Putin Appears At Moscow Stadium, Praises Troops in Ukraine, Crowd Chants, “Russia!… Russia!… Russia!…” (Video)

Putin Appears At Moscow Stadium, Praises Troops in Ukraine, Crowd Chants, “Russia!… Russia!… Russia!…” (Video)


Vladimir Putin appeared in public on Friday speaking to a massive crowd at a Moscow stadium. Putin praised the Russian forces in Ukraine. The crowd started chanting, “Russia!… Russia!… Russia!…” https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1504821631675473922 JUST IN 🚨 Russian leader Putin attends huge patriotic rally at Moscow…

What They Did In October 2020 Was Treason…Biden Is Illegitimate ‘President’ And The World Knows It – Steve Bannon

What They Did In October 2020 Was Treason…Biden Is Illegitimate ‘President’ And The World Knows It – Steve Bannon


Bannon shared on the War Room on Saturday his thoughts on the world as we know it today and goes on to discuss the Gulf Emirates not taking Biden’s call and Xi knowing this. There are decades in which nothing happens and…

War Criminal Madeleine Albright – Responsible For Killing Millions Innocent Civilians Across The World – Dead

War Criminal Madeleine Albright – Responsible For Killing Millions Innocent Civilians Across The World – Dead


The war criminal responsible for mass murder of millions of innocent people is lauded and praised by establishment foreign policy pundits for her warmongering approach to US responses to crises abroad, many of her statements attracted immense controversy and outrage, particularly the…

US High Schooler’s Answer Listing Zero ‘Positive Effects Of Imperialism’ Goes Viral – Julia Conley

US High Schooler’s Answer Listing Zero ‘Positive Effects Of Imperialism’ Goes Viral – Julia Conley


“The ‘positive’ effects” of imperialism “are often only positive for the oppressors,” said 15-year-old Cece Walsh. A Massachusetts student’s response to a homework assignment went viral Tuesday after the high schooler refused to list “positive effects of imperialism” but included a long list…

Propaganda Machine At Work: Aussie Media Desperately Trying To Dissociate Cardiovascular Injuries From COVID Vaccines – Ramon Tomey

Propaganda Machine At Work: Aussie Media Desperately Trying To Dissociate Cardiovascular Injuries From COVID Vaccines – Ramon Tomey


Australian media outlets are trying to dissociate the cardiovascular injuries suffered by vaccinated people from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, linking them instead to “genetic mutations.” One reporter, Gabriella Rogers of Nine News, tackled this issue in one of her stories. She featured the tale…

Russia Is Waging An Existential Struggle In Defense Of Its Independence & Sovereignty – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Russia Is Waging An Existential Struggle In Defense Of Its Independence & Sovereignty – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine gives this civilization-state a chance to defend its independence and sovereignty that are under existential threat by the US-led West. In preserving his Great Power’s geostrategic existence, President Putin is actually attempting to retain some semblance…

US And UK Military Industry Oligarchs Quietly Making Billions On Ukraine War – Peter Bloom

US And UK Military Industry Oligarchs Quietly Making Billions On Ukraine War – Peter Bloom


  The executives and owners of Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and BAE have all seen their profits surge while markets have fallen broadly due to Russia’s invasion The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been widely condemned for its unjustified aggression. There are legitimate…

‘Unfreeze Afghan Funds Stolen By USA’ Demanded After 13,000 Newborns Die From Malnutrition – Julia Conley

‘Unfreeze Afghan Funds Stolen By USA’ Demanded After 13,000 Newborns Die From Malnutrition – Julia Conley


Human rights advocates are demanding that the United States immediately release billions of dollars which it seized from Afghanistan’s Central Bank after ending its 20-year military occupation of the country last year, causing a devastating hunger crisis that has already killed thousands of…

Criminal Invasion Of Our Freedoms By Democratic Party Big-Tech Fact-Checking Censorship Brigade – Jacob Siegel

Criminal Invasion Of Our Freedoms By Democratic Party Big-Tech Fact-Checking Censorship Brigade – Jacob Siegel


Who are you going to believe, the Democratic Party’s new official-unofficial, public-private monopoly tech platform censorship brigade, or your misinformed, disinformed eyes? In the past five years, a cadre of fact-checkers has marched through the institutions of journalism and installed itself in…

Interpreting Pakistani Prime Minister Khan’s Praise For Indian Foreign Policy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Interpreting Pakistani Prime Minister Khan’s Praise For Indian Foreign Policy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Even those who casually follow South Asian affairs know that Prime Minister Khan despises the Hindu nationalist policies of India’s ruling BJP, which he’s described as fascist, Islamophobic, and regionally destabilizing. He’s also personally criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi on multiple occasions….

Victoria (F.ck EU) Nuland’s Understanding Of Russian-Indian Relations Is Outdated – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Victoria (F.ck EU) Nuland’s Understanding Of Russian-Indian Relations Is Outdated – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


No amount of proposed American replacements for India’s military-technical imports from Russia will influence that Great Power to sacrifice on its grand strategic goal of jointly assembling a new Non-Aligned Movement (‘Neo-NAM’) with Moscow in order to mutually maximize their strategic autonomy…

US And NATO Arm Neo-Nazi Units In Ukraine As Foreign Policy Elites Yearn For Afghan-style Insurgency – Alexander Rubinstein The Grayzone

US And NATO Arm Neo-Nazi Units In Ukraine As Foreign Policy Elites Yearn For Afghan-style Insurgency – Alexander Rubinstein The Grayzone


Corporate US media and foreign policy hardliners want to create a new Afghanistan in the middle of Europe by flooding Ukraine with weapons. The arms industry is very pleased. Following urgent requests for arms from the Ukrainian government, at least 32 countries…

The Huge Gap Between How Serious Nuclear War Is And How Seriously It’s Being Taken – Caitlin Johnstone

The Huge Gap Between How Serious Nuclear War Is And How Seriously It’s Being Taken – Caitlin Johnstone


Sometimes I’m not sure what presents a greater threat to humanity, nuclear war or the colossal stupidity that has made it possible. Due to the skyrocketing risk of a world-ending confrontation between the United States and Russia, World Socialist Website is re-releasing a series of interviews…

Mariupol: Civilians Denounce The Crimes Of The Neo-Nazi Azov Regiment – Christelle Néant

Mariupol: Civilians Denounce The Crimes Of The Neo-Nazi Azov Regiment – Christelle Néant


On 20 March 2022, while we were conducting a humanitarian mission near Sartana, on the north-eastern outskirts of Mariupol, we came across many civilians who had recently fled Mariupol thanks to the advance of Russian and DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) troops. One…

States of Emergency: Keeping The Global Populations In Check – Edward Curtin

States of Emergency: Keeping The Global Populations In Check – Edward Curtin


  This book is a brilliant and comprehensive analysis of the Covid-19 crisis and the worldwide states of siege instituted under its cover.  Reading it, one cannot help but shake one’s head in outrage at the long-planned nature of the wealthy global elite’s…

Biden’s Actions Are Destroying The US Dollar, The World Is De-Dollarizing, Will Have Major Implications For All Americans

Biden’s Actions Are Destroying The US Dollar, The World Is De-Dollarizing, Will Have Major Implications For All Americans


The Biden gang is destroying the US dollar. This one action may have more significant economic implications than any of Biden’s actions to date. Economists have been warning about this for months.  The increased spending under the Biden Administration has decreased the…

Nazification And Denazification In Our Own Times – Dr. Anthony Hall

Nazification And Denazification In Our Own Times – Dr. Anthony Hall


There are enormous implications that flow from President Vladimir Putin’s alleged assertion that the Russian government intends to “denazify” Ukraine as part of the process of its “demilitarization.” So far, however, these implications have yet to been seriously addressed by the mainstream media.  Indeed,…

Project Veritas Releases Bombshell Video Showing NYTimes Reporter Admitting “There Were A Ton Of FBI Informants” At Jan. 6 Capitol Incident

Project Veritas Releases Bombshell Video Showing NYTimes Reporter Admitting “There Were A Ton Of FBI Informants” At Jan. 6 Capitol Incident


A New York Times reporter has been recorded on video by Project Veritas essentially admitting that the Jan. 6 Capitol Building ‘riot’ was little more than a false flag staged by the worthless FBI because there were “a ton” of informants in the…

FBI Documents Uncovered That Tie Americans To “Neo-Nazi” Azov Battalion In Ukraine – Jim Hoft

FBI Documents Uncovered That Tie Americans To “Neo-Nazi” Azov Battalion In Ukraine – Jim Hoft


FBI documents back up Putin’s claims that the Azov Battalion in Ukraine is indeed a Neo-Nazi group. Putin claimed one of the reasons that Russia invaded Ukraine was to eliminate the Nazis in that country.  Many in the media wondered what he…

Russia Ups The Accusations – Blames Deadly Outbreak Of Swine Flu In Ukraine That Killed 364 People On US-Funded Biolabs

Russia Ups The Accusations – Blames Deadly Outbreak Of Swine Flu In Ukraine That Killed 364 People On US-Funded Biolabs


The Russian representative on the UN Security Council Vassily Nebenzia has charged that a “US-implemented program” of biological research in Ukraine may have triggered “uncontrolled dangerous infections in Ukraine”, including rubella, diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, polio, and swine flu. “By March 2016, a total of…

NATO Is A Problem, Not The Solution – Yves Engler

NATO Is A Problem, Not The Solution – Yves Engler


While in no way excusing Russia’s criminal invasion, NATO expansion eastward increased its likelihood. Although we’ll never know if the war would not have happened under different circumstances, after a month of Russian violence against Ukraine the two countries’ negotiators have reportedly agreed that…

The Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline & PAKAFUZ Are Flagship Multipolar Projects – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline & PAKAFUZ Are Flagship Multipolar Projects – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The grand strategic convergence between Russia and Pakistan in Central Asia will immensely strengthen the SCO’s capabilities, which will in turn empower their shared visions for Eurasia, especially in its Heartland. The Multipolar World Order (MWO) that’s actively taking shape at an accelerated pace…

The Coming Food Price Crisis Might Catalyze More Political Tumult Across The Global South – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The Coming Food Price Crisis Might Catalyze More Political Tumult Across The Global South – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


While the fertilizer and food price spikes that’ll follow these commodities’ likely dearth on the market in the coming months wasn’t necessarily preplanned per say, the outcome will almost certainly be exploited by the US-led West to destabilize those governments across the…

US Admits To Funding Biological Laboratories In Ukraine – Interview With Dilyana Gaytandzhieva

US Admits To Funding Biological Laboratories In Ukraine – Interview With Dilyana Gaytandzhieva


State Department official Victoria Nuland admitted that the US government is funding biological laboratories in Ukraine, confirming what Washington has long dismissed as “Russian propaganda.” Correspondent Dan Cohen interviews journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, who has investigated these facilities in Eastern Europe. On March…

NATO Moves Ahead With Military Drills In Norway – Deploys 30,000+ Troops, 50 Warships And 220 Aircraft Near Russia’s Border As Tensions Flare in Ukraine

NATO Moves Ahead With Military Drills In Norway – Deploys 30,000+ Troops, 50 Warships And 220 Aircraft Near Russia’s Border As Tensions Flare in Ukraine


As tensions rise between the West and Russia over Ukraine, the catalyst of the conflict – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – kicked off a major military exercise just miles away from Russia’s border on Monday. The military drill, dubbed ‘Cold Response,’ will…

Countdown To Collapse Of The Petrodollar… America’s Dollar Dominance Is Coming To A Sudden, Catastrophic End… Total Chaos Will Follow – Mike Adams

Countdown To Collapse Of The Petrodollar… America’s Dollar Dominance Is Coming To A Sudden, Catastrophic End… Total Chaos Will Follow – Mike Adams


“Project Sandman” describes a 100+ nation agreement that, when triggered, will see those nations simultaneously dump the dollar and abandon the “petrodollar” status that has allowed the USA to enjoy 50 years of fiat currency counterfeiting and material abundance at the expense…

Ethnosociology Of Ukraine In The Context Of Military Operation – Alexander Dugin Geopolitica.ru

Ethnosociology Of Ukraine In The Context Of Military Operation – Alexander Dugin Geopolitica.ru


Alexander Dugin Thorough understanding of the special military operation in Ukraine requires a preliminary explanation: what, in the broadest sense of the word, are we dealing with? The concepts of “nation”, “nationality”, “people”, “ethnos” are totally confused, and hence those of “Russians”,…

GENOCIDE: US-Run Biolabs In Ukraine Have Been Building Bioweapons Targeting Certain Ethnic Groups After Harvesting DNA From Russians – Ethan Huff

GENOCIDE: US-Run Biolabs In Ukraine Have Been Building Bioweapons Targeting Certain Ethnic Groups After Harvesting DNA From Russians – Ethan Huff


Has the Pentagon been spending untold millions of American taxpayer dollars to build race-specific bioweapons in Ukraine? The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation says it has proof to think so. In a recent announcement, Igor Kirillov, head of the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection…

Iran Unleashes Its Fury Against US And Israel In Retaliation For Provocations – Vladimir Odintsov New Eastern Outlook

Iran Unleashes Its Fury Against US And Israel In Retaliation For Provocations – Vladimir Odintsov New Eastern Outlook


Endless provocations and subversive actions of the US and Israel against Iran lead to the Iranian people getting increasingly bitter towards the two countries and their representatives. Following the blatant US assassination operation against Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary…

Chinese Foreign Minister Raises Six Key Questions On US Bio Labs In Ukraine, Demanding Truth

Chinese Foreign Minister Raises Six Key Questions On US Bio Labs In Ukraine, Demanding Truth


  At Monday’s routine news conference of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the spokesperson for the ministry rebutted the US’ inconsistent and flawed responses regarding its biological laboratories in Ukraine, urging a full clarification of its bio-military activities within and outside its borders….

NATO Is Arming And Training Nazis In Ukraine, As US Floods Russia’s Neighbor With Weapons – Ben Norton

NATO Is Arming And Training Nazis In Ukraine, As US Floods Russia’s Neighbor With Weapons – Ben Norton


NATO is sending weapons and trainers to help neo-Nazis in Ukraine’s white-supremacist Azov movement fight Russia. This follows numerous reports of Western government support for Ukrainian far-right extremists. The US-led NATO military alliance is sending weapons to neo-Nazi extremists in Ukraine as…

Was Bombing Of Mariupol Theater Staged By Ukrainian Azov Extremists To Trigger NATO Intervention? – Max Blumenthal The Grayzone

Was Bombing Of Mariupol Theater Staged By Ukrainian Azov Extremists To Trigger NATO Intervention? – Max Blumenthal The Grayzone


Testimony by evacuated Mariupol residents and warnings of a false flag attack undermine the Ukrainian government’s claims about a Russian bombing of a local theater sheltering civilians. Western media have reported that Russia’s military deliberately attacked the Donetsk Academic Regional Drama theater…

Putin Acknowledges That Washington Has Launched A War Of Annihilation Against Russia – Paul Craig Roberts

Putin Acknowledges That Washington Has Launched A War Of Annihilation Against Russia – Paul Craig Roberts


In his speech to the assembly of national, regional, and district leaders on Russia’s response to the sanctions, Putin first factually describes the situation in Ukraine, how it developed, and Russia’s objective.  It stands in striking contrast to Western propaganda. Putin’s speech…

Russia Convenes UN Security Council Meeting To Present US BioLab Evidence, Friday 11th Of March

Russia Convenes UN Security Council Meeting To Present US BioLab Evidence, Friday 11th Of March


Friday is going to be a very bad day for the United States. Sixty years ago (yes, I was alive then) the United States roasted the Soviet Union in a UN Security Council meeting convened over the Cuban Missile Crisis. There is…

Vaccine Warning: mRNA Spike Proteins Linked To Infertility In Next Generation Via Engineered “Ovarian Failure” – Ethan Huff

Vaccine Warning: mRNA Spike Proteins Linked To Infertility In Next Generation Via Engineered “Ovarian Failure” – Ethan Huff


Another deadly “side effect” of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” has been unearthed, and it spells disaster for future generations. It turns out that the experimental drugs trigger “germ line modifications” to female eggs and male sperm. To make a long story short, Fauci…

China Joins Call For US To Provide “Full Account” Of Its Bioweapons Research Activities In Ukraine – Arsenio Toledo

China Joins Call For US To Provide “Full Account” Of Its Bioweapons Research Activities In Ukraine – Arsenio Toledo


China is demanding that the United States provide a full accounting of all U.S.-backed “bio-military activities” in Ukraine. During a news conference in Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian echoed Russian allegations regarding U.S. involvement in developing bioweapons in laboratories in Ukraine. “According to the…

A Legal, Political And Constitutional Plan To Restore President Trump To The White House – Roger Stone

A Legal, Political And Constitutional Plan To Restore President Trump To The White House – Roger Stone


A legal, political and constitutional plan to restore President Trump to the White House, writes Roger Stone. Despite the fact that there is massive evidence of irregularities, anomalies, and voter fraud in the swing states in the 2020 election it is now…

The Mass Execution In Saudi Arabia Underlines Britain’s Hypocritical Foreign Policy

The Mass Execution In Saudi Arabia Underlines Britain’s Hypocritical Foreign Policy


Saudi Arabia’s execution of 81 people at the weekend is a sharp reminder of the need to challenge Britain’s hypocritical foreign policy. Boris Johnson is reportedly planning to travel to the Gulf kingdom this week to plead for increased oil production to make up…

China Warns Of ‘Worst Consequences’ For Those Who Stand In The Way Of National Reunification With Taiwan

China Warns Of ‘Worst Consequences’ For Those Who Stand In The Way Of National Reunification With Taiwan


Beijing says nothing will stand in the way of “national reunification” with Taipei. China has warned that no foreign powers or militaries will succeed in interfering with Taiwan, cautioning that any country attempting to offer military support to Taipei will face “consequences.”…

Putin Exposed Biden’s TikTok Psy-Op That Falsely Blames Him For The Energy Crisis – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Putin Exposed Biden’s TikTok Psy-Op That Falsely Blames Him For The Energy Crisis – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Propaganda is inextricably connected to every conflict, but Biden’s latest psy-op takes the cake both because of how far he’s going to wage this latest information warfare campaign via his administration’s recruitment of TikTok stars as well as the completely ridiculous narrative…

Russia Is Winning, America Is Self-Destructing… Prepare For Extreme Poverty As 50-year Economic Fairy Tale Implodes – Mike Adam

Russia Is Winning, America Is Self-Destructing… Prepare For Extreme Poverty As 50-year Economic Fairy Tale Implodes – Mike Adam


Do not confuse the headline of this analysis with any conclusions of who we’re rooting for. We are rooting for America and the American people, yet we simultaneously realize that the current occupying US government is an illegitimate, treasonous crime cartel that rigged…

US Congress Committee Seeks To Criminalize Republican Party Fundraising – Mollie Hemingway

US Congress Committee Seeks To Criminalize Republican Party Fundraising – Mollie Hemingway


If crying ‘rigged election’ were a crime, the entire Democrat Party and much of the media establishment would be in prison. After spying on the communications of members of Congress, seizing bank records of Americans engaged in peaceful protest, fabricating evidence against political opponents, and threatening freedom of the…

Russia Bombing Of Military Base For Foreign Fighters In Ukraine Near Polish Border Kills Three British Ex-Special Forces Troops

Russia Bombing Of Military Base For Foreign Fighters In Ukraine Near Polish Border Kills Three British Ex-Special Forces Troops


Russia missile strike on the Ukrainian military base Yavorov military base near the Polish border killed three British ex-special forces troops. It is believed they died instantly in the cruise missile blasts which killed “many scores more” than has previously reported – possibly…

Russia Sanctions Joe & Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau And Hundreds Of Other Western Officials

Russia Sanctions Joe & Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau And Hundreds Of Other Western Officials


Russia announced sanctions Tuesday on President Joe Biden and several other prominent and corrupt American officials – including Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, who is known for his international dealmaking and influence-peddling in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere. The sanctions were described by the…

Russian Orthodox Priest Celebrates Big Tech’s Boycott Of Russia: “I Never Want To See Women With Mustaches”

Russian Orthodox Priest Celebrates Big Tech’s Boycott Of Russia: “I Never Want To See Women With Mustaches”


Big Tech jumped on the bandwagon and took its services from Russia. Healthy life without Coca Cola, McDonald’s and some Russians are happy about it. A Russian Orthodox priest was seen on video celebrating Pornhub being closed to users in Russia. The…

The War Of continental Liberation Or The Liberation Of Captive Nations – Iurie Rosca Geopolitica.ru

The War Of continental Liberation Or The Liberation Of Captive Nations – Iurie Rosca Geopolitica.ru


Iurie Rosca The tactics of suppressing dissidents as a necessity of total control over the vassalized countries We are captive nations of the globalist plutocracy, which has devastated us economically and morally, has vassalized us politically and is using us blindly against its strategic…

Who’s Really Plotting A Chemical Weapons False Flag In Ukraine: Moscow Or Kiev? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Who’s Really Plotting A Chemical Weapons False Flag In Ukraine: Moscow Or Kiev? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


There’s no credible reason why Russia would employ chemical weapons when it already has uncontested military superiority in all warfighting domains, not to mention when it’s already coming under unprecedented full-spectrum pressure and being recklessly accused of staging precisely such a false…

Russia, China, Brazil, India Representing Half Of The World’s Population Call For Investigation Into US Biolabs In Ukraine – Jim Hoft

Russia, China, Brazil, India Representing Half Of The World’s Population Call For Investigation Into US Biolabs In Ukraine – Jim Hoft


On Sunday, March 6, 2022, Russian news agency Ria Novosti released documents claiming that Ukraine was working on “biological weapons” near the Russian border. Ria Novosti accused the US of instructing Ukraine to destroy the biological agents before the Russian invasion. According…

Foreign Policy Tripe: Australia’s Scott Morrison’s “Arc of Autocracy” – Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Foreign Policy Tripe: Australia’s Scott Morrison’s “Arc of Autocracy” – Dr. Binoy Kampmark


Grand foreign policy speeches are not usually the specialty of Australian Prime Ministers.  Little insight can be gleaned from them.  A more profitable exercise would be consulting the US State Department’s briefings, which give more accurate barometric readings of policy in Canberra. …

“War Hysteria”: No Earthly Justification Excuses The Capitulation Of Reason To Public Opinion – Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

“War Hysteria”: No Earthly Justification Excuses The Capitulation Of Reason To Public Opinion – Dr. Rudolf Hänsel


At the outbreak of the First World War, Romain Rolland (1), the French Nobel laureate for literature, spoke out in passionate appeals, articles and letters against the war hysteria and chauvinism of the Germans and the French. Hatred of war, which distances peoples from…

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