Let’s not go into a great detail about 2022. It was a bad, horrible and simply disastrous year in all aspects for the freedom and wellbeing of the humanity, as it was the one before and the one before too. Further listing, compiling and documenting all infringements is waste of precious time and resources, if it does not have one and only sole purpose: providing analytical basis and entry points for practical actions. Because there is a lot to do, and the future of the mankind depends on it.
Let’s begin with the diagnosis as a basis for identifying the entry points of action:
- The neoliberal fake globalism against the wellbeing of nations and for the benefit of the few of the corrupt elite has been defeated. But as any wounded and dying animal is more dangerous than ever, hence we witness it continuing to generate crazy unwinnable wars at huge human lives costs and costs to our future and existence. Hence, there will be no quick victory, the struggle will be protracted and will take years if not an entire generation.
- The nations in the so-called Western World are occupied and oppressed by illegitimate unelected neoliberal forces. The people of the nations currently under neoliberal global dictatorship do not support the wars instigated by the dying neoliberal order led by warmongers of the corrupt elites of the US and NATO. The death of the neoliberal global order has been accompanied by the death of the so-called “liberal democracies” that turned to be the worst version of governance about what even Aristotle warned at the time, oligarchy, this time with neoliberal colors. And, they will not be able to take back their freedom through the corrupt system as our counterparts in the Western nations as well as the American patriots are realizing that they are also not able to get their liberties back through the corrupt and hijacked system and institutions where your vote does not count.
Hence, only united “We The People”, in all countries across the world, can defeat this oppression and regain the freedom that we proudly inherited from our predecessors. Many of us are currently suffering under the totalitarian illegitimate dictatorships as occupied and oppressed nations with foreign-installed vassal governments through either color revolutions or electoral engineering where our vote simply doesn’t count such as the German, British, Macedonian, French, American people, or in the countries that are resisting the neoliberal pressure on a daily basis such as Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, or in our brotherly nations of the global flag-bearers nations of the fair and just Multipolar World Order such as Russia, India, China, Iran, Brazil etc. It’s unacceptable that once proud and old European and Western nations are ruled by unelected illegitimate leaders. Beyond the color revolutions in the Eastern Europe installing puppet vassal government, the Western nations are also in similar situation where they are threatened with being erased as nations. Neither Sunak and Biden, nor Scholz or Macron are legitimately elected in fair and transparent elections by the British, American, as well as German, French people, nor any of the EU’s unelected bureaucrats that rule over those once proud nations whose freedoms have been stolen, that are now oppressed, impoverished, overrun by immigration, financially and otherwise enslaved.
What we need
We in the nations oppressed by neoliberal dictatorship implemented by our alienated, corrupt, illegitimate vassal regimes need to take our institutions and state levers of power back to us, the only sovereign, the People. Off-gridding and prepping is good and useful on a short-run in terms of surviving a crisis but cannot provide for sustainable fundamental freedoms in medium or long term, since the oppressive totalitarian vassal governments can, and will, confiscate everything you have by simply raising taxes ten-folds on your land or home, on your precious metals or any other digital or paper currency you might have, and then send their corrupt totalitarian police to enact it. Only by taking the levers of powers in each of our nation-states can we claim back the sovereignty that only belong and rests with us, the people. Hence, let’s stop whining and start doing, in whatever field you are.
What and How should be done
Since no oppressed nation can free itself alone, we need a broad International Movement of sovereign nations that will grow around ever-increasing BRICS+ membership and clout, together with the Eurasian Union, African Union, Latin American Union, Asian countries, and, representatives of the oppressed nation-states that are currently under the dictatorship of the warmongering and blood-thirsty failed neoliberal system. This movement should build the security, economic and international relations structures of the just and fair Multipolar Order of free sovereign nations that will later be enshrined in either a reformed UN or any other international institution that may come in its place. The Sovereign Doctrine, by not being prescriptive in what political, economic and social system each sovereign people decide to build in their respective nation-state, allows for such a truly global and worldwide genuine movement to take shape and become operational and effective.
- Create, participate and grow massive nationwide grassroots movements in your oppressed nation
Join or create sovereign freedom movements that will demand, by election or blockade or by denying legitimacy at every step until the collapse of the oppressive neoliberal system and their locally-installed illegitimate vassal regimes, the return of the power to the only legitimate source, the people. Make these movements massive, powerful and then force the sovereign agenda into the mainstream of our societies, politics and economics, nothing less will do. Withdraw publicly and tacitly support for the corrupt establishment and its corrupt uni-party systems that have hijacked the will of the people and the levers of powers to work against the interest and the wellbeing of the sovereign, us the people.
- We need an International Movement of free sovereign people
The international institutions of the Multipolar order should extend their network with the forces, movements, organizations from the occupied nations and offer them future place in this community that is shaping up at front of our eyes. The neoliberal fake globalists have created extensive corrupt global network for buying off local vassal governments, NGOs, academia to work for their interest and against the interests of their own nations. The Multipolar World Order needs even more help to be provided to the sovereign forces and people in the currently occupied and oppressed nations, ruled by installed illegitimate and dictatorial governments. The real alternatives to globalists’ tools of financial oppression, cancelling and silencing such as SWIFT, PayPal, Visa should be developed by Russia, China, India, and wider BRICS+ and Eurasian communities through operationalization of the international payment systems such as SPSF and CIPS, coupled with Russian MIR, Chinese UnionPay, India’s RuPay, as well as multicurrency electronic wallets, and other alternative financial platforms. This is a must for the nations of the Multipolar World that are either under financial and economic sanctions or are threatened with them, and should be made available to everybody around the world, creating a life-saving financial safety valve for all including the people in the West that are now cancelled, cut-off, silenced, having their bank accounts frozen for thoughts expressed on social media, and impoverished by the corrupt neoliberal western institutions and their oppressive financial system.
- Create mainstream sovereigntist educational platforms
These movements should be helped by all available sovereign know-how from all sovereign nation-states through think-tanks, universities, analytical centres and theoretical and implementation practitioners, in order to develop and re-discover their national ideologies, and on the basis of it to develop strategies, programme and operational plans for achieving it. The sovereigntist educators, professors, practitioners, together with Universities in the East and West that have, or aspire to have a sovereign educational curricula, should help the nation-states and each other with exchange of knowledge, educators, mutual accreditation and recognition, and extending the reach to learners in the sovereign nations from across the world in English and vernacular languages. The sovereign knowledge in the face of the hijacked global science, has to be systematized in a new and virtual Library of Alexandria with the scientific and practioners’ content and with the new sovereigntist vocabulary, narrative and semantics.
- There is no Alt-Media anymore, you are the Mainstream Media now
If nowadays one blogger from his living room can attract hundreds of thousands or even millions reads or views, compared to the so called Mainstream Media with only a fraction of this, it is fair to say that there is a need to redefine the meaning of the Mainstream Media and engage in actions to really and fully become mainstream media of and for the people. Create a website, set-up a studio (its not expensive to look visually professional in addition to professional and credible content), join free social platforms, cross-post each other, create and generate new generation of columnists and analytics, join in wider consortiums across the countries and thematic fields and continue to reach massive audiences around the world.
Lets end with stating that, We The People, will not allow the fake neoliberal globalists to monopolize and distort the current struggle, agenda, language and narrative because: We are the real globalists that will build a Free and Just Multipolar Order beneficial for all, as opposed to the neoliberal fake “globalists” that want to oppress the entire world for the benefits of the few; We represent the real Diversity of tolerant and good people that allow for any other way of life, or thought or opinion, where all cultures, nations blossom in economic wellbeing and adherence to the way of life they see fit for themselves, providing for a rich and beautiful varied humanity with its diverse cultures, traditions, history, as opposed to the intolerant oppressive, totalitarian and abusive neoliberal ideology that promotes uniformity, imposes way of life, and oppress the freedoms of others.
Now, as many times before throughout the history, let’s take the levers of our sovereign nation-states in our own hands, since we The People are the only sovereign that can give legitimacy and can organize our ways of life of our own nations. And that’s why the free and proud people and nations across the world will win. Because our cause is just, good, in harmony with human, moral, and natural laws, and the goodness, justice and freedom will always win, for the sake of the free and prosperous future and survival of the mankind.
Happy And Free 2023!