Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Has Built A ‘State Within A State,’ And It Despises Both Russia And The Liberal West – Dmitry Plotnikov

Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Has Built A ‘State Within A State,’ And It Despises Both Russia And The Liberal West – Dmitry Plotnikov


The Ukrainian regiment adheres to its own brand of ‘National Idea,’ loosely modelled on Mussolini’s Italy. The Azov regiment’s ideology has survived and crystallized after its defeat in Mariupol and the subsequent rebranding. Despite the surrender of the Azov regiment at the…

Pope Doubles Down On NATO-Ukraine Comments: Russian Invasion Was Provoked

Pope Doubles Down On NATO-Ukraine Comments: Russian Invasion Was Provoked


Pope Francis has doubled down on prior controversial statements suggesting the Russia-Ukraine conflict is largely NATO’s fault, asserting also that “war cannot be reduced to distinction between good guys and bad guys” – as the Vatican’s own headline to the interview reads. In statements published Tuesday by…

Macedonian Rights Group Condemns EU’s Adoption Of Anti-Macedonian Genocidal Policy, Known As The “French Proposal”

Macedonian Rights Group Condemns EU’s Adoption Of Anti-Macedonian Genocidal Policy, Known As The “French Proposal”


After NATO forced the unwilling Macedonians into its warmongering alliance by changing Macedonia’s millenniums-old name despite the failed referendum, now the value-less and Nazi-supporting EU commits national and cultural genocide by erasing Macedonian national identity as a pre-condition for membership to its…

Turkey Will Develop Its Relations With Russia And Will Not Join West’s Unjustified Sanctions – President’s Spokesman

Turkey Will Develop Its Relations With Russia And Will Not Join West’s Unjustified Sanctions – President’s Spokesman


Russian actions in Ukraine cannot be justified – but they are not unprovoked, the Turkish president’s spokesman says. The Turkish president’s spokesman explained that a “policy of balance” prevents Ankara from sanctioning Russia. Turkey does not follow the Western lead in sanctioning…

OECD: EU Ban On Russian Crude Is Causing A Significant Negative Economic Effect In The West

OECD: EU Ban On Russian Crude Is Causing A Significant Negative Economic Effect In The West


Russia’s war in Ukraine is causing a significant negative effect on the global economy and is pushing inflation higher and for longer, Mathias Cormann, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), told CNN, commenting on the organization’s latest economic outlook…

Former Pfizer VP Says All COVID “Vaccine” Manufacturers Need To Be “Immediately Indicted For Fraud”

Former Pfizer VP Says All COVID “Vaccine” Manufacturers Need To Be “Immediately Indicted For Fraud”


More than 17,000 doctors and medical experts, including former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon, are calling for every pharmaceutical company that makes Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” to be “immediately indicted for fraud.” Thousands of people have died and many thousands more have become…

Concerned US West Point Military Students Challenge “Woke” Leadership Of Military Academy In A Letter

Concerned US West Point Military Students Challenge “Woke” Leadership Of Military Academy In A Letter


Three retired U.S. military officers—LTG Thomas McInerney, USAF; MG Paul Vallely, U.S. Army; and Colonel Andrew O’Meara Jr., U.S. Army—signed a letter authored by “Concerned Graduates of West Point and The Long Gray Line,” protesting against mandatory vaccinations, CRT classes, sanitary conditions,…

The Reopening Of Rebranded (And Tastier) Former McDonald’s Chain In Moscow On Russia Day Is Symbolic – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

The Reopening Of Rebranded (And Tastier) Former McDonald’s Chain In Moscow On Russia Day Is Symbolic – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The Russian people remain open-minded and non-biased towards their geopolitical opponents’ people and companies despite those two’s governments attempting to punish them for purely political reasons. The takeaway is that it’s the West, not Russia, that’s immorally playing politics by trying to…

Will Pakistan Submit To The US-Controlled IMF’s Reported Demand To Renegotiate CPEC Energy Deals? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Will Pakistan Submit To The US-Controlled IMF’s Reported Demand To Renegotiate CPEC Energy Deals? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Pakistan must decide between the US-controlled IMF and China with respect to which of those two can most realistically help it avert bankruptcy and accordingly become its top economic-financial partner across what’s thus far been the most chaotic decade since World War…

Japanese Cancer Patients Seek Damages From Fukushima Operator For Exposure To Deadly Levels Of Radiation

Japanese Cancer Patients Seek Damages From Fukushima Operator For Exposure To Deadly Levels Of Radiation


Six thyroid cancer patients are seeking compensation from the Fukushima nuclear plant operator over the 2011 nuclear disaster, the worst nuclear disaster, much larger than the 1986 Chernobyl incident, with 3,000 thousand times higher radiation leak than Chernobyl. Six plaintiffs, who were…

War Drums: Chinese Communist Party Warns Elites To Get Rid Of Overseas Assets Following Western Sanctions On Russia – JD Heyes

War Drums: Chinese Communist Party Warns Elites To Get Rid Of Overseas Assets Following Western Sanctions On Russia – JD Heyes


  For years, Chinese leaders have sounded warnings over Taiwan, pledging to bring the Chinese island back within Beijing’s fold voluntarily or by force, if necessary. And for just as long, Taiwanese leaders have essentially ignored or rejected China’s statements. But now,…

Pfizer’s Own Documents Admit That mRNA Covid ‘Vaccines’ Will Result In Mass Depopulation – Ethan Huff

Pfizer’s Own Documents Admit That mRNA Covid ‘Vaccines’ Will Result In Mass Depopulation – Ethan Huff


The latest drop of pages from the secret Pfizer documents reveals that the pharmaceutical giant is fully aware that its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” will soon result in mass depopulation of the world. The June 1 dump contains a document called “reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf,”…

Global Food Piracy: America Illegally Importing Syrian Wheat, Stolen From The Syrian People – Lucas Leiroz De Almeida

Global Food Piracy: America Illegally Importing Syrian Wheat, Stolen From The Syrian People – Lucas Leiroz De Almeida


Once again, US irresponsible attitudes are threatening global food security. Recent reports point out that Washington is intensifying the smuggling of Syrian wheat, importing the product from regions illegally occupied by foreign troops and paramilitary militias. This situation is a strong affront…

Freudian Slip Or? The UK Prime Minister Paraphrased 1984’s “War Is Peace” During His Meeting With Macron – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Freudian Slip Or? The UK Prime Minister Paraphrased 1984’s “War Is Peace” During His Meeting With Macron – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The general dumbing down of Western society over the decades made it possible for leaders like Johnson to paraphrase 1984’s infamous doublethink slogan without many even noticing, which should scare anyone who realizes what’s really going on. British Prime Minister Johnson sent…

Will The Global South Break Free From Dollarized Debt? Review Of Michael Hudson’s Book By Pepe Escobar

Will The Global South Break Free From Dollarized Debt? Review Of Michael Hudson’s Book By Pepe Escobar


In his latest book, economist Michael Hudson pits socialism against finance capitalism and tears apart the ‘dream civilization’ imposed by the 1 percent. With The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism, Michael Hudson, one of the world’s leading independent economists,…

Does Your Vote Count? Former US Congressman Pleads Guilty To Ballot-Stuffing For Democrats In Five Elections

Does Your Vote Count? Former US Congressman Pleads Guilty To Ballot-Stuffing For Democrats In Five Elections


A former congressman has pleaded guilty to participating in a conspiracy to fraudulently create votes for Democratic candidates in five different election years.  Michael “Ozzie” Myers, 79, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to charges of conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction…

Debunking The Fake News That Ukraine Is “Defending Poland’s Democracy” – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Debunking The Fake News That Ukraine Is “Defending Poland’s Democracy” – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Ukraine isn’t “defending Poland’s democracy”, it’s just turning into a money pit for LARPing Polish politicians. Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov claimed on Wednesday in an interview with Polish TV during his visit to Warsaw that “If Ukraine does not stop the Russians with your…

Washington’s Shifting Taiwan Policy Aims For An Asian “Ukraine” – Brian Berletic New Eastern Outlook

Washington’s Shifting Taiwan Policy Aims For An Asian “Ukraine” – Brian Berletic New Eastern Outlook


The United States is openly talking about its arming of Taiwan no longer in general terms of ensuring “sufficient self-defense,” but rather specifically to “win against China,” thus confirming Beijing’s longstanding claims that Washington has been provoking conflict in what is China’s…

Turkey Is Changing Its Opinion On The Events In Ukraine – Vladimir Platov New Eastern Outlook

Turkey Is Changing Its Opinion On The Events In Ukraine – Vladimir Platov New Eastern Outlook


The “collective West” and many NATO countries have finally begun to receive objective information on the goals and results of Russia’s special military operation to denazify Ukraine. Instead of openly Russophobic coverage of these events by representatives of the current military-political elite…

Senior Chinese Economist: Beijing Should Seize Taiwan And Take Over Its Semiconductors Companies If US Levies ‘Destructive’ Sanctions

Senior Chinese Economist: Beijing Should Seize Taiwan And Take Over Its Semiconductors Companies If US Levies ‘Destructive’ Sanctions


A senior Chinese economist at a U.S.-China forum proposed that Beijing take over Taiwan and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) if Washington sanctions Beijing as it has Moscow. Chen urged Beijing to openly support Moscow to the best of its ability, citing a…

Whistleblowers: FBI Probed American Parents Under ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Tag For Protesting School Boards LGBT And CRT Policies

Whistleblowers: FBI Probed American Parents Under ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Tag For Protesting School Boards LGBT And CRT Policies


The FBI used “threat tags” created by the bureau’s counterterrorism division to launch dozens of investigations into parents who had protested at school board meetings over the imposition of the LGBT propaganda and Critical Race Theory on their children, whistleblowers disclosed. The probes targeted parents…

New Zealand’s Political Elite Betrays Public Interest By Embracing Washington’s Cold War Geopolitics – Matt Robson

New Zealand’s Political Elite Betrays Public Interest By Embracing Washington’s Cold War Geopolitics – Matt Robson


Finian Cunningham interviews Matt Robson who served as a Cabinet minister in the Labour government from 1999 to 2002 during which time he strongly advocated for the country to follow an independent foreign policy and non-alignment with any military blocs. Former New Zealand…

Ousted Ukrainian Official Breaks Silence, Admits She Lied About Mass Rape By Russians To Garner More Aid/Arms

Ousted Ukrainian Official Breaks Silence, Admits She Lied About Mass Rape By Russians To Garner More Aid/Arms


The top Ukrainian official who was fired for spreading misinformation has admitted that she lied about Russians committing mass rape in order to convince western countries to send more weapons to Ukraine. Lyudmila Denisova, the former Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights,…

Russia, Which Is Now Far More Christian Than America, Just Introduced New Law Criminalizing LGBT Propaganda – Ethan Huff

Russia, Which Is Now Far More Christian Than America, Just Introduced New Law Criminalizing LGBT Propaganda – Ethan Huff


New legislation proposed in Russia would make it a crime for anyone in the country to promote unnatural sexual relations, or what the government there is calling “LGBT propaganda.” Russia’s State Duma received the draft legislation on Tuesday and it is currently being…

New FBI Deceptions Aimed At Removing Elected US President Exposed In Declassified Lisa Page Memo – Paul Sperry

New FBI Deceptions Aimed At Removing Elected US President Exposed In Declassified Lisa Page Memo – Paul Sperry


The FBI deceived the House, Senate and the Justice Department about the substance and strength of evidence undergirding its counterintelligence investigation of President Trump, according to a recently declassified document and other material. A seven-page internal FBI memo dated March 8, 2017,…

Paul Mason: Bellingcat Launders Information For Western Intelligence – Caitlin Johnstone

Paul Mason: Bellingcat Launders Information For Western Intelligence – Caitlin Johnstone


The Grayzone has published leaked email communications between faux-left British commentator and aspiring parliamentarian Paul Mason and a shady intelligence contractor named Amil Khan which plainly shows the two plotting to use state power to subvert anti-imperialist media outlets like Consortium News and…

Mob ‘Justice’ Again Harasses US Supreme Court Judge And His Family, Night After He Survived A Murder Attempt

Mob ‘Justice’ Again Harasses US Supreme Court Judge And His Family, Night After He Survived A Murder Attempt


Pro-abortion protesters demonstrated outside Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home Wednesday evening after a man was charged with attempted murder of the justice early that morning, according to multiple reports. Nicholas John Roske was arrested at 1:50 a.m. Wednesday morning near Kavanaugh’s house with…

AUKUS Is Employing Psychological Terrorism To Justify Its Creation – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

AUKUS Is Employing Psychological Terrorism To Justify Its Creation – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The discernable pattern is that the US initiates psychological terrorism against China only to have Australia pick it up and spread it further around the region. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian described the Washington Post’s latest report about his country allegedly building a…

Elon Musk Is Not A Renegade Outsider – He’s A Massive Pentagon Contractor – Alan Macleod

Elon Musk Is Not A Renegade Outsider – He’s A Massive Pentagon Contractor – Alan Macleod


AUSTIN, TEXAS – Elon Musk’s proposed takeover of Twitter has ruffled many feathers among professional commentators. “Musk is the wrong leader for Twitter’s vital mission,” read one Bloomberg headline. The network also insisted, “Nothing in the Tesla CEO’s track record suggests he will be a careful steward of…

Hungary’s Onto Something: Zelensky’s Mental Condition Might Very Well Be Megalomania – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Hungary’s Onto Something: Zelensky’s Mental Condition Might Very Well Be Megalomania – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Objective observers shouldn’t doubt that Zelensky is a megalomaniac, the undiagnosed condition of which might have predated his “deification” by the US-led Western Mainstream Media but which was certainly exacerbated by that happening and him having his views subsequently amplified across the…

America, Meet Your New Dictator-In-Chief: The President’s Secret, Unchecked Powers – John  Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

America, Meet Your New Dictator-In-Chief: The President’s Secret, Unchecked Powers – John Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead


“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have given way to permanent crisis management: to policing the planet and fighting preventative wars of ideological containment, usually on terrain chosen by, and favorable to, our enemies. Limited government and constitutional accountability have been…

Segregation Of Poor In America: Students Are Often Segregated According To Levels Of Poverty Within The Same Schools – Kari Dalane

Segregation Of Poor In America: Students Are Often Segregated According To Levels Of Poverty Within The Same Schools – Kari Dalane


Children from low-income households are increasingly being segregated into different classrooms from their peers from higher-income households, according to recent research I have conducted with education policy scholar Dave E. Marcotte. From 2007 to 2014, we tracked all North Carolina public school students statewide, from third through…

China’s Pacific Islands Position Paper Debunks Fake News Claims – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

China’s Pacific Islands Position Paper Debunks Fake News Claims – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


What’s most significant about this document is that it represents a new model of international cooperation, especially between asymmetrically sized countries. The Chinese Foreign Ministry released a position paper on the country’s relations with the ten Pacific Island Countries (PICs) that have diplomatic relations…

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