NEW: Voting Machines in Pennsylvania County Only Rejecting Republican Ballots in Tuesday Primary Election – The Gateway Pundit

NEW: Voting Machines in Pennsylvania County Only Rejecting Republican Ballots in Tuesday Primary Election – The Gateway Pundit


Elections officials in a Pennsylvania County are working to resolve a problem dealing with voting machines rejecting ballots. Voting machines in Fayette County are only rejecting Republican ballots, according to Chris Varney, Judge of Elections. At first, Varney was under the impression…

“A Lot of These So-Called Experts – Are Trying to Cover Their Tracks. This could be a Genuine Scandal” – Sen. Tom Cotton DROPS A BOMB on Fauci and His Wuhan Research Funding (VIDEO)

“A Lot of These So-Called Experts – Are Trying to Cover Their Tracks. This could be a Genuine Scandal” – Sen. Tom Cotton DROPS A BOMB on Fauci and His Wuhan Research Funding (VIDEO)


Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this AM. Cotton is famously the first politician to suggest back in February 2020 that the COVID-19 virus originated in a Wuhan, China lab. Tom Cotton reiterates his suggestion that the…

Another Humiliation for Biden: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Unable to Talk to Chinese Military Leaders Despite Repeated Attempts – The Gateway Pundit

Another Humiliation for Biden: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Unable to Talk to Chinese Military Leaders Despite Repeated Attempts – The Gateway Pundit


Lloyd Austin Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is unable to talk to Chinese military counterparts despite repeated attempts. China owns Joe Biden and has zero respect for him. In March Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken got humiliated by China’s envoy on American…

Most of the world’s laboratories developing self-replicating “weaponized” vaccines are located in the United States – Ethan Huff –

Most of the world’s laboratories developing self-replicating “weaponized” vaccines are located in the United States – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) It is now open knowledge that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections are more than likely self-replicating, meaning they spread like a virus from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. As it turns out, most of the laboratories where these injections are made…

Moscow decides to expel vocal US Embassy press secretary, as part of tit-for-that response to American purge of Russian diplomats RT – Daily news

Moscow decides to expel vocal US Embassy press secretary, as part of tit-for-that response to American purge of Russian diplomats RT – Daily news


One of the most prominent American diplomats in Russia, Embassy spokeswoman Rebecca Ross, has been told to prepare to return to Washington, she has confirmed. The move comes amid a wave of expulsions on both sides of the Atlantic. Russian Foreign Ministry…

As Anger Toward Belarus Mounts, Recall the 2013 Forced Landing of Bolivia’s Plane to “Find” Snowden – Glenn Greenwald

As Anger Toward Belarus Mounts, Recall the 2013 Forced Landing of Bolivia’s Plane to “Find” Snowden – Glenn Greenwald


Bolivian President Evo Morales holds a press conference at the Vienna International Airport on July 3, 2013, angrily denying any wrongdoing on Wednesday after his plane was diverted to Vienna over suspicion fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden was on board. (Photo:…

‘They’re turning the frogs gay!’ Twitter reacts to Kellogg’s gay pride cereal that teaches children to choose their own pronouns RT – Daily news

‘They’re turning the frogs gay!’ Twitter reacts to Kellogg’s gay pride cereal that teaches children to choose their own pronouns RT – Daily news


Corporate America’s alliance with LGBT activism has been brought to the breakfast table with the rollout of a new Kellogg’s gay pride cereal that encourages children to choose their own pronouns. The “Together With Pride” cereal, which went on sale in stores…

Belarus to erect vaccination tents at border for foreigners who wish to enter country to get Russian-made Sputnik V Covid-19 jab RT – Daily news

Belarus to erect vaccination tents at border for foreigners who wish to enter country to get Russian-made Sputnik V Covid-19 jab RT – Daily news


Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has revealed new plans to re-open his country’s borders for residents of foreign countries who wish to receive a vaccination against Covid-19 with the Russian-made Sputnik V jab. The Belarusian leader revealed this plan on Friday at a…

EU, UK, and US join dozens of states in demanding answers over sexual abuse allegations against WHO staff RT – Daily news

EU, UK, and US join dozens of states in demanding answers over sexual abuse allegations against WHO staff RT – Daily news


A joint statement from 53 countries has called on the World Health Organization (WHO) to address “deep concerns” about allegations of sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment by staff at the agency. The statement delivered to the WHO’s annual assembly by Canadian Ambassador…

‘No one’s safe in Palestine’: 10yo Gaza girl whose heart-rending clip went viral tells of ‘sad’ life under Israeli missile attacks RT – Daily news

‘No one’s safe in Palestine’: 10yo Gaza girl whose heart-rending clip went viral tells of ‘sad’ life under Israeli missile attacks RT – Daily news


Her dream is just to be a “regular person” who doesn’t have to fear airstrikes at night or hear people’s cries the next day. Nadine Abdel-Taif from Gaza, which is being pounded by Israel, talked to RT about her daily trauma. Nadine…

12% of Brits say they’re ‘woke’, with Guardian and BBC among ‘wokest’ media outlets, YouGov poll finds RT – Daily news

12% of Brits say they’re ‘woke’, with Guardian and BBC among ‘wokest’ media outlets, YouGov poll finds RT – Daily news


Some 12% of the British public consider themselves “woke,” according to new research by polling site YouGov, although it appears that not everyone in the UK has added the trendy term to their vocabulary. In February, YouGov asked 1,692 British adults about…

WATCH anti-lockdown protesters clash with police in Berlin at rally banned by authorities RT – Daily news

WATCH anti-lockdown protesters clash with police in Berlin at rally banned by authorities RT – Daily news


Riot police have been deployed in Berlin to forcefully disperse hundreds of protesters. Demonstrators have taken to the streets of the German capital denouncing the Covid-19 lockdown measures. Coronavirus skeptics gathered and marched through the streets in central Berlin on Saturday. The…

“Woke” ad for U.S. Army focuses on LGBTQ issues, lesbian mothers, while Russia focuses on recruiting manly men – JD Heyes –

“Woke” ad for U.S. Army focuses on LGBTQ issues, lesbian mothers, while Russia focuses on recruiting manly men – JD Heyes –


(Natural News) We’ve said it before: The ‘woke’ Marxist left in America has their sight set on destroying the last truly patriotic (and truly nonpartisan) institution in our country: The U.S. military. And the Biden regime’s handlers aren’t wasting any time. A…

Joe Biden Flirts with Little Girl at Virginia Speech, “I Love Those Barrettes in Your Hair… She Looks Like She’s 19 Years Old… With Her Legs Crossed” (Video) – The Gateway Pundit

Joe Biden Flirts with Little Girl at Virginia Speech, “I Love Those Barrettes in Your Hair… She Looks Like She’s 19 Years Old… With Her Legs Crossed” (Video) – The Gateway Pundit


Joe Biden gave a speech Friday at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Hampton, Virginia to mark the beginning of Memorial Day weekend. Biden was joined by Virginia Governor Ralph Notham (D), Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA) and Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA). Biden was addressing…

Russia becomes net exporter of food as import phase-out begins bearing fruit – PM

Russia becomes net exporter of food as import phase-out begins bearing fruit – PM


Last year, international sales of Russian agricultural produce exceeded foreign purchases, according to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. “The export volumes of the country’s agro-industrial complex totaled 271 billion rubles, topping the imports by some $1 billion,” the PM said during question-and-answer session…

Washington rebuffs French UN resolution urging for Gaza ceasefire as Netanyahu says Israel ‘determined’ to continue fighting RT – Daily news

Washington rebuffs French UN resolution urging for Gaza ceasefire as Netanyahu says Israel ‘determined’ to continue fighting RT – Daily news


US diplomats have vowed to reject a French-backed UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate end to hostilities between Tel Aviv and Palestinian fighters, insisting it will “undermine” efforts to reach a ceasefire. Proposed by Paris on Wednesday, the draft resolution…

Eisenhower Rejected Military Chiefs’ Demand for Nuclear War on China, Classified Account of ’58 Taiwan Strait Crisis Reveals


Eisenhower rejected military chiefs’ demand for nuclear war on China, classified account of ’58 Taiwan Strait crisis reveals By Gareth PORTER Fearing a new conflict over Taiwan, Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg has released a shocking account showing how the Joint Chiefs…

Catholic Leaders: Joe Biden Should Not Receive Communion Because He’s Radically Pro-Abortion Mary Margaret Olohan

Catholic Leaders: Joe Biden Should Not Receive Communion Because He’s Radically Pro-Abortion Mary Margaret Olohan


President Joe Biden has drawn criticism for receiving Communion at Mass as a politician who promotes policies explicitly opposed to Catholic teaching. Traditional Catholic scholars warn that the president is causing great scandal by receiving Holy Communion, while progressive theologians protest that…

PolitiFact deletes fact check on Wuhan lab-leak theory as more info points toward leak Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal WND

PolitiFact deletes fact check on Wuhan lab-leak theory as more info points toward leak Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal WND


The thing about “experts” in any field, and the fact-checkers who validate (or invalidate) their conclusions, is that being human, they each have their own (sometimes hidden) opinions. biases and sets of unique life circumstances which combine to shape their personal agendas….

Killing Gaza: Dan Cohen & Max Blumenthal’s documentary shows life under Israel’s bombs and siege Max Blumenthal The Grayzone


Filmed behind the walls of the Gaza Strip in the middle of Israel’s 2014 military assault, Killing Gaza presents a harrowing vision of siege and highlights a dispossessed people’s undying will to resist In Killing Gaza, independent journalists Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen…

Liberalism 2.0 is Eating its own Liberals of Yesterday, Broadening the Base of Forces Against the Global Hegemon – Alexander Dugin

Liberalism 2.0 is Eating its own Liberals of Yesterday, Broadening the Base of Forces Against the Global Hegemon – Alexander Dugin


Alexander Dugin The new turn of liberalism In the present historical momentum, we can clearly distinguish a very important phenomenon: a new turn in liberal ideology. Like any other political ideology, liberalism is constantly changing, but at certain times we can catch really paradigmatic…

U.S. Trying to Extradite Venezuelan Diplomat for the ‘Crime’ of Securing Food for the Hungry: The Case of Alex Saab v. The Empire – Strategic Culture Foundation


By Roger HARRIS The case of Alex Saab raises dangerous precedents in terms of extraterritorial judicial abuse, violation of diplomatic status, and even the use of torture to extract false confessions. This is according to Montréal-based international human rights lawyer John Philpot….

Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d ZeroHedge News

Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d ZeroHedge News


Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d Authored by Kit Knightly via, New policies will artificially deflate “breakthrough infections” in the vaccinated, while the old rules continue to inflate case numbers in the unvaccinated….

The Lockdown: Engineered Economic Depression, The Globalization of Poverty Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research


The following text is Chapter IV of Michel Chossudovsky E-Book. To access the full document consisting of 10 chapters click below. The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”  … The post The Lockdown:…

SEGREGATION alive and well in New York as Yankees and Mets baseball stadiums have separate seating for the deniers of the deadly Covid-19 mRNA vaccinations – S.D. Wells –

SEGREGATION alive and well in New York as Yankees and Mets baseball stadiums have separate seating for the deniers of the deadly Covid-19 mRNA vaccinations – S.D. Wells –


(Natural News) Lepers to the right, please. That’s right folks, welcome to America’s pastime, which is still having a significant impact on ‘shaping the nation.’ Anyone coming to the Mets or Yankees games this year who has not been vaccinated with the…

INFLATION: Prices of groceries, gas rise as Biden’s money printing machine goes into overdrive – Divina Ramirez –

INFLATION: Prices of groceries, gas rise as Biden’s money printing machine goes into overdrive – Divina Ramirez –


(Natural News) Consumers better start budgeting more for their groceries as prices of essential commodities, including grains, fresh produce and meat, continue to surge. This is according to the latest inflation data in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a set of consumer price indices…

US Again Blocks UN Statement Urging Halt To Gaza Violence – Accused Of “Obstructionism”  ZeroHedge News

US Again Blocks UN Statement Urging Halt To Gaza Violence – Accused Of “Obstructionism”  ZeroHedge News


US Again Blocks UN Statement Urging Halt To Gaza Violence – Accused Of “Obstructionism”  Perhaps entirely as expected (given it was the same pattern in past Israel-Gaza conflicts), the United States on Monday blocked an attempt of the UN Security Council to pass…

Israel Charged with War Crimes and Genocide. Complete 2013 Judgment of the Kuala Lumpur Tribunal Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal – Global Research


The Tribunal deplores the failure of international institutions to punish the State of Israel for its crimes and its total lack of respect of International Law and the institutions of the United Nations. The post Israel Charged with War Crimes and Genocide….

“Take These Masks Off My Child”: Children All Over the World are Being Abused – Michael J. Talmo Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** Under the banner … The post “Take…

The American Cyber Stasi Will Suppress All Digital Dissent In Biden’s Dystopia ZeroHedge News

The American Cyber Stasi Will Suppress All Digital Dissent In Biden’s Dystopia ZeroHedge News


The American Cyber Stasi Will Suppress All Digital Dissent In Biden’s Dystopia Authored by Andrew Korybko via, CNN’s recent report that the US’ security services are considering contracting the services of so-called “researchers” as a legal workaround for spying on average…

LGBT activists BAN police from Pride events in New York City to create ‘safer space’ for ‘marginalized,’ leaving gay cops baffled

LGBT activists BAN police from Pride events in New York City to create ‘safer space’ for ‘marginalized,’ leaving gay cops baffled


New York City Pride marches and events will no longer welcome police officers, organizers have announced, claiming their presence can be “threatening” to participants. “The sense of safety that law enforcement is meant to provide can instead be threatening, and at times…

Outrage After Mob ‘Lynching Of Arab’ Aired Live On Israeli TV ZeroHedge News

Outrage After Mob ‘Lynching Of Arab’ Aired Live On Israeli TV ZeroHedge News


Outrage After Mob ‘Lynching Of Arab’ Aired Live On Israeli TV Shocking footage emerged from Wednesday night’s widespread rioting in mixed Jewish-Arab cities in Israel amid broader Israel-Gaza fighitng. Israel state broadcaster Kan was covering unrest in Bat Yam, just south of Tel-Aviv, where Israeli…

“Literally Armageddon”: 53 Killed In Gaza & 5 Israelis Dead As UN Warns “Full-Scale War” Imminent ZeroHedge News

“Literally Armageddon”: 53 Killed In Gaza & 5 Israelis Dead As UN Warns “Full-Scale War” Imminent ZeroHedge News


“Literally Armageddon”: 53 Killed In Gaza & 5 Israelis Dead As UN Warns “Full-Scale War” Imminent After overnight sustained rocket fire from Gaza and at the same time Israeli airstrikes pounding the strip, the combined death toll reached to at least 50, with hundreds…

Senior US Commander Demoted Over Book Claiming ‘Neo-Marxist Agenda’ And Critical Race Theory Infiltrating Military ZeroHedge News

Senior US Commander Demoted Over Book Claiming ‘Neo-Marxist Agenda’ And Critical Race Theory Infiltrating Military ZeroHedge News


Space Force Commander Demoted Over Book Claiming ‘Neo-Marxist Agenda’ And Critical Race Theory Infiltrating Military A US Space Force commander was reportedly relieved as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron “due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to…

“No Panic”: Markets Surge As “Transitory Inflation” Narrative Reasserts Itself ZeroHedge News

“No Panic”: Markets Surge As “Transitory Inflation” Narrative Reasserts Itself ZeroHedge News


“No Panic”: Markets Surge As “Transitory Inflation” Narrative Reasserts Itself It seems that the “non-transitory” inflation panic that gripped markets yesterday, resulting in the biggest one-day drop in the S&P since February, is gradually transitioning to “transitory” again, and even though today’s…

EU Parliament report says regime change needed in Russia, recommends Brussels launch propaganda TV channel to help it happen RT – Daily news

EU Parliament report says regime change needed in Russia, recommends Brussels launch propaganda TV channel to help it happen RT – Daily news


Not content with months of worsening relations and the potential for military escalation, the European Parliament has now put forward a draft report insisting the EU needs to be more confrontational in its approach to Moscow. A draft report published online by…

Dr. Rand Paul doubles down, takes on Dr. Fauci and the coronavirus gain-of-function coverup – Lance D Johnson –

Dr. Rand Paul doubles down, takes on Dr. Fauci and the coronavirus gain-of-function coverup – Lance D Johnson –


(Natural News) Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is doubling down on Dr. Anthony Fauci and the gain-of-function coronavirus coverup that was funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), where Fauci presides as director. On a new episode of Fox…

Johns Hopkins Doctor: Closed-Schools Are An “American Disgrace” ZeroHedge News

Johns Hopkins Doctor: Closed-Schools Are An “American Disgrace” ZeroHedge News


Johns Hopkins Doctor: Closed-Schools Are An “American Disgrace” Authored by Ben Zeisloft via Campus Reform, A Johns Hopkins University medical professor said that closed schools are an “American disgrace.” Dr. Marty Makary — a professor at Johns Hopkins University’s prestigious School of Medicine and…

Slovakia suspends use of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine for first doses after blood clot-linked death of recipient RT – Daily news

Slovakia suspends use of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine for first doses after blood clot-linked death of recipient RT – Daily news


Slovakia will halt its rollout of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine for people being given their first doses, its Health Ministry has said, after an inquiry into the death of a person who suffered blood clots after receiving the jab. The death of a…

“That is Unconstitutional in My Point of View” – GOP Chair Elise Stefanik Speaks Out on Biden DOJ Attempting to Block Arizona Election Audit (VIDEO) The Gateway Pundit

“That is Unconstitutional in My Point of View” – GOP Chair Elise Stefanik Speaks Out on Biden DOJ Attempting to Block Arizona Election Audit (VIDEO) The Gateway Pundit


GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik joined Maria Bartiromo on FOX News Sunday this morning. This was her first interview with Maria since she was elected by House members on Friday to replace bitter Never-Trumper Liz Cheney in the position. During their discussion,…

Vaccine Passports Illegal, Infections and Deaths after Vaccines, Government and Media Lies, the “Booster” Myth – Rodney Atkinson Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** According to all … The post Vaccine…

The US Isn’t An Israel Puppet, Israel Isn’t A US Puppet: It’s One Empire – Caitlin Johnstone

The US Isn’t An Israel Puppet, Israel Isn’t A US Puppet: It’s One Empire – Caitlin Johnstone


Listen to this article: Nearly 200,000 protesters attended a pro-Palestine demonstration in Central London on Saturday afternoon, another clear sign that support for Palestinian rights is becoming increasingly mainstream and the imperialists are losing control of the Israel narrative. The real consequence…

STUNNING TESTIMONY: AZ Elections Witness Testifies that Private Company Was Scanning Ballots Offsite, NOT Election Workers, Then Delivering Them to Counting Center

STUNNING TESTIMONY: AZ Elections Witness Testifies that Private Company Was Scanning Ballots Offsite, NOT Election Workers, Then Delivering Them to Counting Center


Back on November 30, 2020, Maricopa County elections witness Jan Bryant testified before the Arizona legislature. Jan has a strong project management background. She could not believe what she witnessed during the 2020 election in Maricopa County, Arizona. Jan said back on…

​​​​​​​Mediterranean Diet May “Protect” Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease, Study Says ZeroHedge News

​​​​​​​Mediterranean Diet May “Protect” Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease, Study Says ZeroHedge News

​​​​​​​Mediterranean Diet May “Protect” Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease, Study Says The best way to decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease could be a Mediterranean diet that is rich in fish, vegetables, and olive oil, according to a new study.  The research, titled “Mediterranean…

Swedish pop star Zara Larsson labeled anti-Semite after calling on ‘apartheid’ Israel to stop killing Palestinian civilians RT – Daily news

Swedish pop star Zara Larsson labeled anti-Semite after calling on ‘apartheid’ Israel to stop killing Palestinian civilians RT – Daily news


Swedish pop sensation Zara Larsson is facing a backlash on social media after criticizing Israel’s treatment of Palestians, amid a flare-up of violence in the region. The controversial Instagram post was later removed. In a message to her 6.3 million followers on…

Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines – The Gateway Pundit

Windham Recount Update: Vast Difference in Audit Totals Between GOP and Dem Candidates Is Enough Evidence to Scrap the Voting Machines – The Gateway Pundit


New Hampshire activist Ken Eyring shared an update from the recount in Windham, New Hampshire via Granite Grok I believe the preliminary results of the forensic audit of the Windham, NH voting machines as configured on November 3, 2020, show the aging…

The 10 most popular Western “medicines” and treatments that FAIL to heal you… and how they make health matters WORSE in the long run – S.D. Wells –

The 10 most popular Western “medicines” and treatments that FAIL to heal you… and how they make health matters WORSE in the long run – S.D. Wells –


(Natural News) Did you know that taking a round of antibiotics completely “carpet bombs” your good bacteria in your gut? After arduous medical research had been conducted for years, the medical industry finally had to admit that beneficial organisms living in our…

“The Human Bomb”: Effects of mRNA “Vaccination” on Unvaccinated People? Theara Truth news Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** Hundreds of people … The post “The Human…

Celebrating Mother’s Day amid the COVID-19 Lockdown. Your Government Doesn’t Allow You to “Hug your Mom”. – Maya Chossudovsky-Ladouceur Global Research


First published on May 9, 2020. One year later, the same oppressive lockdown directives prevail. Mother’s Day. Sunday 10th of May 2020. [last year] The day families gather together, the day people in many countries around the World celebrate motherhood … The post…

“Votes Were Intentionally Switched – The Number is MASSIVE” – President Trump Weighs in on Michigan Election Fraud Case After Monday’s Hearing

“Votes Were Intentionally Switched – The Number is MASSIVE” – President Trump Weighs in on Michigan Election Fraud Case After Monday’s Hearing


Michigan Attorney Matthew DePerno was back in court on Monday afternoon. LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: Attorney Matthew DePerno Court Hearing in Antrim County — Will Request Expanding Ongoing Audit and Investigation — 1:25 PM ET Attorney Matthew DePerno filed his latest findings in the Circuit Court for…

“We’re In A Raging Mania” – Druckenmiller Warns “Fed Is Endangering Dollar Reserve Status” ZeroHedge News

“We’re In A Raging Mania” – Druckenmiller Warns “Fed Is Endangering Dollar Reserve Status” ZeroHedge News


“We’re In A Raging Mania” – Druckenmiller Warns “Fed Is Endangering Dollar Reserve Status” Thanks to The Fed’s ongoing largesse, billionaire Stan Druckenmiller told CNBC this morning that “even a monkey can make money in these markets.” “We are still acting like…

Video: Early Treatment With Hydroxychloroquine Would Have Significantly Lowered COVID Deaths. Dr. Philippe Brouqui Kristina Borjesson Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** As the head … The post Video:…

“How Can We Look at Palestine with No Moral Compass and No Sense of Justice or Fair Play?” Palestinian Political Analyst Jafar Ramini Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** “This is truly … The post “How…

‘Warms your heart to see’: American conservatives celebrate Israeli bombing of AP & Al Jazeera offices RT – Daily news

‘Warms your heart to see’: American conservatives celebrate Israeli bombing of AP & Al Jazeera offices RT – Daily news


Multiple US commentators have been celebrating the Israeli bombing of an international media tower that houses offices for AP, the BBC, and Al Jazeera. After videos were published on social media showing the destruction of the building by Israeli missiles, people from…

The Vaccine Passport: An Instrument of Social Control. The Rise of “Utilitarian Extremism”, and How to Recognize It Dr. Joseph Mercola Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** Proof of vaccination … The post The…

Facebook caught funding CCP-linked “Marxist Journalism” programs to brainwash users with left-wing propaganda – Ethan Huff –

Facebook caught funding CCP-linked “Marxist Journalism” programs to brainwash users with left-wing propaganda – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) Mark Zuckerberg, we have learned, is funneling millions of dollars to the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), a Beijing-based “journalism” school that trains people to work for the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) state-run propaganda outlets. Part of Facebook’s “Journalist Project,”…

Pro-Palestinian Convoy Drives Through London, Protester Yells ‘F*** the Jews’, ‘Rape Their Daughters’ – Victoria Friedman Breitbart News

Pro-Palestinian Convoy Drives Through London, Protester Yells ‘F*** the Jews’, ‘Rape Their Daughters’ – Victoria Friedman Breitbart News


British politicians have reacted with disgust and anger at footage posted to social media appearing to show pro-Palestinian protesters driving through Jewish neighbourhoods in London, with a protester heard yelling through a loudspeaker antisemitic and sexually violent comments. Read More

Why isn’t Fauci being CRIMINALLY investigated for developing biological weapons that have been deployed against humanity? – Ethan Huff –

Why isn’t Fauci being CRIMINALLY investigated for developing biological weapons that have been deployed against humanity? – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) Fox News host Tucker Carlson wants to know why Anthony Fauci is not being criminally investigated for the role he played in unleashing the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic. During a recent segment, Carlson called on federal law enforcement to immediately…

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