15 Explanations For The Slow But Steady Pace Of Russia’s Special Military Operation – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

15 Explanations For The Slow But Steady Pace Of Russia’s Special Military Operation – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The present piece will attempt to provide some cogent explanations for helping everyone better understand the evolving military-strategic dynamics at play that are responsible for this. Observers across the world are debating the reasons why Russia’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine is still raging despite over…

Project Veritas: Senior Twitter Engineer Lashes Out At Elon Musk, Admits “Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech – We Are All Commie As F*ck’

Project Veritas: Senior Twitter Engineer Lashes Out At Elon Musk, Admits “Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech – We Are All Commie As F*ck’


[NEW YORK – May 16, 2022] Project Veritas published explosive undercover footage on Monday night featuring one of Twitter’s senior engineers discussing the dynamics behind internal reactions to the acquisition of the tech company by business magnate, Elon Musk. Project Veritas on…

Europe Says It Faces A Full-Blown Shock If Russian Gas Disrupted, Folds To Payment In Rubles, 20 EU States Open Ruble Accounts In Russia

Europe Says It Faces A Full-Blown Shock If Russian Gas Disrupted, Folds To Payment In Rubles, 20 EU States Open Ruble Accounts In Russia


So much for the worthless EU sanctions. Europe Predicts Full-Blown Stagflationary Shock If Russian Gas Supplies Disrupted, Folds To Russia’s Payment Demands. At Least 20 European Gas Buyers Open ‘Rubles-For-Gas’ Account With Gazprombank, Bloomberg reports. Europe’s anti-Russian virtue signaling and harsh language are…

The Fight Over A New World Order From The Golden Renaissance To The Multipolar Alliance – Matthew Ehret

The Fight Over A New World Order From The Golden Renaissance To The Multipolar Alliance – Matthew Ehret


This week, Matt Ehret was interviewed by Arthur Sanchez, who manages a French website titled ‘La reveil des moutons’ to discuss history, philosophy and geopolitics. Here is the English version of the interview: 1)     Starting this interview, could you introduce yourself to the French-speaking…

Next Month’s Summit Of The Americas Is Shaping Up To Show How Isolated The US Has Become – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Next Month’s Summit Of The Americas Is Shaping Up To Show How Isolated The US Has Become – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


By continuing to become an increasingly independent pole of influence amidst the global systemic transition to multipolarity, the Latin American countries literally contribute to changing the world for the better. They show how isolated the US is from the Global South, which…

The West Approves Turkey’s Operation Against The Kurds But Condemns Russia’s Special Operation In Ukraine – Vladimir Platov

The West Approves Turkey’s Operation Against The Kurds But Condemns Russia’s Special Operation In Ukraine – Vladimir Platov


On 18 April, Turkey announced the beginning of a new cross-border military special operation in Iraqi Kurdistan, Claw Lock (Pençe Kilit). Ankara initially focused all its attention on the Duhok Province of Iraq, where Special Forces of the Ministry of Defense of…

US “Sanctioning” Half Of The World Already Irrelevant: Venezuela Starts Shipping In Iran’s Heavy Crude Oil For Refining

US “Sanctioning” Half Of The World Already Irrelevant: Venezuela Starts Shipping In Iran’s Heavy Crude Oil For Refining


Venezuela has begun shipping in heavy crude oil from Iran to use as feedstock in domestic refineries, Reuters reported on Monday citing documents from Venezuela’s state-run oil company PDVSA. TEHRAN (Iran News) – Venezuela has begun shipping in heavy crude oil from…

American Media Shameful Cover-Up Of Bloody And Criminal Saudi Aggression In Yemen – Charles Pierson

American Media Shameful Cover-Up Of Bloody And Criminal Saudi Aggression In Yemen – Charles Pierson


The National Interest has published a shameless apology for Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen, “The Saudi War of Necessity in Yemen” by Ahmed al-Maimouni. With his second sentence, Al-Maimouni, a retired Saudi major general, forfeits his right to be taken seriously: “It is imperative…

War In Eastern Ukraine Looks A Lot Different In Person Than It Does On CNN – John Parker

War In Eastern Ukraine Looks A Lot Different In Person Than It Does On CNN – John Parker


“Ukrainian Army Soldiers Shot Into My Home and Burned All My Things,” Says Elderly Luhansk Woman Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4qo21z3cr4sn8ls/Part%201%20covertaction.mp4?dl=0 I had just left the Lugansk People’s Republic, making my way to an interview in Moscow, when I saw a May 11 CNN story claiming…

Another Paid Gig For Actor-For-Hire Puppet Zelensky, “To Address” His Masters At Corrupt Global Elite World Economic Forum’s Davos Summit

Another Paid Gig For Actor-For-Hire Puppet Zelensky, “To Address” His Masters At Corrupt Global Elite World Economic Forum’s Davos Summit


Ukraine’s puppet Volodymyr Zelensky will address the globalist forum of elites in Davos, Switzerland later this month, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced on Friday. The annual meeting of business elites and government leaders will once again take place in the Swiss…

NATO Plans To Further Impoverish Americans With Sweden & Finland Set To Join – Ryan McMaken

NATO Plans To Further Impoverish Americans With Sweden & Finland Set To Join – Ryan McMaken


Both Sweden and Finland have applied for membership within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization this week, with both countries ending their long-standing policy of neutrality. On Wednesday, several NATO members announced they would immediately extend NATO-like military defense to both Finland and…

Under Cover Of Ukraine US Plans To Partition Syria And To Annex By Proxy Its North-Eastern Territory – Vanessa Beeley

Under Cover Of Ukraine US Plans To Partition Syria And To Annex By Proxy Its North-Eastern Territory – Vanessa Beeley


Under cover of media coverage of the NATO proxy war in Ukraine and the Zionist assassination of Al Jazeera senior correspondent Shireen AbuAkleh, Washington is making moves to annex Syrian territory. On May 11th during the meeting of the “global coalition against Islamic…

Mike Cernovich: The US Democratic Party Is Pushing Genocide Against Christians

Mike Cernovich: The US Democratic Party Is Pushing Genocide Against Christians


Mike Cernovich spoke to Breitbart News Daily host and Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow about the radical pro-abortion protests taking place, Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover, and the American Left who “worship communists” and are “pushing genocide against Christians.” Marlow opened the segment discussing the recent protests…

Russian Hit-Back Against The Western Countries Is Yet To Begin – Bhim Bhurtel OneWorld

Russian Hit-Back Against The Western Countries Is Yet To Begin – Bhim Bhurtel OneWorld


Let’s analyze the counter-sanctions levers that Russia has at its disposal. Despite US President Biden’s pledges to cripple Russia by “targeting the main artery of Russia’s economy,” the Western media has started to accept that Russia’s economy is back on its feet.  Russia’s retaliation…

WEF Leaders: Globalists Need More Power And Full Control Due To People Becoming Increasingly Skeptical Of COVID & Vaccines

WEF Leaders: Globalists Need More Power And Full Control Due To People Becoming Increasingly Skeptical Of COVID & Vaccines


With popular support for pandemic measures such as lockdowns and masks declining, the world’s leaders are losing the opportunity to accelerate the globalist agenda, said former New Zealand prime minister Helen Clark in a panel with billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates and others…

USAID Granted Millions In Taxpayer Dollars To Fund Overseas Abortions Under The Guise Of Covid Relief – Jordan Boyd

USAID Granted Millions In Taxpayer Dollars To Fund Overseas Abortions Under The Guise Of Covid Relief – Jordan Boyd


The United States Agency for International Development funneled millions of dollars to international pro-abortion organizations under the guise of Covid-19 relief funds, new grant documents obtained by Revolver show. In July of 2020, USAID signed off on a grant titled “Responding to COVID-19 in…

The Race To Break The Russia-China Alliance And The ‘Ukraine Of The Asia Pacific’ – Matthew Ehret

The Race To Break The Russia-China Alliance And The ‘Ukraine Of The Asia Pacific’ – Matthew Ehret


It has become commonplace among western media to paint today’s Russia-China alliance as a matter of either “momentary convenience”, or as a strained partnership between two competing authoritarian regimes with global imperial aspirations. However, if one simply looks at the facts as…

Global COVID Summit Declaration IV By 17,000 Medical Scientists For Restoring Scientific Integrity And Addressing Crimes Against Humanity

Global COVID Summit Declaration IV By 17,000 Medical Scientists For Restoring Scientific Integrity And Addressing Crimes Against Humanity


A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to End the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity The time is now. As most readers of the Dr. Robert Malone’s substack are now well aware, this is not…

Governor Ron DeSantis Says Florida Will Not Tolerate Biden’s Orwellian “Disinformation Unit” And The Silencing Of Americans

Governor Ron DeSantis Says Florida Will Not Tolerate Biden’s Orwellian “Disinformation Unit” And The Silencing Of Americans


As covid-19 propaganda fades away into the puke bin of history, some of the most controlling and evil forces are still trying to force Americans to believe in this propaganda or face punishment from a federal “disinformation board.” The Biden regime recently announced the…

Puppet Zelensky Reveals Globalists’ Partitioning And Plundering Endgame By Inviting Countries To Take “Patronage” Over The Regions Of Ukraine

Puppet Zelensky Reveals Globalists’ Partitioning And Plundering Endgame By Inviting Countries To Take “Patronage” Over The Regions Of Ukraine


Zelensky said that the authorities are preparing a recovery plan after the Russian military operation and for this Ukraine needs an international support plan similar to the Marshall Plan. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky called on the countries of the world to…

Russian Ministry Of Defence Names The US Democratic Party Leaders As Ideologists Of Pentagon’s Bioweapons Activities in Ukraine

Russian Ministry Of Defence Names The US Democratic Party Leaders As Ideologists Of Pentagon’s Bioweapons Activities in Ukraine


The Russian military began to report on the extent of US military biological activities in Ukraine in March, citing evidence from captured documents on the study of a range of potential bioweapons agents, including those which can be spread naturally using local…

Paris Gets Kicked Out Of French Africa – Vladimir Danilov New Eastern Outlook

Paris Gets Kicked Out Of French Africa – Vladimir Danilov New Eastern Outlook


Mali’s government spokesman Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga, who was the country’s prime minister in 2017, announced in a televised address that the African country was tearing up defense agreements with France. Although Paris has called the decision “unjustified”, France is nevertheless continuing to withdraw…

Finland’s Ambassador To NATO Just Discredited His Country’s Pretext For Membership – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Finland’s Ambassador To NATO Just Discredited His Country’s Pretext For Membership – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


These analyses of the unstated motives behind Finland’s planned membership in NATO are credible since it was none other than that country’s ambassador to the bloc who discredited his country’s pretext for joining by telling CNN that Russia doesn’t constitute a “direct…

Murdering Shireen Twice: Israeli Occupation Savagely Beating Mourners At Funeral Of American-Palestinian Christian Female Journalist

Murdering Shireen Twice: Israeli Occupation Savagely Beating Mourners At Funeral Of American-Palestinian Christian Female Journalist


Jerusalem’s old city erupted in chaos and violence on Friday as “Israeli police on Friday moved in on a crowd of mourners at the funeral of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, beating demonstrators with batons and causing pallbearers to briefly drop the…

US Supreme Court Judge Alito And Family Evacuated To Safety After Soros-Paid Mob Threatens Him At His Home

US Supreme Court Judge Alito And Family Evacuated To Safety After Soros-Paid Mob Threatens Him At His Home


Justice Samuel Alito has reportedly been moved to an undisclosed location for safety, after leftwing radicals attempting to intimidate conservative justices for overruling Roe v. Wade, listed conservative justices’ home addresses online and woke professional paid protesters threatened him and gathered at…

The Timing Of Blinken’s Invitation To His Pakistani Counterpart Is Inconvenient – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The Timing Of Blinken’s Invitation To His Pakistani Counterpart Is Inconvenient – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Pakistan’s political, economic, and international uncertainties are all converging at the date of this prospective trip, the outcome of whether (not to mention whether or not it takes place) will disproportionately shape perceptions about its strategic trajectory following former Prime Minister Khan’s…

Europeans Snorting To Survive The Stress: EU Becoming Cocaine Hub Amid “Historically Unprecedented Levels” Of Use And Availability – Europol

Europeans Snorting To Survive The Stress: EU Becoming Cocaine Hub Amid “Historically Unprecedented Levels” Of Use And Availability – Europol


Europe is a growing hub for the production and trans-shipment of cocaine around the world, the EU said on Friday. The second-most-consumed drug in Europe had a market retail value of over $11 billion in 2020. Europe’s cocaine market is expanding amid…

It Was The New Governor of Kherson, Not Putin, Who Surprised The West On Victory Day – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

It Was The New Governor of Kherson, Not Putin, Who Surprised The West On Victory Day – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Governor Vladimir Saldo revealed that Kherson Region is accelerating its reunification with Russia by already using the ruble, emulating its historic homeland’s administrative-economic models, returning the Russian language to its rightful role, and correcting the Neo-Nazis’ falsehoods that were included in school…

Lula Signaled That He’ll Pursue Neutrality Of Brazil In The New Cold War If He’s Re-Elected – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Lula Signaled That He’ll Pursue Neutrality Of Brazil In The New Cold War If He’s Re-Elected – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


What Lula is signaling to his supporters and fellow peers across the world in the event that he returns to the presidency is that Brazil will try to strike a balance between all relevant international actors exactly as India is trying to…

Kiev’s Claims About Hungarian Revanchism Expose Its Geopolitical Self-Consciousness – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Kiev’s Claims About Hungarian Revanchism Expose Its Geopolitical Self-Consciousness – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Kiev is reacting in the defensive way that it is through its claims about Hungarian revanchism precisely because it’s geopolitically self-conscious of the fact that Ukraine’s contemporary borders were artificially created by Moscow. Kiev just claimed that Hungary is conspiring with Russia to occupy…

“Europe Is The Battlefield Between Two Worldviews” – Interview With Daria Platonova – Geopolitica.ru

“Europe Is The Battlefield Between Two Worldviews” – Interview With Daria Platonova – Geopolitica.ru


6th of May 2022 Daria Platonova Lorenzo Maria Pacini We interviewed, exclusively, Darya Platonova Dugina, philosopher graduated from Moscow State University, specialised in Neoplatonism, able political commentator and daughter of Professor Aleksandr Dugin. The interview was made originally bilingual (Italian and Russian),…

The Surrender Of Azovstal Is The Beginning Of The End For The Ukrainian Army – Slavisha Batko Milacic OneWorld

The Surrender Of Azovstal Is The Beginning Of The End For The Ukrainian Army – Slavisha Batko Milacic OneWorld


The commanders of the Azov Regiment, Svyatoslav Palamar and Denis Prokopenko, two leaders of Ukrainian ultranationalists, also surrendered to the Russian army. In this way, they publicly humiliated all Ukrainian ideology. Until yesterday, they were celebrated as immortal heroes, who swore that…

US Double Standard On Display In Tepid Response To Israel’s Theft Of Palestinian Land – Juan Cole

US Double Standard On Display In Tepid Response To Israel’s Theft Of Palestinian Land – Juan Cole


The Deputy Spokesperson for the State Department, Jalina Porter, on Friday condemned the Israeli government’s announcement that it would build 4,000 further housing units in the Palestinian West Bank, i.e., it would steal land owned by Palestinian families and bring in squatters from Israel to…

Pope Admits: NATO Likely Provoked Putin’s Invasion By “Barking At The Gates Of Russia”

Pope Admits: NATO Likely Provoked Putin’s Invasion By “Barking At The Gates Of Russia”


Pope Francis told Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera that NATO may have provoked the Ukraine war and that he sought a meeting with Putin. In an interview published on Tuesday by Italian daily Corriere Della Sera, the pontiff speculated that “the barking…

Putin’s Victory Day Speech Concisely Summarized The Importance Of The Ukrainian Conflict – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Putin’s Victory Day Speech Concisely Summarized The Importance Of The Ukrainian Conflict – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


From the times of ancient Kievan Rus to World War II and into the present day, Donbass has always been an indispensable part of Russia’s historical identity. Russian President Putin gave his annual Victory Day speech on Monday where he concisely summarized the importance…

Who Really Cares About Reporters Without Borders’ World Press Freedom Index? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Who Really Cares About Reporters Without Borders’ World Press Freedom Index? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


While acknowledging some of the US-led West’s media shortcomings as a so-called “limited hangout” for the purpose of constructively critiquing some problems that are impossible to ignore without losing one’s credibility, Reporters Without Borders and other organizations like it that present themselves…

Sweden’s Prime Minister Admits Mass Immigration Failed, Created Parallel Societies, Gangs, Violence, Insecurity

Sweden’s Prime Minister Admits Mass Immigration Failed, Created Parallel Societies, Gangs, Violence, Insecurity


Sweden is sitting on a demographic time-bomb. Sweden’s failure to properly integrate large numbers of migrants has led to the creation of parallel societies and gang violence, according to left-wing Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson.   Andersson made the comments in the…

Russia Indefinitely Bans Entry Of Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida And 62 Senior Japanese Officials

Russia Indefinitely Bans Entry Of Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida And 62 Senior Japanese Officials


Russia announced Wednesday it has indefinitely banned 63 Japanese citizens including Prime Minister Fumio Kishida from ever entering the country over joining Washington’s anti-Russia campaign in response to the Ukraine war. The ban was retaliation against Japan for sanctions it imposed after Russia’s…

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