Why Assume There Will Be A 2024 Election? America’s 1934 “Bankers’ Coup Plot” Revisited – Matthew Ehret

Why Assume There Will Be A 2024 Election? America’s 1934 “Bankers’ Coup Plot” Revisited – Matthew Ehret


Earlier this week, former President Donald Trump announced his intention to run in the 2024 elections which is a no-brainer considering his support among potential republican contenders is 49% (compared to a 25% support for DeSantis) and no other candidate earning above 7%. It…

A “Defund-The-CIA” Democratic Candidate For US Congress Is Calling Biden A “War Criminal”, Demands His Immediate Impeachment – Jeremy Kuzmarov

A “Defund-The-CIA” Democratic Candidate For US Congress Is Calling Biden A “War Criminal”, Demands His Immediate Impeachment – Jeremy Kuzmarov


Geoff Young, the openly anti-CIA candidate who won the Democratic Party primary in Kentucky, has upped the ante by demanding that Democrats honor the Constitution by impeaching their own party’s president. Biden’s reckless provocation of China, his illegal use of U.S. troops…

The Imposition Of Global “Green Capitalism”: Farmers Demand Their Rights In Europe – Lucas Leiroz De Almeida

The Imposition Of Global “Green Capitalism”: Farmers Demand Their Rights In Europe – Lucas Leiroz De Almeida


The impositions of global “green capitalism” are not being pacifically accepted in all parts of Europe. Dutch farmers have started a popular insurrection against a bill that severely harms local agribusiness. The protests quickly spread, resulting in an international phenomenon, with episodes…

Biden, Israel’s Man In Washington, Abandons Diplomacy And Chooses Path To War With Iran – Connor Freeman

Biden, Israel’s Man In Washington, Abandons Diplomacy And Chooses Path To War With Iran – Connor Freeman


There can now be little doubt—if there ever was any—that Washington’s intransigence is preventing the Iran nuclear deal’s restoration. Even in the face of an unending series of new U.S. sanctions, Israeli bombings in Syria, as well as Tel Aviv’s repeated covert operations, cyberattacks, drone strikes,…

July 3: Global Birthday Vigil For Assange! Stop Extradition of Julian Assange Now! – Neenah Payne

July 3: Global Birthday Vigil For Assange! Stop Extradition of Julian Assange Now! – Neenah Payne


Stop Extradition of Julian Assange Now! explained that Julian Assange’s Extradition To US Formally Approved By UK Government reported on June 17 that, “Julian Assange’s fate has been sealed as UK Home Secretary Priti Patel has formally approved his extradition to the United States, following a…

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