US Democrats Pass Measure To Brand US Patriots In Military & Police As “Nazis”, While Arming Real Nazis In Kiev

US Democrats Pass Measure To Brand US Patriots In Military & Police As “Nazis”, While Arming Real Nazis In Kiev


  US Congress Democrats on July 13 voted to add an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual military spending bill, to identify “neo-Nazis” in the military and law enforcement. The NDAA amendment was sponsored by Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) and…

‘Not Safe’: England To Shut Down Only Gender Clinic For Minors While Biden Pushes Child Sex Changes On Our Kids – Laurel Duggan

‘Not Safe’: England To Shut Down Only Gender Clinic For Minors While Biden Pushes Child Sex Changes On Our Kids – Laurel Duggan


  England is shutting down its only youth transgender clinic over concerns about doctors rushing children through sex changes without thorough consideration of mental health, according to The Telegraph. The Biden administration is still openly promoting sex change procedures for children, which…

Kiev’s Defense Chief Offers Its People As Guinea Pigs And Its Territory As A ‘Testing Ground’ For NATO Weapons

Kiev’s Defense Chief Offers Its People As Guinea Pigs And Its Territory As A ‘Testing Ground’ For NATO Weapons


Defense minister is offering Western manufacturers “a good chance” to test arms on Ukrainian battlefield inviting foreign arms manufacturers to use it as a polygon-like site for testing new weapons in battlefield conditions. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov on Tuesday openly offered Ukraine as…

Ex-Prime Minister Of Japan Shinzo Abe Shot During Speech, Showing ‘No Vital Signs’ After Shooting

Ex-Prime Minister Of Japan Shinzo Abe Shot During Speech, Showing ‘No Vital Signs’ After Shooting


The former leader appeared to be unresponsive at the scene, according to Kyodo News. Shinzo Abe, former prime minister of Japan, collapsed during a speech after gunshots were reportedly heard, according to Japanese public broadcasting agency NHK. Japan’s ex-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has…

Imran Khan Has A Point: Pakistan’s Future Should Indeed Be Tied With Russia, But Will It? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Imran Khan Has A Point: Pakistan’s Future Should Indeed Be Tied With Russia, But Will It? – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


The problem is that the authorities who replaced him following the post-modern coup in early April comprise members of the pro-American school of thought instead of the multipolar one whose representatives they deposed through superficially “democratic” means. Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran…

Deep State Power Grab: Democrats Add Provision To Pentagon Spending Bill That Removes Congressional Oversight Of Domestic Military Operations – JD Heyes

Deep State Power Grab: Democrats Add Provision To Pentagon Spending Bill That Removes Congressional Oversight Of Domestic Military Operations – JD Heyes


The longer they remain in control of our government, the closer Democrats move our country toward a full-blown dictatorship, as evidenced by a provision added to the annual Pentagon spending bill by a top Democrat. The provision, offered by Rep. Adam Schiff…

Terms Of Condescension: The Language Of Australia’s “Pacific Family” – Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Terms Of Condescension: The Language Of Australia’s “Pacific Family” – Dr. Binoy Kampmark


When will this nonsense on familial connection between Australia and the Pacific end?  In 2018, Australia’s then Pentecostal Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, drew upon a term that his predecessors had not.  On November 8 that year, he announced that Australia’s engagement with the region would…

Deconstructing What Just Transpired In Uzbekistan’s Karakalpakstan On Friday – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Deconstructing What Just Transpired In Uzbekistan’s Karakalpakstan On Friday – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Either one ascribes to the oversimplified and arguably inaccurate assessment propagated by many in the Alt-Media Community for reasons of “narrative/political convenience” or they aspire to obtain a more nuanced understanding of the complex socio-political processes (soft security) connected to Color Revolutions…

Radioactive “Fukushima Green”: Weak And Disoriented EU Rebrands Nuclear Power As “Green” Amid Energy Price Surge

Radioactive “Fukushima Green”: Weak And Disoriented EU Rebrands Nuclear Power As “Green” Amid Energy Price Surge


Far more radiation was released across the world after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster than the Japanese government has claimed, new global data conclude. The study on the post-earthquake disaster combines radioactivity data from around the world to estimate the scale and…

Western Europe On “Suicide Watch” As Food, Energy Collapse Gets Worse By The Day… How Many Will Starve Or Freeze This Coming Winter? – Mike Adams

Western Europe On “Suicide Watch” As Food, Energy Collapse Gets Worse By The Day… How Many Will Starve Or Freeze This Coming Winter? – Mike Adams


Western Europe is on suicide watch as virtue signaling nations tore down their fossil fuel infrastructure (and nuclear power plants) to appease the “greenies.” Now, countries like Germany, France and the UK are facing an energy catastrophe as Russia steadily reduces natural…

American Pride Hits New Low, Veteran Laments “This Is Not The Country We Fought For”

American Pride Hits New Low, Veteran Laments “This Is Not The Country We Fought For”


Americans’ pride in their country has steadily fallen since Gallup started conducting a survey on the subject in 2001. You will find more infographics at Statista Now, as Statista’s Katharian Buchholz reports, national pride in the U.S. has plummeted to an all-time low, as the fewest respondents in…

EU Brings Itself Closer To Total Collapse Following Russia’s Bans Of All Exports To ‘Unfriendly Countries’ – JD Heyes

EU Brings Itself Closer To Total Collapse Following Russia’s Bans Of All Exports To ‘Unfriendly Countries’ – JD Heyes


Russian President Vladimir Putin is proving to be a masterful geopolitical player with ever move he implements to counter tired, predictable and toothless sanction efforts imposed on him by corrupt and morally bankrupt Western countries. For more than a decade, Putin allowed…

President Putin Is Right: The US’ World Order Is Doomed – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

President Putin Is Right: The US’ World Order Is Doomed – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Russian President Vladimir Putin told State Duma leaders and party faction heads on Thursday that their country’s special military operation in Ukraine “means the beginning of a radical breakdown of the US-style world order.” He predicted that it’ll result in international law, state and civilizational…

Putin Cautioned Russian Strategic Forecasters Against Indulging In Wishful Thinking – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Putin Cautioned Russian Strategic Forecasters Against Indulging In Wishful Thinking – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


Strategic forecasters must always aspire to reflect reality as accurately as they can, understanding that this is impossible to perfectly do in practice but nevertheless continually moving in this direction and regularly improving their work to this end. President Putin spoke to current staff…

US Survey: About 28% Of Voters, So Alienated With Government, Think “Soon Be Necessary To Take Up Arms”

US Survey: About 28% Of Voters, So Alienated With Government, Think “Soon Be Necessary To Take Up Arms”


On take-up-arms question, one-in-three Republicans, compared to one-in-five Democrats thought it’s soon perhaps time, since they see no other “democratic” or “my-vote-counts” way to change the oppressive totalitarian government that steals elections and robs them of their basic freedoms and of their…

Revolution In The Netherlands? Dutch Farmers Plan July 4th Protests, Supported By Huge Crowds

Revolution In The Netherlands? Dutch Farmers Plan July 4th Protests, Supported By Huge Crowds


Dutch farmers are expanding their protests against the government’s climate agenda. Dutch lawmakers were voting on proposals that would likely lead to many farmers being forced to stop farming. Dutch farmers are preparing for a hot summer confronting the government’s announced nitrogen emission cuts,…

Russia And The African “Awakening”: Perspectives For The Fight Against Neocolonialism In The 21st Century – Alexander Bovdunov

Russia And The African “Awakening”: Perspectives For The Fight Against Neocolonialism In The 21st Century – Alexander Bovdunov


Alexander Bovdunov The deployment of a Russian military base in the CAR, arms baron Jean-Yves Drian, imperial decolonization and the future African conquest of Europe-these and other topics were discussed by diplomats and experts in Moscow. On June 27, the Public Chamber…

Banana Republics In Western Clothing: Greyerz Just Warned More Inflation & QE To Be Launched By Bankrupt West

Banana Republics In Western Clothing: Greyerz Just Warned More Inflation & QE To Be Launched By Bankrupt West


Banana Republics in Western ClothingMore Inflation & More Clueless QE “Guidance”, writes Egon von Greyerz, Founder of Matterhorn Asset Management (based in Switzerland):  What the U.S. in particular, and the West in general, are failing to confess is that today’s so-called “Developed Economies”…

Dutch Government Launches Canadian-Style Police Crackdown On Farmers’ Protests – Shawn Fleetwood

Dutch Government Launches Canadian-Style Police Crackdown On Farmers’ Protests – Shawn Fleetwood


BREAKING: Farmers are surrounding the police station where a child is being held that police shot at and detained last night. They are accusing the police of committing attempted murder. The Dutch government is Leftist authoritarianism in action.   Whether it’s…

Russia: Only Satanists Would Dream To “Sanction” Entire Russian Christian Orthodox Religion And Its Patriarch

Russia: Only Satanists Would Dream To “Sanction” Entire Russian Christian Orthodox Religion And Its Patriarch


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called the Canadian government “satanists” for blacklisting the Orthodox Patriarch. “Only satanists” could sanction the Patriarch, says Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova. Doubling down on its commitment to Ukraine, Canada on Friday blacklisted 29 Russians and 15…

“I Could Be Dead Now – I Want To Know Why They Shot At Me”: 16 Year Old Dutch Farmer Boy Displays Bullet Holes In His Tractor After Attempted Assassination By Police

“I Could Be Dead Now – I Want To Know Why They Shot At Me”: 16 Year Old Dutch Farmer Boy Displays Bullet Holes In His Tractor After Attempted Assassination By Police


Farmers‘ protests against globalist Great Reset food policies spread to Germany, Italy, Poland  and Spain. 16-year-old farmer’s son Jouke Hospes, who was shot at by police Tuesday evening despite having turned his tractor away from the police roadblock said: “I  can’t believe…

Trudeau Says No Gov’t Should Tell Women What To Do With Their Bodies, The Same Day He Defends Vax Mandates – Roberto Wakerell Cruz

Trudeau Says No Gov’t Should Tell Women What To Do With Their Bodies, The Same Day He Defends Vax Mandates – Roberto Wakerell Cruz


  Justin Trudeau defended Canada’s vaccine mandates while calling the overturning of Roe V. Wade “an attack on everyone’s freedoms and rights.” During the interview with the CBC, Trudeau again insisted that Canada’s vaccine mandates were a “choice” and that “nobody was ever was going to force anyone…

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