U.S. and Allies Ramp Up Reckless Provocations Towards China – Strategic Culture Foundation


Washington’s global ambitions are predicated totally on an adversarial agenda. The United States and its allies are on an ever-quickening collision course with China that runs the risk of inciting an all-out war. These reckless, unrelenting provocations are arguably bordering on criminal…

How a network of UK intel-linked operatives helped sell every alleged Syrian chemical weapons attack – Kit Klarenberg The Grayzone

How a network of UK intel-linked operatives helped sell every alleged Syrian chemical weapons attack – Kit Klarenberg The Grayzone


While Western media covers up their credibility issues, these pseudo-experts and spooks have helped drive the dirty war on Syria. A tight-knight cast of characters has sought to destabilize the Syrian government by convincing Syrians, Western citizens, foreign states, and international bodies…

Ex-CIA Director: Afghanistan Collapse Is Biden’s ‘Bay of Pigs’ Moment,’ US Credibility Is ‘Now in Question’

Ex-CIA Director: Afghanistan Collapse Is Biden’s ‘Bay of Pigs’ Moment,’ US Credibility Is ‘Now in Question’


Former Obama administration Department of Defense Secretary and CIA Director Leon Panetta said that following the collapse of the Afghanistan government and army, the United States’s credibility on the world stage has taken a significant blow. Surprised U.S. officials over the weekend struggled to…

US Military Report Warns (Decides) ISIS Will Operate “Indefinitely” – Dave DeCamp

US Military Report Warns (Decides) ISIS Will Operate “Indefinitely” – Dave DeCamp


US Military Report Warns ISIS Will Operate “Indefinitely” Authored by Dave DeCamp via AntiWar.com, The US military published a quarterly report on ISIS to Congress on Tuesday that said the group is a “low-level” threat but warned it could operate “indefinitely” in the remote deserts…

$750mn in artillery gear & smart bomb kits: Biden’s first arms sale to Taiwan gets State Department approval

$750mn in artillery gear & smart bomb kits: Biden’s first arms sale to Taiwan gets State Department approval


The US State Department authorized a $750 million arms sale to Taiwan, President Joe Biden’s first weapons transfer to the island following a flurry of deals under his predecessor – all over vocal objections from Beijing. Announced Wednesday, the proposed sale involves…

Families of 9/11 victims tell Biden not to attend memorials until he honors pledge to declassify docs on ‘possible Saudi role’

Families of 9/11 victims tell Biden not to attend memorials until he honors pledge to declassify docs on ‘possible Saudi role’


Relatives of victims in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have disinvited President Joe Biden from their memorial services, saying he must first keep his promise to declassify evidence they think may implicate Saudi officials. “We understand President Biden’s desire to mark…

Before They Preach to Us About White Privilege, They Should Not be Quiet About Their Own Jewish Racism, by Gilad Atzmon – The Unz Review

Before They Preach to Us About White Privilege, They Should Not be Quiet About Their Own Jewish Racism, by Gilad Atzmon – The Unz Review


Stanford University study reveals: “Some 80% of (Jews of colour) respondents said that they had ‘experienced discrimination’ within Jewish settings, including synagogues, congregations, and Jewish spiritual communities.” People who are familiar with the history of Zionism are aware of the rich history…

Assange Described A Decade Ago How ‘Endless’ Afghan War Was Engineered By “Transnational Security Elite”

Assange Described A Decade Ago How ‘Endless’ Afghan War Was Engineered By “Transnational Security Elite”


Authored by Jessica Corbett via Common Dreams & Consortium News, As the hawks who have been lying about the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan for two decades continue to peddle fantasies in the midst of a Taliban takeover and American evacuation of Kabul, progressive critics on Tuesday reminded the world who has benefited…

“Why Did They Wait Until After the Election?” – President Trump Responds to News that Wisconsin Finally Removed 205,000 Phantom Voters from Voter Rolls

“Why Did They Wait Until After the Election?” – President Trump Responds to News that Wisconsin Finally Removed 205,000 Phantom Voters from Voter Rolls


The state of Wisconsin allowed over 200,000 voters to remain on their voter rolls through the 2020 election.  Earlier this week election officials said they have finally removed these voters from their rolls. On Saturday President Trump responded to this latest corruption….

Stripmining the Middle Class: Neoliberalism Comes Home to Roost – Charles Hugh Smith oftwominds

Stripmining the Middle Class: Neoliberalism Comes Home to Roost – Charles Hugh Smith oftwominds


But once this last pool of wealth–America’s middle class– has been siphoned dry, then who’s left to stripmine and exploit? Neoliberalism loves markets, because markets enable the wealthy to own everything that produces income and capital gains. Neoliberalism–the superficially attractive notion that…

Hiroshima: A “Military Base” according to President Harry Truman – Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research

Hiroshima: A “Military Base” according to President Harry Truman – Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research


76 years ago. The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima “A Military Base” according to Harry Truman. The collateral damage concept had yet to be defined. 100,000 civilians were killed in the first seven seconds of the explosion.  Michel Chossudovsky, Hiroshima Day, August…

Completely Despicable: Pravda NY Times Calls Notorious TERRORIST and 9/11 Mastermind Osama Bin Laden a “Devoted Family Man” – Julian Conradson

Completely Despicable: Pravda NY Times Calls Notorious TERRORIST and 9/11 Mastermind Osama Bin Laden a “Devoted Family Man” – Julian Conradson


Remember when the Washington Post glorified an evil terrorist as an “austeer religious scholar?” Well the New York Times just told them: ” Hold my beer” In an unexplainable and abhorrent headline, the NY Times actually referred to Osama Bin Laden, one…

Russia sends troops to Armenian border with Azerbaijan after cry for help from Yerevan following altercations with Azeri forces

Russia sends troops to Armenian border with Azerbaijan after cry for help from Yerevan following altercations with Azeri forces


Armenia has confirmed reports that border guards from Russia have been deployed on the country’s frontier with Azerbaijan, as part of Moscow’s agreement with its allies in Yerevan to help bolster the Caucasian nation’s defenses. Both Russia and Armenia are part of…

Wife of Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Outraged Over Double Standard: Why Are Black Lives Matter Protesters Paid $70K After Being Banned From Capitol?

Wife of Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Outraged Over Double Standard: Why Are Black Lives Matter Protesters Paid $70K After Being Banned From Capitol?


As hundreds of Trump supporters sit in DC jails cells for allegedly walking into the Capitol building while protesting results of the fraud-ridden 2020 election, Black Lives Matter activists will be awarded $70,000 after getting banned from the Iowa state capitol and…

Senator Blasts US “Rolling Humiliation” In Afghanistan, Urges Rescuing of Abandoned Americans

Senator Blasts US “Rolling Humiliation” In Afghanistan, Urges Rescuing of Abandoned Americans


Senator Blasts US “Rolling Humiliation” In Afghanistan, Urges Expanded Operation To Rescue Americans Arguably the most hawkish member of the Senate, Republican Sen. Tom Cotton, is urging the White House to ‘get serious’ about the ongoing crisis of trapped Americans in Kabul who…

Kyrgyzstan arrests former Prime Minister on corruption charges linked to Canadian-run gold mine that is poisoning country

Kyrgyzstan arrests former Prime Minister on corruption charges linked to Canadian-run gold mine that is poisoning country


Temir Sariev, the former prime minister of Kyrgyzstan, has been detained over allegations of corruption and understating the environmental risk coming from one of the world’s largest gold mines, which is built into a glacier. On Wednesday, the Pervomaisky District Court in…

‘They can’t arrest all of us’: Rand Paul critics melt down as he encourages people to defy CDC & ‘drunk on power’ Pelosi

‘They can’t arrest all of us’: Rand Paul critics melt down as he encourages people to defy CDC & ‘drunk on power’ Pelosi


Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has been labeled “dangerous” by his critics over a video encouraging Americans to defy Covid-19 regulations from the “petty tyrant” health officials and the government, including mask mandates. “It’s time for us to resist. They can’t arrest all…

Russia calls for broad agreements on peaceful cooperation between countries – Lavrov  Geopolitica.ru

Russia calls for broad agreements on peaceful cooperation between countries – Lavrov Geopolitica.ru


Moscow pursues a peaceful and responsible foreign policy, calling for broad agreements on the peaceful cooperation between countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper published on the Foreign Ministry’s website on Wednesday. “Russia has…

UN Special Rapporteur On Torture: “Authorities Are Viewing Their Own People As An Enemy” – Paul Joseph Watson

UN Special Rapporteur On Torture: “Authorities Are Viewing Their Own People As An Enemy” – Paul Joseph Watson


UN Special Rapporteur On Torture: “Authorities Are Viewing Their Own People As An Enemy” Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer responded to police brutality dished out to anti-lockdown protesters in Germany last weekend…

JOURNO-TERRORISM strikes again: Extreme threats, witch hunt tactics force Dr. Mercola to take down his ENTIRE website, wiping out 25 years of articles on nutrition and wellness

JOURNO-TERRORISM strikes again: Extreme threats, witch hunt tactics force Dr. Mercola to take down his ENTIRE website, wiping out 25 years of articles on nutrition and wellness


(Natural News) Big Pharma’s media lackeys — “journo-terrorists” — have struck again, this time unleashing a wave of death threats and vitriol against Dr. Joseph Mercola of Mercola.com, who just announced he’s been forced to take down his entire website of articles and…

Mass protests kick off in Paris after France’s constitutional court approves controversial Covid legislation (VIDEOS)

Mass protests kick off in Paris after France’s constitutional court approves controversial Covid legislation (VIDEOS)


Reinvigorated mass protests kicked off in the French capital shortly after the country’s top court upheld controversial legislation which makes a coronavirus ‘health pass’ mandatory for the general public. Hundreds of protesters marched through the streets of Paris on Thursday, heading towards…

Saigon Again! US Embassy Alerts All Americans To Depart Afghanistan “Immediately” As More Provincial Capitals Fall

Saigon Again! US Embassy Alerts All Americans To Depart Afghanistan “Immediately” As More Provincial Capitals Fall


Saigon again! Over the weekend a second provincial capital has fallen to the Taliban, this time in the north of Afghanistan, just days after the southern Nimruz province which borders Iran fell reportedly with barely any resistance from US-trained Afghan national forces….

US unveils new sanctions on Belarus over crackdown on protests after Biden meets with opposition puppet Tikhanovskaya

US unveils new sanctions on Belarus over crackdown on protests after Biden meets with opposition puppet Tikhanovskaya


The White House has announced a tranche of new economic measures against the government of Belarus, hitting a range of state industries including those in defense, energy, agriculture and the country’s National Olympic Committee. In a new order, US President Joe Biden…

“One Step Closer To Dictatorship”: Joe Rogan Slams Vaccine Passports, Warns Vax May Cause ‘Virulent Mutations’

“One Step Closer To Dictatorship”: Joe Rogan Slams Vaccine Passports, Warns Vax May Cause ‘Virulent Mutations’


“One Step Closer To Dictatorship”: Joe Rogan Slams Vaccine Passports, Warns Vax May Cause ‘Virulent Mutations’ Joe Rogan raised eyebrows during a Friday episode of his podcast, where he railed against vaccine passports and suggested that the vaccine may in fact lead…

Netanyahu accuses new govt of making Israel a US ‘protectorate,’ says ‘no surprises’ policy could help Biden stop attack on Iran

Netanyahu accuses new govt of making Israel a US ‘protectorate,’ says ‘no surprises’ policy could help Biden stop attack on Iran


Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the Jewish state’s new government of surrendering its independence to the US with its “no surprises” policy, which he said could tie Tel Aviv’s hands. The government led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has…

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Doctor in Sarasota Hospital Witnesses a 50-Year-Old Man Being ‘COVID Killed’ by Hospital Personnel – The Doctor Is Restrained When He Advocates for Patient (VIDEO)

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Doctor in Sarasota Hospital Witnesses a 50-Year-Old Man Being ‘COVID Killed’ by Hospital Personnel – The Doctor Is Restrained When He Advocates for Patient (VIDEO)


“Since when did hospitals turn into jails?” A doctor from Florida reported on his recent experience in the hospital.  Dr. Stephen Guffanti was entered into Sarasota Memorial Hospital in early August.  During his stay, he was roomed with another individual who had…

German military plane BANNED From Landing in Kabul, Merkel calls US-led Afghanistan mission ‘NOT AS SUCCESSFUL’ as hoped!

German military plane BANNED From Landing in Kabul, Merkel calls US-led Afghanistan mission ‘NOT AS SUCCESSFUL’ as hoped!


Its not your occupied territory anymore! Overcrowding on the runway at Kabul airport has forced a German military plane to divert and refuel without evacuating anyone on the ground. Meanwhile, Chancellor Angela Merkel bemoaned the lack of “success” in Afghanistan. Three Luftwaffe Airbus…

Jewish Jacinda imposes national lockdown in New Zealand’s triggering protests, as Covid outbreak grows to 7 cases!

Jewish Jacinda imposes national lockdown in New Zealand’s triggering protests, as Covid outbreak grows to 7 cases!


Global Jewish Conspiracy! Jewish Prime Minister of New Zeland, Jacinda Ardern, said infections reached SEVEN on Wednesday! It could have been 3, or 30, it doesn’t matter anymore!!! Pay attention, 7 effing cases! Ardern also said she expects the case count to…

Russia’s southern resorts see huge growth in domestic tourism as residents choose Sochi over PCR tests & quarantine

Russia’s southern resorts see huge growth in domestic tourism as residents choose Sochi over PCR tests & quarantine


While the majority of the world’s tourist resorts have been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions, one area has thrived. In Russia’s south, Krasnodar Region has seen huge growth in tourist revenue. According to Moscow business daily RBK, from…

US Intelligence Revises Afghan Estimate: Kabul To Be Overrun “Sooner Than Feared”

US Intelligence Revises Afghan Estimate: Kabul To Be Overrun “Sooner Than Feared”


US Intelligence Revises Afghan Estimate: Kabul To Be Overrun “Sooner Than Feared” Previously a widely reported US intelligence assessment from June predicted that after the US troop exit from Afghanistan is complete (which at this point has essentially been accomplished), the densely populated…

Transformation Of ‘Lol’ Underscores A Culture Built on Superficial Tech Interactions – Gabe Kaminsky The Federalist

Transformation Of ‘Lol’ Underscores A Culture Built on Superficial Tech Interactions – Gabe Kaminsky The Federalist


“Lol” [laugh out loud] and other common texting lingo may be a contingent means for people to express laughter or amusement—but there is something else going on here; something I worry largely goes unaddressed in the repetitive online space. Screen-based communication—which has…

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