Hersh: Ukraine Most Corrupt Government In World, Biden’s Support Of Zelensky “Because He’s Taking Care Of Biden’s Son” – Richard Abelson

Hersh: Ukraine Most Corrupt Government In World, Biden’s Support Of Zelensky “Because He’s Taking Care Of Biden’s Son” – Richard Abelson


The Biden Regime played a “vital” role in the attack on the Kerch Bridge to Crimea which killed a couple and injured their child, investigative reported Seymour Hersh revealed. Joe Biden’s support of  Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky “can only come from Zelensky’s knowledge…

BRICS’ Financial And Geopolitical Options: The New Development Bank (NDB). Putin Meets Dilma Rousseff In St. Petersburg – Prof. Maurice Okoli

BRICS’ Financial And Geopolitical Options: The New Development Bank (NDB). Putin Meets Dilma Rousseff In St. Petersburg – Prof. Maurice Okoli


At the Konstantinovsky Palace in St. Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin held his first meeting with Dilma Rousseff, President of the New Development Bank (NDB), established by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) in 2015. Rousseff, the first woman to lead the bank,…

Kiev Is Now Landlocked With No Access To Seas: After Taking Azov Sea, Russian Forces Are Blocking & Destroying The Infrastructure Of All Black Sea Ports In The Ukraine – Paul Serran

Kiev Is Now Landlocked With No Access To Seas: After Taking Azov Sea, Russian Forces Are Blocking & Destroying The Infrastructure Of All Black Sea Ports In The Ukraine – Paul Serran


If there’s one aspect of the war in the Ukraine that cuts through the fog of war and the NATO propaganda with maximum efficiency is the question of access to sea ports. Having already lost the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, Ukraine also…

Online Chinese Pharmacies Are Turning The US Into “Zombieland” By Selling Flesh-Rotting Drug For $1 A Kilo – Oliver Young

Online Chinese Pharmacies Are Turning The US Into “Zombieland” By Selling Flesh-Rotting Drug For $1 A Kilo – Oliver Young


The flesh-rotting drug Xylazine being mass-produced in China and is now flooding America’s illicit drug supply. The drug is available on online Chinese pharmacies for just $1 a kilo. Xylazine is cheap animal tranquilizer. More popularly known on the street as “tranq,”…

Ukrainian Children Taken Abroad To Orphanages, Sold To British Nationals — Ukr Leaks  Donetsk News Agency

Ukrainian Children Taken Abroad To Orphanages, Sold To British Nationals — Ukr Leaks Donetsk News Agency


DPR, Jul 27 — DAN. Former officer of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), head of the Ukr Leaks Investigation Center Vasily Prozorov said that children from Ukrainian low-income or refugee families are taken abroad for sale to high-placed British nationals. “Let’s be frank: our children are taken outside…

People Bring Flowers & Toys To Alley Of Angels In Donetsk, 228 Russian Children Killed In Donbass By Kiev Regime Artillery Fire Since 2014

People Bring Flowers & Toys To Alley Of Angels In Donetsk, 228 Russian Children Killed In Donbass By Kiev Regime Artillery Fire Since 2014


Donetsk, Jul 27 — DAN. Donetsk residents gathered at the Alley of Angels memorial complex in Donetsk on Thursday to honor the memory of children killed in Donbass fighting. ФОТО: ДОНЕЦКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО НОВОСТЕЙ The event was also attended by representatives of the “United Russia”…

Russian Military Instructors In Africa. St Petersburg Russia-Africa Summit – Kester Kenn Klomegah

Russian Military Instructors In Africa. St Petersburg Russia-Africa Summit – Kester Kenn Klomegah


On the eve of the second Russia-Africa summit scheduled for July 27–28 in St. Petersburg, President Vladimir Putin explained in article published on his Kremlin website that Moscow would continue supporting strategic ways for establishing sustainable peace and political stability in conflict-ridden African countries….

Here’s How NATO Trainers Knowingly Sent Ukrainian Troops To Their Deaths In The Failed “Spring Offensive” Against Russia – Scott Ritter

Here’s How NATO Trainers Knowingly Sent Ukrainian Troops To Their Deaths In The Failed “Spring Offensive” Against Russia – Scott Ritter


Western computer-assisted battle simulations should have predicted Kiev’s huge losses Ukraine sent one of its best brigades into combat earlier this month as part of its long-awaited counteroffensive aimed at retaking areas controlled by Russian forces. Leading the charge near the town…

‘Africa Is Fighting, Africa Will Win’: How Soviet Art Supported The Decolonization Of The ‘Dark Continent’ – Georgiy Berezovsky

‘Africa Is Fighting, Africa Will Win’: How Soviet Art Supported The Decolonization Of The ‘Dark Continent’ – Georgiy Berezovsky


The liberation of Africa from the oppression of Western colonizers in the 1960s became one of the main themes of Soviet propaganda posters In the second half of the 20th century, the African continent lived through its own ‘parade of sovereignties.’ In…

Hopeless Copium: New York Times “Announces” The Kiev Regime Begins “Main Thrust” Of Its Already Disastrously Collapsed “Spring Offensive”

Hopeless Copium: New York Times “Announces” The Kiev Regime Begins “Main Thrust” Of Its Already Disastrously Collapsed “Spring Offensive”


US reportedly claims Ukrainian forces have launched the ‘main thrust’ of their counteroffensive against Russia’s defensive lines. Pentagon officials have reportedly claimed that Kiev is now “pouring” Western-trained reserves into the battlefront. A New York Times report has claimed that nearly two…

“Jerusalem’s Money Lenders” Yet Again Extort Ordinary People Across The World: US Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates To Highest Level In 22 Years

“Jerusalem’s Money Lenders” Yet Again Extort Ordinary People Across The World: US Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates To Highest Level In 22 Years


The Federal Reserve on Wednesday approved another interest rate hike, bringing the benchmark rate to a 22-year high. All panel members of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) approved the 25 basis point rate hike. The Fed left the door open to…

Biden Involved In $10 Million Bribery Scheme With Ukrainian Oligarch: FBI Document Released By Senator Chuck  Grassley – Cristina Laila

Biden Involved In $10 Million Bribery Scheme With Ukrainian Oligarch: FBI Document Released By Senator Chuck Grassley – Cristina Laila


Constitutional expert Jonathan Turley on Sunday weighed in on the FBI document Senator Chuck Grassley released showing Joe Biden was involved in a $10 million bribery scheme with a Ukrainian oligarch. Grassley on Thursday released the FBI document showing Joe Biden was involved in a $10 million bribery…

Bank Chief Forced To Resign For Denying Banking Services To Farage, British Banks That Canceled Conservatives Could Lose Their Licenses

Bank Chief Forced To Resign For Denying Banking Services To Farage, British Banks That Canceled Conservatives Could Lose Their Licenses


British bank chief resigns over Farage scandal. The UKIP founder accused the bank of compiling a “Stasi-style surveillance report” on his political views . NatWest’s Alison Rose leaked the Brexit politician’s financial affairs to a BBC journalist Alison Rose announced on Tuesday that…

US Pressures Italy To Exit The Chinese “Belt And Road”. To Stay Or Not To Stay In The BRI? – Peter Koenig

US Pressures Italy To Exit The Chinese “Belt And Road”. To Stay Or Not To Stay In The BRI? – Peter Koenig


Background of Italian Recent Politics In October 2022 Ms. Giorgia Meloni, became Prime Minister of Italy. Her extreme right-wing party, Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d’Italia), won the September 2022 elections with 26% of the vote, even though it had polled only 4.3% four years earlier. Ms….

The Kissinger Report: US Government’s Policy To Depopulate The World – Rhoda Wilson

The Kissinger Report: US Government’s Policy To Depopulate The World – Rhoda Wilson


Dr. Robert Malone was skeptical about various “depopulation agenda” theories involving covid.  But his mind has changed since receiving an analysis of official documents from a colleague.  The incriminating documents included The Kissinger Report. “Reading through the comments, observations, and associated documents I was…

Will The Largest Organized Mass Murder In World History Escape Accountability? “Covid Was An Orchestrated Pandemic” – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Will The Largest Organized Mass Murder In World History Escape Accountability? “Covid Was An Orchestrated Pandemic” – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


The accumulated evidence is overwhelming that Covid was an orchestrated pandemic. Intentional use of the faulty PCR test, intentional false reporting of Covid deaths as a result of World Health Organization guidelines and financial incentives to hospitals to report all deaths as…

Dangerous Legislation “Formulating A US Declaration Of War Without American People Approval”? US Senate Authorizes NATO’s Article 5 Of “Collective Defense” Desecrating US Constitution – Renee Parsons

Dangerous Legislation “Formulating A US Declaration Of War Without American People Approval”? US Senate Authorizes NATO’s Article 5 Of “Collective Defense” Desecrating US Constitution – Renee Parsons


The Senate version of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which provides funding for the Department of Defense military activities, military construction and the Department of Energy nuclear programs was adopted on July 20th and now needs to be reconciled with the House…

Wikileaks Cables Detail US Campaign To Engineer Kosovo’s Independence And Destabilize The Balkans – Olga Peterson

Wikileaks Cables Detail US Campaign To Engineer Kosovo’s Independence And Destabilize The Balkans – Olga Peterson


[This article on the importance of WikiLeaks revelations related to Serbia and Kosovo comes as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is facing extradition to the U.S. where the U.S. government is seeking to try him under the Espionage Act. If Assange is extradited and convicted in what…

CIA Has Been Working To Overthrow The People’s Republic Of China (PRC) Since Its Inception In 1949 – Jeremy Kuzmarov

CIA Has Been Working To Overthrow The People’s Republic Of China (PRC) Since Its Inception In 1949 – Jeremy Kuzmarov


New book details saga of two CIA officers, Jack Downey and Richard Fecteau, who were imprisoned for 19 years in China following a botched covert operation in the “Asian Bay of Pigs.” Six years ago, The New York Times reported that the Chinese government systematically dismantled CIA…

We Have Lost Our Country.  How Do We Get Her Back? – Paul Craig Roberts

We Have Lost Our Country. How Do We Get Her Back? – Paul Craig Roberts


This is from three years, two months ago: China: The much needed enemy https://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/china-a-much-needed-enemy-paul-craig-roberts/ From Mike Whitney’s recent column, the situation was worsened. The US will suffer, not China. https://www.globalresearch.ca/bidens-tech-war-goes-nuclear-2/5826500 It is very distressing to watch America’s anti-American intellectual class, with its hold over…

Zelensky’s ‘Cannon Fodder’: The Strange Lives And Pointless Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries Fighting In Ukraine – Christina Sizova

Zelensky’s ‘Cannon Fodder’: The Strange Lives And Pointless Deaths Of Foreign Mercenaries Fighting In Ukraine – Christina Sizova


“My mates have died, and are dying. I’ve seen things out here that, from a military perspective, are beyond unacceptable,” says one Australian fighter From the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, thousands of foreign mercenaries have joined Ukraine’s Armed Forces….

US Presses Ukraine For “Decisive Breakthrough”: “Ukrainian Forces Are Being Methodically Neutralised”. Heavy Casualties – Ahmed Adel

US Presses Ukraine For “Decisive Breakthrough”: “Ukrainian Forces Are Being Methodically Neutralised”. Heavy Casualties – Ahmed Adel


US officials are concerned that Ukraine is not making enough progress in its much-heralded counteroffensive, The Washington Post reported on July 18, citing unnamed sources. According to the media outlet, the US is urging Kiev to commit to a decisive breakthrough as Ukrainian commanders are, supposedly,…

Misinformed Westerners And The Demise Of Ukraine: “The West Supports The Destruction Of Ukraine And Its People” – Mark Taliano

Misinformed Westerners And The Demise Of Ukraine: “The West Supports The Destruction Of Ukraine And Its People” – Mark Taliano


Misinformed Westerners are led to believe that their governments support Ukraine. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the West supports the destruction of Ukraine and its peoples. Amply documented, the West never wanted peace for Ukraine(1). Instead, Western policymakers…

Does The US Have A Military Capable Of Fighting?  Or Is It Merely A Show Case For Democrat Ideologies? – Paul Craig Roberts

Does The US Have A Military Capable Of Fighting? Or Is It Merely A Show Case For Democrat Ideologies? – Paul Craig Roberts


Blacks Are Secretary of Defense, incoming Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Head of Air Force Academy and Are Actively Discriminating Against White Heterosexual Men Richard Clark is promoting gender ideology in the curriculum of the US Air Force Academy. Lloyd Austin…

Impoverishing Ukraine: What The US And The EU Have Been Doing To The Country For The Past 30 Years – Andrea Peters

Impoverishing Ukraine: What The US And The EU Have Been Doing To The Country For The Past 30 Years – Andrea Peters


A the March 2022 gathering of US congressmen to hear the words of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened the event by crying out, “Slava Ukraini”—“Glory to Ukraine”—no less than five times. This expression has become popular in Washington, London, and elsewhere…

U.S. Secretary Of State Blinken Really Is This Out Of Touch With Reality – Larry Johnson

U.S. Secretary Of State Blinken Really Is This Out Of Touch With Reality – Larry Johnson


My friend, Andrei Martyanov, published a short piece on Antony Blinken’s latest public demonstration of schizophrenia and I want to elaborate on Andrei’s astonishment at Blinken’s total detachment from reality. There may be a medical explanation. According to the Mayo Clinic, schizophrenia is:…

Young Ukrainians Scared To Leave Their Homes As More And More Videos Emerge Of Forced Conscription

Young Ukrainians Scared To Leave Their Homes As More And More Videos Emerge Of Forced Conscription


As Ukraine’s manpower on its frontlines starts to dwindle, military leaders are becoming increasingly desperate to locate new recruits to propel its counteroffensive against Russia forward; however, the number of young people volunteering for such a challenge has plummeted. Recent videos of…

“Chances For Western Europeans To Become Extinct Greater Than For White South Africans” – Richard Abelson

“Chances For Western Europeans To Become Extinct Greater Than For White South Africans” – Richard Abelson


Speaking to Maroela Media, Solidarity International Liaison Kleynhans and Dr. Heinrich Matthee, honorary chair in security studies at Akademia in Centurion, South Africa commented on the recent fall of the Dutch government in the face of renewed mass immigration, and the civil war-like…

No More Security Guarantees For Black Sea Navigation, Russia Rightly Declined To Extend The Grain Deal – Andrew Korybko

No More Security Guarantees For Black Sea Navigation, Russia Rightly Declined To Extend The Grain Deal – Andrew Korybko


Moscow announced on Monday it wouldn’t extend the Ukraine grain deal over alleged non-compliance by other parties. Russia will no longer provide security guarantees for civilian vessels traversing the formerly exempted corridor in the Black Sea, the country’s foreign ministry has announced. Earlier…

Worse Than CBDCs: Globalists Publish Plan For Worldwide “Financial Enslavement” Under “Unified Ledger” – Mike Adams

Worse Than CBDCs: Globalists Publish Plan For Worldwide “Financial Enslavement” Under “Unified Ledger” – Mike Adams


If you thought Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) plans sounded dystopian, just wait to read the new “unified ledger” agenda released by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS, known as the “bank of central banks”). The plan, found at this link on BIS.org,…

NATO Isn’t Defending Ukraine. It’s Stabbing It In The Back – Jonathan Cook

NATO Isn’t Defending Ukraine. It’s Stabbing It In The Back – Jonathan Cook


The Nato summit in Lithuania this week served only to underscore the utter hypocrisy of western leaders in pursuing their proxy war in Ukraine to “weaken” Russia and oust its president, Vladimir Putin. Both the US and Germany had made clear before the summit that they would block Ukraine’s admission to Nato while it was…

While America Embraces LGBT Drag Queens And Pedophilia, Russia To Ban Sex Change Surgery – Ethan Huff

While America Embraces LGBT Drag Queens And Pedophilia, Russia To Ban Sex Change Surgery – Ethan Huff


You will not find any drag queen story hour events at Russian libraries or “gender-affirming care” curriculum being pushed on children in Russian public schools because, unlike the United States and the West, Russia is vehemently opposed to allowing LGBT perversion to spread within…

Florida Congressman Luna: Ukraine Asks $200 Per Day From Every American To Establish Mercenary Army Like Russia’s Wagner Group – Belle Carter

Florida Congressman Luna: Ukraine Asks $200 Per Day From Every American To Establish Mercenary Army Like Russia’s Wagner Group – Belle Carter


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) revealed that the Ukrainian Parliament demanded $200 per day from every American to create a mercenary army similar to Moscow’s Wagner Group. During a recent appearance at Steve Bannon’s “War Room,” Luna said she took a trip to meet…

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