Let Freedom Roll – USA ‘People’s Convoy’ Set to Roll Wednesday: Biden ‘Fears the American People’ – Breccan F. Thies

Let Freedom Roll – USA ‘People’s Convoy’ Set to Roll Wednesday: Biden ‘Fears the American People’ – Breccan F. Thies


“Let Freedom Roll” is the slogan of “The People’s Convoy” set to depart Wednesday morning from Adelanto, California, on its way to Washington, DC, to protest federal coronavirus mandates and call for an end to President Joe Biden’s emergency declaration. Convoy organizers Marcus Sommers…

Trump Praises Putin As Genius, Biden Pick At His Teeth, Stares Blankly When Asked About Donbass

Trump Praises Putin As Genius, Biden Pick At His Teeth, Stares Blankly When Asked About Donbass


Former US President ripped Biden’s handling of Ukraine crisis, calling Russia’s Donbass move ‘genius’. Former US President Donald Trump calls Vladimir Putin ‘savvy’ for “outsmarting” Joe Biden in Ukraine by recognizing Donbass republics. Former President Donald Trump has praised Russia’s Vladimir Putin…

Ukraine Crisis: How Kiev’s Perfidious Oligarchs Sold The Nation Out – Nauman Sadiq

Ukraine Crisis: How Kiev’s Perfidious Oligarchs Sold The Nation Out – Nauman Sadiq


In a long overdue decision, Russian President Putin after consulting with the National Security Council officially recognized the two breakaway republics of Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk. Subsequently, the Russian parliament unanimously approved the decision and authorized deployment of Russian peace-keeping forces in the Donbass…

Amid Tensions Russia May Swap More Dollars For Yuan In Its Currency Reserves – Bloomberg

Amid Tensions Russia May Swap More Dollars For Yuan In Its Currency Reserves – Bloomberg


By Ye Xie, Bloomberg markets live commentator and analyst The U.S. expanded sanctions against Russia on Wednesday after President Vladimir Putin moved to recognize breakaway territories in Ukraine as independent states. The standoff may further Moscow’s de-dollarization movement and see the Chinese yuan play…

Stop The Possible World War III Scenario! International Peace Conference To Dissolve NATO And For Global Denuclearization – Prof. Francis Boyle

Stop The Possible World War III Scenario! International Peace Conference To Dissolve NATO And For Global Denuclearization – Prof. Francis Boyle


This war must be immediately terminated before it expands and sucks in the European NATO States and the United States. Towards that end, President Biden must publicly announce that NATO Expansion is over for good  and that Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova will…

Donbass Residents Celebrate In The Streets After Russian President Signs Decree Recognizing Their Independence

Donbass Residents Celebrate In The Streets After Russian President Signs Decree Recognizing Their Independence


Donetsk People’s Republic residents celebrate the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognize both Donbass Republics as independent states, launching fireworks in the centre of Donetsk. Dozens of Donetsk residents have gathered at the city’s central square, bringing Russian flags, DAN…

Indonesia Bans Mineral Exports, Taking Control Of Its Mineral Resources To Move Up Value Chain – Scott Foster

Indonesia Bans Mineral Exports, Taking Control Of Its Mineral Resources To Move Up Value Chain – Scott Foster


Ban is latest bid to become more self-sufficient and add value to the Southeast Asian country’s rich list of resources Indonesia is taking control of its mineral resources, incentivizing investment in processing facilities and shifting the international balance of economic power. On…

Kiev Must Withdraw From Donetsk & Lugansk If It Truly Wants To Avert War – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Kiev Must Withdraw From Donetsk & Lugansk If It Truly Wants To Avert War – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Kiev’s continued shelling of those newly independent republics as part of its ongoing genocide against their indigenous Russian people and its occupation of their territory that the Kremlin officially recognizes as falling within their sovereign borders could very likely provoke Moscow to…

Donetsk Defenders Call On Russia For Urgent Military Assistance After Kiev’s Army Fires 1,500 Rounds On Donbass In Last 24 Hours

Donetsk Defenders Call On Russia For Urgent Military Assistance After Kiev’s Army Fires 1,500 Rounds On Donbass In Last 24 Hours


The Donetsk People’s Militia has called on the Kremlin to send financial and military aid. The request comes amid a worsening standoff across the contact line. Officials in the breakaway Ukrainian region of Donetsk have called on Moscow to send urgent help amid a…

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Celebrate In A Group Chat Their Trampling Of People At Peaceful Protest – Louis Seagray

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Celebrate In A Group Chat Their Trampling Of People At Peaceful Protest – Louis Seagray


Royal Canadian Mounted Police members have allegedly praised violence against protesters in a group chat, saying things such as “time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground.” The RCMP issued a statement Sunday saying it’s “aware of the material circulating on…

Ex-MEP Nick Griffin: Ukraine Implementing Minsk Accords & Ending Conflict ‘Very Last’ Thing US, UK Want

Ex-MEP Nick Griffin: Ukraine Implementing Minsk Accords & Ending Conflict ‘Very Last’ Thing US, UK Want


With the situation in eastern Ukraine deteriorating each day, the West keeps on promoting its “Russian threat” rhetoric and pledges “never-before-seen” sanctions on Russia should it invade Ukraine. Meanwhile, Kiev keeps violating the Minsk accord and continues to shell Donbass, forcing thousands…

US ‘Gift’ Sparks Protests In Nepal. The Unlikely Nation Now At The Centre Of US-China Tensions – Tom Fowdy

US ‘Gift’ Sparks Protests In Nepal. The Unlikely Nation Now At The Centre Of US-China Tensions – Tom Fowdy


Nepali police fired tear gas and water cannons at protesters objecting to a U.S.-funded infrastructure program presented to parliament on Sunday for ratification, witnesses and officials in the capital told CNN. The protesters said the grant would undermine Nepal’s laws and sovereignty,…

From Trotskyism To Radical Positivism: How Albert Wohlstetter Became The Leading Authority On Nuclear Strategy For America – Cynthia Chung

From Trotskyism To Radical Positivism: How Albert Wohlstetter Became The Leading Authority On Nuclear Strategy For America – Cynthia Chung


See Part I for how RAND and its creed “systems analysis” was created and how Albert Wohlstetter would ultimately become the kingpin of RAND. A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: the Fabian Society For us to understand what ultimately made Albert Wohlstetter the…

“Russian Propaganda” Means Disputing US Propaganda – Caitlin Johnstone

“Russian Propaganda” Means Disputing US Propaganda – Caitlin Johnstone


The Associated Press has published yet another article based on unevidenced assertions by anonymous government officials about the scary horrifying frightening Russian menace, this time to accuse another media outlet of promoting propaganda. Without a trace of irony. “U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused…

Is Biden Using Russia-Ukraine ‘Conflict’ As A Scapegoat For High Food & Gas Prices, Inflation And The Pending Economic Collapse?

Is Biden Using Russia-Ukraine ‘Conflict’ As A Scapegoat For High Food & Gas Prices, Inflation And The Pending Economic Collapse?


Is the Biden administration focusing on Russia and Ukraine in order to blame this ‘conflict’ for high gas prices, inflation, and the pending collapsing economy? The Conservative Treehouse asks if Biden’s handlers are using the Russia and Ukraine mess for the economic…

Governor DeSantis Blocks Biden Admin’s International Child-Trafficking Scheme In Florida – Jordan Boyd

Governor DeSantis Blocks Biden Admin’s International Child-Trafficking Scheme In Florida – Jordan Boyd


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is seeking to block federally funded housing organizations from incentivizing child trafficking promoted by President Joe Biden’s border crisis by stripping their licenses to operate. The Republican first directed the Florida Department of Children and Families to look…

New Zealand Has Self-Interested Reasons For Maligning Anti-Mandate Protests – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

New Zealand Has Self-Interested Reasons For Maligning Anti-Mandate Protests – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Average folks in many Western countries are increasingly rising up against what they sincerely regard as anti-scientific mandates being imposed upon the population for political reasons related to unprecedentedly strengthening the state’s power over its citizenry in violation of their constitutionally enshrined…

Killing America: Biden Adds Climate Roadblocks For Future Pipelines, Energy Projects – Thomas Catenacci

Killing America: Biden Adds Climate Roadblocks For Future Pipelines, Energy Projects – Thomas Catenacci


The Biden administration altered the official federal policy on approving new interstate natural gas facilities and pipelines, requiring a climate consideration. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced that it will begin to “undertake a robust consideration” of the environmental justice impacts…

‘Sitting President Of The USA Was Spied On’ – Wall Street Journal Slaps Establishment Media’s Coverage

‘Sitting President Of The USA Was Spied On’ – Wall Street Journal Slaps Establishment Media’s Coverage


Recent John Durham court filings suggest Hillary Clinton’s campaign associates “spied” on Donald Trump’s campaign and “protected White House communications,” the Wall Street Journal declared Monday. After ignoring for 48 hours a tantalizing development in one of the largest political scandals in the past ten years,…

China’s Principled Stance Towards Ukraine & European Security Is Commendable – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

China’s Principled Stance Towards Ukraine & European Security Is Commendable – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


All things considered, objective observers should accept that China’s stance towards Ukraine and the undeclared US-provoked missile crisis in Europe fully aligns with its consistent support of international law. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi articulated his country’s principled stance towards Ukraine and European security…

Washington Rolls Out A ‘New’ Approach To Encircling China – Salman Rafi Sheikh New Eastern Outlook

Washington Rolls Out A ‘New’ Approach To Encircling China – Salman Rafi Sheikh New Eastern Outlook


The Joe Biden administration’s ‘new’ Indo-Pacific strategy document contains nothing ‘new’ insofar as the cardinal objective of this strategy is concerned i.e., ‘encircling China.’ Interestingly enough, the strategy has been revealed despite the Biden administration’s various rhetorical claims that the administration is…

Bill Gates Says Omicron ‘Sadly’ Spreads Immunity Faster And Less Risky Than Vaccines

Bill Gates Says Omicron ‘Sadly’ Spreads Immunity Faster And Less Risky Than Vaccines


Why ‘sadly’? Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said the Covid-19 Omicron variant had “sadly” outpaced world vaccine drives in spreading immunity. The billionaire said ‘next time’ scientists must work better to produce enough vaccines sooner Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said the Covid-19 Omicron…

China Denounces US As ‘Bandits’ For Seizing $7 Billion As Afghans Starve – Kenny Stancil

China Denounces US As ‘Bandits’ For Seizing $7 Billion As Afghans Starve – Kenny Stancil


Global outrage has continued to grow since the Biden administration stole Afghanistan’s foreign reserves with nearly 23 million Afghans facing acute hunger. Following the Biden administration’s unilateral decision last week to seize $7 billion worth of assets from Afghanistan amid a mounting humanitarian crisis that threatens to…

Canada’s Justice Minister Threatens Trump Supporters In US: They ‘Oughta Be Worried’ About Frozen Bank Accounts

Canada’s Justice Minister Threatens Trump Supporters In US: They ‘Oughta Be Worried’ About Frozen Bank Accounts


Canada’s Justice Minister, David Lametti, has told Trump supporters who donated to the “Freedom Convoy” to “be worried” about having their bank accounts frozen. Speaking with CTV News, when Lametti was asked if regular citizens who donated to the “Freedom Convoy” protests…

Durham Investigation To Date – Will It Destroy The National Security State Or Just Hillary Clinton – Barbara Boyd

Durham Investigation To Date – Will It Destroy The National Security State Or Just Hillary Clinton – Barbara Boyd


Durham’s Revelations: Destruction of the National Security State—or Just Hillary Clinton? Some see in Special Prosecutor John Durham’s February 11th filing in the case of former Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussman, the beginnings of a case which will take down the “seditious…

The US-Led West’s Information Terrorism Campaign Collapsed Without A Shot – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The US-Led West’s Information Terrorism Campaign Collapsed Without A Shot – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The info-terrorism campaign that was launched not just against Russia and even the US-led West’s Ukrainian ‘allies’ but also against the entire global public largely succeeded in manipulating popular opinion against Moscow by misportraying this crisis as being over nothing more than…

Zelensky’s Munich Speech Implies That Ukraine’s Becoming Increasingly Desperate – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Zelensky’s Munich Speech Implies That Ukraine’s Becoming Increasingly Desperate – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The entire Ukrainian state structure is extremely worried about being abandoned by the US-led West after their American patron beat the drums of war, accelerated Ukraine’s economic collapse, then literally fled in the face of their fearmongered ‘Russian invasion’. Ukrainian President Volodymyr…

NATO Expansion, Serious Threat Against Security Of Independent States – Iranian President

NATO Expansion, Serious Threat Against Security Of Independent States – Iranian President


President Ebrahim Raisi says the continued expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) threatens stability and security of independent countries. TEHRAN (Iran News) – President Ebrahim Raisi says the continued expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) threatens stability and…

More Twitter Censorship: No More Facts On Russia & Ukraine That Are ‘Unacceptable’ To Corrupt Global Warmongering Elites

More Twitter Censorship: No More Facts On Russia & Ukraine That Are ‘Unacceptable’ To Corrupt Global Warmongering Elites


Twitter has announced policies promising the censorship of “misleading?” posts relating to the conflict between Russia and the West and their Western-installed warmongering proxy puppets in the Ukraine. Any post that (mis)leads to a quicker and less bloody end of the Western-initiated…

Canada Is Police State Now: Parliament Debate Suspended, Guns Drawn, Batons, Rubber Bullets & Tear Gas On Peaceful Freedom Protesters

Canada Is Police State Now: Parliament Debate Suspended, Guns Drawn, Batons, Rubber Bullets & Tear Gas On Peaceful Freedom Protesters


The Ottawa Police on Saturday night started firing rubber bullets and tear gas on hundreds of peaceful Freedom protesters in downtown Ottawa. The Canadian protesters were shouting, “Freedom!” as the police fired rubber bullets and tear gas into the crowd. The protesters…

BREAKING: Donetsk Republic Announces Evacuation To Russia Of Women, Children, Elderly, After Kiev’s Forces Heavy Shelling Of Donbass

BREAKING: Donetsk Republic Announces Evacuation To Russia Of Women, Children, Elderly, After Kiev’s Forces Heavy Shelling Of Donbass


Ukrainian troops have been bolstered with arms supplies from Western nations and “are now prepositioned for combat and ready to take Donbass by force,” Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Pushilin claimed in a statement on Friday, referring to his region and…

Cuba, Venezuela And Nicaragua: The US-Russia Conflict Enters A New Phase – Ramzy Baroud

Cuba, Venezuela And Nicaragua: The US-Russia Conflict Enters A New Phase – Ramzy Baroud


As soon as Moscow received an American response to its security demands in Ukraine, it answered indirectly by announcing greater military integration between it and three South American countries, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba. Washington’s response, on January 26, to Russia’s demands of withdrawing NATO…

40,000 Women, Children, Elderly Evacuated To Russia – 700,000 Refugees Expected As Kiev’s Artillery Barrages Continue In Donbass

40,000 Women, Children, Elderly Evacuated To Russia – 700,000 Refugees Expected As Kiev’s Artillery Barrages Continue In Donbass


Faced with such a serious escalation of the situation, the DPR and LPR authorities have taken the unprecedented decision to urgently evacuate children, women and elderly people to Russia. The evacuation began this evening at 8pm when the first buses provided by…

Russia Issues Rare Condemnation Of Israeli Airstrikes: “A Crude Violation Of Syria’s Sovereignty”

Russia Issues Rare Condemnation Of Israeli Airstrikes: “A Crude Violation Of Syria’s Sovereignty”


On Thursday, Russia said it has “deep” concerns over Israel’s ongoing air campaign in Syria, warning the continued airstrikes could escalate tensions in the region and threaten civilian air traffic. “Israel’s continuing strikes against targets inside Syria cause deep concern,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria…

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