“Ukraine is A Done Deal. It’s Flattened And They Lost” – Steve Harrigan From FOX News Upon Return From Ukraine

“Ukraine is A Done Deal. It’s Flattened And They Lost” – Steve Harrigan From FOX News Upon Return From Ukraine


FOX News reporter Steve Harrigan was on America’s Newsroom on FOX News this morning and he discussed his perceptions of Ukraine after returning from there recently. The situation in Ukraine is very sad and dire.  Ukraine cannot beat Russia.  They are surrounded….

BREAKING: Russian UN Rep At Security Council Accuses US Of Testing Viral Agents In The Ukraine, Including Coronavirus In Bats (VIDEO)

BREAKING: Russian UN Rep At Security Council Accuses US Of Testing Viral Agents In The Ukraine, Including Coronavirus In Bats (VIDEO)


Russian Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya accused the United States of testing viral agents in Ukraine during Security Council testimony on Friday. Nebenzya accused the US was testing coronavirus in Ukrainian bats. As reported last night — Russia called to convene…

Biden Administration Paid Corrupt US Media $1 Billion To Obediently Pump COVID Jabs Propaganda

Biden Administration Paid Corrupt US Media $1 Billion To Obediently Pump COVID Jabs Propaganda


The Biden administration paid nearly the entire corporate media, including so-called “conservative” media outlets, with taxpayer dollars to engage in a massive campaign to push only positive coverage about COVID shots while censoring any negative information, without disclosing it to their audiences. This is…

Israel To Halt Demolition Of Palestinian Homes During Ramadan, Destruction And Evictions Will Continue Afterwards

Israel To Halt Demolition Of Palestinian Homes During Ramadan, Destruction And Evictions Will Continue Afterwards


Israeli media reported on 9 March that the demolition of Palestinian homes and buildings allegedly built without a permit will be halted during the coming month of Ramadan in order to prevent the escalation of a volatile “security situation.” Israel’s Police Commissioner,…

Russia’s Strategic Communications Policy Must Focus More On Non-Western Audiences – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Russia’s Strategic Communications Policy Must Focus More On Non-Western Audiences – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Russian international media flagships can play a pivotal role in accelerating the ongoing global systemic transition by proactively engaging with strategic non-Western audiences abroad, during which time they can articulate the Multipolar World Order that everyone is working towards so that their…

Meta’s Support Of Russophobic Hate Speech Should Seriously Concern All Westerners – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Meta’s Support Of Russophobic Hate Speech Should Seriously Concern All Westerners – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


All of this should seriously concern Westerners because they too might one day become the next victims of Meta’s tacitly state-backed hate speech campaign if the cause that they support ends up being treated as ‘politically incorrect’. Those conservative-nationalist supporters of former…

Returning To The ‘Scene Of Crime’? Hillary & Bill Clinton Back In Politics Amid Ukraine Crisis – Ekaterina Blinova

Returning To The ‘Scene Of Crime’? Hillary & Bill Clinton Back In Politics Amid Ukraine Crisis – Ekaterina Blinova


It is hardly a coincidence that Hillary and Bill Clinton have resumed their political activity amid the current crisis in Eastern European given the role they played in Washington’s relations with the post-Soviet space and Ukraine, in particular, says Wall Street analyst…

India Confirms It Is Implementing Non-Dollar Trade With Russia Including In Oil – Andrew Anglin

India Confirms It Is Implementing Non-Dollar Trade With Russia Including In Oil – Andrew Anglin


Nailed it. https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1503728487840063491 Again: it is impossible for any normal person to understand the implications of what is happening right now. Even I’m having a hard time processing it all, and I’m pretty good at processing deranged lunacy. For most people, the…

The US Military Tested Bioweapons On Ukrainians. We Were Next In Line – Victoria Nikiforova

The US Military Tested Bioweapons On Ukrainians. We Were Next In Line – Victoria Nikiforova


The Russian Ministry of Defense has revealed the contents of documents found in secret Ukrainian biological laboratories after American specialists fled from there. There, as one might expect, there was a complete assortment: causative agents of anthrax, plague, cholera, diphtheria. All this was stored in commercial…

Here’s How Russia’s Special Operation In Ukraine Can Succeed Without Regime Change – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Here’s How Russia’s Special Operation In Ukraine Can Succeed Without Regime Change – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The socio-political and military objectives that Russia is aiming to achieve can be fulfilled through diplomatic means so long as Ukrainian President Zelensky has the will. Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine aims to pursue several objectives: stopping Kiev’s genocide of the indigenous Russian people of…

Pentagon Ran Bioweapons Labs In 25 Countries, Including Ukraine… Yet No Global Outcry Against USA For Funding Covid Gain-of-Function Crimes Against Humanity – Ethan Huff

Pentagon Ran Bioweapons Labs In 25 Countries, Including Ukraine… Yet No Global Outcry Against USA For Funding Covid Gain-of-Function Crimes Against Humanity – Ethan Huff


In direct violation of the United Nations Convention, the United States military has made it a habit to manufacture deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins at bioweapons laboratories located all around the world. And it turns out that some of them are located in Ukraine….

The Global Disinformation Campaign To Suppress The Evidence Of Efficacy Of Ivermectin – Dr. Pierre Kory

The Global Disinformation Campaign To Suppress The Evidence Of Efficacy Of Ivermectin – Dr. Pierre Kory


After a week of non-stop lectures, panels, speeches, and expert testimony, my new mission has now come into focus. Editor’s Note: Dr. Pierre Kory brought ivermectin’s remarkable efficacy against covid-19 to global attention with his December, 2020, Senate testimony, which received nearly…

US Violated UN Treaties On Biological Weapons By Funding Bioweapons Labs In Ukraine – Ethan Huff

US Violated UN Treaties On Biological Weapons By Funding Bioweapons Labs In Ukraine – Ethan Huff


The Russian Federation has released new documents showing that Ukraine has been developing biological weapons near the Russian border in violation of United Nations (UN) treaties. Using American taxpayer dollars funneled there by the Pentagon, these Ukrainian labs were tasked with developing deadly…

Russia Bombs Ukrainian Military Base That Until Recently Hosted 160 US Army ‘Trainers’ Near Border of NATO’s Poland

Russia Bombs Ukrainian Military Base That Until Recently Hosted 160 US Army ‘Trainers’ Near Border of NATO’s Poland


The strike came after Russia declared Western arms convoys in Ukraine legitimate targets. Russian forces on Sunday bombed a Ukrainian military facility located just 22 miles from the border of NATO member Poland, killing at least 35 people and injuring dozens more. Prior to Russia’s…

“Preemptive Nuclear War”: The Historic Battle For Peace And Democracy. A Third World War Threatens The Future Of Humanity – Prof Michel Chossudovsky

“Preemptive Nuclear War”: The Historic Battle For Peace And Democracy. A Third World War Threatens The Future Of Humanity – Prof Michel Chossudovsky


Introduction At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable. All the safeguards of the Cold War era, which categorized the nuclear bomb as “a weapon of last resort”, have…

Calling Russia’s Attack ‘Unprovoked’ Lets US Off The Hook – Bryce Greene

Calling Russia’s Attack ‘Unprovoked’ Lets US Off The Hook – Bryce Greene


  Many governments and media figures are rightly condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine as an act of aggression and a violation of international law. But in his first speech about the invasion, on February 24, US President Joe Biden also called…

George Soros: US & EU Must Remove Putin And Xi From Power Before They Can Destroy ‘Our Civilization’

George Soros: US & EU Must Remove Putin And Xi From Power Before They Can Destroy ‘Our Civilization’


A third world war will “destroy our civilization” unless Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are “removed from power” warns billionaire Democrat megadonor George Soros. “After receiving a green light from Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin…

Zelensky Rubbishes Biden’s War On Russia – M.K. Bhadrakumar

Zelensky Rubbishes Biden’s War On Russia – M.K. Bhadrakumar


What was the need for all that happened in the period since mid-December when Russia transmitted to Washington its demands for security guarantee? This question will haunt US president Joe Biden long after he retires from public life. The foreign policy legacy of his…

Russia Prevents Washington From Unleashing Biological Warfare In Kazakhstan, Ukraine – Vladimir Platov New Eastern Outlook

Russia Prevents Washington From Unleashing Biological Warfare In Kazakhstan, Ukraine – Vladimir Platov New Eastern Outlook


In view of the unrest that US intelligence services have been actively initiating lately, whether in Central Asia, Transcaucasia or other areas bordering Russia and China, the risk of a biological disaster from multiple secret military biological laboratories deployed by the US…

Watch: US Secretary Buttigieg Leads Children To Bow To Rainbow Flag — ‘To The Gay Agenda, For Which It Stands’

Watch: US Secretary Buttigieg Leads Children To Bow To Rainbow Flag — ‘To The Gay Agenda, For Which It Stands’


Chasten Buttigieg, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg’s husband, reportedly led children in a pledge of allegiance to the gay pride LGBT flag, during an unearthed video from 2019. Buttigieg had the young children recite the following pledge: I pledge my heart to the…

Billions Of Dollars In Ukraine Have Gone Missing Yet US And Ukrainian Politicians Push For More Money

Billions Of Dollars In Ukraine Have Gone Missing Yet US And Ukrainian Politicians Push For More Money


There is an extensive documented reporting on numerous US politicians who all have their hands in the cookie jar in Ukraine.  But the fact is, Ukraine politicians also have their hand in the jar as well.In 2019 The Gateway Pundit reported on Ukrainian…

The New York Times’ Disgraceful And Deceitful Attack On Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Edward Curtin 

The New York Times’ Disgraceful And Deceitful Attack On Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Edward Curtin 


The New York Times, floundering in the deep waters of truth and desperately trying to stay afloat in the shallows by continuing its history of lying for its CIA masters, has just published a front page of propaganda worthy of the finest…

Number Of Extremists And Neo-Nazis In Europe Will Increase As A Result Of Condoning Them In Ukraine – Vladimir Odintsov

Number Of Extremists And Neo-Nazis In Europe Will Increase As A Result Of Condoning Them In Ukraine – Vladimir Odintsov


Fleeing from wars, armed conflicts and various militant activities, migrants from Africa and Asia continue to make risky attempts to enter the EU by various means, often using risky and perilous routes. However, streams of refugees in Europe have increased in recent days…

Is Poland Trying To Provoke World War III Or Expose The US’ Unreliability As An Ally? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Is Poland Trying To Provoke World War III Or Expose The US’ Unreliability As An Ally? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Poland is officially pleased with everything that the US has done to regionally provoke Russia – especially America’s deployment of ‘anti-missile systems’ and strike weapons near its border intended to gradually neutralize its target’s nuclear second-strike capabilities – but it might feel…

Opening Salvos Led To Neutralization Of Kiev’s Army  – What Are Putin’s Next Steps In The Ukraine? – Tom Luongo

Opening Salvos Led To Neutralization Of Kiev’s Army – What Are Putin’s Next Steps In The Ukraine? – Tom Luongo


Last week I wrote that Russian President Vladimir Putin rewrote the rules for the geopolitical game board. A week into his campaign to officially “demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine” it’s clear to me that Putin’s ambitions lie far beyond this stated goal. He will,…

Let Freedom Roll: 70 Mile Long ‘People’s Convoy’ To Descend On Washington, DC On Saturday – Thousands Of Vehicles Gear Up For The Final Stretch (VIDEOS)

Let Freedom Roll: 70 Mile Long ‘People’s Convoy’ To Descend On Washington, DC On Saturday – Thousands Of Vehicles Gear Up For The Final Stretch (VIDEOS)


Thousands of American Truckers from across the country will reach the DC Swamp tomorrow morning for a massive protest to pressure Biden to end the national state of emergency that was declared at the start of the pandemic, along with all the…

Defending Freedom And Democracy Sure Requires An Awful Lot Of Tyranny And Censorship – Caitlin Johnstone

Defending Freedom And Democracy Sure Requires An Awful Lot Of Tyranny And Censorship – Caitlin Johnstone


Kremlin-backed media outlets have been banned throughout the European Union, both on television and on apps and online platforms. RT has lost its Sky TV slot in the UK, where the outlet is also blocked on YouTube. Australian TV providers SBS and Foxtel have dropped RT, and the federal government is putting…

Ukraine And The US Have One Thing In Common – Obama/Biden Ran Coups In Both Nations

Ukraine And The US Have One Thing In Common – Obama/Biden Ran Coups In Both Nations


In 2014, the Obama Administration was behind a coup to install a leader in Ukraine.  Less than a decade later, the same group installed Biden in the US with a coup.  See below the article about the actions that Obama and Biden…

Canada Is Trying To Force Christian Medical Centers To Kill People In Assisted Suicides – Alex Schadenberg

Canada Is Trying To Force Christian Medical Centers To Kill People In Assisted Suicides – Alex Schadenberg


The euthanasia lobby has started a campaign to force Canada’s denominational medical institutions to participate or provide (MAiD) euthanasia. The Canadian Press reported that Dying With Dignity is campaigning to stop “forced transfers” a process that they define as transfers from medical…

Greenwald Slays ‘Fake US Fact Checkers’ After Nuland’s Bombshell Admission Of American Biolabs In The Ukraine

Greenwald Slays ‘Fake US Fact Checkers’ After Nuland’s Bombshell Admission Of American Biolabs In The Ukraine


Self-anointed “fact-checkers” in the U.S. corporate press have spent two weeks mocking as disinformation and a false conspiracy theory the claim that Ukraine has biological weapons labs, either alone or with U.S. support. They never presented any evidence for their ruling —…

US Is Abandoning Its “Helpers” In Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Everywhere! – Vladimir Platov New Eastern Outlook

US Is Abandoning Its “Helpers” In Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Everywhere! – Vladimir Platov New Eastern Outlook


The dismissive attitude of the US political and military establishment towards its foreign “helpers” (paid traitors to their own nations) is well known. This attitude became even more apparent after Joe Biden’s recent appearance before the House of Representatives and Senate with his…

NATO Too Weak To Face Russia? Richard Medhurst With Scott Ritter On Russian Offensive

NATO Too Weak To Face Russia? Richard Medhurst With Scott Ritter On Russian Offensive


Scott Ritter, a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, discusses the military invasion of Russia in Ukraine with Richard Medhurst. According to Ritter, this is a massive Russian operation that aims to “demilitarize” and “denazify” Ukraine which means two things. One, Ukrainian military will cease…

Deep State Neocon Confirms The US “Bioweapons Facilities” In The Ukraine, Sets Stage For False Flag To Be Blamed On Russia – Ethan Huff

Deep State Neocon Confirms The US “Bioweapons Facilities” In The Ukraine, Sets Stage For False Flag To Be Blamed On Russia – Ethan Huff


The powers that be are finally admitting that the United States is running biological weapons facilities in Ukraine that are among the likely targets of the Russian invasion. But as we have come to expect, the military-industrial complex talking heads are already preemptively blaming…

The North-South Transport Corridor Is A Trans-Civilizational Integration Project – Andrew Korybko  OneWorld

The North-South Transport Corridor Is A Trans-Civilizational Integration Project – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The NSTC represents the physical convergence of Russia’s southern-focused grand strategic plans of balancing the Iranian-Pakistani anchors of its Ummah Pivot in this particular part of the supercontinent with the Neo-NAM that it’s jointly pursuing with India. The trans-civilizational optics are immensely…

The NYT Now Admits The Biden Laptop – Falsely Called “Russian Disinformation” – Is Authentic – Glenn Greenwald

The NYT Now Admits The Biden Laptop – Falsely Called “Russian Disinformation” – Is Authentic – Glenn Greenwald


One of the most successful disinformation campaigns in modern American electoral history occurred in the weeks prior to the 2020 presidential election. On October 14, 2020 — less than three weeks before Americans were set to vote — the nation’s oldest newspaper, The New…

How The U.S. Has Empowered And Armed Neo-Nazis In Ukraine – Medea Benjamin & Nicolas Davies

How The U.S. Has Empowered And Armed Neo-Nazis In Ukraine – Medea Benjamin & Nicolas Davies


  Russian President Putin has claimed that he ordered the invasion of Ukraine to “denazify” its government, while Western officials, such as former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul, have called this pure propaganda, insisting, “There are no Nazis in Ukraine.” In the context…

YouTube, The Tool Of West’s Goebbels-Style Censorship, Removes Ukraine Documentary Featuring Renowned Filmmaker Oliver Stone

YouTube, The Tool Of West’s Goebbels-Style Censorship, Removes Ukraine Documentary Featuring Renowned Filmmaker Oliver Stone


The 2016 ‘Ukraine on Fire’ film has been removed from the Google-owned video-hosting website. Oliver Stone’s 2016 ‘Ukraine on Fire’ documentary chronicling the modern history of Ukraine has been removed from YouTube. The 2016 Ukraine on Fire’ documentary, which features filmmaker Oliver…

Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Provided To US Firm Metabiota Funds For Building The Ukrainian Biolabs

Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Provided To US Firm Metabiota Funds For Building The Ukrainian Biolabs


Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca provided capital for the firms behind the creation of Biolabs in Ukraine.   We heard on Tuesday from the US State Department that there were US Biolabs in Ukraine. Then on Wednesday the Biden regime backtracked and insisted there…

Parts Of Spanish Economy Grind To A Halt After Five-Day Nationwide Truckers’ Strike – Nick Corbishley

Parts Of Spanish Economy Grind To A Halt After Five-Day Nationwide Truckers’ Strike – Nick Corbishley


Like the Trudeau government, Pedro Sánchez’s ruling coalition blames the truckers’ strike on far-right elements while blaming Putin for record-high gas prices and decades-high inflation in Spain. Spain’s already struggling economy is in a bind after an indefinite strike by truck drivers…

Ukraine Shows Overnight Its Real Authoritarian Dictatorship Faces As Zelensky Bans 11 Political Parties And Seizes Media Control – JD Heyes

Ukraine Shows Overnight Its Real Authoritarian Dictatorship Faces As Zelensky Bans 11 Political Parties And Seizes Media Control – JD Heyes


With Russian forces advancing on his country’s major cities, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s first tendency has been to become an authoritarian leader even as he pleads for international assistance under the guise that his country yearns for “freedom” and “democracy.” According to reports…

Ukrainian US-Funded Biolabs Linked To EcoHealth Alliance, Which Helped Create And Unleash COVID-19 – Ethan Huff

Ukrainian US-Funded Biolabs Linked To EcoHealth Alliance, Which Helped Create And Unleash COVID-19 – Ethan Huff


The web of lies surrounding the Pentagon-run biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine and elsewhere continues to unravel with new evidence showing that Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) is also involved. Along with Metabiota, EHA is a longtime partner of the United States Agency for International…

Human Rights Watch Charges Russia But Not The US With War Censorship – Eric Zuesse

Human Rights Watch Charges Russia But Not The US With War Censorship – Eric Zuesse


On February 28th, Human Rights Watch (HRW) headlined “With War, Censorship Reaches New Heights”, and reported only against this censorship as practiced in Russia, as-if it were not also being done in America. The only even mention of its being practiced in America…

Here’s Why It’s So Important For Russia To Denazify & Demilitarize The “Anti-Russia” – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Here’s Why It’s So Important For Russia To Denazify & Demilitarize The “Anti-Russia” – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Denazification will result in the “ideological vaccination” of the Ukrainian “deep state” and the society that it’s supposed to represent (even though it hasn’t legitimately represented its indigenously multicultural people for the past eight years). This will in turn sustainably ensure that…

The Privatization Of Nuclear War. What Is More Dangerous? A Mini-Nuke Or COVID-19? – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

The Privatization Of Nuclear War. What Is More Dangerous? A Mini-Nuke Or COVID-19? – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky


“Meeting with Congress, Zelensky Asks for More Weapons and a No-Fly Zone” according to the New York Times. A No Fly Zone is tantamount to a World War III scenario.  Who writes and/or determines the content of  Zelensky’s speeches?  Zelensky addressed President Joe Biden…

When Pigs Fly: US Congress Inserts Over 4,000 Corrupt ‘Pork Barrel Projects’ In The New $1.5 Trillion Spending Bill – Jonathan Turley

When Pigs Fly: US Congress Inserts Over 4,000 Corrupt ‘Pork Barrel Projects’ In The New $1.5 Trillion Spending Bill – Jonathan Turley


For years, Congress has dispensed with the pretense of informed legislative process when it comes to major bills and appropriations. The new $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill, however, took the notion of blind legislating to a disgraceful degree. Democratic leadership dumped the…

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