European Requests For Russian Gas Hit 5-Month High, US Gas Production Slows At The Worst Possible Time –

European Requests For Russian Gas Hit 5-Month High, US Gas Production Slows At The Worst Possible Time –


The lack of a sufficient pipeline network is causing natural gas production in America’s most prolific regions to decline. Natural gas prices have increased by approximately 50% since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, yet some producers have been unable to take advantage of…

Israel’s Support Of Kiev Confirms The Veracity Of Lavrov’s Worldview – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Israel’s Support Of Kiev Confirms The Veracity Of Lavrov’s Worldview – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


This collection of facts ranging from those connected to Jewish complicity in the Holocaust to Israel’s political support of Neo-Nazis in Kiev confirms the veracity of Lavrov’s worldview that one’s ethno-religious identity at birth doesn’t predetermine their political views later in life….

‘Another Soviet Union’ – Euro MPs Warn Of EU ‘Federal Superstate’ After Latest Attempt To Seize Powers From National Governments

‘Another Soviet Union’ – Euro MPs Warn Of EU ‘Federal Superstate’ After Latest Attempt To Seize Powers From National Governments


A number of public representatives have warned that the European Union is heading towards super-statehood as a result of recent recommendations which would see the bloc seize many powers from national governments. Elected members of the European Union’s parliament have warned that…

Lavrov’s Right: Someone’s Ethno-Religious Identity At Birth Doesn’t Predetermine Their Views – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Lavrov’s Right: Someone’s Ethno-Religious Identity At Birth Doesn’t Predetermine Their Views – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


It was none other than Adolf Hitler himself who falsely theorized that someone’s ethno-religious identity at birth predetermines their views. This hate speech figures prominently in his “Mein Kampf” manifesto. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov whacked the hornet’s nest of “political correctness” after…

Patrushev In Rossiyskaya Gazeta: ‘The West Has Created An Empire Of Lies, Which Wants The Destruction Of Russia’ –

Patrushev In Rossiyskaya Gazeta: ‘The West Has Created An Empire Of Lies, Which Wants The Destruction Of Russia’ –


  Ivan Egorov In an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev spoke about the tasks of Russia’s special operation and the role of the United States in supporting neo-Nazis. He also discussed the near future of Europe, Russia’s foreign…

The Globalists’ Great Reset Race Against Time. They May Have To Settle For Great Decoupling Instead – Dr. Eamon McKinney

The Globalists’ Great Reset Race Against Time. They May Have To Settle For Great Decoupling Instead – Dr. Eamon McKinney


A Great Reset will happen, just not the one intended by the Globalists. They may have to settle for the Great Decoupling instead. The green economy, de-industrialisation, digital health passports, Central Bank digital currencies, these are all core components of the Globalists’…

Turkey Continues Bombing Northern Iraq Despite Bagdad’s Protests, With Impunity And Without Western Fabricated Outcry

Turkey Continues Bombing Northern Iraq Despite Bagdad’s Protests, With Impunity And Without Western Fabricated Outcry


Ankara has not obtained formal government approval from Baghdad for its military operations on Iraqi soil, making their presence illegal. Turkish warplanes bombed positions held by militants from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) on 2 May inside Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region. Al…

“Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” – Biden’s Official Celebrates US Fertilizer Shortages As A Way To Force Farmers “To Transition”

“Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” – Biden’s Official Celebrates US Fertilizer Shortages As A Way To Force Farmers “To Transition”


Samantha Power, Joe Biden’s administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), on Sunday said countries outside of Ukraine are feeling “huge cascading effects” of Putin’s war through “spiraling food prices.” Power celebrated fertilizer shortages during an appearance on CBS’s “Face…

The Ukrainian Air Command Just Admitted That The “Ghost Of Kiev” Is Fake: Now, What Else Is Fake? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The Ukrainian Air Command Just Admitted That The “Ghost Of Kiev” Is Fake: Now, What Else Is Fake? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Those who sympathize with Kiev should ask themselves why the so-called “good guys” are lying if they’re really in the right and everything’s supposedly going according to plan. The US-led Western Mainstream Media’s (MSM) coverage of the Ukrainian Conflict was rocked by…

Food Shortages In Six Months – The Globalists Are Telling Us What Happens Next – Brandon Smith

Food Shortages In Six Months – The Globalists Are Telling Us What Happens Next – Brandon Smith


In mid 2007 the Bank for International Settlements (The central bank of central banks) released a statement predicting an impending “Great Depression” caused by a credit market implosion. That same year the International Monetary Fund also published warnings of “subprime woes” leading to wider economic strife….

The EU’s New Tech Law Could Threaten Online Free Speech For Americans And Globally – Ailan Evans

The EU’s New Tech Law Could Threaten Online Free Speech For Americans And Globally – Ailan Evans


The EU’s Digital Services Act, a new law regulating how online platforms moderate content, could incentivize tech companies to censor Americans’ speech online, experts say. “Companies will, at least initially, take a position that encourages more curation than less curation,” Joel Thayer,…

‘Truly Dangerous Warmongering’: Biden Vows US Military Response If China Reunites Taiwan – Kenny Stancil

‘Truly Dangerous Warmongering’: Biden Vows US Military Response If China Reunites Taiwan – Kenny Stancil


Biden’s threat risks “helping to bring about a Taiwan conflict,” said one foreign policy scholar. “Self-injurious and entirely unforced.” Critics of U.S. imperialism sounded the alarm Monday after President Joe Biden said that he would use military force in response to a Chinese…

Russian Strategic Victory Through Death By A Thousand Cuts – While West Has No Strategy In The Ukraine – Pepe Escobar

Russian Strategic Victory Through Death By A Thousand Cuts – While West Has No Strategy In The Ukraine – Pepe Escobar


The Russian strategic victory, as it stands, is military, economic, and may even coalesce geopolitically. Centuries after the Byzantine Strategikon was penned, the Global South would be very much interested in getting acquainted with the 21st century Russian version of the Art…

CIA, NATO And The Great Heroin Coup: How Miami Became The Center Of International Fascism, And, The Murder Of President Kennedy – Cynthia Chung

CIA, NATO And The Great Heroin Coup: How Miami Became The Center Of International Fascism, And, The Murder Of President Kennedy – Cynthia Chung


This is Part 4 to a five-part series. [Refer here for Part 1 and Part 2, the latter which goes over how the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post WWII was Bought and Paid for by the CIA. Part 3 is essential reading prior to this paper, which discusses…

United Ireland On The Horizon? Seismic Election Win In Northern Ireland For Sinn Fein That Advocates Secession From UK And Irish Reunification

United Ireland On The Horizon? Seismic Election Win In Northern Ireland For Sinn Fein That Advocates Secession From UK And Irish Reunification


Sinn Fein, the Irish nationalist party, which advocates Northern Ireland’s secession from the United Kingdom and reunification with Ireland, has won most seats in the national Assembly, the regional parliament, in a historic election win, according to the results of the April…

Weimar Hyperinflation On Its Way? German Inflation Hits Four-Decade High, Biggest Yearly Jump Since Statistic Records Began In 1949

Weimar Hyperinflation On Its Way? German Inflation Hits Four-Decade High, Biggest Yearly Jump Since Statistic Records Began In 1949


Soaring energy costs are pushing consumer prices higher. German inflation has reached a four-decade high due to loose monetary policy and surging energy prices, official statistics show. A key gauge of euro zone long-term inflation expectations was at 2.4% around its highest…

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