A Single Russian Missile Strike In Kramatorsk Kills Dozens Of Kiev Nazis, And As Many As 20 Foreign Mercenaries From NATO Countries – Paul Serran

A Single Russian Missile Strike In Kramatorsk Kills Dozens Of Kiev Nazis, And As Many As 20 Foreign Mercenaries From NATO Countries – Paul Serran


On June 27th, a Russian missile attack struck the Ukrainian rear, in Kramatorsk, Donetsk Republic (Ex-Ukraine). Unlike most attacks in this war, this one quickly yielded a great amount of videos and pictures. Ukrainians protested the ‘attack on civilian targets’ – but…

Encircling Russia? Repeating “Drang Nach Osten”? Germany To Permanently Base Troops To NATO’s Eastern Flank In Lithuania – Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Encircling Russia? Repeating “Drang Nach Osten”? Germany To Permanently Base Troops To NATO’s Eastern Flank In Lithuania – Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Germany is interested in further worsening tensions in Europe by boosting NATO’s policy of “encircling” Russia. According to the Ministry of Defense, Berlin would be ready to send thousands of troops to Lithuania with the aim of reinforcing NATO’s eastern flank. In…

When Legitimacy Of Institutions Dies: 74% Of American Voters “Deeply Dissatisfied”, Say Nation Is On The Wrong Track, 66% Believe They Will Be Cheated In 2024 Presidential Election

When Legitimacy Of Institutions Dies: 74% Of American Voters “Deeply Dissatisfied”, Say Nation Is On The Wrong Track, 66% Believe They Will Be Cheated In 2024 Presidential Election


Kari Lake’s chart topping hit “81 Million Votes My Ass” Earlier this month Kari Lake released her new hit single “81 Million Votes My Ass” describing the entirely unbelievable “results” from the 2020 presidential election. Kari’s new hit song, “81 Million Votes…

France Has Fallen: French “Civil War” & Coup d’état Against Macron, As Globalists’ Poodle Deploys 40,000 Police Against Civilians

France Has Fallen: French “Civil War” & Coup d’état Against Macron, As Globalists’ Poodle Deploys 40,000 Police Against Civilians


France has fallen… The French President canceled his visit to Brussels for a crisis meeting in Paris. The Ukraine conflict and the EU’s response to it was supposed to dominate the agenda but was overshadowed by the French “Civil War”. Hundreds of…

“The Most Corrupt Administration In History” – President Trump Calls Out The Biden Crime Family

“The Most Corrupt Administration In History” – President Trump Calls Out The Biden Crime Family


President Trump joined Eric Bolling on Newsmax on Monday night. The 45th president discussed the completely corrupt Biden Crime Family and the disgusting mainstream media that protects them. President Trump: Look, it’s the most corrupt administration in the history of this country. There’s never been…

All Aboard The Gravy Train: An Independent Audit Of US Funding For Ukraine – Heather Kaiser, Anya Parampil, Max Blumenthal

All Aboard The Gravy Train: An Independent Audit Of US Funding For Ukraine – Heather Kaiser, Anya Parampil, Max Blumenthal


During a recent discussion with New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Samantha Power, touted her organization’s push to guarantee transparency for US taxpayer funds sent to Ukraine. “We are involved in funding…

The Real Casualties Of Russia’s “Civil War” Wet Dreams: The Washington “Expert” Class – Max Blumenthal

The Real Casualties Of Russia’s “Civil War” Wet Dreams: The Washington “Expert” Class – Max Blumenthal


  Numerous serious casualties were incurred during Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin’s supposed “coup.” The Grayzone offers an in-depth look at the massacre carried out by some of America’s top Russia experts against their own credibility. When Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin launched…

Obama’s “Warning” About India’s Balkanization Show That Liberal-Globalists Are Still A Threat – Andrew Korybko

Obama’s “Warning” About India’s Balkanization Show That Liberal-Globalists Are Still A Threat – Andrew Korybko


Instead of taking the loss and focusing on other geopolitical targets that they have a much greater chance of influencing, both with respect to those countries’ internal affairs as well as in shaping their own country’s policy towards them, the liberal-globalists threw…

‘Criminal’: Confidential EU Documents Reveal Thousands Of Deaths From Pfizer-BioNTech Shots – Michael Nevradakis

‘Criminal’: Confidential EU Documents Reveal Thousands Of Deaths From Pfizer-BioNTech Shots – Michael Nevradakis


Documents released by BioNTech to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) reveal tens of thousands of serious adverse events and thousands of deaths among people who received the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The documents, dated Aug. 18, 2022, and marked “confidential,” show that…

Kiev’s “Warnings” About Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant – Preparation For Nuclear False Flag? – Lucas Leiroz

Kiev’s “Warnings” About Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant – Preparation For Nuclear False Flag? – Lucas Leiroz


As well known, the Kiev regime has been carrying out irresponsible attacks against the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) since last year. Russian officials, independent journalists and ordinary citizens have repeatedly reported the Ukrainian strikes, with strong suspicions that the regime deliberately…

British NHS Whistleblower Claims “We Were Ordered To Euthanize” Patients And Call Them “COVID Deaths” – Mac Slavo

British NHS Whistleblower Claims “We Were Ordered To Euthanize” Patients And Call Them “COVID Deaths” – Mac Slavo


A National Health Service whistleblower claims that healthcare workers in the United Kingdom were ordered to “euthanize” patients and call them “COVID deaths” to promote the narrative of a “deadly virus.” This was all happening as hospitals were empty and no one…

Russia Claims They Collected Evidence Of Avian Flu Pathogens With Lethality Rate Up To 40% In Humans At US Biolab In Ukraine – Jim Hoft

Russia Claims They Collected Evidence Of Avian Flu Pathogens With Lethality Rate Up To 40% In Humans At US Biolab In Ukraine – Jim Hoft


It wasn’t that long ago that Mitt Romney was threatening former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for suggesting the US was funding biolabs in Ukraine. Back in March 2022, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about the US-funded…

The US Bankruptcy Caravan Is Now Arriving: Time To Pay For The Easy Money – Doug French

The US Bankruptcy Caravan Is Now Arriving: Time To Pay For The Easy Money – Doug French


The character Mike Campbell in Ernest Hemingway’s 1926 novel The Sun Also Rises was asked about his money troubles and responded with a vivid description embracing self-contradiction: “‘How did you go bankrupt?’ Bill asked. ‘Two ways,’ Mike said. ‘Gradually and then suddenly.’” Ground-hugging interest…

New Multipolar World Order Taking Shape: Nearly 20 Countries Have Applied To Join BRICS

New Multipolar World Order Taking Shape: Nearly 20 Countries Have Applied To Join BRICS


Almost 20 countries have applied to join BRICS, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister said. The list of applicants include: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Bahrain, Indonesia, Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Syria, Nicaragua etc. The new BRICS currency being discussed will…

Drunk With Power: How The Biden Regime And Globalists Aim To Take Everything You Have, Including Your Health, Money, Land, Home, Rights, And Even Children – S.D. Wells

Drunk With Power: How The Biden Regime And Globalists Aim To Take Everything You Have, Including Your Health, Money, Land, Home, Rights, And Even Children – S.D. Wells


Communism is based on the end game of creating a classless society where everyone is dirt poor except for the ruling elites, who control all wealth and property. Under totalitarian rule, as we are experiencing right now in America with the Biden…

Exposed: Disturbing Details Of New Pentagon “Perception Management Office” – Kit Klarenberg

Exposed: Disturbing Details Of New Pentagon “Perception Management Office” – Kit Klarenberg


Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept, has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the “Influence and Perception Management Office” (IPMO), in March. Its existence is not strictly secret, although there has been no official announcement of…

Neo-Nazi Regiments In The Ukraine Army? It’s Perfectly Ok With US State Department And CIA As Long As They Hide Those Nasty Neo-Nazi Insignia – Jeremy Kuzmarov

Neo-Nazi Regiments In The Ukraine Army? It’s Perfectly Ok With US State Department And CIA As Long As They Hide Those Nasty Neo-Nazi Insignia – Jeremy Kuzmarov


Bellingcat is a Netherlands-based investigative research group that received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA cutout that promotes propaganda denigrating U.S. enemies and defending U.S.-NATO foreign policy. On June 6, one of its researchers, Michael Colborne, provided a…

NATO “Wunderwaffen” Burning: CNN Admits Kiev Lost 15% Of Its Entire US Bradley Infantry Fighting Fleet In Just Last Week – Andrew Korybko

NATO “Wunderwaffen” Burning: CNN Admits Kiev Lost 15% Of Its Entire US Bradley Infantry Fighting Fleet In Just Last Week – Andrew Korybko


While Ukrainian supporters are celebrating the recapture of some long-contested villages along the Line of Contact, these were pyrrhic victories considering the costs. Kiev’s NATO–backed counteroffensive is off to a rough start after losing around 15% of its Bradley infantry fighting vehicles in a week…

Burisma Executive Secretly Recorded Joe Biden Setting The Bribery Scheme – Trump’s Adviser, US General Flynn: Yes, The Storm Has Arrived!

Burisma Executive Secretly Recorded Joe Biden Setting The Bribery Scheme – Trump’s Adviser, US General Flynn: Yes, The Storm Has Arrived!


An executive at the Ukrainian Burisma Holdings recorded their conversations setting up the bribery scheme with Joe Biden as an “insurance policy”. The audio is said to be tied to an alleged bribery scheme involving the US president and a Ukrainian energy…

EU Commission Chief: We Must Make “Better Offer” To Global South Than China. Yes, But You Can’t Anymore And Will Never Ever Be Able Again

EU Commission Chief: We Must Make “Better Offer” To Global South Than China. Yes, But You Can’t Anymore And Will Never Ever Be Able Again


So the EU, a bloc of US vassals that allowed Biden to destroy Nord Stream and hasn’t invested in any infrastructure in decades, plans to outcompete China’s multi-trillion dollar global infrastructure network that has thousands of projects and 140+ nations participating? “The…

Entire Ukrainian Platoon With Military Vehicles Surrender To Russia In Donbass

Entire Ukrainian Platoon With Military Vehicles Surrender To Russia In Donbass


Surrendering Ukrainian troops have handed over two intact BMP-1 infantry vehicles, a Russian news agency said. The soldiers reportedly laid down their arms after commanders refused to evacuate them. The crews of two Ukrainian BMP-1 infantry combat vehicles have surrendered to Russian…

Taipei Worries It Will Be Eventually Left To Its Own Fate Like Kiev And Kabul: US Draws Plans To Evacuate 80,000 Americans From Taiwan

Taipei Worries It Will Be Eventually Left To Its Own Fate Like Kiev And Kabul: US Draws Plans To Evacuate 80,000 Americans From Taiwan


After cowardly fleeing Kabul leaving its citizens behind, Washington is secretly drawing up plans to pull its 80,000 citizens out of Taiwan should a conflict break out. The Messenger reported. Discussions about pulling US citizens from the disputed island have “heated up”…

Serbian Government Caves In, Makes Suicidal “Westward Pivot”, Approves Ammunition Sale To Kiev – FT

Serbian Government Caves In, Makes Suicidal “Westward Pivot”, Approves Ammunition Sale To Kiev – FT


Financial Times claims Belgrade has tacitly approved ammunition re-sales to Kiev, with the West rewarding it by criticizing Kosovo Albanians. The British outlet claims Belgrade has tacitly approved ammunition sales to Kiev The West has begun criticizing Kosovo Albanians because Serbia agreed…

India Asserts Its Global Standing Refusing To Invite Zelensky To G20 Summit Despite Western Pressure – Joydeep Sen Gupta

India Asserts Its Global Standing Refusing To Invite Zelensky To G20 Summit Despite Western Pressure – Joydeep Sen Gupta


The external affairs minister has cleared the air about the Ukrainian president’s participation in the September summit. India, which holds the rotating chair for the G20, does not plan to invite Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for the annual summit slated to be…

“This Is The Final Battle, With You American People At My Side We Will Win”, Trump Vows To Win Presidential Election Even If Falsely Convicted

“This Is The Final Battle, With You American People At My Side We Will Win”, Trump Vows To Win Presidential Election Even If Falsely Convicted


Donald Trump vowed to continue running for president even if he were to be convicted as part of the 37-count federal felony indictment that was issued against him this week. Donald Trump promises peace with Russia & China by expelling the warmongers,…

Time For US Congress To Open Biden Impeachment Process Over 5 Million Bribery Received From Kiev Regime – Joel Pollak

Time For US Congress To Open Biden Impeachment Process Over 5 Million Bribery Received From Kiev Regime – Joel Pollak


The U.S. House of Representatives should immediately vote to approve an impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden on suspicion of bribery in the wake of new evidence emerging from the FBI’s 1023 form, writes Joel B. Pollak, Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News….

Kiev’s Western-Backed Terrorist “Kill List” Celebrates Berlusconi’s Death, Marks Him As “Liquidated”

Kiev’s Western-Backed Terrorist “Kill List” Celebrates Berlusconi’s Death, Marks Him As “Liquidated”


The western-sponsored terrorist ‘Mirotvorets’ website of Kiev’s Nazis has marked Italy’s former PM as “self-liquidated”. The website that lists the “enemies” of Ukraine has rejoiced over the death of Italy’s former prime minister. The notorious website that hosts the database of Ukraine’s…

FBI Interfered in 2016 & 2020 Elections, They Are Now Interfering Again In The 2024 US Presidential Elections – US Senator Ron Johnson

FBI Interfered in 2016 & 2020 Elections, They Are Now Interfering Again In The 2024 US Presidential Elections – US Senator Ron Johnson


Sen. Ron Johnson told FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that there is a huge mismatch between federal charges brought against former President Donald Trump and the slow pace of the FBI’s probe into Hunter Biden. SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): When you consider the…

CIA And Intelligence Agencies Lied About Hunter Biden Laptop To Help Joe Biden Win 2020 Election, New Report Proves Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt – Jeremy Kuzmarov

CIA And Intelligence Agencies Lied About Hunter Biden Laptop To Help Joe Biden Win 2020 Election, New Report Proves Beyond Any Reasonable Doubt – Jeremy Kuzmarov


So When Will They Be Punished? Don’t Hold Your Breath If the Pinocchio story were true, then former CIA Directors John Brennan, Leon Panetta and Michael Hayden, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper would have such long noses that they…

The Destruction Of Western Civilization Is Almost Complete – Paul Craig Roberts

The Destruction Of Western Civilization Is Almost Complete – Paul Craig Roberts


A children’s choir was stopped from singing the US National Anthem in the US Capitol by Capitol police because it might offend someone. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/06/michael-snyder/the-national-anthem-the-bible-and-the-christian-faith-are-all-considered-to-be-highly-offensive-in-amerika-now/ The Bible is being removed from Utah public schools because it is a danger to children. https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/bible-removed-from-some-davis-school-district-libraries-due-to-vulgarity-or-violence Facebook has ruled…

Failed Coup Attempt In The Kyrgyz Republic Foils US Attempt In Central Asia To Open A Second Front Against Russia – Andrew Korybko

Failed Coup Attempt In The Kyrgyz Republic Foils US Attempt In Central Asia To Open A Second Front Against Russia – Andrew Korybko


The larger context within which Kyrgyzstan’s latest law enforcement operation was carried out suggests that this foiled regime change plot was less about irreconcilable clan rivalries and much more about the US trying to make problems for Russia. Kyrgyzstan confirmed on Tuesday that it…

High Energy Prices This Winter Brought By EU’s Self-Sanctioning Caused 68,000 Deaths In EU Countries, With Energy Crisis Set To Continue Next Winters

High Energy Prices This Winter Brought By EU’s Self-Sanctioning Caused 68,000 Deaths In EU Countries, With Energy Crisis Set To Continue Next Winters


Expensive energy may have killed more Europeans than covid-19 last winter, the globalists’ The Economists confesses. Energy prices spiked when EU banned import of affordable Russian gas, and the rising costs stemming from EU’s irresponsible energy policy contributed to the premature deaths…

Deep State Coup Against American People! Trump: “I Have Been Indicted, Again”, Biden Orders Presidential Frontrunner To Be Jailed This Tuesday

Deep State Coup Against American People! Trump: “I Have Been Indicted, Again”, Biden Orders Presidential Frontrunner To Be Jailed This Tuesday


President Donald Trump on Thursday posted on Truth Social that he’s been indicted, “seemingly over the Boxes Hoax,” and that he’s been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday at 3 pm. The former US president says he’ll…

Overhyped, Expensive And Ineffective NATO Weapons, Including German Leopard Tanks, Destroyed And Burning All Across Donbass And Zaporozhye

Overhyped, Expensive And Ineffective NATO Weapons, Including German Leopard Tanks, Destroyed And Burning All Across Donbass And Zaporozhye


German tanks on Russian soil again, it cant end well for the Germans. Hundreds of Kiev and NATO tanks and military equipment burning while Russian strategic reserves remain untouched, we could be seeing the Kursk 2.0. Both Western and Russian sources are…

Terrorist State Of Ukraine. Russian FSB Foiled Kiev’s Attempt To Perpetrate Attack With Dirty Nuclear Bomb

Terrorist State Of Ukraine. Russian FSB Foiled Kiev’s Attempt To Perpetrate Attack With Dirty Nuclear Bomb


Ukraine planned “dirty nuclear bomb” attack against Russia – FSB. Kiev’s military intelligence plotted to smuggle a radioactive device into Russia using light aircraft, and considered the route for a dirty bomb attack, the FSB said. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)…

Russian Church Mediates Release From Russia To Hungary Of Captured Transcarpathian Ethnic Hungarian Prisoners Forcibly Conscripted By Kiev

Russian Church Mediates Release From Russia To Hungary Of Captured Transcarpathian Ethnic Hungarian Prisoners Forcibly Conscripted By Kiev


Ethnic Hungarian soldiers forcibly conscripted by Kiev regime were handed over directly to the government in Budapest. The Moscow Patriarchate helped Hungary repatriate a group of ethnic Hungarians who had been mobilized into Ukraine’s army and captured by Russian forces in Donbass. The…

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