Iran Signs Memorandum To Join Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Thanks Putin For His Support

Iran Signs Memorandum To Join Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Thanks Putin For His Support


SCO Summit Strengthens Iran’s Regional Presence. The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, is reinforcing Iran’s presence in the region at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit. In an official ceremony, Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov received President Raisi…

Liz Truss And The Collapse Of The British Pound Sterling. Hyperinflation Looming – Brett Redmayne-Titley

Liz Truss And The Collapse Of The British Pound Sterling. Hyperinflation Looming – Brett Redmayne-Titley


“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” – John F. Kennedy. With another unelected Prime Minister continuing the Conservative Party’s forty-year destruction of the British family- sans the rich- and hyperinflation looming above a long predicted economic depression, let us…

For First Time In Recorded History Chinese People Are Living Longer Than Americans – John Hugh DeMastri

For First Time In Recorded History Chinese People Are Living Longer Than Americans – John Hugh DeMastri


As life expectancy declines in the United States, life expectancy in China has continued its steady climb, potentially surpassing the U.S., according to certain recent data sets. The U.S.’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently estimated that life expectancy at birth had fallen…

South Africa Deserves Praise For Its Neutral Foreign Policy In The New Cold War – Andrew Korybko

South Africa Deserves Praise For Its Neutral Foreign Policy In The New Cold War – Andrew Korybko


South Africa has proven that it’s truly a major country with an independent foreign policy that always keeps its options open and never closes them to anyone. BRICS-member South Africa practices a policy of principled neutrality towards the Ukrainian Conflict whereby it neither supports nor opposes any…

Dark Times: Industry And Infrastructure Collapsing By The Day Across Europe And The USA – Mike Adams

Dark Times: Industry And Infrastructure Collapsing By The Day Across Europe And The USA – Mike Adams


In yet another truly astonishing announcement that demonstrates the desperation of this hour, German steelmaker ArcelorMittal, one of the largest steel production facilities in Europe, has shuttered operations due to high energy prices. (See their announcement here, in German.) “With gas and…

Erdogan Issues Threat Of Military Action Against Greece For Putting Weapons On The Occupied Islands Close To Turkish Coast

Erdogan Issues Threat Of Military Action Against Greece For Putting Weapons On The Occupied Islands Close To Turkish Coast


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has issued a thinly veiled threat of military action against fellow NATO member Greece in Saturday comments. Erdogan reiterated the Turkish government accusation that Greece is militarizing islands near Turkey’s post in contravention of a historic treaty…

Dane Wigington: The Geoengineering Kill Switch Has Been Activated For The Entire Planet To Be Plunged Into A Famine

Dane Wigington: The Geoengineering Kill Switch Has Been Activated For The Entire Planet To Be Plunged Into A Famine


The entire planet is being deliberately plunged into a global famine nightmare, achieved via geoengineering programs carried out by world governments trying to achieve global depopulation. That’s the warning from Dane Wigington of, a site dedicated to the scientific investigation of weather control and modification…

Kiev’s Regime Air Force Suffering ‘Catastrophic Losses’ Inflicted By Russian Forces – Military Source

Kiev’s Regime Air Force Suffering ‘Catastrophic Losses’ Inflicted By Russian Forces – Military Source


A source says that attempts to hire replacement pilots for Ukraine’s Air Force staff from other European countries have been unsuccessful.   Ukraine’s Air Force staff have been essentially eliminated by Russia’s Aerospace Forces and air defense systems, a military-diplomatic source told the…

Barack Obama Wins Emmy TV Award, This Is What He Always Was, A Characterless Actor Narrating Deep State’s Lines

Barack Obama Wins Emmy TV Award, This Is What He Always Was, A Characterless Actor Narrating Deep State’s Lines


All US presidents, with maybe the exception of Trump, are corrupt bough-and-sold puppets reading out the Deep States to a varying degree of “acting success”. Even the presidential elections or pre-election primaries have focus on who does “look” presidential, not on who…

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