The Three Types of US-Led Regime Change Attacks On Sovereign Nations – Joe Lauria

The Three Types of US-Led Regime Change Attacks On Sovereign Nations – Joe Lauria


When the U.S. overthrows a foreign government it either works from the top down, the bottom up, or through military invasion, writes Joe Lauria. Chilean presidential palace during U.S.-backed coup, Sept. 11, 1973. (Library of the Chilean National Congress/Wikipedia) Throughout the long, documented history of…

Ex-Pentagon, NATO Official Calls For Another War-Criminal Iraq-Style ‘Coalition of the Willing’ For War With Russia

Ex-Pentagon, NATO Official Calls For Another War-Criminal Iraq-Style ‘Coalition of the Willing’ For War With Russia


  Defense One published an advocacy piece masquerading as an analysis on January 11 by Evelyn Farkas, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia and senior advisor to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, NATO’s top military commander. She flouted…

China Can Play A Crucial Role In Kazakhstan’s Democratic Security Strategy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

China Can Play A Crucial Role In Kazakhstan’s Democratic Security Strategy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


President Tokayev’s Sinologist credentials and the many experiences that he acquired while working in China make him the perfect leader for implementing his country’s new common prosperity policy and consequently enhancing its democratic security through the formation of new social contract. Last…

Lessons To Be Learned From Nicaragua’s Recognition Of Beijing – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Lessons To Be Learned From Nicaragua’s Recognition Of Beijing – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Recognizing Taipei isn’t an insurance policy against US meddling; it’s a guarantee that US meddling will become institutionalized to the detriment of that country’s people. Those governments who begin practicing comparatively more independent policies risk being punished despite still recognizing Taipei exactly…

Jordan Peterson Drops Tenured Professorship, Blasts Stunningly Corrupt Academia

Jordan Peterson Drops Tenured Professorship, Blasts Stunningly Corrupt Academia


“Diversity, inclusion and equity” are destroying academia, the conservative author has warned Canadian psychologist and author Jordan Peterson has announced he is resigning as a tenured professor at the University of Toronto, citing concerns with academia’s shift towards “Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity…

Will A Russia-India-China Heads Of State Summit Be Held This Year? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Will A Russia-India-China Heads Of State Summit Be Held This Year? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Very strategic shifts have recently taken place in Eurasia. Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov revealed in mid-December after the video meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin that “The topic of cooperation in the Russia-India-China format was addressed.” According to…

Moscow Doesn’t Want Mediation With Kiev, Just Its Implementation Of The Minsk Accords – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Moscow Doesn’t Want Mediation With Kiev, Just Its Implementation Of The Minsk Accords – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Instead of offering to mediate between the Russian and Ukrainian leaders, ‘Israel’ and Turkey would do well to gently nudge Kiev in the direction of fulfilling its international obligations. Turkish President Erdogan earlier this week repeated his prior offer to mediate between Russia and…

The Age Of Intolerance: Cancel Culture’s War On Free Speech – John Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

The Age Of Intolerance: Cancel Culture’s War On Free Speech – John Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead


“Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners.” George Carlin Cancel culture—political correctness amped up on steroids, the self-righteousness of a narcissistic age, and a mass-marketed pseudo-morality that is little more than fascism disguised as tolerance—has shifted us into an Age of…

Russia Can Play An Important Role In Implementing Pakistan’s National Security Policy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Russia Can Play An Important Role In Implementing Pakistan’s National Security Policy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Russian-Pakistani ties aren’t strengthening at the expense of American, Chinese, or Indian interests, but complement each side’s respective balancing acts in the bi-multipolar world order while also standing to deliver tangible benefits to their people, both directly and also in terms of…

Can Humanity Survive Washington’s Delusional Belief In Its Omnipotence? – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Can Humanity Survive Washington’s Delusional Belief In Its Omnipotence? – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


The following article entitled: US promises ‘robust response’ to Russia if it invades Ukraine – White House NATO will work to put Moscow in a “weaker strategic position,” senior official warns, confirms that that the CIA rules America. If Russia invades Ukraine, the US will move…

Biden’s “Minor Incursion” Remark Reveals A Lot About His Team’s Russia Strategy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Biden’s “Minor Incursion” Remark Reveals A Lot About His Team’s Russia Strategy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


It’s clear that the Biden Administration remains divided over what to do but that some members within it are dangerously flirting with the possibility of provoking what they mistakenly think might be a ‘manageable crisis’ with Russia. US President Joe Biden scandalously…

George Soros’ Group Wants YouTube To Censor Dozens Of Conservative News Outlets – Joseph Vazquez

George Soros’ Group Wants YouTube To Censor Dozens Of Conservative News Outlets – Joseph Vazquez


An international network of so-called “fact-checking” organizations funded by massive liberal organizations called on YouTube to censor more content the network disagrees with. The leftist International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), a project of the Poynter Institute, published an open letter whining that YouTube…

‘We Will Fight Them in the Streets’: Djokovic Dad Says Australia Holding Son ‘Captive’ Over Vaccines

‘We Will Fight Them in the Streets’: Djokovic Dad Says Australia Holding Son ‘Captive’ Over Vaccines


World’s number one tennis player Novak Djokovic has been denied entry to Australia on Thursday and had his visa canceled after being granted a medical exemption from the country’s COVID-19 vaccination requirements. Health Minister Greg Hunt issued a statement saying Djokovic “failed to provide appropriate evidence…

Vaccination Mandates – Costantino Ceoldo Interview With Augusto Sinagra –

Vaccination Mandates – Costantino Ceoldo Interview With Augusto Sinagra –


Costantino Ceoldo Interview with Augusto Sinagra The latest Decree-Law of the Draghi government introduced a strengthened version of the Nazi laissez-passer already introduced in the previous months, a vaccination mandate for all Italian public employees and a mandatory vaccination for all over-50s…

COVID Lab-Leak Whitewash Has Been ‘The Death Of Science’ Says Professor Who Found ‘Unique Fingerprints’

COVID Lab-Leak Whitewash Has Been ‘The Death Of Science’ Says Professor Who Found ‘Unique Fingerprints’


University of London professor Angus Dalgleish, who co-authored a paper in summer 2020 after spotting “unique fingerprints” in Covid-19 samples that point to genetic manipulation, says that he’s been the victim of a “disgusting whitewash,” and that anyone suggesting a non-natural origin…

The Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline Might Herald Larger Russian Regional Ambitions – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline Might Herald Larger Russian Regional Ambitions – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


This isn’t wishful thinking speculation either but premised on recent reports about what Iran’s Minister of Petroleum Javad Owji expected to discuss with his Russian counterpart Nikolay Shulginov on Tuesday in Moscow the day before President Ebrahim Raisi’s trip there. The Pakistan Stream…

Why the Kazakhstan Crisis Is a Much Bigger Deal than Western Media Is Letting On – Clint Ehrlich

Why the Kazakhstan Crisis Is a Much Bigger Deal than Western Media Is Letting On – Clint Ehrlich


Geopolitical commentator Clint Ehrlich has reported while on the ground in Moscow that “the situation in Kazakhstan is a much bigger deal than Western media is letting on.” He further argues that the mayhem unleashed this past week and ongoing violent destabilization significantly increases the risk of…

Post-Hybrid War Kazakhstan Will Maintain Its Multi-Alignment Policy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Post-Hybrid War Kazakhstan Will Maintain Its Multi-Alignment Policy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Moscow is expected to remain the ‘first among equals’ in Nur-Sultan’s multi-alignment matrix though it’ll do well to keep an eye on Ankara’s comprehensive gains across the coming decade. The success of the Russian-led CSTO’s limited peacekeeping mission in Kazakhstan has led to widespread…

Travel “Bridge” Between Russia And Southeast Asia Is Being Restored – Dmitry Bokarev New Eastern Outlook

Travel “Bridge” Between Russia And Southeast Asia Is Being Restored – Dmitry Bokarev New Eastern Outlook


Southeast Asia (SEA) is a vast territory surrounded by warm oceans and located in the equatorial, subequatorial, and tropical climatic zones. This geographical position provides suitable conditions for beach holidays and the creation of resorts. In addition to the warm climate, beautiful…

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