’s, According to a recent poll, 51% of Americans think Joe Biden cheated to get into the White House.  The breakdown is 74% Republicans and an astounding 30% Democrats…

Depression, Fear of Life, Suicidal Thoughts: For Heaven’s Sake, Talk to the Youth and Listen to Them! Dr. Rudolf Hänsel Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** Today I received a shocking phone call from my family, who … The post Depression,…

Russia Behind ‘Directed Energy’ Attacks On US Troops In Syria: Pentagon Officials ZeroHedge News

Russia Behind ‘Directed Energy’ Attacks On US Troops In Syria: Pentagon Officials ZeroHedge News


Russia Behind ‘Directed Energy’ Attacks On US Troops In Syria: Pentagon Officials In the newest dramatic allegations against suspected Russian malfeasance, the Department of Defense (DoD) on Thursday revealed that it believes the Russian military targeted US troops in Syria with ‘directed energy attacks’…

More than half of French people support generals’ warning that France is ‘DISINTEGRATING,’ hurtling toward civil war, poll shows RT – Daily news

More than half of French people support generals’ warning that France is ‘DISINTEGRATING,’ hurtling toward civil war, poll shows RT – Daily news


A warning by retired generals that France is “disintegrating” and risks civil war as Islamists detach swathes of the nation is far from a fringe view. In fact, a new poll shows 58% of French people support the “call to honor.” Although…

US, EU Help to Suppress Journalists, Political Activists – Gatestone Institute


The malware, disguised as chat applications, would give the Palestinian Security Services access to targets’ phones, including contacts, text messages, locations and even keystrokes, Facebook said. The hacking operation targeted Palestinian journalists, The malware, disguised as chat applications, would give the Palestinian…

Transphobic or a victory for common sense? Alabama bans ‘biological males’ from playing on female school sports teams RT – Daily news

Transphobic or a victory for common sense? Alabama bans ‘biological males’ from playing on female school sports teams RT – Daily news


Alabama has adopted a new law that bars public schools from allowing transgender girls to participate in female sports, rekindling debate about the controversial measure, which has been embraced by other conservative states. The bill, HB 391, states that public K-12 schools…

The Politics of Heroin and the Afghan US Pullout. Private Mercenary Occupation F. – William Engdahl Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** The Biden Administration has announced an Afghanistan US troop withdrawal date … The post The…

Russia’s Defense Chief Blames NATO’s Destabilizing Actions For ‘Deterrent’ Troop Build Up ZeroHedge News

Russia’s Defense Chief Blames NATO’s Destabilizing Actions For ‘Deterrent’ Troop Build Up ZeroHedge News


Russia’s Defense Chief Blames NATO’s ‘Destabilizing Actions’ For ‘Deterrent’ Troop Build Up Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has again emphasized in new comments addressing a board meeting of the Russian Defense Ministry on Tuesday that the amassing of additional troops in the south, specifically…

Following psycho-terrorism playbook, mainstream media pivots back from coronavirus fearmongering to climate hysteria – Ethan Huff –

Following psycho-terrorism playbook, mainstream media pivots back from coronavirus fearmongering to climate hysteria – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) Now that tens of millions of Americans are well beyond the point of burnout from all the endless Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) fearmongering, the mainstream media is once again pivoting back to churning out hysteria about so-called “climate change.” The latest…

Church leaders warn that vaccine passports are “most dangerous policy proposal ever made” – Ethan Huff –

Church leaders warn that vaccine passports are “most dangerous policy proposal ever made” – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) More than 1,200 church leaders across the United Kingdom are urging Prime Minister Boris Johnson to halt all plans to introduce “dangerous” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine passport schemes because they constitute an “unethical form of coercion.” In an open letter…

American theocracy? Montana adopts law that allows people to challenge regulations that interfere with their religious beliefs RT – Daily news

American theocracy? Montana adopts law that allows people to challenge regulations that interfere with their religious beliefs RT – Daily news


Montana has been accused of undermining America’s secular values after the state passed a bill that will allow people to object to government regulations on religious grounds. Signed into law by Republican Governor Greg Gianforte on Thursday, the Montana Religious Freedom Restoration…

CNN’s New “Reporter,” Natasha Bertrand, is a Deranged Conspiracy Theorist and Scandal-Plagued CIA Propagandist – Glenn Greenwald

CNN’s New “Reporter,” Natasha Bertrand, is a Deranged Conspiracy Theorist and Scandal-Plagued CIA Propagandist – Glenn Greenwald


CNN’s new national security reporter Natasha Bertrand, then of Politico and NBC News, with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Sept. 19, 2019 The most important axiom for understanding how the U.S. corporate media functions is that there is never accountability for those who serve…

‘BritCoin’ – UK Considers New Central Bank Digital Currency, What Happens To Cash? ZeroHedge News

‘BritCoin’ – UK Considers New Central Bank Digital Currency, What Happens To Cash? ZeroHedge News


‘BritCoin’ – UK Considers New Central Bank Digital Currency, What Happens To Cash? Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Central bank digital currencies are coming and likely sooner than most expect. Future Proofing?! About a year ago the Bank of England released…

By firing ‘bullets & shells’ at breakaway eastern regions, Ukraine is undermining own calls for unity, Russian UN envoy claims RT – Daily news

By firing ‘bullets & shells’ at breakaway eastern regions, Ukraine is undermining own calls for unity, Russian UN envoy claims RT – Daily news


One of Russia’s top diplomats has argued that Kiev is undermining any hopes it may have of reconciliation with the self-declared breakaway Donbass republics by continuing to engage in bloody fighting and hostilities in the region. Dmitry Polyankskiy, Moscow’s deputy permanent representative…

Proposal to ban ALL Russians from EU would hurt bloc’s economy, Moscow warns, after ex-Estonian president pitches radical policy RT – Daily news

Proposal to ban ALL Russians from EU would hurt bloc’s economy, Moscow warns, after ex-Estonian president pitches radical policy RT – Daily news


An iron curtain has descended across Europe. Or at least it will if Estonia’s former president is able to convince Brussels to completely close its borders to Russian students, workers and tourists amid growing political tensions. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who led the…

Doctor warns “no medical science” behind Michigan expansion of coronavirus mask mandate targeting two-year-olds – Arsenio Toledo –

Doctor warns “no medical science” behind Michigan expansion of coronavirus mask mandate targeting two-year-olds – Arsenio Toledo –


(Natural News) Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mask mandates around the country are ending. But in Michigan, Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has not only decided to keep the state’s mask mandate in place, but she has also expanded it to include children as young as two…

Biden’s ‘Orderly’ Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul ZeroHedge News

Biden’s ‘Orderly’ Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul ZeroHedge News


Biden’s ‘Orderly’ Afghan Exit Already In Peril As Suicide Attack Rocks Kabul After Biden broke the prior Trump administration’s long negotiated May 1st deadline pullout deal with the Taliban, it vowed a “nightmare” for US troops should they stay past that date. Are we…

Germany’s CDU/CSU loses majority support after Laschet named chancellor pick, as Greens become TOP party for first time – poll RT – Daily news

Germany’s CDU/CSU loses majority support after Laschet named chancellor pick, as Greens become TOP party for first time – poll RT – Daily news


Germany’s center-right CDU/CSU bloc has fallen behind the Greens in public support after the Christian Democrats picked Armin Laschet as their chancellor candidate in the upcoming elections, one opinion poll shows. The Union of Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Bavaria-based Christian Social…

New Zealand throws support behind Five Eyes spy network 24 hours after raising concerns about increasing its remit RT – Daily news

New Zealand throws support behind Five Eyes spy network 24 hours after raising concerns about increasing its remit RT – Daily news


New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta has committed to the nation’s “vital” partnership with the Five Eyes spy network a day after stating in a speech on China that she’s “uncomfortable” with expanding its remit. In a statement released on Tuesday,…

Lawsuit that would have banned transgender athletes from competing in female high school sports is thrown out by judge in US

Lawsuit that would have banned transgender athletes from competing in female high school sports is thrown out by judge in US


A row has broken out over scholarships and school championship titles in Connecticut after the latest ruling on transgender athletes in the US, with a judge throwing a case out because the two sprinters involved had graduated. District Court Judge Robert Chatigny…

Multiple rockets land near Baghdad International Airport, US-led coalition base, triggering alarms – reports

Multiple rockets land near Baghdad International Airport, US-led coalition base, triggering alarms – reports


Multiple rockets reportedly fell near Baghdad International Airport. There have also been reports of air-raid sirens going off inside Camp Victory, which houses US coalition forces. No casualties are being reported. According to local media sources, a total of three rockets went…

Urgent! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections Are Bioweapons and Discuss What to Do About It Brian Shilhavy Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** Ever since reports have surfaced in recent days that people who … The post Urgent!…

Under evil Biden regime, the NIH abandons ethics board, resumes trafficking of aborted baby body parts using taxpayers’ money – Nolan Barton –

Under evil Biden regime, the NIH abandons ethics board, resumes trafficking of aborted baby body parts using taxpayers’ money – Nolan Barton –


(Natural News) On Friday, April 16, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced the disbanding of the independent ethics board that reviews applications for federal funding for projects that use fetal tissue. “This notice informs the extramural research community that the Department of Health…

Richard Dawkins stripped of ‘humanist of the year’ award after inviting discussion on transgender issues in tweet RT – Daily news

Richard Dawkins stripped of ‘humanist of the year’ award after inviting discussion on transgender issues in tweet RT – Daily news


The American Humanist Association has withdrawn its top honor from evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins over a tweet calling for dialogue on transgender issues, accusing the atheist speaker of “demeaning marginalized groups.” The organization said Dawkins had recently implied that “the identities of…

Gravity is racist? Sheffield Uni. wants disclaimers on Isaac Newton’s theories, says he benefited from ‘colonial activity’ – media

Gravity is racist? Sheffield Uni. wants disclaimers on Isaac Newton’s theories, says he benefited from ‘colonial activity’ – media


Isaac Newton may have laid the foundations of modern physics, but professors at Sheffield University reportedly think he benefited from “colonial-era activity,” and the engineering curriculum should be “decolonized” as a result. Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion and universal gravitation form…

Russia & Belarus Say US-Backed “Assassination” & “Coup” Attempt Against Lukashenko Thwarted – The Burning Platform

Russia & Belarus Say US-Backed “Assassination” & “Coup” Attempt Against Lukashenko Thwarted – The Burning Platform


Via ZeroHedge Russian and Belarusian state sources are alleging that a major assassination and “coup” attempt of Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko has been thwarted by security services, which has further been dubbed in state media as an “armed insurrection” attempt which may have had…

Georgia & Ukraine launch ‘remarkable’ attack on academic freedom after Russian invited by Irish professor to talk about… Russia RT – Daily news

Georgia & Ukraine launch ‘remarkable’ attack on academic freedom after Russian invited by Irish professor to talk about… Russia RT – Daily news


A professor from Ireland’s Dublin City University has lambasted a “remarkable attempt to undermine academic freedom” from the embassies of Georgia and Ukraine after they complained about a course he teaches at the institution. Donnacha Ó Beacháin is an internationally-respected professor with…

Reprogramming Females: Sterilization of most US girls and women is the next phase for mRNA vaccine “technology” – S.D. Wells –

Reprogramming Females: Sterilization of most US girls and women is the next phase for mRNA vaccine “technology” – S.D. Wells –


(Natural News) We’ve seen HPV vaccines cause spontaneous abortions, still births and miscarriages. Somehow, mothers still let their girls as young as nine get the deadly, maiming HPV jab. We’ve watched the vaccine industry insert human abortion cells into vaccines to conjure up…

‘Every Time the US “Saves” a Country, It Converts It Either into a Madhouse or a Cemetery’. Prof. Vijay Prashad Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** After twenty years, the United States government – and the forces … The post ‘Every…

Gates Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for the Future of Food – The Burning Platform

Gates Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for the Future of Food – The Burning Platform


Guest Post by Colin Todhunter We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agrifood chain. The high-tech/data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta,…

Leaked from US lab? Head of Russia’s parliament & key Putin ally Volodin claims to have new ‘explanation’ for origin of Covid-19 RT – Daily news

Leaked from US lab? Head of Russia’s parliament & key Putin ally Volodin claims to have new ‘explanation’ for origin of Covid-19 RT – Daily news


Covid-19 may have originated in an American lab as a result of an accidental leak. That’s the unverified claim of Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of Russia’s State Duma and a leading member of the ruling United Russia party. Speaking to fellow lawmakers…

The Covidian Cult is Global – Austrian Peter – The Burning Platform


Hat Tip to John W. Whitehead who unknowingly stimulated my impulses and added some gems to the text below: During the last year a new religious cult has formed and it’s gone viral complete with all the usual trappings of holy…

INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol – Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown – The Gateway Pundit

INSURRECTION! BLM Mob STORMS Oklahoma Capitol – Forces GOP Representatives into Lockdown – The Gateway Pundit


Political “insurrections” only make screaming headlines in the fake news the one time in the decade it involves Trump supporters. Black Lives Matter protesters stormed the Oklahoma Capitol on Thursday and forced Republican Representatives into lockdown. REPORT: BLM protesters STORM OKLAHOMA CAPITOL,…

Turkey orders 500+ arrests of suspects thought to be linked to US-based CIA stooge Gulen RT – Daily news

Turkey orders 500+ arrests of suspects thought to be linked to US-based CIA stooge Gulen RT – Daily news


Turkish prosecutors have ordered the arrest of 532 suspects, mostly serving military personnel, believed to have links to US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, accused by Ankara of having staged the 2016 botched coup attempt. The arrests were ordered by Istanbul and Izmir…

France ‘enabled’ the 1994 genocide, new Rwandan report says, after French report clears France of complicity RT – Daily news

France ‘enabled’ the 1994 genocide, new Rwandan report says, after French report clears France of complicity RT – Daily news


A Rwandan government-commissioned report on the 1994 genocide has accused France of “enabling” the slaughter, going further than a recent French report that held the country responsible but stopped short of judging it complicit. France holds “significant” responsibility for “enabling a foreseeable…

New Study: Undisclosed Inert Ingredients in Some Popular Roundup Products Found to be Highly Toxic to Bumblebees – Center For Biological Diversity


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). *** Popular herbicide products widely available at hardware and garden stores contain … The post New…

UK Will Release Digital “Vaccine Passport” & “Green List” Of Travel Destinations Next Month ZeroHedge News

UK Will Release Digital “Vaccine Passport” & “Green List” Of Travel Destinations Next Month ZeroHedge News


UK Will Release Digital “Vaccine Passport” & “Green List” Of Travel Destinations Next Month The British government’s effort to create a digital “vaccine passport” app has officially been embraced by the UK’s former Continental partners. As the EU scrambles to implement a…

Tucker Carlson claims Jeff Bezos sent WaPo ‘minion’ to dig into past & see if host did ‘anything naughty at the age of 19’

Tucker Carlson claims Jeff Bezos sent WaPo ‘minion’ to dig into past & see if host did ‘anything naughty at the age of 19’


Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has accused one of Jeff Bezos’ “minions,” a reporter at the Washington Post, of trying to dig into his younger years for “anything naughty” that might hurt him. “Jeff Bezos had one of his minions, a mentally unbalanced…

MIT Study Suggests Six Foot Social Distancing, Limited Occupancy Rules Are Completely Pointless ZeroHedge News

MIT Study Suggests Six Foot Social Distancing, Limited Occupancy Rules Are Completely Pointless ZeroHedge News


MIT Study Suggests Six Foot Social Distancing, Limited Occupancy Rules Are Completely Pointless Authored by Tom Pappert via, A new study conducted by MIT scientists and released this week reveals that the six foot social distancing and limited occupancy guidelines made…

Globalist next move in the Marxist playbook: Ostracize the unvaccinated like Hitler ostracized the Jews – S.D. Wells –

Globalist next move in the Marxist playbook: Ostracize the unvaccinated like Hitler ostracized the Jews – S.D. Wells –


(Natural News) According to the Marxist playbook, it’s time to begin disarming the unvaccinated in America and moving them all to the Covid ghettos, like lepers. No vaccine passport? No traveling for you. No job. No groceries. Time to starve to death…

The Pentagon has developed an implantable covid microchip – a blood surveillance system used to control people – Lance D Johnson –

The Pentagon has developed an implantable covid microchip – a blood surveillance system used to control people – Lance D Johnson –


(Natural News) The Defense Advanced Research Program Agency (DARPA) has developed a new population control technology for infectious disease surveillance inside of humans. This technology consists of an implantable microchip that acts as a blood surveillance system. The implant contains a tissue-like…

US Intelligence Issues Ominous Warning Over ‘Sustained Economic Downturn’ And Other Long-Term Threats ZeroHedge News

US Intelligence Issues Ominous Warning Over ‘Sustained Economic Downturn’ And Other Long-Term Threats ZeroHedge News


US Intelligence Issues Ominous Warning Over ‘Sustained Economic Downturn’ And Other Long-Term Threats The US Intelligence Community has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic will have long-term fallout, and will impact political and economic realities across the globe. According to the Annual Threat…

EU Parliament session gets chaotic as MEP accused of ‘fake news’ for daring to question OPCW on whistleblower scandal (VIDEO) RT – Daily news

EU Parliament session gets chaotic as MEP accused of ‘fake news’ for daring to question OPCW on whistleblower scandal (VIDEO) RT – Daily news


Despite whistleblower leaks casting doubts on the OPCW’s findings, the EU Parliament is determined to enforce the organization’s anti-Assad line on Syria. MEP Mick Wallace was accused of spreading “fake news” when he spoke out. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical…

Israeli scientists announce yet another COVID-19 vaccine side effect: herpes zoster – Cassie B. –

Israeli scientists announce yet another COVID-19 vaccine side effect: herpes zoster – Cassie B. –


(Natural News) Blood clots are rightfully one of the more attention-grabbing side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, but Israeli scientists are also warning about another potential side effect: herpes infections. A study that appeared in the Rheumatology journal notes that scientists there have…

The CIA Used to Infiltrate the Media. Now the CIA Is the Media – Strategic Culture Foundation


By Caitlin JOHNSTONE Back in the good old days, when things were more innocent and simple, the psychopathic Central Intelligence Agency had to covertly infiltrate the news media to manipulate the information Americans were consuming about their nation and the world. Nowadays, there…

Biden’s UN Ambassador Trashes America: “White Supremacy is Weaved Into Our Founding Documents and Principles” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

Biden’s UN Ambassador Trashes America: “White Supremacy is Weaved Into Our Founding Documents and Principles” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit


Linda Thomas-Greenfield Joe Biden’s Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield on Wednesday trashed the US on the world stage. Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the National Action Network that if America is going to join the UN’s Human Rights Council, we must acknowledge…
