2022: Blowing Up Ukraine – Konrad Rękas OneWorld
The scalawags will blow up this unfortunate country rather than stop plundering it.

For almost eight years now, Ukraine has remained the greatest threat to security and peace in Europe. The internal instability of this country, which is being torn apart between the oligarchs, and the western capital, is a ticking time bomb.  Without disarming it there can be no meaningful reconfiguration of the international order, not only in this region of the world.  Meanwhile the comedian formally leading the state probably believed that is Napoleon he had played before. And he would sooner set fire to this land than let its inhabitants live in peace.

Zelensky the Oligarch

What is supposed to be the most imported in 2022 that is so-called De-Oligarchising Act coming into force in May.  The name is a bit misleading, as 55% Ukrainians are considered an oligarch … Volodymyr Zelensky himself.  Another 23% believe that he just wants to multiply personal wealth to equal to the main rulers of the national economy thanks to the new law   Either way, nobody believes in the good intentions of the Servant of the People, because the whole law could be titled “Against PoroshenkoMedvedchuk and especially AKHMETOV” for greater clarity.  It is the former head of the Donetsk Clan who is now the main target of Zelensky’s sponsors.  Even Ihor Kolomoyskyi, oftenarguing with his former court jester – restored an alliance with him in this matter.  After 7tth May 2022 people included in the list of oligarchs will be obliged to inform about any purchase worth more than $5,000.  What is quite funny as any respectable Ukrainian oligarch would never wear a single thing costing such a crap money (the official average wage in Ukraine is around $500, the median earnings are less than $200).

Everyone’s Scandals

Of course, everyone knows how the real Ukrainian “fight against corruption” looks like. Zelensky solemnly promised it to Biden, only to be left till the end of a term.  Following that – for 15 months he could not find anyone for the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Office, because no one met the basic criteria.  Simple – there is no one in the president’s circle who does not take bribes…  In addition, probably all the oligarchs and their political puppets are under the wall because of corruption scandals.  There is Rotterdam Plus against Poroshenko and Akhmetov and Pandora Papers confirming that Kolomoyskyi has straight paid to Zelensky.  And everyone knows for what – for sweeping under the rug a swindle with the PrivateBank from which $5.6 billion just disappeared.  The only surprise may be the price – the President of Ukraine can be bought for just a stupid $40 million, that means less than a dollar per a citizen’s head.  Finally, the corruption charges were brought by Zelensky’s team against Oleksandr Tupytsky, chairman of the Constitutional Tribunal, whom the President simply and against the Constitution fired from the post, simultaneously slandering him to Americans.  And that is not enough. The Servants of the People had similar fight with the Kiev District Administrative Court and its head, Pavlo Vovk, who also obstructed the activities of the presidential administration. In a word, as it is in Ukraine – everyone stole, steals and is going to steal as long as nothing lefts to be stolen.

What else can be stolen?

The president’s people eliminate competitors because there is still a lot to be grabbed in Ukraine.  The companies related to the presidential party’s run multi-billion-dollar road, railway and thermo-modernization programs.  Zelensky is in a hurry to keep up with the oligarchs and pay off sponsors.  However, he knows that has to pay for the consent and the privilege of the time obtained from the West.  The Anti-Oligarchic Act is therefore to be a barrier to separate domestic oligarchs from the goods secured for Western competitors. In 2021, there was a partial liberalisation of land trading and the legalization of the latifundiums already existed in Ukraine under the cover of perpetual leases or joint ventures. And in 2022, the privatisation of approximately 700 (out of the remaining 3,500) state-owned entities is planned, including huge mining and metallurgical plants, regional energy companies and railways. Ukraine is a bargain for the West – to let the Servants of the Nation have at least a few more months to get something for themselves.

After all, Zelensky knows that even the most favourable polls give him no more than 23% support, and his party faces even worse result (at most 18%).  And he himself already bred his own potential successor: Dmytro Razumkov, dismissed from the position of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada after his transfer on Akhmetov’s side – is almost officially presented in this oligarch’s televisions as the future president of the Samostiyna.  So, the actor takes new roles: in Kiev he pretends to be a Banderist, in Israel excuses for neo-Nazism, in the Quadriga he goes to Ankara scaring everywhere with thousands of Russian soldiers who are already heating their engines before the march to Kiev.  Ukraine wants to draw Turkey into a conflict with Russia, but someone else would benefit – primarily Great Britain, the United States and Germany.  Zelensky looks for stupid all over the World. A what if he doesn’t find anyone?

In Ukraine war is traditionally considered the last chance of a dying administration.  If frightening is not enough, Zelensky will probably not hesitate to create provocation.  At the same time understanding that it would finish him in his masters’ eyes.

The Brits on the Dnieper

But even in this situation the Brits can offer a lifeline to the discredited Kiev junta.  British troops make some walkabouts near the border with Donbass, adding credibility to Kiev’s war hysteria.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his arrival in the Spring, and it can be assumed that in the current situation in the Ukrainian capital, they will give him a better reception than Khmelnytsky 374 years ago.  With US-Russia talks still ongoing in Geneva, the role of the war hawks’ nest is assigned to the United Kingdom.  And that is what the Zelensky’s people seem to count on.  The price is to be a sale of national assets worth at least $4 billion – but valued at just 430 million bucks.  Another $11.8 billion is to be spent on defence, of course also in the hands of Western capital.  And the final price may be peace in our part of the world and the lives of thousands, and perhaps millions, of Ukrainians.

The scalawags will blow up this unfortunate country rather than stop plundering it.

By Konrad Rękas

Polish journalist and economist living in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

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