Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans Suffered Health Problems After COVID-19 Vaccination: CDC Data

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans Suffered Health Problems After COVID-19 Vaccination: CDC Data


Hundreds of thousands of Americans sought medical care after getting a COVID-19 vaccine, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data released on Oct. 3. Some 782,900 people reported seeking medical attention, emergency room care, and/or hospitalization following COVID-19 vaccination….

Exposed: Before Kiev Blew Up Kerch Bridge, British Spies Plotted It – Kit Klarenberg, The Grayzone

Exposed: Before Kiev Blew Up Kerch Bridge, British Spies Plotted It – Kit Klarenberg, The Grayzone


The secret British intelligence plot to blow up Crimea’s Kerch Bridge is revealed in internal documents and correspondence obtained exclusively by The Grayzone. The Grayzone has obtained an April 2022 presentation drawn up for senior British intelligence officers hashing out an elaborate scheme…

The Road To World War III: How US-NATO Forces Turned Libya Into Hell On Earth – Timothy Alexander Guzman

The Road To World War III: How US-NATO Forces Turned Libya Into Hell On Earth – Timothy Alexander Guzman


The war in Ukraine is basically about the US-NATO’s long-term plan to destroy Russia’s rise as a major player on the world stage.  In 2019, The Rand Corporation published ‘Overextending and Unbalancing Russia: Assessing the Impact of Cost-Imposing Options’ which recommended several measures that…

We Survived The Last Nuclear Standoff Through Compromise And De-Escalation – Caitlin Johnstone

We Survived The Last Nuclear Standoff Through Compromise And De-Escalation – Caitlin Johnstone


Vladimir Putin has signed documents finalizing the Russian annexation of four regions in eastern Ukraine, meaning there’s now a western-backed Ukrainian counteroffensive underway to recapture what Russia officially considers parts of its homeland. Moscow has made it clear that it will use all weapons systems at its disposal…

“I Don’t See How We Could Be Stupider In The West If We Actually Took Courses In Stupidity” – Jordan Peterson On The Collapse Of Germany

“I Don’t See How We Could Be Stupider In The West If We Actually Took Courses In Stupidity” – Jordan Peterson On The Collapse Of Germany


“Something BIG is Happening in Germany!” Jordan Peterson sat down for an interview with author Michael Yon this week to discuss the likely collapse of Western Europe. Jordan commented on the Western elites like Justin Trudeau who are killing off their economies…

Together Forever – Putin’s Message To Massive Crowd On Moscow’s Red Square Celebrating Historic Reunification Of 4 Liberated Regions With Russia

Together Forever – Putin’s Message To Massive Crowd On Moscow’s Red Square Celebrating Historic Reunification Of 4 Liberated Regions With Russia


The former Ukrainian regions made the choice to be with their historical motherland, “Welcome Home,” the Russian leader said, prompting chants of ‘Russia, Russia’ from the crowd. Russian President Vladimir Putin marked the inclusion of four former regions liberated from Kiev’s regime…

Carbon Dioxide Levels Have Nothing To Do With Global Temperatures, Top Scientist Says – Ethan Huff

Carbon Dioxide Levels Have Nothing To Do With Global Temperatures, Top Scientist Says – Ethan Huff


Meteorologist William Kininmonth with the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) authored a new paper on so-called “greenhouse gases,” revealing that carbon dioxide (CO2) does not impact global temperatures as many falsely claim. At worst, CO2 has a “minimal effect” on temperature and climate,…

NATO Conducted Deep-Sea Drills In July Around Sabotaged NordStream Site, US Helicopters Circled Over It For Weeks Before The Terrorist Attack

NATO Conducted Deep-Sea Drills In July Around Sabotaged NordStream Site, US Helicopters Circled Over It For Weeks Before The Terrorist Attack


More and more disturbing details are coming to light in connection with the bombing of the Nordstream pipeline in the Baltic Sea. The Arabic news channel Al Mayadeen reported that weeks before the attack, US helicopters were circling over the sea area where…

Chaos All Over The World: UN Food Chief Describes “Destabilization Of Nations” Resulting From Famine – Ethan Huff

Chaos All Over The World: UN Food Chief Describes “Destabilization Of Nations” Resulting From Famine – Ethan Huff


Several years back, Donald Trump warned it was coming. Now, United Nations World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley is saying it has arrived. “A perfect storm on top of a perfect storm,” Beasley recently said, has reached our doorstep. Both Nord Stream gas…

Polling: Americans Give No-Confidence Vote To Rigged Two-Party System – Ben Bartee

Polling: Americans Give No-Confidence Vote To Rigged Two-Party System – Ben Bartee


The 2022 Congressional midterms are around the corner. Based on historical precedent and the state of the union, they should be a slam-dunk for the GOP. Runaway inflation, brazen warmongering, ongoing COVID hysteria, record-setting crime spikes, and unchecked illegal immigration of the past two years has all been…

Vladimir Putin’s Revolutionary Manifesto Will Forever Change Global Politics – Andrew Korybko

Vladimir Putin’s Revolutionary Manifesto Will Forever Change Global Politics – Andrew Korybko


President Putin is taking up the mantle of Lenin in modern-day international conditions without any ideological agenda other than promoting multipolarity, sovereignty, and traditional values. Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a detailed speech Friday afternoon while formally incorporating four formerly Ukrainian regions into the…

Pentagon’s Ongoing Psy-Ops Exposed: Massive Internal Review Ordered Amid Allegations Of Wrongdoing – JD Heyes

Pentagon’s Ongoing Psy-Ops Exposed: Massive Internal Review Ordered Amid Allegations Of Wrongdoing – JD Heyes


The entire American government has become nothing more than a massive spy operation engaged in snooping on every individual on the planet, including American citizens, the latter in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. In addition, according to a Washington Post report this week, the…

Deranged Gambling With Humanity’s Future: NATO To Conduct Nuclear Drills On Russian Borders, Deploys 30 Warships To Baltic

Deranged Gambling With Humanity’s Future: NATO To Conduct Nuclear Drills On Russian Borders, Deploys 30 Warships To Baltic


Because of course it’s fantastic timing… NATO plans to go through with scheduled nuclear exercises next week despite the ratcheting nuclear rhetoric surrounding the Russia-Ukraine war, which also only days ago saw President Joe Biden warn of the risk of the world…

Debunking The ‘Russian Aggression’ Canard: Was NATO Actively Rehearsing For An Amphibious Assault On The Donbass In 2021? – Arnaud Develay

Debunking The ‘Russian Aggression’ Canard: Was NATO Actively Rehearsing For An Amphibious Assault On The Donbass In 2021? – Arnaud Develay


On November 18-December 3, 2021, a NATO maritime exercise was organized by the French Navy (Marine nationale) off the Mediterranean coast and along France’s Atlantic seafront. Code-named POLARIS 21, the large-scale simulation aimed to “mobilize all components of the French Navy, including…

Nicaragua Severs Diplomatic Ties With EU’s State Of Netherlands Over Its Neocolonial Attitude

Nicaragua Severs Diplomatic Ties With EU’s State Of Netherlands Over Its Neocolonial Attitude


President Daniel Ortega accused the Dutch ambassador of disrespecting the country Nicaragua broke off diplomatic ties with the Netherlands on Friday, accusing the Dutch envoy of a colonial attitude toward the country. “Nicaragua, faced with the repeated meddling, interventionist and neocolonial position…

Precision Missile Strikes Launched For A Second Day With Emphasis On Critically Vulnerable Points Of Ukraine’s Energy System

Precision Missile Strikes Launched For A Second Day With Emphasis On Critically Vulnerable Points Of Ukraine’s Energy System


The Russian military began large-scale precision missile strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure, military communications and command posts on Monday, in retaliation to Saturday’s terror attack against the Crimean Bridge and other acts of terror attributed to Kiev. Russia today, Tuesday, is continuing its…

Attack On Crimean Bridge Exposes Kiev As Terrorist State And NATO Is Sponsoring Ukrainian Terrorist Practices – Lucas Leiroz

Attack On Crimean Bridge Exposes Kiev As Terrorist State And NATO Is Sponsoring Ukrainian Terrorist Practices – Lucas Leiroz


On October 8, the Kerch Bridge, also known as “Crimean Bridge”, was partially damaged after a terrorist attack. The bridge connects Crimea to the Krasnodar region and is extremely strategic for Russian logistics, since it is the main transport infrastructure point between…

8 Million New Citizens, 110,000 Km² Of Agricultural Land, Mineral Resources, Sea, Ports: What New Regions Brings To Russia

8 Million New Citizens, 110,000 Km² Of Agricultural Land, Mineral Resources, Sea, Ports: What New Regions Brings To Russia

The former Kiev’s regime occupied territories have large human, industrial and agricultural potential. The four former Ukrainian regions, that have become part of Russia, could be of great economic importance for the country’s development. On Monday, Russia’s State Duma has ratified the…

Darren Beattie: Europe Is Slave State Of The United States And US Basically Declared War On Russia

Darren Beattie: Europe Is Slave State Of The United States And US Basically Declared War On Russia


Darren Beattie: “It’s all about who controls Europe” Speaking on Steve Bannon’s War Room Friday Sept. 30th, Revolver News investigative reporter Darren Beattie warned of a “giant leap toward Armageddon” after the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines and Vladimir Putin’s annexation…

White House Panics, Calls OPEC’s Aligned With Russia Production Cut Of 2 Million Barrels/Day A “Hostile Act”

White House Panics, Calls OPEC’s Aligned With Russia Production Cut Of 2 Million Barrels/Day A “Hostile Act”


The Biden administration is absolutely furious with the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee (JMMC) of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and allies, including Russia, for agreeing to slash oil production by 2 million barrels per day.  OPEC+ has agreed one of the…

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