‘Truth, No Matter What’: Why Watering Down Palestinian Reality Is A Crime – Ramzy Baroud

‘Truth, No Matter What’: Why Watering Down Palestinian Reality Is A Crime – Ramzy Baroud


On February 20, the United Nations Security Council approved a statement, described in the media as a ‘watered-down’ version of an earlier draft resolution which would have demanded that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory.” The intrigues that led…

Manichaeism And ‘An Ideology Of Liberal Empire’ – Biden’s Forever Cosmic War Against Russian ‘Evil’ – Alastair Crooke

Manichaeism And ‘An Ideology Of Liberal Empire’ – Biden’s Forever Cosmic War Against Russian ‘Evil’ – Alastair Crooke


When the U.S. begins its pivot away from Ukraine, and looks fully to Europeanise the war, the political class won’t be seen ‘for the dust’. “Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased. They must be opposed. Autocrats only understand one word: “No.”…

European Antiwar Protests Gain Strength As NATO’s Ukraine Proxy War Escalates – Stavroula Pabst, Max Blumenthal

European Antiwar Protests Gain Strength As NATO’s Ukraine Proxy War Escalates – Stavroula Pabst, Max Blumenthal


Europeans are storming the streets in unprecedented numbers to protest NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine and their own declining living standards. The Grayzone has covered demonstrations and interviewed protest leaders in several countries since the war erupted. Athens, Greece –– This February 21,…

The West’s Narrative Of The ‘Russian Threat’: A Tool For Destabilization And Hegemonic Control – Erkin Öncan

The West’s Narrative Of The ‘Russian Threat’: A Tool For Destabilization And Hegemonic Control – Erkin Öncan


The Western world’s threat narrative seeks to disrupt the concept of multipolarity by imposing sanctions and military deterrence. On February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the Federal Assembly, which received significant attention, particularly from Western media, as the…

The Empire Gives People The Illusion Of Fighting The Power Without Ever Endangering Real Power

The Empire Gives People The Illusion Of Fighting The Power Without Ever Endangering Real Power


The one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has seen countless emotional news segments and heartstring-plucking articles, wall-to-wall social media posts, and public demonstrations decrying the evils of Vladimir Putin throughout the western world. For what’s probably the first “anti-war” protest of…

“We’re Dying Slowly”: East Palestine Residents Report Bizarre Health Issues After Toxic Train Derailment

“We’re Dying Slowly”: East Palestine Residents Report Bizarre Health Issues After Toxic Train Derailment


Residents of East Palestine, Ohio have been reporting bizarre symptoms following the Feb. 3 Norfolk Southern train derailment and subsequent toxic explosion, the NY Post reports. “Doctors say I definitely have the chemicals in me but there’s no one in town who can run the toxicological…

Did Legendary “Gonzo” Journalist Hunter Thompson Frighten Those In The Deep State So Much, He Had to Be Taken Out? – Jeremy Kuzmarov

Did Legendary “Gonzo” Journalist Hunter Thompson Frighten Those In The Deep State So Much, He Had to Be Taken Out? – Jeremy Kuzmarov


Hunter S. Thompson’s death 18 years ago remains suspicious. He left no suicide note and, according to the official story, supposedly shot himself while on the phone with his wife in mid-conversation—though she never heard any gunshots. The night before his death,…

The Politicization Of Procreation: The Ultimate In “The Personal Is Political” – Jeffery L. Degner

The Politicization Of Procreation: The Ultimate In “The Personal Is Political” – Jeffery L. Degner


In the ultimate example of “the personal is political,” families form, break up, or expand due to US presidential elections according to a recent article in the American Economic Review. Apparently, the alternative responses of doom or elation that occasions electoral politics is so…

China’s Emerging Global Leadership Isn’t Just The Result Of Subsidies: Entrepreneurship Still Matters In This Market – Mihai Macovei

China’s Emerging Global Leadership Isn’t Just The Result Of Subsidies: Entrepreneurship Still Matters In This Market – Mihai Macovei


China has become a global leader in the electric vehicles (EVs) sector, and Western governments are worried that its comparative advantage will become entrenched. Once again, mainstream pundits blame China’s success on government subsidies and unfair competition. This is just a pretext to…

Obama Went After General Flynn Because He Was A Risk Of Indicting Him And Hillary For High Crimes And Misdemeanors (Part 2) – Joe Hoft

Obama Went After General Flynn Because He Was A Risk Of Indicting Him And Hillary For High Crimes And Misdemeanors (Part 2) – Joe Hoft


The Marc Turi Criminal Indictment Exposed the Obama Administration’s Illegal, Covert Gun-Running Operation to Libya  Guest post by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. This article is the second of a series of articles explaining why President Obama enlisted the federal government’s national security and…

Victoria Nuland Confirms: US Supports Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Crimea – Dave DeCamp

Victoria Nuland Confirms: US Supports Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Crimea – Dave DeCamp


Victoria Nuland, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, said last week that the US is “supporting” Ukrainian attacks on Crimea and called Russian military installations on the peninsula “legitimate targets.” Nuland made the comments when asked about a report from The New York Times that…

Putin’s ‘Civilizational’ Speech Frames Conflict Between East And West – Pepe Escobar

Putin’s ‘Civilizational’ Speech Frames Conflict Between East And West – Pepe Escobar


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s much awaited address to the Russian Federal Assembly on Tuesday should be interpreted as a tour de force of sovereignty. The address, significantly, marked the first anniversary of Russia’s official recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, only a few hours…

Overspending Billions On The Pentagon Is A National Moral Failing – Lee-Pocan Bill Suggests $100 Billion Cut

Overspending Billions On The Pentagon Is A National Moral Failing – Lee-Pocan Bill Suggests $100 Billion Cut


WASHINGTON – U.S. Reps. Barbara Lee, (D-Calif.) and Mark Pocan, (D-Wis.) today introduced the People Over Pentagon Act of 2023, which would cut $100 billion from the annual Pentagon budget. Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen, released the following statement: “Pentagon spending is wildly out…

US Stonewalls Nord Stream UN Investigation – Russia: “We Know, They Know, Everybody Knows USA Is Lying” – Richard Abelson

US Stonewalls Nord Stream UN Investigation – Russia: “We Know, They Know, Everybody Knows USA Is Lying” – Richard Abelson


The UN Security Council debated Russia’s request for a UN-led inquiry into the September explosions along the Nord Stream pipelines on Tuesday. The USA is “not interested” in an independent investigation of the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline, Russia charged at…

The Power Of Woke: How Leftist Ideology Is Undermining Our Society And Economy – Allen Mendenhall

The Power Of Woke: How Leftist Ideology Is Undermining Our Society And Economy – Allen Mendenhall


“It’s an important part of society whether you like it or not,” lexicologist Tony Thorne, referring to “wokeness,” told The New Yorker’s David Remnick in January. That’s an understatement. Wokeness is poisoning the Western workplace and constraining small and family businesses, midsized…

State Department Globalists Responsible For Ukraine Coup – President Trump

State Department Globalists Responsible For Ukraine Coup – President Trump


Former US president Donald Trump has blamed “warmongers and ‘America Last’ globalists” at the State Department for pushing Ukraine toward conflict. Trump, who is running for office in 2024, promised to rid Washington of “warmongers, frauds and failures” if elected again. In a campaign video released…

The English-Speaking Peoples Have Fallen For A Negative Identity. But A Leader Could Rally Them – James Kirkpatrick

The English-Speaking Peoples Have Fallen For A Negative Identity. But A Leader Could Rally Them – James Kirkpatrick


Events across the Anglosphere through the past few years demonstrate an unfortunate truth: People who no longer have the positive mission of self-preservation and civilizational survival will turn on themselves to craft a false, negative, suicidal identity. As Woke Leftism spreads through English-speaking nations…

Putin Has A Point: The West’s Liberal-Globalist Elite & Their “Woke” Army Promote Pedophilia – Andrew Korybko

Putin Has A Point: The West’s Liberal-Globalist Elite & Their “Woke” Army Promote Pedophilia – Andrew Korybko


Russia treasures its children’s physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being, which is why its people oppose pushing “woke” ideology about non-traditional sexual identities onto kids, including that which normalizes this and even encourages self-harm. Whether in school or elsewhere in society, such…

Putin’s Historic Speech To Parliament Sets Sovereign Economic, Social & Education Vision For Russia During And After Winning The Conflict With The West

Putin’s Historic Speech To Parliament Sets Sovereign Economic, Social & Education Vision For Russia During And After Winning The Conflict With The West


The Russian leader set the record straight about the West’s attacks on Russia and the rest of the world, and concentrated on delivering his social and economic vision for Russia after winning this imposed conflict with the West Russia attempted to peacefully…

20.000 Protestors March For Peace In Munich To Protest Kamala Harris’ Ukraine War – Richard Abelson

20.000 Protestors March For Peace In Munich To Protest Kamala Harris’ Ukraine War – Richard Abelson


As Kamala Harris accused Russia of “war crimes” at the Munich Security Conference while ignoring Ukrainian war crimes and the bombshell Hersh report, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski demanded Ukraine join NATO and be supplied with illegal cluster bombs at US taxpayer expense. Outside,…

Biden’s Visit To Kiev Is “Copium” To Distract The West From Disadvantageous Developments – Andrew Korybko

Biden’s Visit To Kiev Is “Copium” To Distract The West From Disadvantageous Developments – Andrew Korybko


The whole reason why the Mainstream Media and allied accounts on social media are overdosing on this cheap “copium” is because they know very well that tougher days are ahead for their side considering NATO’s military-industrial crisis, the sanctions’ failure, and Russia’s…

Analyzing Zelensky’s Admission That His Forces Might Abandon Artyomovsk/“Bakhmut” – Andrew Korybko

Analyzing Zelensky’s Admission That His Forces Might Abandon Artyomovsk/“Bakhmut” – Andrew Korybko


According to the Ukrainian leader himself, Russia’s potential control of Artyomovsk/“Bakhmut” would immediately enable it to launch a follow-up offensive against Kramatorsk and Slavyansk, but his side might still abandon it if casualties keep mounting. This obvious military insight, which even armchair…

The Core Of The Economy, The Middle Class, Is Crumbling – Charles Hugh Smith

The Core Of The Economy, The Middle Class, Is Crumbling – Charles Hugh Smith


The net result of hyper-globalization and hyper-financialization is the crumbling of the middle class. Neofeudal societies and economies lack a vibrant middle class. This is the defining feature of feudalism and its updated V2.0, neofeudalism: a nobility (based on birth or finance, it doesn’t matter) controls the vast…

US Sanctions Against Zimbabwe Condemned As “Crime Against Humanity” – Jeremy Kuzmarov

US Sanctions Against Zimbabwe Condemned As “Crime Against Humanity” – Jeremy Kuzmarov


The U.S. is blaming Zimbabwe’s government (which it is conveniently trying to overthrow) for the tragic humanitarian crises afflicting its suffering people. But the International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism has now placed responsibility directly on the harsh economic sanctions that the U.S. has…

Either The President Is A Terrorist Or A Journalist Is A Fraud. Why Doesn’t Anyone Want To Find Out Which Is True? – Ted Rall

Either The President Is A Terrorist Or A Journalist Is A Fraud. Why Doesn’t Anyone Want To Find Out Which Is True? – Ted Rall


Corporate ownership of media outlets and consolidation have deteriorated the quality of reporting in numerous ways: accelerating access journalism, gutting local news and investigative reporting, a decreasing willingness to take chances or to invest in projects without a quick return on investment….

India Is In A Prime Position To Set The Global South’s “Democratic Security” Standards – Andrew Korybko

India Is In A Prime Position To Set The Global South’s “Democratic Security” Standards – Andrew Korybko


India’s envisaged economic and strategic leadership of the Global South could soon be complemented by a “Democratic Security” component depending on the moves that it makes after Color Revolution mastermind George Soros just declared Hybrid War on this globally significant Great Power…

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