After 15 Years Of ‘Independence’, It Is Clear That Kosovo Was A Stepping Stone For NATO’s Imperial Goals – Aleksandar Pavic

After 15 Years Of ‘Independence’, It Is Clear That Kosovo Was A Stepping Stone For NATO’s Imperial Goals – Aleksandar Pavic


Similar to Ukraine, Serbia’s breakaway province is an exercise in the ‘rules-based order’, where rules are made up for the convenience of Western powers On February 17, 2008, a group of US-backed “democratic leaders” headed by a former Western-sponsored terrorist declared the…

Right & Left Join In DC On February 19th For First US National Rally Against The War Machine: “Not One More Penny For War In The Ukraine”

Right & Left Join In DC On February 19th For First US National Rally Against The War Machine: “Not One More Penny For War In The Ukraine”


The protest will call for peace negotiations in the Ukraine and the end of military aid. February 19, New Anti-Interventionist Coalition To March To White House from Lincoln Memorial. The lead demand of the demonstration is simple, straightforward and unequivocal: “Not one more penny for war…

Soros’ Strong Support Of Lula Discredits The Brazilian Leader’s Multipolar Credentials – Andrew Korybko

Soros’ Strong Support Of Lula Discredits The Brazilian Leader’s Multipolar Credentials – Andrew Korybko


The insight shared in this analysis shouldn’t be misinterpreted as implying that Lula is “controlled” by Soros, Biden, or Sanders-AOC, but just that he’s definitely their “fellow traveler” since the Brazilian leader indisputably shares their worldview nowadays to a large extent. Even…

Black Gold To The East – Red Faces In The West: How Russia Learned To Stop Worrying About US-Led Oil Sanctions By Looking To Asia – Joydeep Sen Gupta

Black Gold To The East – Red Faces In The West: How Russia Learned To Stop Worrying About US-Led Oil Sanctions By Looking To Asia – Joydeep Sen Gupta


The G7 and EU believed that tightening the screws would mortally wound Moscow, but it seems to have backfired The West thought oil sanctions would cripple Russia, here’s why the plan backfired. In late December, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to the price…

Africa Didn’t Follow WHO’s Pandemic Orders. Guess What Happened? Doing Much Better Than Highly “Vaccinated” Countries – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Africa Didn’t Follow WHO’s Pandemic Orders. Guess What Happened? Doing Much Better Than Highly “Vaccinated” Countries – Dr. Joseph Mercola


Africa, where less than 6% of the population is vaccinated against COVID-19, has fared far better than countries with high injection rates. Still, the World Health Organization continues to warn that developing nations are at grave risk due to low jab rates….

Why Is The Mainstream Media Being So Quiet About One Of The Greatest Environmental Catastrophes In US History? – Michael Snyder

Why Is The Mainstream Media Being So Quiet About One Of The Greatest Environmental Catastrophes In US History? – Michael Snyder


The mainstream media spends an enormous amount of time lecturing us about fake environmental issues, but now that one of the greatest environmental catastrophes in U.S. history has occurred they are being strangely quiet about it.  What we are witnessing in East…

The Ukraine And The Republic Of Ireland: Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Is Also A World Economic Forum “Young Global Leader” – Gavin OReilly

The Ukraine And The Republic Of Ireland: Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Is Also A World Economic Forum “Young Global Leader” – Gavin OReilly


Since Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine almost a year ago, one of the key features of the collective West’s response, alongside sanctions and the expulsion of Russian diplomats, has been the accommodation of refugees fleeing the conflict, with millions of Ukrainians being…

Enviro-Terror In Ohio As Toxic Gas Cloud Unleashed When “Authorities” Set Fire To Vinyl Chloride To Disperse It Over Skies, Farms And Rivers – Mike Adams

Enviro-Terror In Ohio As Toxic Gas Cloud Unleashed When “Authorities” Set Fire To Vinyl Chloride To Disperse It Over Skies, Farms And Rivers – Mike Adams


An act of ecological terrorism has been carried out in Ohio as “authorities” set fire to as many as ten train cars carrying highly toxic vinyl chloride (and other chemicals), unleashing a massive plume of chemical-laden smoke that exploded into the skies…

Kiev Regime Nazis Execute Four Local Female Schoolteachers In Kupyansk For “Collaborating” With Russia – Robert Lindsay (Warning: Disturbing Video)

Kiev Regime Nazis Execute Four Local Female Schoolteachers In Kupyansk For “Collaborating” With Russia – Robert Lindsay (Warning: Disturbing Video)


Ukrainian opposition blogger Shariy published 2 more seconds from the footage of execution of pro-Russian civilians in Kupyansk by UA Nazis, where a victim with her hands tied is led to the execution past the pit with already killed civilians.#Ukraine #warcrimes In…

Forensic Probe Confirms Chilean Poet Pablo Neruda Was Poisoned After US-Backed Pinochet Coup – Brett Wilkins

Forensic Probe Confirms Chilean Poet Pablo Neruda Was Poisoned After US-Backed Pinochet Coup – Brett Wilkins


A toxicology reportreveals a “great quantity” of the neurotoxin clostridium botulinum was found in the body of the leftist—who claimed he was injected while hospitalized just before his death in September 1973. Pablo Neruda, the Chilean Nobel poet laureate, diplomat, and leftist politician…

US State Department Funding Secret Global “Disinformation” Crusade To Blacklist Conservative Media

US State Department Funding Secret Global “Disinformation” Crusade To Blacklist Conservative Media


The US Department of State has been funding a “disinformation” tracking group through its Global Engagement Center (GEC), which reportedly works at demonetizing sites it accuses of disseminating “disinformation,” – which are overwhelmingly conservative news outlets, the Washington Examiner reports. The Global Disinformation Index, a British organization with…

Green Fail: Many Of Scotland’s Wind Turbines Are Being Powered By Diesel Fuel Generators That Are leaking Hydraulic Fluid – JD Heyes

Green Fail: Many Of Scotland’s Wind Turbines Are Being Powered By Diesel Fuel Generators That Are leaking Hydraulic Fluid – JD Heyes


The lunacy of the far left’s ‘climate change’ agenda is once again coming home to roost, this time in Scotland, where Western civilization essentially began and where it’s gone to die. According to Breitbart News, scores of the country’s ‘green energy’ windmills are…

Sy Hersh And The Way We Live Now. “The Propaganda Apparatus That Manipulates And Controls Our Society” – Craig Murray

Sy Hersh And The Way We Live Now. “The Propaganda Apparatus That Manipulates And Controls Our Society” – Craig Murray


Coverage of the sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines helped Murray realize something important about how the Big Lie works. It is a clear indicator of the disappearance of freedom from our so-called Western democracies that Sy Hersh, arguably the greatest living journalist,…

Militarism And Diplomacy In The South China Sea: The Propaganda Machine Is Mobilized – Andi Olluri

Militarism And Diplomacy In The South China Sea: The Propaganda Machine Is Mobilized – Andi Olluri


Arecent Pentagon conference on psychological warfare noted that the forces of indoctrination “cannot wait until a crisis begins.” A high-ranking chief at the Department of Defense suggested a model for propaganda, in no way new: “Look at marketing…What makes people drink Coke, what makes…

Lasers, Spaceflight, Surgery, Nuclear Power And The Secrets Of Mayan Civilization: How Russian Scientists Changed The World – Anastasia Safronova

Lasers, Spaceflight, Surgery, Nuclear Power And The Secrets Of Mayan Civilization: How Russian Scientists Changed The World – Anastasia Safronova


February 8 marks the day of Russian science, when past achievements are celebrated to inspire new generations for the future. The list of Soviet and Russian specialists who have made crucial contributions to physics, chemistry, medicine and biology amongst others is too…

US Act Of War Against Europe: President Biden Ordered The Terror Attack Against Nord Stream. High Treason Against The People Of Europe – Prof Michel Chossudovsky

US Act Of War Against Europe: President Biden Ordered The Terror Attack Against Nord Stream. High Treason Against The People Of Europe – Prof Michel Chossudovsky


Author’s Update – Originally published by GlobalResearch. First published on October 1, 2022 In recent developments, German Prosecutor General Peter Frank confirmed “there is no evidence to blame Russia for the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines”: “It currently has not been proven (…) The…

“Purges” In The Ukraine:  Defense And Interior Ministers Die In Helicopter Crash. Who’s Next? – Karsten Riise

“Purges” In The Ukraine: Defense And Interior Ministers Die In Helicopter Crash. Who’s Next? – Karsten Riise


The leader of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council is Oleksyi Danilov. Danilov is a powerful and interesting figure. After taking Soledar a few weeks ago, Russia just took another strategic fortified town Krasna Gora yesterday. (see map below) Russia is developing fast all the way around…

Never-Ending Escalation Will Result In Catastrophe – Do the American People Support War Against Russia? – Thomas Fazi

Never-Ending Escalation Will Result In Catastrophe – Do the American People Support War Against Russia? – Thomas Fazi


Now and then, even the most seasoned politician happens to slip up and accidently speak the truth. This is what occurred during a recent debate at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, when the German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock openly stated that “we…

Kiev Regime “One Million Army” Wiped Out – Zaluzhny Confirms 257,000 Deaths, With Typical Ratio Of Wounded To Killed Of 3:1

Kiev Regime “One Million Army” Wiped Out – Zaluzhny Confirms 257,000 Deaths, With Typical Ratio Of Wounded To Killed Of 3:1


Kiev Regime forces chief Zaluzhny reported the death of 257 thousand of Ukrainian soldiers. Consider that the typical ratio of those wounded to those killed in conflict has historically hovered around the 3:1 mark, the Kiev’s army is wiped out. Hence kidnapping…

“Electronic Money” Under “The One World Order”: Are We Becoming Western Money Slaves? Solutions? “Resistance Economy”, “De-dollarization”, “De-globalization” – Peter Koenig

“Electronic Money” Under “The One World Order”: Are We Becoming Western Money Slaves? Solutions? “Resistance Economy”, “De-dollarization”, “De-globalization” – Peter Koenig


Electronic money, a cashless society, is perhaps the ultimate and most direct means of the New World Order (NWO), also called One World Order (OWO), to control us all via its financial system. A system that the NWO would like to maintain as the world’s…

“Blowing Up Pipeline To Europe And Escalating War With Nuke-Armed Russia Craziest US Terrorist Act Ever” – Richard Abelson

“Blowing Up Pipeline To Europe And Escalating War With Nuke-Armed Russia Craziest US Terrorist Act Ever” – Richard Abelson


Blogger Kanekoa the Great first documented the connections between Hunter Biden, Ukrainian Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky and Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky, which Gateway previously reported on. Now, he presents a revealing Twitter thread on the explosive reporting by Seymour Hersh that the US Navy blew…

Is Ukraine Using Chemical Weapons? (Warning) Disturbing Video Indicates There Is Sufficient Circumstantial Evidence To Investigate – Joe Hoft

Is Ukraine Using Chemical Weapons? (Warning) Disturbing Video Indicates There Is Sufficient Circumstantial Evidence To Investigate – Joe Hoft


Is Ukraine using chemical weapons? Guest post by Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. The evidence, so far, is circumstantial and inconclusive, but suggestive enough to warrant a more thorough investigation. In recent days, there have been reports coming out of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Russian-occupied…

Klaus Schwab On Artificial Intelligence And Digital Identities: “Who Masters Those Technologies – Will Be The Master Of The World”

Klaus Schwab On Artificial Intelligence And Digital Identities: “Who Masters Those Technologies – Will Be The Master Of The World”


World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab this week spoke about the ‘fourth industrial revolution technologies’ at the World Government Summit in Dubai. Klaus Schwab spoke about rapidly changing technology, chatbots, digital identities and more. The masters of the universe will control the…

11 Republican Members Of Congress Introduce “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution To Halt US Military And Financial Aid To Corrupt Kiev Regime

11 Republican Members Of Congress Introduce “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution To Halt US Military And Financial Aid To Corrupt Kiev Regime


Republican lawmakers have introduced a resolution seeking to end US aid to Ukraine, citing the massive cost to US taxpayers, the risk of escalation with Moscow and the toll on America’s own arsenal after some $30 billion in arms transfers. The lawmakers…

How I Landed On The FBI Hit List Targeting “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” – E. Michael Jones

How I Landed On The FBI Hit List Targeting “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” – E. Michael Jones


Within hours of the publication of the leaked memo from the FBI’s Richmond office targeting “radical traditionalist Catholics,” Tucker Carlson weighed in by launching an attack on the FBI, claiming that they tried “to manufacture crimes against sincere Catholics.” “The Bill of…

FBI Collusion With Twitter “Shocking”: Witnesses Tell US Congress At Social Media “Weaponization” Hearing

FBI Collusion With Twitter “Shocking”: Witnesses Tell US Congress At Social Media “Weaponization” Hearing


The U.S. House Judiciary Committee’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Thursday heard testimony from Congress members and ex-FBI agents who criticized government agencies for colluding with media and Big Tech to censor Americans. The U.S. House Judiciary…

Sexual Perverts Take Over The Grammys, Declare Victory In The Culture War Against Traditional Moral Values – Bradley Cortright

Sexual Perverts Take Over The Grammys, Declare Victory In The Culture War Against Traditional Moral Values – Bradley Cortright


The 65th Grammy Awards ceremony is being shredded by conservatives for featuring what has been described as a “Satanic” performance. But MSNBC’s Joy Reid viewed the award show as a sign the liberal side had utterly defeated conservatives in the culture wars. And on…

Northern Iraq And Syria Have Turned Into A Trap For The United States And Turkey – Vladimir Platov

Northern Iraq And Syria Have Turned Into A Trap For The United States And Turkey – Vladimir Platov


John Kirby, the National Security Council’s coordinator of strategic communications, made a significant statement in mid-December. Commenting on the events in Ukraine, Kirby said that the US authorities recognize Ukraine’s right to plan and conduct military operations in Crimea “against the occupiers, because…

Act Of War: The US Military Blew Up Nord Stream Pipelines, Plunging Western Allies Into Energy Collapse In Effort To Harm Russia – Mike Adams

Act Of War: The US Military Blew Up Nord Stream Pipelines, Plunging Western Allies Into Energy Collapse In Effort To Harm Russia – Mike Adams


A bombshell report from independent journalist Seymour Hersh — published on Substack — reveals and confirms exactly what we reported last year: That the US Dept. of Defense covertly blew up the Nordstream pipelines, carrying out an act of terrorism against its own western allies in…

Germany: “The Manifesto For Peace”. Stop The War In Ukraine. Cease Fire And Peace Negotiations – Junge Welte

Germany: “The Manifesto For Peace”. Stop The War In Ukraine. Cease Fire And Peace Negotiations – Junge Welte


The “Manifesto for Peace” presented on Friday by left-wing MP Sahra Wagenknecht and feminist Alice Schwarzer is meeting with steadily growing support. Around 400,000 people had signed the online petition by Tuesday. The petition calls on Chancellor Olaf Scholz to “stop the escalation of arms deliveries” in light of…

A Worldwide Call To Take Immediate And Massive Action Against The Global Dictatorship With The Planned WHO “Pandemic Treaty” – James Roguski

A Worldwide Call To Take Immediate And Massive Action Against The Global Dictatorship With The Planned WHO “Pandemic Treaty” – James Roguski


NOW is the time to take IMMEDIATE AND MASSIVE ACTION to spread the word around the world regarding the upcoming meetings that the WHO has scheduled. PRIMARY ACTION: ALWAYS GET THE FACTS Ongoing negotiations regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health…

Israel Deepens Support For Ukraine Despite Claims Of Balancing Its Relations With Russia – Ahmed Adel

Israel Deepens Support For Ukraine Despite Claims Of Balancing Its Relations With Russia – Ahmed Adel


Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who claimed he acted as an intermediary between Russia and Ukraine at the start of the special operation, said in a video that Russian President Vladimir Putin assured him that he would not kill his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. This…

NATO Nations Start To Go Public About US Government’s International Dictatorship – Eric Zuesse

NATO Nations Start To Go Public About US Government’s International Dictatorship – Eric Zuesse


An international dictatorship is not merely a dictatorship over its own population — a domestic dictatorship — but is instead a far more dangerous type of dictatorship: an empire. For example: if Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito, had been dictatorial over ONLY Germans, Italians, and Japanese, then those…

No Quiet On The Eastern Front: How The US Has Worked To Prevent Russia And Japan From Putting A Formal End To World War Two – Maxim Hvatkov

No Quiet On The Eastern Front: How The US Has Worked To Prevent Russia And Japan From Putting A Formal End To World War Two – Maxim Hvatkov


Russia and Japan have technically been at war with each other for almost 80 years. The US is the main roadblock to a peace treaty. “Give back the Northern Territories! You’re illegally occupying our land!” Every year, on February 7, slogans like…

As Of Last October, Secret CDC Report Reveals, At Least 118,000 Young People “Died Suddenly” Due To Covid Jabs – Ethan Huff

As Of Last October, Secret CDC Report Reveals, At Least 118,000 Young People “Died Suddenly” Due To Covid Jabs – Ethan Huff


It is not easily identifiable – by design – on first glance, but documents from Pfizer and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that nearly half a million children and young adults died within the year following Tony Fauci’s announcement…

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