US Senator Marco Rubio Calls For Genocide Of Palestinians: “They Have To Be Eradicated” – Mac Slavo

US Senator Marco Rubio Calls For Genocide Of Palestinians: “They Have To Be Eradicated” – Mac Slavo


Propagandist and infamous political war hawk Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican from Florida has a plan for dealing with Hamas following the weekend “surprise” attack on Israel: Genocide. During an interview with CNN‘s Jake Tapper, Rubio said the only solution is mass eradication…

Mass Expulsion: “The Second Nakba” That Israel Has Started Will Backfire – David Hearst

Mass Expulsion: “The Second Nakba” That Israel Has Started Will Backfire – David Hearst


From the first moments of Hamas’s breakout from Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made one promise that has almost entirely escaped attention. He told the mayors of southern border towns that Israel’s response would “change the Middle East”. He said the same thing in his address to the…

Anniversary Of US/NATO Invasion Of Afghanistan. “Graveyard Of Empires.” Birthplace Of Opium Tragedy – Michael Welch

Anniversary Of US/NATO Invasion Of Afghanistan. “Graveyard Of Empires.” Birthplace Of Opium Tragedy – Michael Welch


“It appears that almost everywhere U.S. interventionism goes, the drug market seems to follow.” – Max Parry [1] “What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central…

Zelensky Begs For More Weapons, Scrambles To Keep International Aid From Drying Up As His Military Prospects Are Worsening By The Day – Paul Serran

Zelensky Begs For More Weapons, Scrambles To Keep International Aid From Drying Up As His Military Prospects Are Worsening By The Day – Paul Serran


With the world’s attention increasingly focused on the Middle East, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky is frantically trying to keep the support from the west lined up on the aftermath of his failed counteroffensive. Zelensky joined today (11) a meeting of more than…

Is The Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let It Happen. Their Objective Is “To Wipe Gaza Off The Map” – Philip Giraldi

Is The Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let It Happen. Their Objective Is “To Wipe Gaza Off The Map” – Philip Giraldi


Early Saturday October 7, 2023, Hamas launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” led by Hamas’ Military Chief Mohammed Deif. On that same day, Netanyahu confirmed a so-called “State of Readiness For War”.   Military operations are invariably planned well in advance (See Netanyahu’s January 2023 statement below). Was “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” a “surprise…

Letter To Karolinska Institute Regarding Covid mRNA Vaccine Technology: Nobel Prize Committee Should Give Themselves Award For ‘Negligence Of Due Diligence’ – Benjamin Roberts

Letter To Karolinska Institute Regarding Covid mRNA Vaccine Technology: Nobel Prize Committee Should Give Themselves Award For ‘Negligence Of Due Diligence’ – Benjamin Roberts


Just days ago, on October 2, 2023, I forwarded correspondence to the Nobel Peace Prize at their email contact page site on their awarding of their prize to Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman for their having ‘saved lives’ with their breakthrough feat of providing humanity the…

Why RFK Jr. Will Announce On Monday He’ll Run As An Independent – Eric Zuesse

Why RFK Jr. Will Announce On Monday He’ll Run As An Independent – Eric Zuesse


On September 29th, the very pro-Biden Mediaite site headlined and reported with hostility toward RFK Jr., “EXCLUSIVE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Planning to Announce Independent Run”. Then, on October 4th, RFK Jr.’s Presidential campaign announced that on October 9th he “will make a historic announcement…

Drang Nach Osten Delusions Revived: German FM Promises To Add Russian Territories To The EU – Lucas Leiroz

Drang Nach Osten Delusions Revived: German FM Promises To Add Russian Territories To The EU – Lucas Leiroz


The German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Baerbock, is once again involved in controversies against Russia. This time, the minister promised that Russian territories will soon be part of the EU, which sounds simultaneously provocative and unrealistic, considering that Moscow will not…

Gazans Break Out Of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp – Kevin Barrett

Gazans Break Out Of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp – Kevin Barrett


  My preparations for this weekend’s False Flag Weekly News, with its tongue-in-cheek lead story suggesting that Wednesday’s emergency alert’s hidden message was “killer tranny Sarah Ashton-Cirillo is on the loose,” were shockingly interrupted by the Gaza concentration camp breakout. Suddenly, the emergency…

AI Goes To War: Will The Pentagon’s Techno-Fantasies Pave The Way For War With China? – William D. Hartung

AI Goes To War: Will The Pentagon’s Techno-Fantasies Pave The Way For War With China? – William D. Hartung


On August 28th, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks chose the occasion of a three-day conference organized by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), the arms industry’s biggest trade group, to announce the “Replicator Initiative.” Among other things, it would involve producing “swarms of…

American Meddling Failed To Prevent Robert Fico’s Victory In The Latest Slovak Elections – Andrew Korybko

American Meddling Failed To Prevent Robert Fico’s Victory In The Latest Slovak Elections – Andrew Korybko


The reason why America meddled in this election is because it fears both the substance and symbolism of a hitherto stalwart NATO vassal defecting from the bloc’s anti-Russian proxy war coalition. The “Direction-Social Democracy” (SMER) party of former Prime Minister Robert Fico…

Hezbollah Fires Rockets Into Israeli-Contested Areas In ‘Solidarity’ With Palestinians, Threatens Escalation If Israel And U.S. Will Not Stop Its “Foolishness” – Jim Hᴏft

Hezbollah Fires Rockets Into Israeli-Contested Areas In ‘Solidarity’ With Palestinians, Threatens Escalation If Israel And U.S. Will Not Stop Its “Foolishness” – Jim Hᴏft


On Sunday, Israel Defense Systems (IDF) announced it had exchanged fire with the terrorist group Hezbollah, the Iran-backed armed group in Lebanon, in a contested area in Israel. This exchange comes on the heels of a devastating attack by Palestinian terrorist group…

Russian-Latin American Parliamentarians Meet & Discuss Geopolitical Situation Аnd Economic Cooperation – Kester Kenn Klomegah

Russian-Latin American Parliamentarians Meet & Discuss Geopolitical Situation Аnd Economic Cooperation – Kester Kenn Klomegah

Russia is certainly back to Latin America, the backyard to the United States. In this fast-growing multipolar world, Russia is assertively stamping its feet, intensifying serious coordinated efforts, this time in Latin America. And the State Duma, the lower house of Russian…

British Govt Funded Plan For Censorship Of Factual NATO Criticism – Jack Poulson

British Govt Funded Plan For Censorship Of Factual NATO Criticism – Jack Poulson


Leaked documents reveal a British intel contractor singled out The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal for online censorship, and seeks to redefine factual criticism of NATO as disinformation. This report was originally published at Jack Poulson’s All-Source Intelligence Fusion. Subscribe here. A leaked 130-page report made public here…

‘Ukraine Has A Terrorist Government’: A New Force In An EU State Wants The Bloc To Change Its Stance – Bradley Blankenship 

‘Ukraine Has A Terrorist Government’: A New Force In An EU State Wants The Bloc To Change Its Stance – Bradley Blankenship 


A new political party in the Czech Republic wants to form a united national-conservative front against Brussels On September 16, around 10,000 protesters descended on Prague’s Wenceslas Square to demand a change to their government’s foreign policy. These protests were led by…

The Fight For The Black Sea: Ukraine Prioritized The Capture Of Crimea, But Eventually Barely Landed A Glove. So, What Next? – Vladislav Ugolny

The Fight For The Black Sea: Ukraine Prioritized The Capture Of Crimea, But Eventually Barely Landed A Glove. So, What Next? – Vladislav Ugolny


Kiev’s operations in the region have become more powerful, but they have failed to lead to any real gains The dangers in the Black Sea region escalated to new heights last week after the Ukrainian Air Force attacked the Russian city of Sevastopol…

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