Don’t buy crypto! Russian central bank warns against investing in volatile digital currencies, citing risk of ‘enormous’ losses RT – Daily news

Don’t buy crypto! Russian central bank warns against investing in volatile digital currencies, citing risk of ‘enormous’ losses RT – Daily news


Online-only assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum have become a lucrative opportunity for millions of savvy amateur investors, but now Russia’s central bank is warning people to steer clear of what could end up being a very risky buy. As part of an…

Modern America & some of its so-called ‘democratic’ allies have turned into ‘liberal-totalitarian’ states, claims Russia’s top spy

Modern America & some of its so-called ‘democratic’ allies have turned into ‘liberal-totalitarian’ states, claims Russia’s top spy


The US and some other Western nations held up as “models of liberal democracy” are rapidly turning into totalitarian regimes reminiscent of the Soviet Union, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service has claimed. Speaking on Thursday at the Moscow Conference on…

Years of Watching General Mark Milley Finally Make Sense – The Chairman of The Joint Chiefs is a Political Operative – The Burning Platform

Years of Watching General Mark Milley Finally Make Sense – The Chairman of The Joint Chiefs is a Political Operative – The Burning Platform


By Sundance via TheConservativeTreehouse A statement made by Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley defending the teaching Critical Race Theory to West Point cadets has gained some attention.  However, the comments Milley made today actually reconcile several years of CTH watching Milley…

Russia bans America’s liberal Bard College, labelling it as ‘undesirable organization’ threatening country’s ‘order and security’

Russia bans America’s liberal Bard College, labelling it as ‘undesirable organization’ threatening country’s ‘order and security’


Authorities in Moscow have labelled an American liberal arts university working in the country as ‘undesirable’ and banned it following claims it’s working to undermine the government and threatening the security of the state. In a statement issued by the office of…

Russia releases VIDEO of British warship’s incursion into waters near Crimea, clearly contradicting London’s version of events RT – Daily news

Russia releases VIDEO of British warship’s incursion into waters near Crimea, clearly contradicting London’s version of events RT – Daily news


Russia has released a video showing a coast guard vessel warning the HMS Defender that it was violating its state border and firing warning shots at the British warship, challenging London’s assertions about Wednesday’s encounter. The short clip, released on Thursday by…

MAGA Branded ‘White Supremacy’ In Leaked CRT Training For Iowa Teachers ZeroHedge News

MAGA Branded ‘White Supremacy’ In Leaked CRT Training For Iowa Teachers ZeroHedge News


MAGA Branded ‘White Supremacy’ In Leaked CRT Training For Iowa Teachers Mandatory Critical Race Theory (CRT) training materials for one of Iowa’s largest school districts classifies “Make America Great Again” as a form of ‘white supremacy,’ according to leaked documents obtained by…

Putin Pens Op-Ed Encouraging “Partnership” With Europe, Urges Openness “Despite The Past” ZeroHedge News

Putin Pens Op-Ed Encouraging “Partnership” With Europe, Urges Openness “Despite The Past” ZeroHedge News


Putin Pens Op-Ed Encouraging “Partnership” With Europe, Urges Openness “Despite The Past” An article by the President of Russia has been published in the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit and is timed to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic war. (emphasis ours) Being Open, Despite the Past On June 22, 1941, exactly 80 years ago,…

Unfazed by mockery, Mike Pompeo unapologetically tells Americans Uncle Sam want them to become ‘pipehitters’

Unfazed by mockery, Mike Pompeo unapologetically tells Americans Uncle Sam want them to become ‘pipehitters’


Mike Pompeo’s awkwardly named donor club is on a recruitment drive, this time with Uncle Sam instructing fellow Americans to become “pipehitters.” Twitter insists the word doesn’t mean what Pompeo thinks it means. Last week, the former Trump cabinet official launched an…

Iran’s New President Rules Out Ever Meeting With Biden, Calls Ballistic Missiles “Nonnegotiable” ZeroHedge News

Iran’s New President Rules Out Ever Meeting With Biden, Calls Ballistic Missiles “Nonnegotiable” ZeroHedge News


Iran’s New President Rules Out Ever Meeting With Biden, Calls Ballistic Missiles “Nonnegotiable” In his first press conference since his landslide victory in Friday’s national election, Iran’s president-elect Ebrahim Raisi on Monday said he’s not willing to meet with President Biden at any point…

While the media focused on theatrics, Putin & Biden quietly launched a new diplomatic effort to avert an apocalyptic nuclear war RT – Daily news

While the media focused on theatrics, Putin & Biden quietly launched a new diplomatic effort to avert an apocalyptic nuclear war RT – Daily news


Atomic warfare was top of the agenda as Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart, Joe Biden, met for crunch talks last week in Geneva, amid escalating hostilities and talk of a return to a ‘Cold War’ mentality. The first summit…

They’re “Damn Near Criminally Incompetent” – David Stockman Crushes “Camarilla Of Money-Pumpers” ZeroHedge News

They’re “Damn Near Criminally Incompetent” – David Stockman Crushes “Camarilla Of Money-Pumpers” ZeroHedge News


They’re “Damn Near Criminally Incompetent” – David Stockman Crushes “Camarilla Of Money-Pumpers” Authored by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog, A Fed Lifer’s Five Basis Point Farce We start with this gem from NY Fed president John Williams. He claims the Fed…

94% Of Americans Oppose Big Pharma’s Control Over Global Vaccine Supply: Poll ZeroHedge News

94% Of Americans Oppose Big Pharma’s Control Over Global Vaccine Supply: Poll ZeroHedge News


94% Of Americans Oppose Big Pharma’s Control Over Global Vaccine Supply: Poll Authored by Kenny Stancil via, A new poll released Friday found that a whopping 94% of adults in the US do not want pharmaceutical corporations to control the global supply of Covid-19 vaccines, lending…

Shootings in Mexico-US border town leave at least 18 dead as mass crossings & crime spike force Texas to launch security crackdown RT – Daily news

Shootings in Mexico-US border town leave at least 18 dead as mass crossings & crime spike force Texas to launch security crackdown RT – Daily news


At least 18 people have been killed in a series of shootings in Reynosa, Mexico, a border town known for drug cartels and as a gathering point for migrants seeking to cross illegally into the US. Unidentified gunmen riding in sport-utility vehicles…

Hungary moving to protect its children from transgenderism and homosexuality while U.S. kids are exposed to the worst of both – JD Heyes –

Hungary moving to protect its children from transgenderism and homosexuality while U.S. kids are exposed to the worst of both – JD Heyes –


(Natural News) While American kids continue to be exposed to the worst counter-cultural filth by leftists hell-bent on destroying our society, other cultures around the world are moving to protect their children, and that now includes Hungary. The east European country’s parliament…

Israeli bombs Gaza for 2nd day straight in response to cross-border attacks as shaky truce falters (VIDEOS)

Israeli bombs Gaza for 2nd day straight in response to cross-border attacks as shaky truce falters (VIDEOS)


Hostilities between Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza have resumed with a vengeance, with Tel Aviv firing a flurry of missiles into the enclave in response to “arson balloons” as tensions flared up under the new Israeli government. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said…

USA 2021: Capitalism for the Powerless, Crony-Socialism for the Powerful Charles Hugh Smith oftwominds

USA 2021: Capitalism for the Powerless, Crony-Socialism for the Powerful Charles Hugh Smith oftwominds


The only dynamic that’s even faintly “capitalist” about America’s Crony-Socialism is the price of political corruption is still a “market.” The supposed “choice” between “capitalism” and “socialism” is a useful fabrication masking the worst of all possible worlds we inhabit: Capitalism for…

Ronaldo to take $10M+ loss on Trump Tower apartment in New York after fans pressured him to disassociate from ‘Bad Orange Man’ RT – Daily news

Ronaldo to take $10M+ loss on Trump Tower apartment in New York after fans pressured him to disassociate from ‘Bad Orange Man’ RT – Daily news


Soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo is reportedly ready to lose nearly $11 million on the sale of his Trump Tower apartment in New York, and that’s if he gets his new asking price to sever his link to ex-president Donald Trump. Ronaldo cut…

National security apparatus in total panic over election audit results, rising backlash against tyranny and corruption – Mike Adams –

National security apparatus in total panic over election audit results, rising backlash against tyranny and corruption – Mike Adams –


(Natural News) The national security “deep state” is in an outright panic right now, desperately hoping to criminalize political opponents of the Biden regime before the results of the Arizona / Maricopa County ballot audit are revealed. The hand counting portion of…

Swiss Reject Climate Change With Zoomers And Millennials Leading The Way ZeroHedge News

Swiss Reject Climate Change With Zoomers And Millennials Leading The Way ZeroHedge News


Swiss Reject Climate Change With Zoomers And Millennials Leading The Way Authored by Mike Shedlock via, A climate change referendum in Switzerland just went down in flames led by 18-34 year old voters… Swiss Reject Climate Change Eurointelligence reports Swiss Reject Climate…

Two of the largest asset management companies, BlackRock and Vanguard, own both Big Pharma and the media – Ethan Huff –

Two of the largest asset management companies, BlackRock and Vanguard, own both Big Pharma and the media – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) If you have ever wondered why television “news” is constantly interrupted by advertising for the latest drug offerings from Big Pharma, look no further than Blackrock and Vanguard, two of the world’s largest asset management companies, which just so happen…

Special Forces ‘Chief Diversity Officer’ who likened Trump to Hitler allowed back in questionable display of hypocrisy

Special Forces ‘Chief Diversity Officer’ who likened Trump to Hitler allowed back in questionable display of hypocrisy


The former chief of diversity and inclusion within the Pentagon’s Special Operations Command has been given his old job back, months after he was suspended over comparing former president Donald Trump to Hitler. Richard Torres-Estrada, appointed chief of diversity and inclusion for…

UK must apply Northern Ireland Brexit protocol, EU says after London formally requests ‘sausage ban’ suspension

UK must apply Northern Ireland Brexit protocol, EU says after London formally requests ‘sausage ban’ suspension


The UK must stick to its commitments on Northern Ireland border arrangements after Brexit, the EU Commission has said after London sent Brussels a formal request to suspend an upcoming so-called ‘sausage ban’. On Thursday, the UK’s Brexit minister David Frost formally…

Russia’s Defense Ministry will develop home-made secure smartphone & ‘digital ecosystem’ for soldiers working on military bases RT – Daily news

Russia’s Defense Ministry will develop home-made secure smartphone & ‘digital ecosystem’ for soldiers working on military bases RT – Daily news


Russia’s Defense Ministry is developing a smartphone for employees of its armed forces. Alongside the new device, authorities will also oversee the creation of mobile applications for anyone using the technology at military bases. The announcement was made on Thursday. As things…

Bill Barr: Public Schools Are Becoming Unconstitutional ‘Secular-Progressive Madrassas’ Joy Pullmann The Federalist

Bill Barr: Public Schools Are Becoming Unconstitutional ‘Secular-Progressive Madrassas’ Joy Pullmann The Federalist


While many adults believe U.S. public schools keep religion out of the classroom, that era ended with their childhoods, says two-time U.S. Attorney General William Barr. Bill Barr: Public Schools Are Becoming Unconstitutional ‘Secular-Progressive Madrassas’ ‘It may no longer be fair, practical,…

Anonymous email says BOMB planted in Moscow government building, demands end to ‘mandatory’ Covid-19 vaccinations, media reports RT – Daily news

Anonymous email says BOMB planted in Moscow government building, demands end to ‘mandatory’ Covid-19 vaccinations, media reports RT – Daily news


Moscow police are hunting an unknown suspect who threatened to blow up the city’s central government building if rules requiring masks in public places and the mandatory vaccination of service workers weren’t dropped by officials. Telegram channel Baza initially reported that a…

Multiple Individuals Push Multiple Ballots through Multiple Tabulators Multiple Times in Georgia.  This Is Illegal.  Law Enforcement Does Nothing. The Gateway Pundit

Multiple Individuals Push Multiple Ballots through Multiple Tabulators Multiple Times in Georgia. This Is Illegal. Law Enforcement Does Nothing. The Gateway Pundit


Today we reported on Ralph Jones pushing multiple ballots into voting machine tabulators in Georgia.  This was not the first time we reported on this subject.   On December 4, 2020, we reported on Fulton County Georgia poll worker Ruby Freeman pushing multiple…

UK Charity Teaches Staff ‘White Women Reporting Rape By Black Men Support White Supremacy’ ZeroHedge News

UK Charity Teaches Staff ‘White Women Reporting Rape By Black Men Support White Supremacy’ ZeroHedge News


UK Charity Teaches Staff ‘White Women Reporting Rape By Black Men Support White Supremacy’ In the wake of sex scandals that have rocked the British charity, an Oxfam staff training document says “privileged white women” are supporting the root causes of sexual violence…

China ramps up investment into countries participating in the New Silk Road initiative RT – Daily news

China ramps up investment into countries participating in the New Silk Road initiative RT – Daily news


China’s outbound direct investment (ODI) into countries involved in the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has continued to increase, expanding 13.8% year-on-year in the first five months of 2021 to $7.43 billion. According to official data, outbound investment into manufacturing and…

Most Germans say freedom of speech is in jeopardy, many name Islam and patriotism among topics they cannot speak freely about

Most Germans say freedom of speech is in jeopardy, many name Islam and patriotism among topics they cannot speak freely about


A majority of German citizens believe that freedom of expression is in danger, the latest poll shows. ‘Patriotism’ and Islam were named among topics one should be particularly careful about. Only 45% of Germans still believe they can express their political opinion…

UK govt gave contract to IT firm that is ‘openly plotting’ to turn vaccine passports into a national ID card, privacy groups warns

UK govt gave contract to IT firm that is ‘openly plotting’ to turn vaccine passports into a national ID card, privacy groups warns


The British government has been accused of aiming to covertly implement a national ID programme, after it partnered with a company that has advocated turning vaccine passports into a multi-purpose document. Entrust, an IT firm that bills itself as a “global leader…

US dollar weakened during the pandemic – but its problems started long before that – Franz Walker –

US dollar weakened during the pandemic – but its problems started long before that – Franz Walker –


(Natural News) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is devastating the American economy, resulting in the U.S. dollar steadily losing value. But the dollar’s current decline in value traces its roots to more than just the pandemic. After an initial spike, the value of the dollar…

India strips Twitter of legal immunity for ‘3rd party content’ amid row over new regulation – reports

India strips Twitter of legal immunity for ‘3rd party content’ amid row over new regulation – reports


New Delhi has reportedly revoked Twitter’s shield against prosecution for illegal user content, saying the platform failed to comply with new regulations as police filed their first case against the site over a violent video. The social network became the first American…

Family Of Top Biden Officials Find Jobs Across Administration Despite ‘No Nepotism’ Pledge ZeroHedge News

Family Of Top Biden Officials Find Jobs Across Administration Despite ‘No Nepotism’ Pledge ZeroHedge News


Family Of Top Biden Officials Find Jobs Across Administration Despite ‘No Nepotism’ Pledge During his tenure in office, President Trump faced incessant criticism from the media for hiring family members – including his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner – and placing…

Media Working On “Mousetrap” For Biden-Putin Summit: Former Intel Officials ZeroHedge News

Media Working On “Mousetrap” For Biden-Putin Summit: Former Intel Officials ZeroHedge News


Media Working On “Mousetrap” For Biden-Putin Summit: Former Intel Officials MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Media Working On Mousetrap For Summit Summary: With your meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Geneva just days away, mainstream media are barely reporting –…

American unilateralism & intervention is driving global instability, not Russian actions, Putin says ahead of summit with Biden RT – Daily news

American unilateralism & intervention is driving global instability, not Russian actions, Putin says ahead of summit with Biden RT – Daily news


While Washington constantly talks of the need for international harmony, it has rarely played a positive role in it in recent years, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, stressing that stability is vital in world politics. Asked during an interview with NBC’s…

SAME PLAYBOOK: In 1983, Fauci tried to spread mass hysteria over AIDS, claiming it could be spread through “casual contact” – Ethan Huff –

SAME PLAYBOOK: In 1983, Fauci tried to spread mass hysteria over AIDS, claiming it could be spread through “casual contact” – Ethan Huff –


(Natural News) America’s fakest “doctor,” Anthony Fauci, has a disease. And that disease is demarcated by a fear of other human beings, a fear of intimacy, and a narcissistic desire to impose these fears on everyone else in the name of “disease…

ADL Joins 48 Jewish Organizations to Demand Biden Administration Sneak Blanket Immigration Amnesty Into Infrastructure Bill, by Eric Striker – The Unz Review


American Jewry is demanding the legalization of America’s large illegal alien population. 49 national and state-level Jewish racial advocacy groups sent a letter addressed to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer yesterday instructing them to include a “pathway to…

Politically Motivated Academics Have Forsaken Science on ‘Whiteness’ as They Steer America Towards Civil Strife – Strategic Culture Foundation


If white supremacy and ‘systemic racism’ were genuine problems, America would not be a major destination for migrant flows as it now is. A disturbing trend has gained a foothold in the United States as members of the academic community are espousing…

Embattled Armenian leader Pashinyan declares his party’s victory in snap elections after early results show heavy lead RT – Daily news

Embattled Armenian leader Pashinyan declares his party’s victory in snap elections after early results show heavy lead RT – Daily news


Acting Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has declared victory in the country’s snap parliamentary elections after his Civil Contract party received about 55 percent of the vote with nearly 70 percent of the ballots tallied. The snap elections took place on Sunday…

Lockdown? Globalist elite call for extreme measures to tackle ‘climate change’ WND News Services

Lockdown? Globalist elite call for extreme measures to tackle ‘climate change’ WND News Services


(NATIONAL FILE) – The globalist elite are calling for the “equivalent of a coronavirus-pandemic-scale lockdown once every two years” to tackle climate change. “Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures,…

Twitter India’s head called in for police questioning over refusal to remove video ‘inciting communal violence’ – reports

Twitter India’s head called in for police questioning over refusal to remove video ‘inciting communal violence’ – reports


A top executive at Twitter’s Indian branch has received a police notice asking him to appear for questioning in Ghaziabad, after local authorities said the platform stoked communal hatred by refusing to remove a violent video. Manish Maheshwari, Twitter India’s managing director,…

Putin Denies “Never-Ending Farcical” Cyberattack Claims, Calls NATO Obsolete “Cold War Relic”  ZeroHedge News

Putin Denies “Never-Ending Farcical” Cyberattack Claims, Calls NATO Obsolete “Cold War Relic”  ZeroHedge News


Putin Denies “Never-Ending Farcical” Cyberattack Claims, Calls NATO Obsolete “Cold War Relic”  On Monday NBC released its full sit-down interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which was initially previewed Friday, just days before Wednesday’s much anticipated bilateral summit with President Joe Biden. It was the…

Not one FDA expert voted to approve new Alzheimer’s drug, but it was approved anyway – Lance D Johnson –

Not one FDA expert voted to approve new Alzheimer’s drug, but it was approved anyway – Lance D Johnson –


Not one FDA expert voted to approve new Alzheimer’s drug, but it was approved anyway Monday, June 14, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, Big Pharma, Dangerous Medicine, data manipulation, drug company propaganda, false hope, FDA, fraudulent end points, manipulation, medical fraud, misleading data interpretation, science fraud Bypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy…

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