US Senator Rand Paul: ‘Elitists Want A One Totalitarian World Government; It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory’

US Senator Rand Paul: ‘Elitists Want A One Totalitarian World Government; It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory’


It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory’ – “It’s in their mission statement. They openly brag about it. This is everybody’s worst nightmare.” Senator Rand Paul appeared on Fox News Thursday and discussed the ongoing World Economic Forum gathering in Davos Switzerland, remarking that it is not…

Britain Using Ukraine Conflict As Excuse To Push For Legalizing Gene-Edited Frankenfood – Ethan Huff

Britain Using Ukraine Conflict As Excuse To Push For Legalizing Gene-Edited Frankenfood – Ethan Huff


Genetically engineered food is heavily restricted in the United Kingdom, and for good reason. But a new bill being pushed in Parliament right now could sidestep these restrictions using the Ukraine conflict as an excuse. Gene-edited crops differ from standard genetically modified organisms,…

Israel’s Reported Refusal To Greenlight German Anti-Tank Missiles To Ukraine Is Huge – Andrew KorybkoOne World

Israel’s Reported Refusal To Greenlight German Anti-Tank Missiles To Ukraine Is Huge – Andrew KorybkoOne World


The insight shared in this analysis should lead to a fundamental rethinking of how observers understand Israel’s contemporary foreign policy as well as its envisioned role in the global systemic transition to multipolarity. Axios reported last week that Israel refused a US request…

Erdogan: Turkey Will Block Finland, Sweden In NATO: “We Cannot Say Yes To Countries That Support Terror”

Erdogan: Turkey Will Block Finland, Sweden In NATO: “We Cannot Say Yes To Countries That Support Terror”


Sweden and Finland have yet to address Ankara’s security demands, President Erdogan says. Ankara will not approve the two Nordic states’ bids to join NATO until they properly address Turkey’s concerns over their alleged support of terrorist organizations, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has…

Monkeypox Simulation One Year Before Outbreak Strikingly Reminiscent Of Earlier COVID Simulation – Cameron Keegan

Monkeypox Simulation One Year Before Outbreak Strikingly Reminiscent Of Earlier COVID Simulation – Cameron Keegan


There is a famous, old saying: history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes. News from around the world has been gripped in a frenzy over the world’s first-ever global outbreak of monkeypox in mid-May. Interestingly enough, just one year ago, an international biosecurity conference in…

Zaporozhye Region Prevents West’s Gold Theft Attempt, Will Switch To Ruble And Offer Russia Military Airfield, Naval Base

Zaporozhye Region Prevents West’s Gold Theft Attempt, Will Switch To Ruble And Offer Russia Military Airfield, Naval Base


The Zaporozhye Region in southern Ukraine will give up the Ukrainian hryvnia and switch over to settlements in Russian rubles, member of the chief council of the regional military-civil administration Vladimir Rogov told TASS on Sunday. “In our specialists’ estimates, we will…

A Key Russian Policy Influencer Shared Crucial Insight Into His Country’s Grand Strategy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

A Key Russian Policy Influencer Shared Crucial Insight Into His Country’s Grand Strategy – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


This grand strategy envisions Russia becoming an independent pole of influence in the emerging Multipolar World Order, to which end Moscow must pragmatically balance between its two equally important Chinese and Indian Great Power partners. Countries like Pakistan, Israel, Turkey, and the…

The History They Don’t Teach You In School: U.S. And Russia Have A Long History Of Collaboration – Nancy Spannaus

The History They Don’t Teach You In School: U.S. And Russia Have A Long History Of Collaboration – Nancy Spannaus


Relationship Can Be Rekindled Today, Even in These Darkest of Times. There was a time in the intelligence and diplomatic communities of the United States, when “intelligence” required study of the history and culture of other nations, and their historical relationship with…

In Stunning Admission, Globalist Mouthpiece Washington Post Admits Collapsing Morale And Mass Surrender Of Kiev Forces

In Stunning Admission, Globalist Mouthpiece Washington Post Admits Collapsing Morale And Mass Surrender Of Kiev Forces


With Russia’s operation in Ukraine now in its fourth month, mainstream media consumers have been treated to seemingly endless headlines and analysis of Russia’s extensive military losses. At the same time Ukrainian Nazi forces have tended to be lionized and their battlefield…

A Substantial Chunk Of Taxpayers’ $40 Billion To Ukraine Will Likely Be Lost To Corruption – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

A Substantial Chunk Of Taxpayers’ $40 Billion To Ukraine Will Likely Be Lost To Corruption – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Far from being the so-called “shining city on a hill” when it comes to “anti-corruption”, modern-day America is more like a mutilated corpse that’s been tossed into the sewers to rot. US President Biden recently signed legislation granting a whopping $40 billion in so-called…

Fighting US Inflation… With Price Controls? It’s Genius! It ‘Worked’ In Weimar Germany, Roman Empire – Simon Black

Fighting US Inflation… With Price Controls? It’s Genius! It ‘Worked’ In Weimar Germany, Roman Empire – Simon Black


One of the most repeated lessons we see over and over again throughout human history is that bumbling politicians almost invariably try to ‘fix’ inflation with price controls. Emperor Diocletian famously imposed strict price controls across the Roman Empire in 301 AD to…

Russian Strategic Victory Through Death By A Thousand Cuts – While West Has No Strategy In The Ukraine – Pepe Escobar

Russian Strategic Victory Through Death By A Thousand Cuts – While West Has No Strategy In The Ukraine – Pepe Escobar


The Russian strategic victory, as it stands, is military, economic, and may even coalesce geopolitically. Centuries after the Byzantine Strategikon was penned, the Global South would be very much interested in getting acquainted with the 21st century Russian version of the Art…

Critiquing Kissinger’s Pragmatic Comments About The Ukrainian Conflict – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Critiquing Kissinger’s Pragmatic Comments About The Ukrainian Conflict – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Everyone should consider Kissinger’s comments as wishful thinking intended to simply remind US-led Western policymakers of the grand strategic context and inspire scenario forecasting connected to the consequences that their unilateral proxy war on Russia has for the emerging world order. Former…

Four US Biolabs Operate In Nigeria, Where Monkeypox Came From – Russian Defense Ministry

Four US Biolabs Operate In Nigeria, Where Monkeypox Came From – Russian Defense Ministry


MOSCOW, May 27. /TASS/. At least four US-controlled biological laboratories operate in Nigeria, where monkeypox came from, Russian Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection troops head Igor Kirillov stated Friday. He pointed out that, according to the World Health Organization, the monkeypox pathogen…

Russia Makes Debt Payments In Full And In Foreign Currency, Now When Foreign Fiat Is Cheap

Russia Makes Debt Payments In Full And In Foreign Currency, Now When Foreign Fiat Is Cheap


Russia’s National Settlement Depository has successfully paid coupons on two outstanding Eurobonds in foreign currency, media reports. According to the country’s settlement depository, the payments were made on Friday. Russia made coupon payments on two outstanding Eurobonds in foreign currency on Friday,…

Putin Touched Upon Russia’s Grand Geo-Economic Strategy In Eurasia – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Putin Touched Upon Russia’s Grand Geo-Economic Strategy In Eurasia – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The Greater Eurasian Partnership represents Russia’s premier project for creating a genuinely rules-based international order modeled off the principles enshrined in the UN Charter. Its Eurasian Economic Union core will serve as the proof of concept for this literally world-changing grand strategy…

Pfizer Tells Courts That It Owns The US Government And Is Thereby Above The Law – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Pfizer Tells Courts That It Owns The US Government And Is Thereby Above The Law – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


Pfizer affirms that its agreement with Washington under “Other Transaction Authority” permits Pfizer to violate clinical trial regulations and federal laws protecting the public. In other words, Pfizer has legal authority to commit fraud that kills people. As I have explained on many…

China’s Passenger Aircraft Industry Puts An End To Western Monopoly – Petr Konovalov

China’s Passenger Aircraft Industry Puts An End To Western Monopoly – Petr Konovalov


Aircraft manufacturing is one of the strategically important areas of modern industry, providing transport security and generating large revenues. However, aircraft construction requires a high level of scientific and technological development and a huge financial investment. Therefore, not all countries are able…

Russia Encircles Ukraine Troops In East, Soldiers Continue To Surrender, Cracks Show In West’s Warmongering

Russia Encircles Ukraine Troops In East, Soldiers Continue To Surrender, Cracks Show In West’s Warmongering


Kiev’s official said Tuesday that Russia’s military campaign has “entered its most active phase,” according to the words of Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk. “Russian forces are trying to encircle Ukrainian troops in twin cities straddling the Siverskyi Donets River in eastern Ukraine,”…

US Supports Cultural Genocide In Macedonia And Imprisonment Of Dissidents As Part Of Its Geo-strategic Alignment With Greece

US Supports Cultural Genocide In Macedonia And Imprisonment Of Dissidents As Part Of Its Geo-strategic Alignment With Greece


Exposing US Meddling in Macedonia – But few Americans seem to know or care [CAM uses the name “Macedonia”—rather than the imposed “North Macedonia”—as we respect the Macedonian people’s right to self-determination and their own name, identity and history.—Editors] The former U.S. ambassador…

What Would An Amendment Of The “Anti-War” Article 9 Of The Japanese Constitution Mean? – Vladimir Terekhov New Eastern Outlook

What Would An Amendment Of The “Anti-War” Article 9 Of The Japanese Constitution Mean? – Vladimir Terekhov New Eastern Outlook


The NEO tracks more or less regularly any significant developments in the evolution of Japanese defense policy, construed broadly. That is, attention is drawn to the long-standing debate on (possible) changes to the existing legal framework, the remarkable trends in military buildup…

Russia, Iran, And India Are Creating A Third Pole Of Influence In International Relations – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Russia, Iran, And India Are Creating A Third Pole Of Influence In International Relations – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The success of this project will help the world make progress in moving past the present bi-multipolar intermediary phase of the global systemic transition and correspondingly create more opportunities for other countries to strengthen their strategic autonomy in the New Cold War….

CIA, NATO And The Great Heroin Coup: How Miami Became The Center Of International Fascism, And, The Murder Of President Kennedy – Cynthia Chung

CIA, NATO And The Great Heroin Coup: How Miami Became The Center Of International Fascism, And, The Murder Of President Kennedy – Cynthia Chung


This is Part 4 to a five-part series. [Refer here for Part 1 and Part 2, the latter which goes over how the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post WWII was Bought and Paid for by the CIA. Part 3 is essential reading prior to this paper, which discusses…

United Ireland On The Horizon? Seismic Election Win In Northern Ireland For Sinn Fein That Advocates Secession From UK And Irish Reunification

United Ireland On The Horizon? Seismic Election Win In Northern Ireland For Sinn Fein That Advocates Secession From UK And Irish Reunification


Sinn Fein, the Irish nationalist party, which advocates Northern Ireland’s secession from the United Kingdom and reunification with Ireland, has won most seats in the national Assembly, the regional parliament, in a historic election win, according to the results of the April…

The Corruptness Of The Social ‘Sciences’: It Prevents Democracy From Functioning – Eric Zuesse OneWorld

The Corruptness Of The Social ‘Sciences’: It Prevents Democracy From Functioning – Eric Zuesse OneWorld


What ‘scientists’ are today’s “social scientists”? None, at all. They have been prostituted, by their paymasters, to promote lies, instead of to expose them. A striking example of the corruptness of the social ‘sciences’ is the results from web-searching the phrase “UNDERSTANDING THE…

War Drums Beating Louder In Asia & Pacific: US, Japan Prepare Statement Pledging To Jointly ‘Deter’ China Militarily

War Drums Beating Louder In Asia & Pacific: US, Japan Prepare Statement Pledging To Jointly ‘Deter’ China Militarily


Tensions between Beijing and Tokyo are about to ratchet further amid widespread reports that the United States and Japan have prepared a statement calling for both to “deter and respond to” China’s aggressive military activities in the Indo-Pacific region. The statement is…

Mark Esper’s Book Reveals Shocking Details Of US Plans For War And Terror Against Venezuela – Alan Macleod

Mark Esper’s Book Reveals Shocking Details Of US Plans For War And Terror Against Venezuela – Alan Macleod


WASHINGTON – A new book from former Defense Secretary Mark Esper has revealed shocking new details about the Trump administration’s war on Venezuela. “A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense During Extraordinary Times” admits that the Trump administration plotted to invade…

Klaus Schwab Threatens Brazilian President For Refusing To Sign WHO Pandemic Treaty – Ramon Tomey

Klaus Schwab Threatens Brazilian President For Refusing To Sign WHO Pandemic Treaty – Ramon Tomey


World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and Executive Director Klaus Schwab issued a thinly veiled threat toward Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro after the strongman refused to sign the World Health Organization‘s (WHO) pandemic treaty. “Let’s also be clear: The future is not just happening. The future…

Poland Wants Norway To Partially Subsidize Its De Facto Confederation With Ukraine – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Poland Wants Norway To Partially Subsidize Its De Facto Confederation With Ukraine – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Even though the Polish President suggested that some of Russia’s $300 billion in stolen foreign assets be redirected towards Ukraine’s reconstruction, it seems as though those who seized these funds aren’t interested in sharing all that much otherwise the Polish Prime Minister…

Here We Go Again: Monkeypox Is The Next “Scariant” Being Unleashed On The World To Push Vaccine Passports – Ethan Huff

Here We Go Again: Monkeypox Is The Next “Scariant” Being Unleashed On The World To Push Vaccine Passports – Ethan Huff


Oh no! Another scary-sounding disease called “monkeypox” is supposedly spreading, which means the powers that be are getting ready to unleash another round of plandemic tyranny that is sure to include yet another magical new “vaccine” delivered at warp speed. The World Health Organization (WHO), which…

Weimar Hyperinflation On Its Way? German Inflation Hits Four-Decade High, Biggest Yearly Jump Since Statistic Records Began In 1949

Weimar Hyperinflation On Its Way? German Inflation Hits Four-Decade High, Biggest Yearly Jump Since Statistic Records Began In 1949


Soaring energy costs are pushing consumer prices higher. German inflation has reached a four-decade high due to loose monetary policy and surging energy prices, official statistics show. A key gauge of euro zone long-term inflation expectations was at 2.4% around its highest…

Is This The End Of American Sovereignty? Attorney Thomas Renz Reveals What’s Really Happening At The WHO Assembly This Week – Alicia Powe

Is This The End Of American Sovereignty? Attorney Thomas Renz Reveals What’s Really Happening At The WHO Assembly This Week – Alicia Powe


The United Nation’s World Health Organization is slated to vote on the Biden Administration’s amendments to International Health Regulations as 194 member nations of WHO’s legislature convene at the 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland this week. The individuals actually running…

Ukraine’s Ban On “Politically Incorrect” Parties Adds Credence To Putin’s Magnum Opus – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Ukraine’s Ban On “Politically Incorrect” Parties Adds Credence To Putin’s Magnum Opus – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Amidst the confusion caused by the US’ unprecedented infowar, it’s absolutely integral that everyone familiarizes themselves with President Putin’s own words. Ukrainian President Zelensky recently signed a law banning so-called “anti-Ukrainian” political parties, which are considered to be those with ‘politically incorrect’ interpretations of…

Russian Ruble Tops Global Currencies In 2022 Despite West’s Sanctions – Andrew Moran

Russian Ruble Tops Global Currencies In 2022 Despite West’s Sanctions – Andrew Moran


The Russian ruble has turned into the top-performing currency in global financial markets, despite Moscow facing a bombardment of crippling economic sanctions and financial restrictions. Year-to-date, the ruble has strengthened by about 14 percent against the U.S. dollar. By comparison, the U.S. Dollar Index…

French Lieutenant Colonel Jacques Guillemain: “Ukrainian Soldiers Are Only In The Cities, Losing Vast Swaths Of Territories”

French Lieutenant Colonel Jacques Guillemain: “Ukrainian Soldiers Are Only In The Cities, Losing Vast Swaths Of Territories”


Continental Observer conducted an interview with Lieutenant Colonel Jacques Guillemain, a former Air Force pilot, who provides us with his analysis of the situation in Ukraine, but also on on NATO. Continental Observer: Concerning the characteristics of the Russian special military operation in…

‘Absolutely Pathetic’: ‘American Military’s Wokeness ‘Is Going To Get People Killed,’ US Senator Says

‘Absolutely Pathetic’: ‘American Military’s Wokeness ‘Is Going To Get People Killed,’ US Senator Says


A U.S. senator is warning that the American military’s wokeness ‘is going to get people killed.” The comment comes from Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., a Ranger-qualified infantry veteran, and was documented in a report at the Federalist by Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center…

Is US Trying To Find Way Out Of Ukraine? New York Times: The War In Ukraine Is Getting Complicated, And America Isn’t Ready

Is US Trying To Find Way Out Of Ukraine? New York Times: The War In Ukraine Is Getting Complicated, And America Isn’t Ready


The American media begin probing the idea of ​​the US withdrawing from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. “Popular support for a war far off the coast of the United States will not continue indefinitely. Inflation is a much bigger problem for American voters than Ukraine,…

End Support For Kurds – Turkey Lays Out Demands Over Finland, Sweden’s “Outrageous” NATO Bids

End Support For Kurds – Turkey Lays Out Demands Over Finland, Sweden’s “Outrageous” NATO Bids


After Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s fiery Friday remarks expressing anger at recent declarations of Western countries saying they want see Sweden and Finland fast-tracked into NATO, Turkey’s foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told NATO diplomats in Berlin on Saturday that the Scandinavian countries’…
