“Idiots in the Pentagon Are Pushing the U.S. into a Military Confrontation with China over Nothing,” Says Former Top Policy Adviser

“Idiots in the Pentagon Are Pushing the U.S. into a Military Confrontation with China over Nothing,” Says Former Top Policy Adviser


Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley claimed last week that China was close to a “sputnik moment” due to its successful test of a hypersonic missile. However, U.S. space-based early warning systems can detect hypersonic missiles, marking them as no threat at all….

UK warns France it has 48 hours to withdraw threats and resolve fishing row or face legal action over ‘unreasonable’ behaviour

UK warns France it has 48 hours to withdraw threats and resolve fishing row or face legal action over ‘unreasonable’ behaviour


UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has warned France to cease its “unreasonable threats” against Britain and the Channel Islands, setting a 48-hour deadline for Paris to resolve the escalating row over fisheries. Speaking to the UK media on Monday, Truss warned that…

It’s Extremely Unlikely That Russia Will Militarily Intervene In Ukraine – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

It’s Extremely Unlikely That Russia Will Militarily Intervene In Ukraine – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Observers should acknowledge the shortcomings inherent in both the Alt-Media and Mainstream Media’s latest near-identical predictions about Russia supposedly preparing for an imminent military intervention in Ukraine. There’s been a lot of chatter lately about the possibility of Russia militarily intervening in…

Sleepwalking into a “Dangerous Conflict”: Russia-NATO War over Ukraine Is Becoming Increasingly Unavoidable – Prof. Glenn Diesen

Sleepwalking into a “Dangerous Conflict”: Russia-NATO War over Ukraine Is Becoming Increasingly Unavoidable – Prof. Glenn Diesen


Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the West isn’t taking his country’s “red lines” seriously and the US and its allies could be about to sleepwalk into a dangerous conflict with the world’s largest nuclear power. Red lines are about deterrence. The purpose…

EU Massacre Continues: 29,934 Deaths 2,804,900 Injuries Following COVID Shots as of 6th of November in European Database of Adverse Reactions

EU Massacre Continues: 29,934 Deaths 2,804,900 Injuries Following COVID Shots as of 6th of November in European Database of Adverse Reactions


The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 29,934 fatalities, and 2,804,900 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who…

Wang Yi’s visit to Seoul and Other Aspects of Relations between China and South Korea – Konstantin Asmolov New Eastern Outlook

Wang Yi’s visit to Seoul and Other Aspects of Relations between China and South Korea – Konstantin Asmolov New Eastern Outlook


Unlike the relationship between China and North Korea, which demonstrates a long-standing traditional friendship, the situation with South Korea is more complicated. On the one hand, high-ranking officials of China openly criticize the policy of the ROK, thereby Seoul periodically starts to…

China Celebrates Xi-Biden Meeting as Win over ‘Eager’ America, Biden ‘Emanating Weakness’ with ChinaMartel Breitbart News

China Celebrates Xi-Biden Meeting as Win over ‘Eager’ America, Biden ‘Emanating Weakness’ with ChinaMartel Breitbart News


China’s Global Times propaganda outlet celebrated the over three-hour-long video call between President Joe Biden and dictator Xi Jinping on Monday as a win for China, highlighting Biden’s apparent “eagerness” to make nice with the Chinese leader. The call occurred on Monday night…

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