The Police State’s Reign Of Terror Continues… With Help From The Supreme Court – John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

The Police State’s Reign Of Terror Continues… With Help From The Supreme Court – John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead


John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead via The Rurtherford Institute. “Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges.” – George Carlin You think you’ve got rights? Think again. All of those freedoms we cherish—the ones enshrined in the Constitution,…

Tyrants of the Nanny State: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best – John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute

Tyrants of the Nanny State: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best – John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute


This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute. “Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one…

‘In the Spirit of Mandela’: International Tribunal Seeks to Charge U.S. Government with Crimes Against Humanity – Bob Lederer & Matt Meyer, Global Research

‘In the Spirit of Mandela’: International Tribunal Seeks to Charge U.S. Government with Crimes Against Humanity – Bob Lederer & Matt Meyer, Global Research


In this era of police violence, pandemic worries, and economic crisis, it is no surprise that U.S. (and local) government agencies have a poor track record of sharing information honestly and directly—especially information about their own complicity in actions and policies that…

It’s UN Meddling, Not Ethiopia’s Rejection Thereof, That’s A Stain On Our Conscience – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

It’s UN Meddling, Not Ethiopia’s Rejection Thereof, That’s A Stain On Our Conscience – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The only stain on our conscience is that supposedly neutral UN humanitarian wings and Ethiopia’s alleged American ally joined forces to support an armed anti-government group in Africa’s second most populous country that’s pursuing regime change ends through what Addis Ababa regards…

ECONOMIC TERRORISM: U.S. Treasury says store shelves will remain empty until everyone gets vaccinated for covid

ECONOMIC TERRORISM: U.S. Treasury says store shelves will remain empty until everyone gets vaccinated for covid


Wally Adeyemo, Joe Biden’s pick for the second-highest office in the Treasury Department, is threatening Americans with prolonged shortages and empty store shelves until every last person is “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). In order to “save lives,” Adeyemo has indicated that…

Chinese army vows to ‘CRUSH’ Taiwan separatism & ‘external interference’ after shock troops conduct assault drills – reports

Chinese army vows to ‘CRUSH’ Taiwan separatism & ‘external interference’ after shock troops conduct assault drills – reports


The Chinese military has warned it will “resolutely crush” any attempt to split Taiwan from China, a day after it shared a video of “shock” troops conducting beach landing and assault drills right across the sea from the island. In a People’s…

Addicted to Military Keynesianism: Why Can’t Even Our Most Progressive Politicians Break with the Military Industrial Complex? – Joan Roelofs Global Research

Addicted to Military Keynesianism: Why Can’t Even Our Most Progressive Politicians Break with the Military Industrial Complex? – Joan Roelofs Global Research


New Hampshire, like many other states, is deeply penetrated by military culture, funding, and institutions. Yet its presence is hardly visible to many people. This is amazing, as the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about was a mere fragment of…

Failure of Making the World in its Own Neoliberal Image With the World Bank’s Scrapped Doing Business Indicators – Goran Sumkoski

Failure of Making the World in its Own Neoliberal Image With the World Bank’s Scrapped Doing Business Indicators – Goran Sumkoski


As God created man in his own image, the globalist international financial organizations similarly created and projected the world around their neoliberal agenda – represented among other key tools and instruments at their disposal – by a variety of so-called “standard-setting” governance…

The Collapse of the American State Is Underway – The Future of the Western World Is Tyranny – Paul Craig Roberts

The Collapse of the American State Is Underway – The Future of the Western World Is Tyranny – Paul Craig Roberts


The homogeneity of America was intentionally destroyed in the name of “diversity” and “multiculturalism.” Ethnic diversity can only succeed if the immigrants are assimilated to the existing language and culture. In America this happened for awhile, but it was abandoned. Multiculturalism is…

Russia’s dramatic decision to cut direct diplomatic ties with NATO further proof that Moscow no longer cares what the West thinks

Russia’s dramatic decision to cut direct diplomatic ties with NATO further proof that Moscow no longer cares what the West thinks


By Paul Robinson, a professor at the University of Ottawa. He writes about Russian and Soviet history, military history and military ethics, and is author of the Irrussianality blog. Two decades ago, President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart, Bill Clinton, discussed Russia potentially…

Mali summons French envoy after Macron says Malian govt. ‘isn’t even a government’ in a row over troops withdrawal

Mali summons French envoy after Macron says Malian govt. ‘isn’t even a government’ in a row over troops withdrawal


Mali has summoned its French ambassador following “unfriendly and derogatory” remarks by the French president, who argued that Bamako lacks legitimacy to criticize the withdrawal of the French troops from the country. A diplomatic row raging between France and Mali deepened further…

The ‘War On Cash’ Endgame Is Here With a Programmable Digital Currency for Controlling Entire Society – Kit Knightly

The ‘War On Cash’ Endgame Is Here With a Programmable Digital Currency for Controlling Entire Society – Kit Knightly


Kit Knightly via “Programmable Digital Currency”: The next stage of the new normal? A programmable digital currency would have, coded into it, the ability to control our entire society. And it looks like that’s where The New Normal is heading next. The…

“Foreign Aid” Used to Finance 1.8 Billion Vaccine Doses. Western Governments, Billionaires and Big Pharma Come to the “Rescue of the Poor Countries” – Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research

“Foreign Aid” Used to Finance 1.8 Billion Vaccine Doses. Western Governments, Billionaires and Big Pharma Come to the “Rescue of the Poor Countries” – Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research


Introduction  The upward trend in mortality and morbidity resulting from the Covid-19 vaccination program is overwhelming. People are dying Worldwide. The health risks of the mRNA vaccine are fully documented. Thrombosis, Blood Clots, Myocarditis, Heart Attacks, Cancer,  The mRNA “experimental” vaccine was launched…

CDC Director Says Vaccines ‘Can’t Prevent Transmission’; Fauci Says ‘Too Early To Tell’ On Holiday Gatherings – ZeroHedge

CDC Director Says Vaccines ‘Can’t Prevent Transmission’; Fauci Says ‘Too Early To Tell’ On Holiday Gatherings – ZeroHedge


CDC Director Says Vaccines ‘Can’t Prevent Transmission’; Fauci Says ‘Too Early To Tell’ On Holiday Gatherings CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said last week that Covid vaccines ‘can’t prevent transmission‘ anymore despite working “exceptionally well.” “Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue…

Brussels to use ‘ALL powers’ to ensure its law reigns supreme over Poland’s after landmark Warsaw court ruling – EU chief

Brussels to use ‘ALL powers’ to ensure its law reigns supreme over Poland’s after landmark Warsaw court ruling – EU chief


Following Warsaw’s landmark verdict that ruled Polish law takes supremacy over some parts of the EU’s treaties, the bloc’s chief has said Brussels will do everything in its power to ensure EU laws retain primacy. In a statement issued on Friday, the…

‘Veil of silence’ let up to 330,000 children be abused by clergy and lay members within France’s Catholic Church since 1950s

‘Veil of silence’ let up to 330,000 children be abused by clergy and lay members within France’s Catholic Church since 1950s


A 2,500-page report conducted by an independent inquiry into allegations of abuse and subsequent cover-ups within France’s Catholic Church has declared that a “veil of silence” allowed clergy to assault victims for decades. Jean-Marc Sauve, the president of the commission that examined…

Turkey, Israel, and Azerbaijan Create Tensions for Iran – Steven Sahiounie Global Research

Turkey, Israel, and Azerbaijan Create Tensions for Iran – Steven Sahiounie Global Research


Iran conducted military exercises near its border with Azerbaijan on October 1.  The tensions between the two neighbors were caused by Israel and Turkey, who are allies of Azerbaijan and play divisive roles. Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev commented he was surprised by Iran’s military…

Annexing Kosovo to create ‘Greater Albania’ would shatter peace in Balkans, Russia warns, telling West to help end ‘provocations’

Annexing Kosovo to create ‘Greater Albania’ would shatter peace in Balkans, Russia warns, telling West to help end ‘provocations’


Albania’s ambitions to expand the country’s territory pose a risk to peace in the Balkans, breaking decades of relative stability following fierce fighting after the collapse of Yugoslavia, Moscow has said, after recent tensions. On Sunday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova…

Bosnian Serbs to ‘withdraw consent’ for joint military, taxes and courts, citing ‘violence’ by international overseer

Bosnian Serbs to ‘withdraw consent’ for joint military, taxes and courts, citing ‘violence’ by international overseer


Joint military, taxation and court agreements in Bosnia-Herzegovina have been used to violate Serb rights and the 1995 peace deal, said Milorad Dodik, member of the country’s tripartite presidency from Republika Srpska. Republika Srpska, the Serb entity that makes up half of…

Declassified Report Definitively Debunks ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks That US Officials Blamed On Russia – ZeroHedge News

Declassified Report Definitively Debunks ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks That US Officials Blamed On Russia – ZeroHedge News


The mysterious Havana Syndrome “sonic attacks” have been back in the media of late, especially after Vice President Kamala Harris’ August tour of Southeast Asian countries was briefly disrupted over claims of a Havana Syndrome attack on US Embassy personnel in Vietnam….

Johnson&Johnson employees don’t want kids to take their own company’s COVID-19 vaccine – Arsenio Toledo

Johnson&Johnson employees don’t want kids to take their own company’s COVID-19 vaccine – Arsenio Toledo


An investigation by Project Veritas has uncovered significant anti-vaccine sentiment inside big pharma company Johnson & Johnson. In the organization’s latest report, two of the company’s employees admitted that they believe children should not receive the company’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines because of potential long-term effects. The…

Bolsonaro remains eager to make concessions to US, but what will he get in return? – Uriel Araujo

Bolsonaro remains eager to make concessions to US, but what will he get in return? – Uriel Araujo


Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. A potential new global player in 2010, Brazil lost much of its soft power and is increasingly isolated internationally. Since Jair Bolsonaro’s inauguration, Brasilia-Washington relations have been characterised by Brazilian unilateral…

‘Freedom without certificates!’ Thousands protest Covid passports & planned vaccine mandate in Romania (VIDEOS)

‘Freedom without certificates!’ Thousands protest Covid passports & planned vaccine mandate in Romania (VIDEOS)


Massive crowds have flooded the streets of Bucharest, protesting against vaccination passports, curfews for the unvaxxed and other newly introduced restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus in Romania. An estimated 15,000 people gathered in University and Victory squares outside…

Shipping workers warn of imminent global transport systems collapse – Nolan Barton

Shipping workers warn of imminent global transport systems collapse – Nolan Barton


A global transport systems collapse looms due to the lingering impacts of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In an open letter, a coalition of unions that represent shipping workers across the globe warns of the imminent collapse as fragmented and inconsistent pandemic restrictions around the world toss international…

It’s not just Biden’s snubs & US sanctions, Erdogan’s Turkey and Putin’s Russia are seeking closer ties out of sheer pragmatism – Tarik Cyril Amar

It’s not just Biden’s snubs & US sanctions, Erdogan’s Turkey and Putin’s Russia are seeking closer ties out of sheer pragmatism – Tarik Cyril Amar


By Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian at Koç University in Istanbul working on Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, the history of World War II, the cultural Cold War, and the politics of memory.  Just a few days ago, the Presidents of Turkey and…

US Meddling In Nicaraguan Affairs – Leonid Savin

US Meddling In Nicaraguan Affairs – Leonid Savin


Congress unveils comprehensive action plan against Daniel Ortega’s government. On 21 September, the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security, Migration and International Economic Policy held a hearing entitled “An International Response to Ortega’s Destruction of Democracy in Nicaragua”. The profile of…

US ‘Committed’ To Open-Ended Occupation Of Syria As Countries Begin Normalization With Assad – Dave DeCamp

US ‘Committed’ To Open-Ended Occupation Of Syria As Countries Begin Normalization With Assad – Dave DeCamp


Dave DeCamp via On Thursday, a senior Syrian Kurdish official was in Washington and met with US officials who told her that the US would continue its military presence in eastern Syria. “Recently, everybody thought the United States would withdraw but they…

Biden’s bid to woo Moscow shows US is tired of conflict with Russia over Ukraine, and is more worried about war with China instead – Fyodor Lukyanov

Biden’s bid to woo Moscow shows US is tired of conflict with Russia over Ukraine, and is more worried about war with China instead – Fyodor Lukyanov


By Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs, chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and research director of the Valdai International Discussion Club. Victoria Nuland, US President Joe Biden’s envoy for European and Eurasian affairs,…

FBI Counterterrorism Official Admits Agency Doesn’t Track Antifa Violence

FBI Counterterrorism Official Admits Agency Doesn’t Track Antifa Violence


Last week, the FBI’s Assistant Director of Counterterrorism, Timothy Langan, admitted that the Bureau doesn’t track ‘Antifa’ violence – as they don’t consider the leftist group to be an ‘organization.’ Via TownHall: In a congressional hearing last week titled “Confronting Violent White…

Wikipedia Co-Founder Criticizes Site, Says It Has Slid Into “Leftist Propaganda” – Isabel van Brugen The Epoch Times

Wikipedia Co-Founder Criticizes Site, Says It Has Slid Into “Leftist Propaganda” – Isabel van Brugen The Epoch Times


By Isabel van Brugen via The Epoch Times. Wikipedia has in recent years drifted away from neutrality and slid into “leftist propaganda,” according to its co-founder Larry Sanger. Sanger, who parted ways with Wikipedia almost two decades ago over the project’s direction, told…

German state allows ALL businesses to ban unvaxxed customers – even for groceries & other essentials – RT

German state allows ALL businesses to ban unvaxxed customers – even for groceries & other essentials – RT


The German state of Hesse has become the first to allow businesses to deny the unvaccinated access even to basic necessities, setting a troubling precedent as its neighbors wrestle with protests against vaccination mandates. Hessian supermarkets have been granted permission to deny…

Algeria recalls envoy, accuses Paris of ‘interference’ after Macron slams post-colonial ‘hatred of France’ amid migrant visa row

Algeria recalls envoy, accuses Paris of ‘interference’ after Macron slams post-colonial ‘hatred of France’ amid migrant visa row


Algeria recalled its ambassador to France and accused its former colonizer of “interference,” after French President Emmanuel Macron criticized the country’s government. Meanwhile, a visa row has erupted between the two nations. The ambassador was recalled on Saturday after French President Emmanuel…

Shouldn’t France Seek To Contain Turkish Influence In Africa Instead Of Russian? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Shouldn’t France Seek To Contain Turkish Influence In Africa Instead Of Russian? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


France’s Mediterranean rival Turkey poses a much more comprehensive threat to the Western European Great Power’s interests in “Françafrique” than Russia would ever be capable of doing. The increasingly intense French-Russian competition in Africa, especially most recently over Mali, has raised questions about…

You might like this! Facebook & Twitter recommendation algorithms could be deactivated under new plans from Russian lawmakers – RT

You might like this! Facebook & Twitter recommendation algorithms could be deactivated under new plans from Russian lawmakers – RT


A new bill to be put before Russia’s parliament could reportedly enable the government to regulate and restrict algorithms that recommend content and accounts which Moscow officials say promote social discord or break local laws.  On Friday, sources within the State Duma…

Disgraced ex-President Saakashvili taken to Georgian jail as prosecutors vow to put him behind bars for at least 6 years

Disgraced ex-President Saakashvili taken to Georgian jail as prosecutors vow to put him behind bars for at least 6 years


On Friday the government of Georgia issued the “shock” announcement that authorities have arrested Saakashvili, though perhaps entirely expected given the ex-president’s 2018 conviction in absentia stemming from accusations of abuse of office. “I want to inform the public that the third…

US Congress outlines new phase of economic attacks and hybrid war on Nicaragua’s Sandinista government – Ben Norton The Grayzone

US Congress outlines new phase of economic attacks and hybrid war on Nicaragua’s Sandinista government – Ben Norton The Grayzone


The US Congress invited neoconservative regime-change strategists to discuss the next stage of hybrid warfare on Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, which will likely involve creating an economic blockade, refusing to recognize the legitimacy of President Daniel Ortega, and borrowing tactics the Trump administration…

Ukrainian Politicians Dominate List Of Elites Exposed In ‘Pandora Papers’ – ZeroHedge News

Ukrainian Politicians Dominate List Of Elites Exposed In ‘Pandora Papers’ – ZeroHedge News


A giant data dump is once more detailing the offshore tax activities of the worlds’ rich elites. Keeping with the alliterations, the release was dubbed the Pandora Papers by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which had also coordinated the release of previous…

Inspector General Audit Finds “Widespread” Problems With FBI’s FISA Applications – Jack Phillips and Ken Silva

Inspector General Audit Finds “Widespread” Problems With FBI’s FISA Applications – Jack Phillips and Ken Silva


Jack Phillips and Ken Silva via The Epoch Times. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a report (pdf) on Sept. 30 on the FBI’s applications to surveil U.S. citizens, finding “widespread” failure that “raises serious questions” and criticizing agents for not fixing flaws spotted…

Poland won’t ‘succumb to lawlessness’, justice minister declares, refusing to ‘pay any zloty’ to EU over fine for judicial reforms

Poland won’t ‘succumb to lawlessness’, justice minister declares, refusing to ‘pay any zloty’ to EU over fine for judicial reforms


Poland’s justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro has declared that the country won’t accept “unlawful penalties” over changes to its judicial system, rejecting a punishment handed down by the EU’s top court. The comments were made at a press conference on Thursday, after the…

The American ‘System of Governance’ Is a Lethal Slaveowners’ Monstrosity – Paul Street

The American ‘System of Governance’ Is a Lethal Slaveowners’ Monstrosity – Paul Street


“No Change” Joe: “That Patience Has Been Rewarded for More Than 240 Years”. Who can ever forget the brilliant oratory of Joe “Nothing Would Fundamentally Change” Biden two nights after Election Day last November? “Democracy is sometimes messy,” Joe “No Empathy, Give Me a…

Why Is Germany – The 4th Largest Economy In The World – Defended By US Military? Mike Shedlock

Why Is Germany – The 4th Largest Economy In The World – Defended By US Military? Mike Shedlock


Mike Shedlock via Let’s discuss Germany, NATO, defense spending, the EU, and a return to historical allies highlighted by Aukus. America’s New Strategy Excellent video podcast by George Friedman on Aukus, NATO, the EU, and America’s New Strategy. For background on…

Central Banks & The Looming Financial Reckoning – Willem Buiter Project Syndicate

Central Banks & The Looming Financial Reckoning – Willem Buiter Project Syndicate


Willem Buiter via Project Syndicate. Across the advanced economies, central banks have rightly prioritized maintaining financial stability and supporting the real economy over fighting inflation with interest-rate hikes. But with financial fragility rife and public and private leverage at all-time highs, their…

Taliban Condemns US Drone Flights Over Afghan Airspace, Warns Of “Consequences” – ZeroHedge News

Taliban Condemns US Drone Flights Over Afghan Airspace, Warns Of “Consequences” – ZeroHedge News


The Taliban is condemning the United States for violating Afghanistan’s airspace with drones, calling the flights a severe violation of prior US-Taliban peace agreements reached in Doha, warning of “consequences” should they continue. The statements come a week after the Pentagon said it…

Congress Wants to Put Even More Troops in Russia’s Backyard – Prof. Anatol Lieven Global Research

Congress Wants to Put Even More Troops in Russia’s Backyard – Prof. Anatol Lieven Global Research


The “Sustaining Deterrence in Europe” amendment inserted with bipartisan support into the Defense Authorization Act 2022, represents the very worst of congressional intervention in foreign and security policy. The key passage of the amendment, which was introduced by Rep Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), ranking member…

‘Mad scientists playing God’: Florida’s DeSantis calls for Fauci to be fired for ‘dangerous & cruel’ experiments on dogs

‘Mad scientists playing God’: Florida’s DeSantis calls for Fauci to be fired for ‘dangerous & cruel’ experiments on dogs


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has joined the chorus of US lawmakers lashing out at White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci for funding ‘hazardous’ virus research and ‘despicable’ experiments on dogs. At issue are Fauci’s decisions as director of the National Institute…

“Bitcoin Really Does Fix This”: El Salvador’s Adoption Of Bitcoin Will Cost Money Transfer Companies Hundreds Of Millions In Fees

“Bitcoin Really Does Fix This”: El Salvador’s Adoption Of Bitcoin Will Cost Money Transfer Companies Hundreds Of Millions In Fees


If you’re from El Salvador living and working elsewhere in the world, Bitcoin wallet adoption in the country fixes an age-old problem that clunky money-transfer companies like Western Union used to have to solve: getting money back home. According to CNBC, about…

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