Poland’s Grey Cardinal Is Correct: Germany Is Indeed Building A Fourth Reich – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Poland’s Grey Cardinal Is Correct: Germany Is Indeed Building A Fourth Reich – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


When talking about Germany’s Fourth Reich, it’s crucial to issue the clarification that Kaczynski did that this neo-imperialist model isn’t the same as its World War II-era genocidal predecessor lest one’s genuine criticisms of that country be dismissed as a ‘conspiracy theory’….

“Real Science Doesn’t Force You to Believe, It Just Shows You” – Italian University Students Call Out For Help Against Vaccine Coercion and the Authoritarian Regime (VIDEO)

“Real Science Doesn’t Force You to Believe, It Just Shows You” – Italian University Students Call Out For Help Against Vaccine Coercion and the Authoritarian Regime (VIDEO)


Last month, Italy imposed new restrictions on the unvaxxed amid concern over the Omicron variant that only seems to be infecting fully vaccinated individuals. Most public activities will be banned for people without a Covid “Super Green Pass.” The Super Green Pass will…

By Refusing Security to Russia Washington Has Opened the Door to War – Paul Craig Roberts

By Refusing Security to Russia Washington Has Opened the Door to War – Paul Craig Roberts


As readers are aware, I regard Washington’s refusal to accommodate Russia’s security concerns as totally irresponsible. By denying security guarantees to Russia, Washington essentially told the Kremlin that Washington intends to locate nuclear missiles on Russia’s borders and to use color revolutions…

The Pentagon And CIA Have Shaped Thousands Of Hollywood Movies Into Super Effective Propaganda – David Swanson

The Pentagon And CIA Have Shaped Thousands Of Hollywood Movies Into Super Effective Propaganda – David Swanson


Propaganda is most impactful when people don’t think it’s propaganda, and most decisive when it’s censorship you never knew happened. When we imagine that the U.S. military only occasionally and slightly influences U.S. movies, we are extremely badly deceived. The actual impact…

Kazakhstan: Petroleum Protest, Color Revolution, Or Something Else? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Kazakhstan: Petroleum Protest, Color Revolution, Or Something Else? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


It’s important for observers to acknowledge that Kazakhstan, like most countries, has preexisting socio-economic and political issues that internal forces organically attempt to take advantage of from time to time with or without any foreign connections or encouragement. The Central Asian nation…

Does Russia Understand She Is Dealing With Lunatics? – Paul Craig Roberts

Does Russia Understand She Is Dealing With Lunatics? – Paul Craig Roberts


In advance of the January 10 meeting, Secretary of State Blinken and NATO functionary Stoltenberg stupidly reduced Russia’s Options to Two: Surrender or Use Force. https://www.globalresearch.ca/blinken-stoltenberg-unleash-unprecedented-diktat-ultimatum-russia-following-nato-fm-meeting/5766645 If these idiotic accusations were not enough, Blinken accused Putin of intending to restore the Soviet…

British Government Used “Propagandistic” Fear Tactics To Scare Public Into Mass Compliance – Paul Joseph Watson

British Government Used “Propagandistic” Fear Tactics To Scare Public Into Mass Compliance – Paul Joseph Watson


  The British government used “propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist who worked inside Downing Street. Simon Ruda co-founded Number 10’s ‘Nudge Unit’, which was initially set up…

J6 Hysteria Is How Media And Other Democrats Are Avoiding Accountability For Their Rigging Of The 2020 Election – Mollie Hemingway

J6 Hysteria Is How Media And Other Democrats Are Avoiding Accountability For Their Rigging Of The 2020 Election – Mollie Hemingway


he 2020 presidential election was unlike any in American history. Hundreds of laws and processes were changed in the months leading up to the election, sometimes legally and sometimes not, creating chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg, one of the…

Debunking 10 Western Infowar Narratives About The CSTO’s Kazakhstani Mission – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Debunking 10 Western Infowar Narratives About The CSTO’s Kazakhstani Mission – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The Russian-led CSTO’s limited peacekeeping mission in Kazakhstan will predictably trigger an intense US-led Western information warfare campaign, the false narratives of which will preemptively be debunked in this piece. The Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) authorized a limited peacekeeping mission to Kazakhstan…

US Connection: High-Ranking Kazakhstan Official Who Sparked Bloody Attempted “Revolution” Is Another One of Biden’s Corrupt “Business Partners”

US Connection: High-Ranking Kazakhstan Official Who Sparked Bloody Attempted “Revolution” Is Another One of Biden’s Corrupt “Business Partners”


One of the alleged main conspirators in the attempted overthrow of the Kazakhstan Government turns out to have been a “good friend” of the Bidens who participated in several shady business meetings with both Hunter and Joe. Once again, the Biden family’s…

Why Don’t We Cut Out The Middleman And Just Elect To Power Pfizer & Merck? – Charles Hugh Smith

Why Don’t We Cut Out The Middleman And Just Elect To Power Pfizer & Merck? – Charles Hugh Smith


  If we no longer have the capacity to distinguish between moral legitimacy and self-serving corruption, then we might as well eliminate the Middleman and vote directly for Pfizer or Merck. There’s a fancy word for cutting out the Middleman: disintermediation. Removing intermediaries who…

US Launches Illegal Strikes On “Rocket Sites” Near Occupied Syrian Oil Fields, Continues With Convoys Stealing Syrian Oil

US Launches Illegal Strikes On “Rocket Sites” Near Occupied Syrian Oil Fields, Continues With Convoys Stealing Syrian Oil


Late in the day Tuesday (local time) the US military carried out what’s being described as a “preemptive strike” against rocket sites in eastern Syria that “posed a threat” – according to a US coalition official statement. “The official, speaking on condition…

There Was An Attempted Coup In Kazakhstan, But It Wasn’t By President Tokayev – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

There Was An Attempted Coup In Kazakhstan, But It Wasn’t By President Tokayev – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


As can be gathered from recent materials by Asia Times, CNN, and The National Interest, among others, adversarial media forces are claiming that President Tokayev carried out an anti-Chinese coup with Russian military support. The US-led Western information warfare narrative about the CSTO’s limited peacekeeping mission in…

“Imperialist Russia?” Four Western Provocations That Led To The Current US-Russia Crisis

“Imperialist Russia?” Four Western Provocations That Led To The Current US-Russia Crisis


A fresh report and analysis at the non-interventionist think tank, Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, traces the roots of today’s US-Russia deteriorated relations and showdown over Ukraine back to the Bill Clinton administration in the 1990’s. So much of current “debate” in public…

It’s Fake News To Insinuate The Russia’s Arming Anti-Taliban Forces – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

It’s Fake News To Insinuate The Russia’s Arming Anti-Taliban Forces – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


There’s a faction of the supposedly Russian-friendly Alt-Media Community (AMC) that’s fallen for that wishful thinking fantasy…In their mind, Russia ‘must’ hate the Taliban since they emerged from the 1980s Mujahideen that defeated the USSR. According to their ‘logic’, Russia’s enemies always…

Qassem Soleimani’s Assassination Has Backfired on the US and Israel – Marco Carnelos

Qassem Soleimani’s Assassination Has Backfired on the US and Israel – Marco Carnelos


If the killing was meant to push Iran back, it has failed abysmally. Soleimani’s ability to maintain a modicum of stability outweighed any benefits that his death could have brought Two years have passed since Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC),…

Prominent Humanitarian is Arrested in Yemen – Accused of “Carrying Iran’s Agenda” – Catherine Shakdam New Eastern Outlook

Prominent Humanitarian is Arrested in Yemen – Accused of “Carrying Iran’s Agenda” – Catherine Shakdam New Eastern Outlook


  Earlier this September media outlets close to Saudi Arabia announced with much fanfare that Yemen’s intelligence services had scored a massive victory in arresting the man they dubbed the ‘Khomeini of Yemen’, and that thanks to such efforts the Houthis had…

Dr. Robert Malone – US Federal Government is “Lawless” and Actively “Violating the Nuremberg Code”

Dr. Robert Malone – US Federal Government is “Lawless” and Actively “Violating the Nuremberg Code”


Joe Rogan’s much-anticipated podcast interview with Dr. Robert Malone, the Inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, dropped on Friday – and sure enough, it did not disappoint. Dr. Malone has been speaking out against the public health bureaucracy’s Covid-19 response and the experimental…

Analyzing Iranian President Raisi’s Address To The Russian Duma – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Analyzing Iranian President Raisi’s Address To The Russian Duma – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


President Raisi’s visit was a stunning success, but its grand strategic impact shouldn’t be exaggerated. Iranian President Raisi recently addressed the Russian Duma during his first trip to the Eurasian Great Power. Much has been made about this event, with most of the Alt-Media Community (AMC)…

BREAKING: US Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s COVID Vaxx Mandate

BREAKING: US Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s COVID Vaxx Mandate


Despite the misinformation spewed forth by Justice Sotomayor, The US Supreme Court has blocked the Biden administration’s vaccine-or-test rule for US businesses, but allows vaccine mandate for most health care workers. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) argue against the Department of Labor, in the Court’s first hearing,…

Oil Spikes To Fresh 7-Year High After Key Iraq-Turkey Pipeline Explosion

Oil Spikes To Fresh 7-Year High After Key Iraq-Turkey Pipeline Explosion


Despite dollar strength today (and more worrisome ZeroCOVID actions from China), oil prices continued to rise but news after-hours that an explosion knocked out a major pipeline sparked more upside. https://twitter.com/JavierBlas/status/1483566903176146950?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Little is known about the cause, but the explosion at a…

COVID Lies Remorse? “We Failed”: Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing Official COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them

COVID Lies Remorse? “We Failed”: Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing Official COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them


In August, Germany’s top newspaper, Bild, apologized for the outlet’s fear-driven Covid coverage – with a special message to children, who were told “that they were going to murder their grandma.” Now, a newspaper in Denmark has publicly apologized for reporting government narratives surrounding the…

“Fabricated War on Terrorism”: Pentagon Drone Attacks Killed Many Innocent People with Impunity – Abayomi Azikiwe

“Fabricated War on Terrorism”: Pentagon Drone Attacks Killed Many Innocent People with Impunity – Abayomi Azikiwe


A frontpage New York Times Magazine report on Sunday January 2 revealed in chilling details the systematic targeting of peoples in territories where the United States government had declared a frontline battlefield against its fabricated “war on terrorism.” In fact, the “war…

W.H.O. Warns Endless Booster Shots Not ‘Appropriate or Sustainable’

W.H.O. Warns Endless Booster Shots Not ‘Appropriate or Sustainable’


The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) warned international government health agencies Tuesday against administering “booster doses” of Chinese coronavirus vaccines to their populations. “[A] vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable,” the W.H.O….

Don’t Listen To James Dorsey: Kazakhstan Isn’t Russia’s “Next Ukraine” – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Don’t Listen To James Dorsey: Kazakhstan Isn’t Russia’s “Next Ukraine” – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The very fact that Kazakhstan urgently requested the Russian-led CSTO to intervene unquestionably debunks Dorsey’s false narrative implying some serious problems between those two countries. His article should therefore be seen in hindsight as unsuccessful propaganda. Award-winning journalist and scholar and a…

Elon Musk’s Unregulated Space Projects Endanger Global Security –  Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Elon Musk’s Unregulated Space Projects Endanger Global Security –  Andrew Korybko OneWorld


China recently submitted a document to the United Nations Office for Space Affairs to raise awareness of how its Tiangong space station twice “implemented preventive collision avoidance control” in order to ensure its safety after Musk’s satellites came uncomfortably close. Billionaire entrepreneur…

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