A US One-Party State In The Making – Paul Craig Roberts

A US One-Party State In The Making – Paul Craig Roberts


A civil war is underway, and normality, and America, are losing. As I suspected — https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/09/07/biden-declares-war-on-white-america/ and https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/09/10/fbi-conducted-mass-raids-against-trump-supporters/ — the corrupt Democrats and their FBI Gestapo are Inventing a “plot against Democracy” by Trump Republicans, like they did with the alleged “January…

“Miss Death” Pelosi Offers “Security Assistance” To Countries Where US Brings War And Destruction

“Miss Death” Pelosi Offers “Security Assistance” To Countries Where US Brings War And Destruction


May God help the countries and regions where the warmongering US and the corrupt 82-year old Miss Death offer “security assistance”. Speaking in Yerevan alongside Armenian parliamentary speaker Alen Simonyan, Pelosi condemned the “illegal and deadly attacks by Azerbaijan on Armenian territory” –…

The Bretton Woods Institutions And The Accelerated Dystopian Takeover Of The Food Industry – Birsen Filip

The Bretton Woods Institutions And The Accelerated Dystopian Takeover Of The Food Industry – Birsen Filip


The global food industry is currently undergoing a major transformation in the name of averting “climate change” that will involve the adoption of new technologies in the production process and the creation of alternative food products for consumption. Facilitating this transition has…

Even A Weaponized Dollar Won’t Stop Gold’s Historical Turning Point – Matthew Piepenburg

Even A Weaponized Dollar Won’t Stop Gold’s Historical Turning Point – Matthew Piepenburg


We have dedicated numerous articles and interviews addressing the dangerous strength of the USD on the heels of a deliberately hawkish Fed hiking rates into what is clearly a recession, official or otherwise. Explaining the Inexplicable: Rising Rates into a Recession? On the surface, such central…

Italy: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Metal-Like Objects’ In 94% Of Individuals With Reported mRNA Vaccine Side Effects – Jim Hoft

Italy: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Metal-Like Objects’ In 94% Of Individuals With Reported mRNA Vaccine Side Effects – Jim Hoft


A peer-reviewed study in Italy found that 94% of people who experienced side effects after receiving mRNA vaccines had abnormal blood and contained foreign matter one month after vaccination, Epoch Times reported. This new study was published in August 2022 in the open access peer-reviewed journal, International Journal…

‘Ding Dong The B***h Is Dead!’ – Turkish Streamer Hasan Piker Dances After Queen’s Death – Jack Montgomery

‘Ding Dong The B***h Is Dead!’ – Turkish Streamer Hasan Piker Dances After Queen’s Death – Jack Montgomery


Turkish-American streamer Hasan Piker cheered the Queen’s death, giving the middle finger to the camera and saying “f*** you, Queen” and later dancing on Twitch to celebrate the news. Piker, a champagne socialist who lives in $2.74 million mansion in Beverly Hills, is one of…

Peering Into The Crystal Ball, We See… Instability Leading To Collapse Of US – Charles Hugh Smith

Peering Into The Crystal Ball, We See… Instability Leading To Collapse Of US – Charles Hugh Smith


We can only choose one: open, dynamic stability (evolution) or autocracy (instability and collapse). When the fundamentals of life change, every organism must evolve or die. This is equally true of human organizations, societies and economies. Evolution requires conserving what still works and experimenting…

Zelensky And NATO Plan To Transform Post-War Ukraine Into “A Big Israel” – Alexander Rubinstein

Zelensky And NATO Plan To Transform Post-War Ukraine Into “A Big Israel” – Alexander Rubinstein


The NATO-backed Atlantic Council has proposed apartheid Israel as a blueprint for a hyper-militarized Ukraine. The paper was authored by Obama’s former ambassador to Tel Aviv, now an Israeli spy-tech consultant. Just forty days after Russia’s military campaign began inside Ukraine, Ukrainian…

Lithium Mining For Electric Vehicles Is Incredibly Destructive To The Environment And About As Far From “Green” As You Can Imagine – Lance D Johnson

Lithium Mining For Electric Vehicles Is Incredibly Destructive To The Environment And About As Far From “Green” As You Can Imagine – Lance D Johnson


Electric vehicles are promoted as the solution for combating “climate change.” Governments are currently incentivizing the production of electric vehicles, while punishing the fossil fuel industry. However, lithium mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment, and is about as…

Wounded Kiev Regime Troops Paint Grim Picture Confirm High Losses In Failed Kherson Counter-Offensive

Wounded Kiev Regime Troops Paint Grim Picture Confirm High Losses In Failed Kherson Counter-Offensive


Ukrainian soldiers detailed in comments to The Washington Post the steep toll that Ukraine was facing in its southern Kherson counteroffensive, an operation that the US reportedly helped Ukraine prepare. Since launching the offensive at the end of August, Ukrainian officials haven’t offered much detail about…

Putin Instructs Cabinet To Take Steps To Make Russia Independent From Foreign Software

Putin Instructs Cabinet To Take Steps To Make Russia Independent From Foreign Software


The Russian leader signed a decree on measures to ensure the technological independence and security of Russia’s critical information infrastructure MOSCOW, September 5. /TASS/. President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to take measures by December 15, 2022 to ensure Russia’s technological independence…

Queen Elizabeth II And King Charles III: British Imperialism From The NWO Of Big Pharma & Weapons Lobby To WEF’s Great Reset – Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Queen Elizabeth II And King Charles III: British Imperialism From The NWO Of Big Pharma & Weapons Lobby To WEF’s Great Reset – Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


VERSIONE ORIGINALE IN ITALIANO Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest-serving monarch, has died at Balmoral Castle on yesterday afternoon (CET hour), September, 8, aged 96, after reigning for 70 years. Charles will be the new King of United Kingdom and will be…

9/11 Unanswered Questions: Mysterious September 11, 2001 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

9/11 Unanswered Questions: Mysterious September 11, 2001 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky


Was it an ‘intelligence failure’ to give red carpet treatment to the [alleged] ‘money man’ behind the 9-11 terrorists, or was it simply ‘routine’? On the morning of September 11, Pakistan’s Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged “money-man” behind the 9-11 hijackers, was…

Dutch Farmers Resisting The Toxic Transition To Slavery – Colin Todhunter

Dutch Farmers Resisting The Toxic Transition To Slavery – Colin Todhunter


In recent years, governments have been demonstrating their subservience to their billionaire masters in Big Finance, the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, BlackRock and the entire gamut of forces in the military-financial-industrial complex behind the ‘Great Reset’, ‘New Normal’ or whichever other benign-sounding…

US High School Will Allow After School Satan Club: “They Took God Out Of School, Now They’re Letting Satan In” – Micaiah Bilger

US High School Will Allow After School Satan Club: “They Took God Out Of School, Now They’re Letting Satan In” – Micaiah Bilger


A Pennsylvania school district will allow the Satanic Temple to hold a student event at its high school this fall, despite massive opposition from parents and community members. Breitbart reports the Northern York County School Board approved the “After School Satan Club” back-to-school…

10,000 Chechen Troops Redeployed To Donbass, Chechen Leader Announces Two New Battalions

10,000 Chechen Troops Redeployed To Donbass, Chechen Leader Announces Two New Battalions


Ramzan Kadyrov praised the fighting spirit of the Chechen special units   GROZNY, September 17. /TASS/. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said that Zapad-Akhmat and Vostok-Akhmat battalions had joined allied forces in Donbass. “The servicemen of the Zapad-Akhmat and Vostok-Akhmat battalions together with…

Kiev Regime Uses NATO Ammunition In Attacks On Nuclear Power Station Endangering Entire Europe – Ana Luisa Brown

Kiev Regime Uses NATO Ammunition In Attacks On Nuclear Power Station Endangering Entire Europe – Ana Luisa Brown


Representatives of the civil-military administration of the Zaporozhie region announced that Ukrainian troops use artillery with NATO ammunition in attacks on the Energodar nuclear power plant. “The latest attacks on Saturday in the last week of August were carried out with 155-millimeter…

Unpacking FBI’s Trump-Hillary Double Standard: For Her, The FBI Obstructed Its Own Investigation – Paul Sperry

Unpacking FBI’s Trump-Hillary Double Standard: For Her, The FBI Obstructed Its Own Investigation – Paul Sperry


Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch obtained evidence that a computer contractor working under the direction of Hillary Clinton’s legal team destroyed subpoenaed records that the former secretary of state stored on a private email server she originally kept at her New York…

After Native French Being Squeezed Out Of Cities, Macron Now Proposes Also Filling French Countryside With Immigrants

After Native French Being Squeezed Out Of Cities, Macron Now Proposes Also Filling French Countryside With Immigrants


Asylum seekers can be resettled in rural areas under a new policy proposed by Paris French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed an overhaul of immigration and asylum policies that would include redistributing migrants to rural areas facing “population decline”. He condemned the…

The West Is Once Again Playing Its “Humanitarian” Imperialism Card Against Ethiopia – Andrew Korybko

The West Is Once Again Playing Its “Humanitarian” Imperialism Card Against Ethiopia – Andrew Korybko


It’s important to draw greater global attention to this latest provocation since it exemplifies how perniciously the Golden Billion nowadays meddles in Global South countries. The US-led West’s Golden Billion is infamous for weaponizing everything in pursuit of their self-interested hegemonic goals so it…

Tehran, Baku, Moscow Declaration On “North-South” Corridor Development – Iran News Daily

Tehran, Baku, Moscow Declaration On “North-South” Corridor Development – Iran News Daily


TEHRAN (Iran News) – Azerbaijani capital city Baku hosted Friday a joint event on development prospects of “North-South” Transport Corridor—and with participation of Azerbaijani, Russian, and Iranian officials, APA reported. The Baku Declaration—on results of the first trilateral meeting among Azerbaijan, Iran,…

US Offers Its Nuclear Capabilities To South Korea For A War Of Extermination With Their North Korean Brothers

US Offers Its Nuclear Capabilities To South Korea For A War Of Extermination With Their North Korean Brothers


Salivating over the prospects of war between the same Korean nation living in two states, Washington offered Seoul the “full range” of its military capabilities against North Korea, including US nuclear forces. The United States said Pyongyang would face an “overwhelming decisive…

World Economic Forum Adviser Claims The Planet No Longer Needs The “Vast Majority” Of The Population – Emily Mangiaracina

World Economic Forum Adviser Claims The Planet No Longer Needs The “Vast Majority” Of The Population – Emily Mangiaracina


Top World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser Yuval Noah Harari recently declared that the world does not “need the vast majority” of the current population due to technological advances. Harari made the bold declaration in an interview with Chris Anderson, head of the popular TED media group, echoing…

Kiev Regime Announces Nazi-style “Filtration” Of “Non-Obeying” Civilians

Kiev Regime Announces Nazi-style “Filtration” Of “Non-Obeying” Civilians


State police say a “reckoning” is coming for pro-Russian residents. Ukraine has announced “filtration” operations against civilians in Balakleya and threatened a “reckoning” to anyone “friendly” with Russia. Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) announced on Friday that it had begun conducting…

The Chinese-Indian Disengagement Decision Is A Direct Result Of The Ukrainian Conflict – Andrew Korybko

The Chinese-Indian Disengagement Decision Is A Direct Result Of The Ukrainian Conflict – Andrew Korybko


What the US hadn’t incorporated into its grand strategic calculations was that the success of its structurally identical divide-and-rule scheme against Russia and Ukraine would positively influence China and India’s perceptions of one another to the point of inspiring them to pragmatically…

The Russia-India-China (RIC) Framework Is The Key To The Asian Century – Andrew Korybko

The Russia-India-China (RIC) Framework Is The Key To The Asian Century – Andrew Korybko


Russia intends to play a leading role in facilitating its equally strategic multipolar Great Power partners’ recently reaffirmed shared desire to jointly pioneer the Asian Century. Russian Ambassador to India Denis Alipov described the Russian-India-China (RIC) framework as having “incredible potential” in…

Former Soccer Star Matt Le Tissier: Sudden Deaths Of Young, Healthy Athletes After COVID Vaccine Rollout Need To Be Investigated – Mary Villareal

Former Soccer Star Matt Le Tissier: Sudden Deaths Of Young, Healthy Athletes After COVID Vaccine Rollout Need To Be Investigated – Mary Villareal


Former English soccer player Matt Le Tissier wants to know why many young and healthy athletes are dying after the rollout of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. What’s more troubling, he said, is that the authorities don’t seem to care. “I have seen so…

“They Are Trying To Assassinate Me” – Bannon Accuses Biden Of Stirring Anti-Right Hatred After Home ‘SWATed’ Again

“They Are Trying To Assassinate Me” – Bannon Accuses Biden Of Stirring Anti-Right Hatred After Home ‘SWATed’ Again


Former White House adviser Steve Bannon has accused President Joe Biden of stoking hatred after police descended on Bannon’s Washington home over a fake report of a gunman on the loose. The incident occurred shortly before Biden’s Thursday speech attacking MAGA Republicans….

Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Viruses Are Our Friends, Not Our Foes – David Skripac

Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Viruses Are Our Friends, Not Our Foes – David Skripac


Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter I The Microbiome and The Virome Chapter II Our War against Nature Chapter III What Happened in 2020 Chapter IV Ignoring the Wreckage   Preface   When the alleged “pandemic” was declared in March of…

There Is “A Whiff Of Desperation & Fear” Emanating Across Europe – Tom Luongo

There Is “A Whiff Of Desperation & Fear” Emanating Across Europe – Tom Luongo


The Clowns of Winter Harry the UK Down All I hear is that lonesome soundThe Hounds of WinterThey harry me down– Sting By a narrow margin Boris Johnson’s clownish Defense Minister Liz Truss will become the next Prime Minister of the United…

Is It Time For A More Muscular Policy To Replace Russia’s Special Military Operation? – Andrew Korybko

Is It Time For A More Muscular Policy To Replace Russia’s Special Military Operation? – Andrew Korybko


Voluntarily limiting Russia’s special operation was done for the right reasons related to humanitarian and political goals, but it unwittingly prevented the military success of this campaign upon which those two aforementioned objectives’ success is dependent, thus making last weekend’s outcome inevitable….

Google To Ban All Smartphone Apps That Tell The Truth About Health, Protecting Lies Of Big Pharmaceutical And The Vaccine Industry – Ethan Huff

Google To Ban All Smartphone Apps That Tell The Truth About Health, Protecting Lies Of Big Pharmaceutical And The Vaccine Industry – Ethan Huff


Google Play, the Android smartphone-based app store, has unveiled sweeping new rules that ban apps deemed to contain or promote “misleading health claims that contradict existing medical consensus, or (that) can cause harm to users.” Issued on August 31, Google Play’s new “health misinformation”…

New Normal: EU President Calls For ‘Mandatory’ Energy Rationing To ‘Flatten The Curve’ Of Demand – Kurt Zindulka

New Normal: EU President Calls For ‘Mandatory’ Energy Rationing To ‘Flatten The Curve’ Of Demand – Kurt Zindulka


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has called for the implementation of “mandatory” energy rationing throughout the EU during peak hours in order to “flatten the curve” of demand amid the largely self-inflicted energy crisis befalling the bloc. In a stunningly…

Why Some Cities May No Longer Be Viable – Charles Hugh Smith

Why Some Cities May No Longer Be Viable – Charles Hugh Smith


Any city whose lifeblood ultimately depends on hyper-globalization and hyper-financialization will no longer be viable. The human migration from the countryside to cities has been an enduring feature of civilization. Cities concentrate wealth, productivity and power, and so they’re magnets to talent and capital, offering newcomers the…

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