Harvard Medical Professor: The Government’s Pandemic Response ‘Failed Miserably,’ Ignored Consequences Of Its Policies

Harvard Medical Professor: The Government’s Pandemic Response ‘Failed Miserably,’ Ignored Consequences Of Its Policies


Dr. Stefanos Kales, a professor of medicine at Harvard University, has joined the chorus of voices who are saying the government’s response to the pandemic was a mistake and public health officials should shift to a policy of protecting the vulnerable. “I think what…

White House Now Says It Never Really “Wanted” Lockdowns – They Just Simply Loved The Tyrannical Power Over The People It Gave Them

White House Now Says It Never Really “Wanted” Lockdowns – They Just Simply Loved The Tyrannical Power Over The People It Gave Them


Last Friday, a reporter asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki to respond to the Johns Hopkins covid study showing lockdowns provided no real benefit in terms of disease prevention. In response, Psaki dodged addressing the study directly, but then pivoted to claiming that…

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