Putin’s Brave New World: Russia’s Objectives In Ukraine, And What They Mean For The West – Nicholas Meyers

Putin’s Brave New World: Russia’s Objectives In Ukraine, And What They Mean For The West – Nicholas Meyers


  Little is yet known about why Russian President Vladimir Putin initiated the special military operation in Ukraine when he did, and it seems that many pundits are also yet reluctant to risk their reputations by speculating about the potential objectives of a political…

Is Russia’s Central Bank Chief A Hostile Foreign Agent Deliberately Sabotaging The Russian Economy? – Interview With Economist Paul Craig Roberts

Is Russia’s Central Bank Chief A Hostile Foreign Agent Deliberately Sabotaging The Russian Economy? – Interview With Economist Paul Craig Roberts


“We could completely offset the negative consequences of financial sanctions if the Bank of Russia fulfilled its constitutional duty to ensure a stable ruble exchange rate, and not the recommendations of Washington financial organizations…. It was the connivance of the Central Bank…

Facebook’s Restriction Of Russian Media In The EU Reveals The West’s Hypocrisy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Facebook’s Restriction Of Russian Media In The EU Reveals The West’s Hypocrisy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The large-scale popular uprising across the continent against what many regard as politically driven and anti-epidemiological COVID-19 restrictions could potentially transform into the largest anti-war movement that Europe has ever seen if enough people realized that the US’ anti-Russian military alliance was…

Ukraine-Russia Isn’t A War, It’s A License To Steal. Biden & Democrats Are Stealing Your Money – Wayne Allyn Root

Ukraine-Russia Isn’t A War, It’s A License To Steal. Biden & Democrats Are Stealing Your Money – Wayne Allyn Root


I want you to think about a few things… First, based on everything we know, Ukraine is the most corrupt country on the planet. Second, think about Hunter Biden’s laptop. It offered proof that Joe Biden is perhaps the most corrupt traitor…

Russia Releases Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence Of US Military Biolabs In Ukraine (VIDEO)

Russia Releases Captured Documents Before UN Special Council Meeting Exposing Evidence Of US Military Biolabs In Ukraine (VIDEO)


Russia called to convene the United Nations Security Council this morning to present evidence of military biological activities by the United States in Ukraine. ** The presentation will start at 11 AM ET on Friday morning. US officials have offered varying responses…

Data Shows Fully Vaccinated Individuals In UK, NZ Are Developing AIDS – Mary Villareal

Data Shows Fully Vaccinated Individuals In UK, NZ Are Developing AIDS – Mary Villareal


Data recently released by the New Zealand government showed fully vaccinated individuals developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS, showing major degradation of the immune system. Just like other governments before, the New Zealand Ministry of Health only provides a cumulative total of Wuhan coronavirus…

The Ukraine Puppet Government Worked With Democrats Against Trump In 2016. The Bet Backfired Badly – Paul Sperry

The Ukraine Puppet Government Worked With Democrats Against Trump In 2016. The Bet Backfired Badly – Paul Sperry


Six years ago, before Russia’s full-scale invasion of their country, the Ukrainians bet that a Hillary Clinton presidency would offer better protection from Russian President Vladimir Putin, even though he had invaded Crimea during the Obama-Biden administration, whose Russian policies Clinton vowed…

The US Embassy Official Website Just Removed All Evidence Of US Bioweapons Labs In The Ukraine – Lance D Johnson

The US Embassy Official Website Just Removed All Evidence Of US Bioweapons Labs In The Ukraine – Lance D Johnson


The official US embassy website recently REMOVED all evidence of bio-labs in Ukraine. These bio-labs are funded and jointly operated by the US Department of Defense (DOD). The laboratory documents were public knowledge up until February 25, 2022. These documents include important construction,…

Hating Breitbart – Re-Release Of Previously Banned Andrew Breitbart Documentary

Hating Breitbart – Re-Release Of Previously Banned Andrew Breitbart Documentary


This is very exciting news. As you know, after 5 long years of being banned from the major outlets, Hating Breitbart is back! We’re re-launching the film starting tomorrow, Friday, March 11th, in honor of the 10 year anniversary of Andrew’s passing….

US Congress Want To Ban Unstoppable Trump From Winning 2024 Elections: “He May Have Engaged In ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ To Overturn 2020 Election”

US Congress Want To Ban Unstoppable Trump From Winning 2024 Elections: “He May Have Engaged In ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ To Overturn 2020 Election”


It appears Liz Cheney and the Marxists on the January 6 panel are gearing up to ask federal prosecutors to charge Trump. The sham January 6 Committee on Wednesday said Trump may have engaged in criminal conduct to overturn the 2020 election….

Russia’s Upcoming International Anti-Fascist Congress Is An Important Soft Power Move – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Russia’s Upcoming International Anti-Fascist Congress Is An Important Soft Power Move – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


It’s of urgent importance that the Western public realizes that the self-proclaimed ‘Antifa’ networks all across their civilizational ‘sphere of influence’ are actually faux-antifascists in that many of their tactics amount to the imposition of fascist policies under the Orwellian label of…

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