Eric Clapton ‘Feared He Would Never Play Again’ After AstraZeneca Vaccine, Says ‘Propaganda’ Overstated Safety


Eric Clapton said he had a “disastrous” health experience after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, and the 76-year-old musician blamed propaganda for overstating the vaccine’s safety, Rolling Stone reported. Clapton detailed his experience with AstraZeneca in a letter to Italian architect Robin…

Turkey & Saudi Arabia agree to keep mending relations during Turkish FM’s first visit to Kingdom since Khashoggi’s murder

Turkey & Saudi Arabia agree to keep mending relations during Turkish FM’s first visit to Kingdom since Khashoggi’s murder


The foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Turkey met in Mecca on Tuesday, expressing readiness to keep working on improving ties between the states which deteriorated after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. Saudi FM Prince Faisal bin Farhan and…

Russians queue up to donate blood for victims of Kazan high school shooting that left nine dead & more than a dozen injured RT – Daily news

Russians queue up to donate blood for victims of Kazan high school shooting that left nine dead & more than a dozen injured RT – Daily news


Lines have reportedly formed at a hospital in Russia’s Tatarstan, after an attack at a local school killed eight children and a teacher, with residents eager to give blood despite officials saying they have sufficient supplies. Photos emerged on Tuesday purporting to…

More parents STANDING UP against coronavirus vaccines targeting children – Ramon Tomey –

More parents STANDING UP against coronavirus vaccines targeting children – Ramon Tomey –


(Natural News) A survey found that more parents have expressed opposition to their children getting Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. The sentiment followed drug manufacturer Pfizer’s application for emergency use authorization (EUA) to use its vaccine for younger patients, which would allow it…

Former UK envoy Craig Murray seeks Supreme Court appeal after receiving 8-month sentence over his coverage of Alex Salmond tria

Former UK envoy Craig Murray seeks Supreme Court appeal after receiving 8-month sentence over his coverage of Alex Salmond tria


Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray has been handed an eight-month prison sentence after losing a contempt of court case stemming from his reporting on the Alex Salmond trial in 2020. The ex-diplomat and RT contributor found himself in legal trouble…

Desperate vaccine propagandists now setting up DECOY “honey pot” anti-vax groups to wage psychological warfare on vaccine skeptics – Ethan Huff –

Desperate vaccine propagandists now setting up DECOY “honey pot” anti-vax groups to wage psychological warfare on vaccine skeptics – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) As Facebook and other social media giants remove groups and ban users who oppose the vaccination agenda, infiltrators are quietly setting up fake “honey pot” groups in their place to wage psychological warfare on “anti-vaxxers.” One such honey pot group…

UN chief Guterres encourages organization’s staff to take Russia’s Sputnik V jab to protect against Covid-19, where available RT – Daily news

UN chief Guterres encourages organization’s staff to take Russia’s Sputnik V jab to protect against Covid-19, where available RT – Daily news


Ahead of his visit to Moscow on Tuesday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has tacitly endorsed Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine, stating he believes UN staff should not hesitate to take the jab, wherever it’s available. The jab, created by Moscow’s Gamaleya…

Austria’s Chancellor Kurz says he won’t resign if charged in parliament testimony perjury case RT – Daily news

Austria’s Chancellor Kurz says he won’t resign if charged in parliament testimony perjury case RT – Daily news


Sebastian Kurz has said he will refuse to step down even if he faces criminal charges over alleged perjury. The Austrian leader has been targeted by an anti-corruption prosecutors’ probe over a parliamentary testimony. Speaking to Austrian media, Kurz maintained he had…

Israel Isn’t Entitled to “Self-Defense” Against the People Under Its Occupation – Prof. Marjorie Cohn Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** As Israel continues … The post Israel…

German interior minister catches coronavirus AFTER vaccination RT – Daily news

German interior minister catches coronavirus AFTER vaccination RT – Daily news


German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has tested positive for Covid-19, despite having received a vaccination. Seehofer previously turned down AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine. Seehofer is “in domestic isolation and currently has no symptoms of the disease,” a spokesman from the Interior Ministry tweeted…

Exclusive — ‘House of Prostitution’: Democrat Ron Kind’s Building Housing Massage Parlor Was Previously Busted by Law Enforcement – Breitbart News

Exclusive — ‘House of Prostitution’: Democrat Ron Kind’s Building Housing Massage Parlor Was Previously Busted by Law Enforcement – Breitbart News


Vulnerable Democrat Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) claimed, without evidence, that “racism” was behind concerns that a building he owns that now houses a seedy massage parlor, but newly resurfaced newspaper reports from the 1970s and 1980s indicate there is proof the location…

Americans handing out GERM WARFARE weaponry that could wipe out millions across world, Russian Security Council official claims RT – Daily news

Americans handing out GERM WARFARE weaponry that could wipe out millions across world, Russian Security Council official claims RT – Daily news


The US is becoming a major exporter of deadly biological weapons to nations across the globe, a member of Russia’s Security Council has argued, warning of the potential for a colossal body count if they are ever actually used. Yuri Averyanov, the…

5 Doctors speak out about coronavirus vaccines attacking women’s reproductive health as a form of population control – Franz Walker –

5 Doctors speak out about coronavirus vaccines attacking women’s reproductive health as a form of population control – Franz Walker –


(Natural News) All over the world, reports of the adverse effects of experimental Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are emerging. A number of these undesirable effects are exclusive to women and include menstrual problems like heavy bleeding, miscarriages and low breastmilk production. Now, five American doctors…

Covid-19 vaccine spike proteins are killing people, not merely the “virus” – Ethan Huff –

Covid-19 vaccine spike proteins are killing people, not merely the “virus” – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) New research from the Salk Institute has inadvertently revealed that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “spike” proteins, which are forever generated inside the body following an experimental gene therapy (mRNA) injection, are directly responsible for causing injury and death. Salk insists that…

A Severe Computer Chip Shortage Will Last “A Few Years”, And This Could Plunge The Global Economy Into Utter Chaos Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse

A Severe Computer Chip Shortage Will Last “A Few Years”, And This Could Plunge The Global Economy Into Utter Chaos Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse


Of all the shortages that we are currently facing, the global computer chip shortage may be the most serious.  That is because the chip shortage is expected to last “a few years”, and just about every sector of the world economy will…

WORSHIP is now a CRIME: Canadian SWAT team takes down Christian pastor for “inciting” worship in defiance of coronavirus orders – Ethan Huff –

WORSHIP is now a CRIME: Canadian SWAT team takes down Christian pastor for “inciting” worship in defiance of coronavirus orders – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Kings Glory Fellowship (KGF) in Calgary was arrested over the weekend for “inciting” churchgoers to attend in-person worship services in violation of Canada’s stay-at-home orders. Footage shows a suited Pawlowski kneeling down in the middle of…

Fox News host exposes what’s really happening at the southern border with Biden’s crisis – Samantha Chang, The Western Journal WND

Fox News host exposes what’s really happening at the southern border with Biden’s crisis – Samantha Chang, The Western Journal WND


The Biden administration’s border catastrophe is snowballing every day, as unvetted armies of illegal aliens flood the country amid a harrowing recession, media-stoked race wars and alarming crime spikes in Democrat-run cities. Fox News reporter Bill Melugin visited the Texas border this…

Following The ‘Science’? CDC Shifts From “Impending Doom” To ‘You’re Free’ In 6 Weeks ZeroHedge News

Following The ‘Science’? CDC Shifts From “Impending Doom” To ‘You’re Free’ In 6 Weeks ZeroHedge News


Following The ‘Science’? CDC Shifts From “Impending Doom” To ‘You’re Free’ In 6 Weeks At the end of March, amid absolutely no signs of trouble whatsover in “the data” – and after the establishment excoriated the “neanderthal thinking” of several red states…

The COVID-19 Crisis Has Already Left Too Many Children Hungry in America – Lauren Bauer Global Research


Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, food insecurity has increased in the United States. This is particularly true for households with young children. I document new evidence from two nationally representative surveys that were initiated to provide up-to-date estimates … The…

Catholic Bishop Wants to End Abortion: “Please Stop the Killing, This is Innocent Life” Micaiah Bilger

Catholic Bishop Wants to End Abortion: “Please Stop the Killing, This is Innocent Life” Micaiah Bilger


San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone urged pro-abortion Catholic politicians like President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to “please stop the killing” of unborn babies in abortions. Cordileone has been attracting national attention after he published a pastoral letter earlier this month emphasizing…

Incredible video: Christian pastor dragged to jail for ‘inciting’ people to go to church Jack Davis, The Western Journal WND

Incredible video: Christian pastor dragged to jail for ‘inciting’ people to go to church Jack Davis, The Western Journal WND


Police in Calgary, Alberta, used newly given powers on Saturday to arrest two street preachers who did not require anyone to wear masks to attend their services. Artur and Dawid Pawlowski face charges of organizing an illegal in-person gathering, inciting or inviting others to…

Shooting Fish in a Barrel: Israel Bombs Palestinian Refugees from Israel in Gaza, 50% of Them Children – Prof. Juan Cole Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** Steve Hendrix, Shira … The post Shooting…

Rabo: “Transitory” Inflation Today; Price Controls And Rationing Tomorrow? ZeroHedge News

Rabo: “Transitory” Inflation Today; Price Controls And Rationing Tomorrow? ZeroHedge News


Rabo: “Transitory” Inflation Today; Price Controls And Rationing Tomorrow? By Michael Every of Rabobank Pricing and Poetic Justice With global cargo routes log-jammed; a key US oil pipeline still shutdown, leading to another backlog of ships idling off-shore; log-jammed cargo ships off…

‘It’s not over,’ Netanyahu says, as Israel continues to pound Gaza with airstrikes RT – Daily news

‘It’s not over,’ Netanyahu says, as Israel continues to pound Gaza with airstrikes RT – Daily news


Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to “reach” Palestinian Hamas militants “everywhere,” adding that they will pay a “heavy price” for attacking Israeli cities amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes targeting Gaza. “I said we would exact a very heavy price from Hamas…

PFAS Crisis: Toxic “Forever Chemicals” Found In US Mothers’ Breast Milk ZeroHedge News

PFAS Crisis: Toxic “Forever Chemicals” Found In US Mothers’ Breast Milk ZeroHedge News


PFAS Crisis: Toxic “Forever Chemicals” Found In US Mothers’ Breast Milk New research conducted by Toxic-Free Future, a Seattle-based non-profit fighting for safer products free of deadly chemicals, found that women’s breast milk, especially in the US, contains dangerous levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl…

Welcome To The DarkSide: Why The Biden Administration Will Not Define The Pipeline Attack As Terrorism ZeroHedge News

Welcome To The DarkSide: Why The Biden Administration Will Not Define The Pipeline Attack As Terrorism ZeroHedge News


Welcome To The DarkSide: Why The Biden Administration Will Not Define The Pipeline Attack As Terrorism Authored by Jonathan Turley, Below is my column on the recent Colonial Pipeline attack. President Joe Biden and his Administration (as well as the media) has referred to…

“They Sent Everyone Home – Rebooted the System on Election Day” – Arizona Elections Witness Jan Bryant Joins Steve Bannon to Talk About Maricopa County Election

“They Sent Everyone Home – Rebooted the System on Election Day” – Arizona Elections Witness Jan Bryant Joins Steve Bannon to Talk About Maricopa County Election


Back on November 30, 2020, Maricopa County elections witness Jan Bryant testified before the Arizona legislature. Jan has a strong project management background. She could not believe what she witnessed during the 2020 election in Maricopa County, Arizona. Jan said back on…

Israel To Biden White House: Stay Out Of Jerusalem Crisis ZeroHedge News

Israel To Biden White House: Stay Out Of Jerusalem Crisis ZeroHedge News


Israel To Biden White House: Stay Out Of Jerusalem Crisis Authored by Dave DeCamp via, With violence against Palestinians escalating in East Jerusalem, the US expressed “concerns” over the situation and the planned evictions in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. According to multiple media…

Israel Is Deliberately Obliterating Media Buildings in Gaza to Cover Up the War Crimes that Will Follow – Eva Bartlett Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** The destruction of … The post Israel…

‘The world today needs a Hitler,’ CNN contributor says in now-deleted tweet – but, turns out he had more than one RT – Daily news

‘The world today needs a Hitler,’ CNN contributor says in now-deleted tweet – but, turns out he had more than one RT – Daily news


CNN’s hosts regularly opine on the supposed dangers of “white supremacy” in the US, but one of the network’s own contributors is under fire for his open admiration of Adolf Hitler. Amid ongoing violence between Hamas militants and the Israeli military, CNN…

UK now pushing pregnant women to take covid vaccines despite miscarriage, infertility risks – News Editors –

UK now pushing pregnant women to take covid vaccines despite miscarriage, infertility risks – News Editors –


(Natural News) Following a recent back-pedal in the risk assessment of experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, pregnant women in the U.K. are now being instructed by the publicly funded BBC that they “should be offered the COVID vaccine.” (Article by David McLoone republished from…

56,000 Rejected Votes, Roughly 5%, in London Mayoral Elections, Due to ‘Confusing’ Ballots! Another Rigged Election for Globalists?

56,000 Rejected Votes, Roughly 5%, in London Mayoral Elections, Due to ‘Confusing’ Ballots! Another Rigged Election for Globalists?


A “confusing” ballot paper is being blamed for more than 56,000 “spoilt” ballots in London’s mayoral election. With only half the votes counted, 56,358 first preference votes have been rejected – roughly 5% of the votes counted so far. Mary Harpley, who…

“Pushing the Reset Button”: “Coming to the Rescue of Humanity”, Implanting Chips in Human Beings – Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** The World Economic … The post “Pushing…

McDonald’s now functioning as vaccine propaganda arm of CDC, meaning the government has recruited a junk food giant to push “public health” propaganda – Ethan Huff –

McDonald’s now functioning as vaccine propaganda arm of CDC, meaning the government has recruited a junk food giant to push “public health” propaganda – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) The McDonald’s fast-food chain has partnered up with the Biden regime to push overweight Americans who imbibe on Big Macs, McNuggets, and Diet Coke to go get their Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections as soon as possible. Starting in July, McCafé…

Liz Cheney Lied About Her Role In Spreading The Discredited CIA “Russian Bounty” Story ZeroHedge News

Liz Cheney Lied About Her Role In Spreading The Discredited CIA “Russian Bounty” Story ZeroHedge News


Liz Cheney Lied About Her Role In Spreading The Discredited CIA “Russian Bounty” Story Authored by Glenn Greenwald via, In an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier this week, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) denied that she spread the discredited CIA “Russian…

With central bank-issued digital currencies we are on the road to civilization collapse – RT’s Keiser Report

With central bank-issued digital currencies we are on the road to civilization collapse – RT’s Keiser Report


Max Keiser interviews Aleks Svetski, the founder and CEO of crypto investment platform Amber, about central bank digital currencies and fiat communism. “We’ve seen the ramifications of large-scale tech companies having the ability to sensor speech,” particularly via social media, says Svetski….

French troops who warned Macron of ‘brewing civil war’ must RESIGN if they put free speech over duty, army chief of staff says RT – Daily news

French troops who warned Macron of ‘brewing civil war’ must RESIGN if they put free speech over duty, army chief of staff says RT – Daily news


French military personnel who signed another letter to President Emmanuel Macron warning him about a supposedly impending “civil war” should resign so they can voice their concerns freely, the Armed Forces chief of staff said. Those among the French soldiers and officers…

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered – A Direct Link Between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center – The Gateway Pundit

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered – A Direct Link Between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center – The Gateway Pundit


We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and…

“Keep As Much Money As You Can”: Hunter Biden Disclosures Offer New Details On His Chinese Financial Dealings And Associations ZeroHedge News

“Keep As Much Money As You Can”: Hunter Biden Disclosures Offer New Details On His Chinese Financial Dealings And Associations ZeroHedge News


“Keep As Much Money As You Can”: Hunter Biden Disclosures Offer New Details On His Chinese Financial Dealings And Associations Authored by Jonathan Turley, There are new disclosures from Hunter Biden’s laptop that offer an added perspective on his dealings with Chinese figures, including…

France bans schools from using non-gender words, says it’s ‘harmful’ to language Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal WND

France bans schools from using non-gender words, says it’s ‘harmful’ to language Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal WND


France’s education ministry just dealt a blow to left-wing equality advocates seeking to normalize gender-neutral spellings of words in schools. The Biden administration would be wise to take a lesson from the French government. The Academie Francaise issued a ruling last week…

New York Yankees & Mets to Segregate Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Fans – Paul Joseph Watson – Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** Unvaccinated people are … The post New…

SCIENCE promotes VIOLENCE: Journal “Nature” calls for violent arrest of anyone who won’t accept injections containing mercury, human abortion cells, and cell-altering mRNA sequences – S.D. Wells –

SCIENCE promotes VIOLENCE: Journal “Nature” calls for violent arrest of anyone who won’t accept injections containing mercury, human abortion cells, and cell-altering mRNA sequences – S.D. Wells –


(Natural News) We are the dissidents. We, meaning people who believe in natural medicine, don’t like injections that contain mercury and human abortion cells, and we especially don’t want Bill Gates’ gene therapy shots. We are not in compliance with this invasive…

The vaccine is the pandemic: MULTIPLE countries seeing spike in covid deaths AFTER covid vaccines began – Ethan Huff –

The vaccine is the pandemic: MULTIPLE countries seeing spike in covid deaths AFTER covid vaccines began – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) A total of 26 countries and counting are reporting a massive uptick in Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “cases,” injuries, and deaths now that the “vaccines” are in widespread use. The islands of Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean, which started jabbing…

Video: “Crimes Against Humanity”: The German Corona Investigation. “The PCR Pandemic” Reiner Fuellmich Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** First published in … The post Video:…

Biden Plans Expansion of Feds’ Army of Snitches in ‘Dollars for Collars’ Program James Bovard Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).  Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** The Biden administration … The post Biden…

Judge rejects Facebook’s complaints against Irish data watchdog, probe into EU user info transfers to US can resume RT – Daily news

Judge rejects Facebook’s complaints against Irish data watchdog, probe into EU user info transfers to US can resume RT – Daily news


An Irish High Court judge has thrown out Facebook Ireland’s attempt to stop an investigation by the country’s Data Protection Commission (DPC), which had ordered the tech giant to stop sending data from its EU users to the US. “For the reasons…

Putin Calls Gaza Crisis “Direct Threat” To Russia’s Security Interests; Merkel Condemns Anti-Israel Protests ZeroHedge News

Putin Calls Gaza Crisis “Direct Threat” To Russia’s Security Interests; Merkel Condemns Anti-Israel Protests ZeroHedge News


Putin Calls Gaza Crisis “Direct Threat” To Russia’s Security Interests; Merkel Condemns Anti-Israel Protests At a moment the United States is blocking a UN Security Council meeting and statement on Gaza, delaying it further to next week given Israel shows no signs that it’s…

Disney Caught Indoctrinating Employees With Critical Race Theory, “White Privilege” Checklist ZeroHedge News

Disney Caught Indoctrinating Employees With Critical Race Theory, “White Privilege” Checklist ZeroHedge News


Disney Caught Indoctrinating Employees With Critical Race Theory, “White Privilege” Checklist According to newly leaked employee training manuals, the Walt Disney Company has been pushing “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) on its employees, including lectures on race and white privilege, and how America…

This Biden “Health Security” Proposal Could Make the US a “Digital Dictatorship” – Whitney Webb Global Research


All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. *** A “new” proposal … The post This…

Vaccine propagandists infiltrated vaccine skeptics group, found that the skeptics are MORE scientific and rigorous in their thinking compared to obedient, dumbed-down mask wearers – Ethan Huff –

Vaccine propagandists infiltrated vaccine skeptics group, found that the skeptics are MORE scientific and rigorous in their thinking compared to obedient, dumbed-down mask wearers – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) A team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) infiltrated a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “skeptics” group recently and discovered that those questioning the official story are more scientific than those accepting it hook, line and sinker. Unlike the…

Meet The Ransomware Group Behind Colonial Pipeline Shutdown: ‘Our Goal Is Cash Not Chaos’ ZeroHedge News

Meet The Ransomware Group Behind Colonial Pipeline Shutdown: ‘Our Goal Is Cash Not Chaos’ ZeroHedge News


Meet The Ransomware Group Behind Colonial Pipeline Shutdown: ‘Our Goal Is Cash Not Chaos’ Here we go again as we first predicted, the Colonial Pipeline systems hack which took America’s largest fuel pipeline offline is being widely blamed on who else but…Russia – as CNN reports,…

Covid-19 vaccines by Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca should be excluded over potential side effects – Norwegian health experts RT – Daily news

Covid-19 vaccines by Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca should be excluded over potential side effects – Norwegian health experts RT – Daily news


The Institute of Public Health in Norway has recommended against the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, adding to a recommendation of permanently avoiding the use of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab over side effect fears. In a press release on Monday,…

“There Is Zero Evidence” – Scientists Question Need For COVID ‘Booster Shots’ As Vaccine Makers Lock In Sales ZeroHedge News

“There Is Zero Evidence” – Scientists Question Need For COVID ‘Booster Shots’ As Vaccine Makers Lock In Sales ZeroHedge News


“There Is Zero Evidence” – Scientists Question Need For COVID ‘Booster Shots’ As Vaccine Makers Lock In Sales Underlining the uncertainty surrounding SARS-CoV-2 and its many mutant offshoots (while offering a helpful reminder that Pfizer and Moderna are looking to maximize profits…

‘Together we stand by Israel’s side,’ says Austria’s Kurz & flies Israeli flag. What about dead Gaza children? Twitter users ask RT – Daily news

‘Together we stand by Israel’s side,’ says Austria’s Kurz & flies Israeli flag. What about dead Gaza children? Twitter users ask RT – Daily news


A post by the Austrian chancellor has received a mixed response online. While some, including the Israeli prime minister’s son, welcomed Austria’s condemnation of Palestinian “terrorism,” others slammed Vienna’s side-taking. “Today was used as a sign of solidarity with #Israel the Israeli…

Evil Dr. Richard Pan to become the “Joseph Mengele” of HHS as Biden Regime tips their hats to Pan’s Nazi-style medical dictatorship of California – S.D. Wells –

Evil Dr. Richard Pan to become the “Joseph Mengele” of HHS as Biden Regime tips their hats to Pan’s Nazi-style medical dictatorship of California – S.D. Wells –


(Natural News) The “Angel of Death” they called him. He was SS physician Joseph Mengele, and he functioned “for the greater good” as a Nazi doctor under the orders of one Adolf Hitler. Yes, Mengele conducted horribly inhumane medical experiments on the…

About those RT-PCR Tests – Austrian Peter The Burning Platform


Reiner Fuellmich is about to instigate legal proceedings against the perpetrators of the Covid-19 scamdemic:  covid-fraud-lawyers-medical-experts-start -legal-proceedings-against WHO   His case rests principally on the inappropriate use of the RT-PCR test.  A colleague of mine has graciously agreed for me to reproduce…

“This Must Stop!” One Father’s Fight Against Pervasive Entrenchment Of Critical Race Theory In America’s Schools ZeroHedge News

“This Must Stop!” One Father’s Fight Against Pervasive Entrenchment Of Critical Race Theory In America’s Schools ZeroHedge News


“This Must Stop!” One Father’s Fight Against Pervasive Entrenchment Of Critical Race Theory In America’s Schools Authored by Andrea Widburg via, Even as the Biden administration doubles down on Critical Race Theory, a dishonest, divisive, toxic idea holding that Whites are…

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