Bigger Than Snowden: Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets “From The Ukraine To Middle East To China”

Bigger Than Snowden: Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets “From The Ukraine To Middle East To China”


A more expanded document dump and leak of highly classified materials is being reported in the wake of the initial disclosure that memos related to US strategy in the Ukraine war appeared online, including material marked “Top Secret”.  This time the leak appears…

US Ignorance: The Geopolitics Of India-China Relations And Delhi’s “Balancing Act” In The New Cold War – Andrew Korybko

US Ignorance: The Geopolitics Of India-China Relations And Delhi’s “Balancing Act” In The New Cold War – Andrew Korybko


It’s categorically false and offensive of Rep. Jake Auchincloss to imply that India is China’s junior partner by dint of supposedly being “plugged into the CCP’s operating system”, especially when those two are presently in a very dangerous standoff all across the Himalayas. *** Moreover,…

“Joe Biden Is A Criminal” Says Ex-Obama Whistleblower On Biden’s Family “Kickback Scheme” Selling US Office To Foreign Interests

“Joe Biden Is A Criminal” Says Ex-Obama Whistleblower On Biden’s Family “Kickback Scheme” Selling US Office To Foreign Interests


A former staffer who worked in the Obama administration is blowing the whistle on the Bidens – and has accused President Biden of being involved in a “kickback scheme” directly related to his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings. Mike McCormick, a stenographer…

Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Cause Spike Protein To Accumulate In The Brain, Inducing Bleeds, Inflammation, Infarcts, Severe Neurological Injuries – Dr. William Makis

Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Cause Spike Protein To Accumulate In The Brain, Inducing Bleeds, Inflammation, Infarcts, Severe Neurological Injuries – Dr. William Makis


A new paper from Germany posted on April 5, 2023 proves that the spike protein accumulates in the brain and causes death of brain cells (which would certainly explain a great deal of what we see around us). (click here) Key findings:  “Our…

“Shhh.., Just Don’t Talk About Nord Stream”, Washington Post Report Further Demolishes Fake US Official Narrative

“Shhh.., Just Don’t Talk About Nord Stream”, Washington Post Report Further Demolishes Fake US Official Narrative


Washington Post Reveals: Europeans Told By US Not to Talk About Nord Stream German investigators are now expressing severe doubts about the official Nord Stream sabotage narrative that was pushed hard in the aftermath the bombshell Seymour Hersh report which pointed the finger at a joint…

Western-Supported Genocidal Nazis In Kiev: “Everything Russian Must Be Eradicated In Crimea Too” As We Are Already Ethnically Cleansing The Rest Of The Country

Western-Supported Genocidal Nazis In Kiev: “Everything Russian Must Be Eradicated In Crimea Too” As We Are Already Ethnically Cleansing The Rest Of The Country


Ukrainian presidential aide Mikhail Podoliak has said “everything Russian” will be eradicated in Crimea if Kiev regains control over it. Mikhail Podoliak has claimed that Ukraine will retake the peninsula within seven months Russian culture will be off-limits in Crimea if Ukraine…

Learn More About Former CIA Agent Renee DiResta, Leader Of The U.S. Government’s Censorship Industry – Ethan Huff

Learn More About Former CIA Agent Renee DiResta, Leader Of The U.S. Government’s Censorship Industry – Ethan Huff


Ever since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, the powers that be have been whining and complaining about the need for more censorship to stop “foreign election influence” and “disinformation.” Well, it turns out that the government itself is the worst election…

Protesters Storm Vulture Capitalist BlackRock HQ In Paris – While France Descends Into Chaos, Macron Flies To China In Pathetic Failed Attempt “To Charm” Xi

Protesters Storm Vulture Capitalist BlackRock HQ In Paris – While France Descends Into Chaos, Macron Flies To China In Pathetic Failed Attempt “To Charm” Xi


While nanopresident Emmanuel Macron is in China carefully minding Ukraine’s business, back home in France the social upheaval continues to spiral out of control. This Thursday (April 6th), the 11th round of protests against the Pension Reform saw roads, ports and refineries…

From Goldsmiths To Central Banks: Doug Casey On The Degradation Of The Western Banking System

From Goldsmiths To Central Banks: Doug Casey On The Degradation Of The Western Banking System


International Man: Historically, classical banking functioned as a way to safeguard people’s money—banks charged a fee to depositors for holding money and administering transfers. Today, banks generate enormous profits from making loans to borrowers—by lending out far more than they hold on reserve….

Russia: West Intends To Completely Destroy Ukraine And Make It Unlivable, UK’s Depleted Uranium Threatens All Of Europe

Russia: West Intends To Completely Destroy Ukraine And Make It Unlivable, UK’s Depleted Uranium Threatens All Of Europe


By announcing plans to send depleted uranium shells, the West shows it is seeking to completely destroy Ukraine, Moscow has said. The UK is showing “recklessness” with its plan to supply depleted uranium shells to Ukraine, Russia’s Foreign Ministry says The British…

Remembering The Irish Easter Uprising Of 1916 Against The British Empire? The Art Of Obfuscation – Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin

Remembering The Irish Easter Uprising Of 1916 Against The British Empire? The Art Of Obfuscation – Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin


First published on March 30 2016 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Irish Uprising. Text and analysis by renowned Irish artist Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin  This Easter we commemorate the 107th anniversary of the heroic Easter uprising of 1916. It has been one hundred…

China Gives Russian Studies High Grades In New Overseas Scholarship Drive Encouraging Chinese Students To Study In Russia

China Gives Russian Studies High Grades In New Overseas Scholarship Drive Encouraging Chinese Students To Study In Russia


After nearly three years of strict border controls, Chinese students are once again being encouraged to study abroad, with Russia being one of the top study destinations. Scholarship programmes sponsored by the governments of Japan, South Korea and Russia are now accepting…

Crimes Against Humanity: Serbia’s Law Suit Against NATO.  More Than 15 Tons Of Uranium Bombs Dropped On Yugoslavia In 1999 – Natali Milenkovic

Crimes Against Humanity: Serbia’s Law Suit Against NATO. More Than 15 Tons Of Uranium Bombs Dropped On Yugoslavia In 1999 – Natali Milenkovic


In 2022, Srdjan Aleksic, a lawyer from Nis, Serbia began a legal process against NATO. Since 2017 (when the gathering of evidence began) until this day over four thousand citizens of Serbia (including Kosovo and Metohija) have shown interest in suing NATO due to…

Lvov Mayor Bans Largest Christian Church, Confirming That NATO Proxy War In The Ukraine Is About Persecuting Orthodox Christianity

Lvov Mayor Bans Largest Christian Church, Confirming That NATO Proxy War In The Ukraine Is About Persecuting Orthodox Christianity


The canonical Orthodox church has “ended” in Lvov, the official proclaimed. Lvov has declared it has “ended” the last remaining presence of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Andrey Sadovoy, the mayor of Lvov in western Ukraine, declared on Thursday that the canonical…

The West Has Been Planning To Crush China For A Very Long Time – Caitlin Johnstone

The West Has Been Planning To Crush China For A Very Long Time – Caitlin Johnstone


“China is preparing to kill Americans and we’ve got to prepare to defend ourselves,” empire propagandist Gordon Chang told Fox Business during an interview on Monday. Chang, who has famously spent more than two decades incorrectly predicting the imminent collapse of China, bizarrely made these comments while discussing a…

Easter In Fallujah: US Military “Commemorates” Its Iraq Massacre. “Tell Them It’s The Sound Of Freedom.” – Felicity Arbuthnot

Easter In Fallujah: US Military “Commemorates” Its Iraq Massacre. “Tell Them It’s The Sound Of Freedom.” – Felicity Arbuthnot


“We gather tonight knowing that this generation of heroes has made the United States safer and more respected round the world.”  (President Barack Obama, State of the Union address, 24th January 2012.) As Easter was celebrated in the US and UK with, for…

“Where Are The Subpoenas? – Did They Forget What The January 6 Committee Did To Us?” – Kash Patel Calls On Republican-Controlled Congress To Subpoena Soros-Backed Prosecutor Bragg

“Where Are The Subpoenas? – Did They Forget What The January 6 Committee Did To Us?” – Kash Patel Calls On Republican-Controlled Congress To Subpoena Soros-Backed Prosecutor Bragg


On Tuesday NYC DA Alvin Bragg announced 34 indictments against President for non-crimes related to a non-disclosure agreement with a stripper. Bragg later admitted he did not identify a crime in his indictment of the former president. He didn’t have to. He’s…

It’s Time Conservative Warriors And Public Officials In Red States Start Indicting The Real Criminals Like The Bidens, Clintons, Obama, Pelosi, etc… – Joe Hoft

It’s Time Conservative Warriors And Public Officials In Red States Start Indicting The Real Criminals Like The Bidens, Clintons, Obama, Pelosi, etc… – Joe Hoft


It’s time that Conservative leaders in red states across the country begin indicting the real criminals who are destroying this country.  For years now criminal actions by Democrat leaders have been reported on with ample evidence.  Now it’s time to indict. Obama…

Conservative Parties In Finland Win Parliamentary Elections And Defeat Globalist WEF-Installed Puppet Prime Minister

Conservative Parties In Finland Win Parliamentary Elections And Defeat Globalist WEF-Installed Puppet Prime Minister


Sanna Marin’s party ended the parliamentary election in third place. The two parties that defeated the SDP at the ballot box did so by “offering something completely different from Marin’s government,”  Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who gained international media prominence for…

Stink Of Nuclear War: UK Will Supply The Kiev Regime With Depleted Uranium Ammunition That Amount To Use Of “Dirty Bombs” – Fabio G. C. Carisio

Stink Of Nuclear War: UK Will Supply The Kiev Regime With Depleted Uranium Ammunition That Amount To Use Of “Dirty Bombs” – Fabio G. C. Carisio


“Russia will be Forced to React” Putin Said The race to escalate the war in the Ukraine carried on by the NATO countries continues with constant provocations that seem made on purpose to unleash the First World Atomic War. While the White…

Why The Battle For A “Strategically Unimportant” Town May Decide The Outcome Of The Ukraine Conflict – Sergey Poletaev

Why The Battle For A “Strategically Unimportant” Town May Decide The Outcome Of The Ukraine Conflict – Sergey Poletaev


In anticipation of a Ukrainian counteroffensive, Russia faces a strategic choice that will affect the outcome of the war. Since the beginning of the year, the Ukrainian front has been shrouded in a deceptive silence. Various insiders and anonymous sources predicted a…

U.S. Dollar Rapidly Losing World Reserve Currency Status; China, Russia (BRICS) To Replace It – Ethan Huff

U.S. Dollar Rapidly Losing World Reserve Currency Status; China, Russia (BRICS) To Replace It – Ethan Huff


The non-Western world is desperately working to unseat the United States dollar, also known as the Federal Reserve note, from being the chief international reserve currency. Led primarily by Russia and China, efforts to replace the dollar with something else have never been closer…

Nashville School Shooting: A Violent New Phase Of America’s Victimhood Culture Is Only Going To Get Uglier – Tony Cox

Nashville School Shooting: A Violent New Phase Of America’s Victimhood Culture Is Only Going To Get Uglier – Tony Cox


The transgender school shooter who killed six in Tennessee Christian School may signal more violence as leftists preach threats to their existence.  Constant hyping of make-believe demons and fake fears has spawned loose cannons, perhaps including a transgender school shooter. Police say…

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