Bitcoin will go all the way to $160K this year, CEO of crypto lending platform predicts RT – Daily news

Bitcoin will go all the way to $160K this year, CEO of crypto lending platform predicts RT – Daily news


As the price of the world’s top cryptocurrency, bitcoin, continues to hover around $30,000, some industry experts are voicing their bullish long-term views on the matter. According to Alex Mashinsky, chief executive officer and co-founder of the centralized cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius,…

Now just mentioning “ivermectin” gets you banned on YouTube as Big Tech unleashes wholesale censorship of all covid treatments that might save lives – Ethan Huff –

Now just mentioning “ivermectin” gets you banned on YouTube as Big Tech unleashes wholesale censorship of all covid treatments that might save lives – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) Evolutionary biologist Brett Weinstein recently appeared on an episode of the “Triggernometry” podcast during which he revealed that it is no longer permissible to even mention the word “ivermectin” on YouTube or Facebook. Because the anti-parasitic drug shows promise in…

Dead and injured after knife-wielding man goes on rampage in Germany’s Wuerzburg (VIDEO) RT – Daily news

Dead and injured after knife-wielding man goes on rampage in Germany’s Wuerzburg (VIDEO) RT – Daily news


Police in the German city of Wuerzburg have arrested a stabbing suspect after a “major operation.” Local media reports claim that three people were killed and six injured before police shot and arrested the man. A “major police operation” was announced by local…

Peru’s Fujimori demands ‘international audit’ of ballot after leaked tapes point to attempt to bribe her way into presidency RT – Daily news

Peru’s Fujimori demands ‘international audit’ of ballot after leaked tapes point to attempt to bribe her way into presidency RT – Daily news


As Keiko Fujimori’s chances of flipping an election loss fade, she demanded a foreign ‘audit’ of the results she has challenged. Last week, she was implicated in an alleged attempt to bribe a jury reviewing her fraud complaints. The right-wing candidate is…

Our Name Is Macedonia. Why Are We Being Incarcerated for Using It? Bill Nicholov – The Medium!

Our Name Is Macedonia. Why Are We Being Incarcerated for Using It? Bill Nicholov – The Medium!


Bill Nicholov Follow Jun 26 · 6 min read Despite arrests, beatings, intimidation and incarceration carried out by the US/EU-installed Zaev regime, Macedonians are protesting the forced name, identity and history change into “North Macedonians” from “North Macedonia” imposed on them by the so-called “global leaders…

Multiple Rockets Hit US Base in Syria Less Than 24 Hours After Biden Ordered Air Strikes on Iran-Back Militias – The Gateway Pundit

Multiple Rockets Hit US Base in Syria Less Than 24 Hours After Biden Ordered Air Strikes on Iran-Back Militias – The Gateway Pundit


Multiple rockets hit a US base in northern Syria less than 24 hours after Joe Biden ordered air strikes on Iran-backed near the Iraq-Syria border. “At President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces earlier this evening conducted defensive precision airstrikes against facilities used…

HYPOCRISY: Professor slams Australia for insisting on human rights – but not for its own citizens – Ramon Tomey –

HYPOCRISY: Professor slams Australia for insisting on human rights – but not for its own citizens – Ramon Tomey –


(Natural News) A human rights professor slammed the Australian government for its hypocrisy in calling for countries to uphold their citizens’ rights. Griffith University professor Sarah Joseph said that Canberra needed to follow its own advice after it threatened to punish Australians who wanted to fly…

WATCH: Turkish police use tear gas to break up unauthorized Pride march in Istanbul RT – Daily news

WATCH: Turkish police use tear gas to break up unauthorized Pride march in Istanbul RT – Daily news


Turkish riot police deployed crowd-control munitions to disperse demonstrators who participated in a banned Pride march in Istanbul, amid a crackdown on LGBTQ activism in the socially conservative Mediterranean nation. Law enforcement personnel fired tear gas at a crowd that gathered in…

DO MORE EVIL: Google conspired with Peter Daszak, Wuhan lab to conduct dangerous experiments on coronaviruses – Ethan Huff –

DO MORE EVIL: Google conspired with Peter Daszak, Wuhan lab to conduct dangerous experiments on coronaviruses – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) A new report has blown the lid on Google’s involvement with Wuhan scientist Peter Daszak’s illegal gain of function research on bat coronaviruses that many now believe unleashed the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic.” According to Steve Hilton, the revelation could…

Syria Says US Strikes Killed Child, Wounded 3 Civilians As Biden Defends Against Congressional Pushback ZeroHedge News

Syria Says US Strikes Killed Child, Wounded 3 Civilians As Biden Defends Against Congressional Pushback ZeroHedge News


Syria Says US Strikes Killed Child, Wounded 3 Civilians As Biden Defends Against Congressional Pushback Authored by Jazon Ditz via, Details are emerging on the overnight US attacks against the border area of Iraq and Syria. One of the strikes killed a…

VIDEOS show defiant Russians SWIMMING in Moscow’s flooded streets as ‘super rain’ turns roads into canals RT – Daily news

VIDEOS show defiant Russians SWIMMING in Moscow’s flooded streets as ‘super rain’ turns roads into canals RT – Daily news


Moscow’s central roads are used to intense traffic almost 24/7, but, after it was hit by Monday’s massive thunderstorm and torrential rain, the city’s busy beltway became one man’s personal swimming pool. After a week of abnormal heat with temperatures of up…

Turkey’s Erdogan launches construction of Istanbul canal megaproject, says it will be completed in six years

Turkey’s Erdogan launches construction of Istanbul canal megaproject, says it will be completed in six years


Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has officially launched the construction of the Kanal Istanbul megaproject. The artificial canal to substitute the natural Bosporus Strait is expected to be completed in just six years. The groundbreaking ceremony for the canal, set to link…

Not only did Google FUND bioweapons research, it also CENSORED information about covid’s lab origins – Ethan Huff –

Not only did Google FUND bioweapons research, it also CENSORED information about covid’s lab origins – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) David Feinberg, the head of Google’s “health division,” admitted at a recent forum of The Wall Street Journal that the tech giant censored information showing that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) may have originated at a Chinese laboratory. Feinberg was asked…

Belarus to become first state to leave EU’s Eastern Partnership, Minsk will recall envoy & cut ties in face of Brussels’ sanctions

Belarus to become first state to leave EU’s Eastern Partnership, Minsk will recall envoy & cut ties in face of Brussels’ sanctions


After months of escalating political tensions, Belarus has announced that it will unilaterally withdraw from a scheme designed to bring former Soviet states closer to the EU. Minsk will also call home its ambassador from Brussels. The bloc’s envoy in the Belarusian…

Jewish-American warns: Vaccines are the new gas chambers and 150 million Americans are walking right in, spurred by media-hyped Covid-19 fear – S.D. Wells –

Jewish-American warns: Vaccines are the new gas chambers and 150 million Americans are walking right in, spurred by media-hyped Covid-19 fear – S.D. Wells –


(Natural News) Jews in Germany before WWII did not think that when their guns were first required to be “registered” that soon those guns would be taken from them. Those same innocent Jewish people, who were German citizens, had no idea that after…

The greatest threat to humanity isn’t “covid,” but rather the Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex – Ethan Huff –

The greatest threat to humanity isn’t “covid,” but rather the Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) Back in January, Jonathan Latham, PhD, coined the term “Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex” to describe one of the greatest existential threats to humanity. As opposed to some “virus,” the biggest threat that humanity faces is the ever-encroaching system of fascist…

“Utopia” – Amazon Show Plot Featured Fake Virus, Global Vaccine Program To Sterilize World Population ZeroHedge News

“Utopia” – Amazon Show Plot Featured Fake Virus, Global Vaccine Program To Sterilize World Population ZeroHedge News


“Utopia” – Amazon Show Plot Featured Fake Virus, Global Vaccine Program To Sterilize World Population Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, An Amazon series released at the height of the COVID pandemic revolved around a plot where a virus is…

The Real Gerasimov Doctrine? Moscow reserves right to fire nuclear weapons if enemies use them against Russia, says army chief

The Real Gerasimov Doctrine? Moscow reserves right to fire nuclear weapons if enemies use them against Russia, says army chief


Russia has the right to use nuclear warheads in response to the use of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, and may even deploy them against conventional weapons if “the very existence of the state is threatened.” That’s according…

Greenwald: Lib media is covering for the FBI’s suspected role in the 1/6 Capitol attack because they work together – JD Heyes –

Greenwald: Lib media is covering for the FBI’s suspected role in the 1/6 Capitol attack because they work together – JD Heyes –


(Natural News) Last week, Fox News host Tucker Carlson stunned viewers when he revealed details of a Revolver News investigation into charges surrounding individuals allegedly linked to the Jan. 6 protest at the U.S. Capitol Building. “Without fail, the government has thrown…

‘Heir of Nazis’: Belarus’ Lukashenko blasts German foreign minister over call for sanctions on eve of Hitler invasion anniversary

‘Heir of Nazis’: Belarus’ Lukashenko blasts German foreign minister over call for sanctions on eve of Hitler invasion anniversary


Amid a growing row with the EU over the grounding of a passenger jet carrying an opposition activist last month, Belarus’ bombastic leader has launched a new attack on Germany, comparing its sanctions policy to its role in WWII. Speaking at an…

US Navy’s Most Advanced Nuclear-Powered Sub Plagued With Problems ZeroHedge News

US Navy’s Most Advanced Nuclear-Powered Sub Plagued With Problems ZeroHedge News


US Navy’s Most Advanced Nuclear-Powered Sub Plagued With Problems America’s nuclear-powered fast-attack submarines are experiencing maintenance bottlenecks as specific components are wearing out decades earlier due to faulty manufacturing. The lack of spare parts has resulted in the Navy cannibalizing submarines in…

1 in 10 Australians in Victoria ‘seriously considered suicide’ during lockdown, 12% used substance abuse to cope – survey RT – Daily news

1 in 10 Australians in Victoria ‘seriously considered suicide’ during lockdown, 12% used substance abuse to cope – survey RT – Daily news


One in ten Australians living in the state of Victoria have said they “seriously considered suicide” during the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, according to a new survey. In its latest issue, the Journal of Psychiatric Research reported that one in ten…

650 Troops To Stay In Afghanistan As US Intelligence Warns Of Taliban Takeover Within 6 Months ZeroHedge News

650 Troops To Stay In Afghanistan As US Intelligence Warns Of Taliban Takeover Within 6 Months ZeroHedge News


650 Troops To Stay In Afghanistan As US Intelligence Warns Of Taliban Takeover Within 6 Months Anyone that’s been following US pronouncements on Afghanistan over the last many years should know what to expect by now: when Washington touts its latest “full exit” strategy,…

Economist Stephen Moore Warns that Democrats Are Planning on Adding $22 Trillion in Debt Over the Next Decade (Nearly Doubling the Debt) The Gateway Pundit

Economist Stephen Moore Warns that Democrats Are Planning on Adding $22 Trillion in Debt Over the Next Decade (Nearly Doubling the Debt) The Gateway Pundit


Economist Stephen Moore is warning the world about the massive amount of debt the US is putting on or planning to put on under the Biden/Obama Administration.  Former Chief Economist for President Trump, Steven Moore discussed the Democrats’ plans to place the…

VIDEO Released by Bobby Powell of Jan. 6 Protests Shows Violent Hoodlums in Black Smashing Windows, Damaging US Capitol — But FBI Refuses to Look for Them Despite Iron-clad Evidence! The Gateway Pundit

VIDEO Released by Bobby Powell of Jan. 6 Protests Shows Violent Hoodlums in Black Smashing Windows, Damaging US Capitol — But FBI Refuses to Look for Them Despite Iron-clad Evidence! The Gateway Pundit


So, just how many FBI informants and infiltrators were involed in the Jan. 6 riot? And why is the FBI refusing to look for two of the most violent protesters? Bobby Powell the host of “The Truth is Viral” podcast was invited…

Russia demands US scrap ‘aggressive’ Black Sea naval war-games, warning drills fuel tensions & increase risk of deadly incidents

Russia demands US scrap ‘aggressive’ Black Sea naval war-games, warning drills fuel tensions & increase risk of deadly incidents


Moscow’s diplomatic mission in Washington has reacted furiously to news that American sailors are set to take part in major war games in the Black Sea, practicing naval battles and troop landings, close to Russia’s coastline. In a statement posted to Twitter…

YouTube Takes Down Video of MO Senate Candidate Eric Greitens After His Comments on Trump’s Interview with David Brody and His Visit to AZ Audit (Video) The Gateway Pundit

YouTube Takes Down Video of MO Senate Candidate Eric Greitens After His Comments on Trump’s Interview with David Brody and His Visit to AZ Audit (Video) The Gateway Pundit


Last week former Governor and current Missouri candidate for US Senate Eric Greitens traveled down to Arizona to inspect the forensic audit in Phoenix, Arizona. AZ Sen. Wendy Rogers, OAN reporter Christina Bobb, former Gov. Eric Greitens, TGP’s Jordan Conradson and AZ…

400,000 EU citizens living in the UK given 28-day warning to apply for post-Brexit right to remain RT – Daily news

400,000 EU citizens living in the UK given 28-day warning to apply for post-Brexit right to remain RT – Daily news


The UK Home Office has announced that EU citizens who fail to apply under the settlement scheme will be given a 28-day warning by immigration enforcement officials, with 400,000 cases still outstanding a week before the deadline. Speaking on Wednesday, Britain’s immigration…

As Hungary Enjoys Resurgence in Marriages and Births, Will Brussels (Finally) Give Viktor Orbán Some Credit? Strategic Culture Foundation


Viktor Orbán continues to show Brussels that there are better ways of managing the EU than simply taking the “one suit fits all” approach. Rather than opening his nation’s border to offset population decline, Viktor Orbán, the Hungarian Prime Minister, looked to…

‘If I suicide myself, I didn’t’: Supporters dredge up old McAfee tweets to cry foul over death as his Instagram page posts ‘Q’ RT – Daily news

‘If I suicide myself, I didn’t’: Supporters dredge up old McAfee tweets to cry foul over death as his Instagram page posts ‘Q’ RT – Daily news


John McAfee’s death has set off numerous conspiracy theories, tributes and criticism of the extradition to the US the now-deceased antivirus magnate was facing. McAfee was found dead in his prison cell in Barcelona only hours after a Spanish court approved his…

Liberals aghast as American TV news host says ‘traitors’ who stole election from Trump can face ‘execution’

Liberals aghast as American TV news host says ‘traitors’ who stole election from Trump can face ‘execution’


One America News (OAN) host Pearson Sharp triggered plenty of Donald Trump critics when he argued on the network that thousands were behind a “coup” against the former president and should be possibly executed. During a segment discussing the 2020 presidential election…

The “Conspiracy Theory” Charade ZeroHedge News

The “Conspiracy Theory” Charade ZeroHedge News


The “Conspiracy Theory” Charade Authored by James Bovard via, How government and media use the phrase to suppress opposition… Biden’s “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism” report last week declared that “enhancing faith in American democracy” requires “finding ways to counter the influence…

UK’s Dept for Education ridiculed by left for encouraging kids to celebrate One Britain One Nation Day… but some Brits love it RT – Daily news

UK’s Dept for Education ridiculed by left for encouraging kids to celebrate One Britain One Nation Day… but some Brits love it RT – Daily news


The Department for Education has caused a stir after it announced its backing of the One Britain One Nation campaign and encouraged kids to take part in its June 25 celebration – including singing “strong Britain, great nation.” In a tweet on…

Biden Calls White Supremacy Top Terror Threat While The Left Decides Conservatives Are White Supremacists Spencer Lindquist The Federalist

Biden Calls White Supremacy Top Terror Threat While The Left Decides Conservatives Are White Supremacists Spencer Lindquist The Federalist


After years of the left branding their opponents as racists, the Biden administration has designated white supremacy as the leading domestic terror threat. Read More After years of the left branding their opponents as racists, the Biden administration has designated white supremacy…

Is the Danger Covid or the Vaccine? – The Burning Platform


Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts How many Americans are as brave as Buffalo Bills wide receiver Cole Beasley, who announced he would give up playing football before he submits to the NFL’s vaccine protocols? Health care employees and many other…

The “Great Reset” Is Here, Part 1: The New Blueprint For Worldwide Inflation ZeroHedge News

The “Great Reset” Is Here, Part 1: The New Blueprint For Worldwide Inflation ZeroHedge News


The “Great Reset” Is Here, Part 1: The New Blueprint For Worldwide Inflation Authored by James Rickards via, For years, currency analysts (myself included) have looked for signs of an international monetary “reset” that would diminish the dollar’s role as the…

Audit Counts Will NOT Be Released Today – Auditors TRIPLE Check Evidence – Coliseum to Be Cleared by Wednesday — OAN REPORT (VIDEO)  The Gateway Pundit

Audit Counts Will NOT Be Released Today – Auditors TRIPLE Check Evidence – Coliseum to Be Cleared by Wednesday — OAN REPORT (VIDEO) The Gateway Pundit


The Arizona Audit started to pack up tables and vacate the coliseum floor this weekend but it appears that the audit team is still performing quality control checks and thoroughly rechecking their evidence. Senate leader Karen Fann and audit officials are expected…

Macleod: The Fed Is Trapped Between A ‘Keep Inflating’ Rock & A ‘Collapsing Dollar Confidence’ Hard Place ZeroHedge News

Macleod: The Fed Is Trapped Between A ‘Keep Inflating’ Rock & A ‘Collapsing Dollar Confidence’ Hard Place ZeroHedge News


Macleod: The Fed Is Trapped Between A ‘Keep Inflating’ Rock & A ‘Collapsing Dollar Confidence’ Hard Place Authored by Alasdair Macleod via, “The Fed finds itself between a rock and a hard place: either it keeps inflating or the whole confidence-based…

Longtime Democrat turned Trump supporter becomes first sentenced over January 6 Capitol ‘insurrection’ RT – Daily news

Longtime Democrat turned Trump supporter becomes first sentenced over January 6 Capitol ‘insurrection’ RT – Daily news


The first of 500 defendants charged over the January 6 riot at the US Capitol has been sentenced to probation and community service, after her lawyer reportedly re-educated her in jail through films and literature. Anna Morgan Lloyd, 49, was sentenced on…

“They’re Losing Control Of Everything” – Michael Pento Warns “The Fed Will Kill The Economy” ZeroHedge News

“They’re Losing Control Of Everything” – Michael Pento Warns “The Fed Will Kill The Economy” ZeroHedge News


“They’re Losing Control Of Everything” – Michael Pento Warns “The Fed Will Kill The Economy” Via Greg Hunter’s, Money manager and economist Michael Pento warns to keep your eyes on the Fed.  It will be responsible for the next market crash…

Fact-Checker Poynter Demands Local News Reduce Crime Story Coverage Because It Fuels “Systemic Racism” ZeroHedge News

Fact-Checker Poynter Demands Local News Reduce Crime Story Coverage Because It Fuels “Systemic Racism” ZeroHedge News


Fact-Checker Poynter Demands Local News Reduce Crime Story Coverage Because It Fuels “Systemic Racism” Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Fact-checking institute Poynter is demanding that local news stations reduce coverage of stories that connect “Black and brown communities” to…

EU Must Establish ‘Direct Contact’ With Putin: Germany’s Merkel ZeroHedge News

EU Must Establish ‘Direct Contact’ With Putin: Germany’s Merkel ZeroHedge News


EU Must Establish ‘Direct Contact’ With Putin: Germany’s Merkel On Thursday German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged the European Union to seek better relations with Russia – comments which came days after Russian President Vladimir Putin published an op-ed in the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit which called for “partnership” in Russia-Europe…

Russia could DROP BOMBS on foreign ships that ignore coast guard’s warnings & cross into country’s territorial waters, Moscow says RT – Daily news

Russia could DROP BOMBS on foreign ships that ignore coast guard’s warnings & cross into country’s territorial waters, Moscow says RT – Daily news


One day after a British destroyer violated the Russian naval border, the country’s deputy foreign minister has warned that Moscow is reserving the right to use force against foreign warships that cross into its territorial waters. Speaking on Thursday, Sergey Ryabkov said…

Who Were the FBI Infiltrators on Jan. 6? – Who Were the Violent Green Tape, Orange Tape and Black Bloc Operatives? Patriot Groups Say They Are Not Familiar With Them – The Gateway Pundit

Who Were the FBI Infiltrators on Jan. 6? – Who Were the Violent Green Tape, Orange Tape and Black Bloc Operatives? Patriot Groups Say They Are Not Familiar With Them – The Gateway Pundit


Throughout 2020 the Black Lives Matter terrorist group was linked to at least 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history There were zero Trump rallies that turned violent during that same time period….

751 unmarked graves found near former Catholic residential school in Canada, indigenous group reveals RT – Daily news

751 unmarked graves found near former Catholic residential school in Canada, indigenous group reveals RT – Daily news


Several hundred unmarked graves believed to include the burial sites of indigenous children from a Catholic residential school have been found in Canada, a First Nation in Saskatchewan province has said. The graves were found in a cemetery at the former Marieval…

Pelosi names ‘white supremacy’ & ‘anti-Semitism’ as root causes of Capitol riot, announcing new Congress probe into ‘insurrection’ RT – Daily news

Pelosi names ‘white supremacy’ & ‘anti-Semitism’ as root causes of Capitol riot, announcing new Congress probe into ‘insurrection’ RT – Daily news


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she will create a select committee to investigate the January 6 riot at the US Capitol, but claimed the unrest was driven by white supremacist hate and anti-Semitism well ahead of the inquiry. Pelosi announced the new…

Time to Stop Modernizing America’s Nukes and to Start Negotiating Peace – Strategic Culture Foundation


By Dave LINDORFF The Biden administration, in its proposed military budget, is calling for a restart of something the US arms industry has not produced in any significant quantity since 1992: nuclear “pits” — the spherical plutonium-based core of implosion bombs like that dropped…

Leading Russian football club takes fight against US censorship to Russian courts & United Nations after being ‘blocked by Google’ RT – Daily news

Leading Russian football club takes fight against US censorship to Russian courts & United Nations after being ‘blocked by Google’ RT – Daily news


The boss of a Russian Premier League club with links to Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov says it is fighting for the right to freedom of information and sport in a legal challenge over strong US sanctions for human rights violations. Akhmat’s YouTube…

Snowden declares ‘end of case against Julian Assange’ after newspaper reveals LIES by key witness in US extradition case RT – Daily news

Snowden declares ‘end of case against Julian Assange’ after newspaper reveals LIES by key witness in US extradition case RT – Daily news


Key accusations in the case against Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange, who faces up to 175 years in prison if extradited to the US, are reportedly based on testimony from convicted fraudster who admitted to media he was lying. Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, Icelandic…

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