Time goes by. It has been 20 years since three World Trade Center skyscrapers designed to withstand airliner collision were destroyed. Building 7 was brought down by controlled demolition as its collapse at free fall acceleration proves conclusively. The destruction of the twin towers was accompanied by a series of explosions, and these buildings also fell into their own footprints at essentially free fall acceleration. The US government’s official coverup story has been totally demolished by authors such as David Ray Griffin, by scholarly conferences, university investigations, expert reports, and by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth.
The great mass of evidence that has been accumulated proves that the official narrative is false, but it doesn’t say who was responsible for the attack. Some, such as Ron Unz, Laurent Guyenot, and Chris Bollyn, have noted the Israeli Connection, but the focus has been on the total implausibility of the official narrative, not on the who and why of the attack.
Circumstantial evidence suggests that 9/11 was a scheme of George W. Bush regime neoconservative officials allied with vice president Dick Cheney and Israel to create a “new Pearl Harbor” that would generate support on the part of the American people and Washington’s European allies for a Middle Eastern “war on terror” whose real purpose was to destroy Israel’s enemies in the interest of Greater Israel. Commentary Magazine editor Norman Podhoretz had called for such a war, and General Wesley Clark reported that he was informed of Pentagon war plans to that effect.
This is the most plausible explanation, but, if true, it is not one that the US and Israeli governments would ever acknowledge. Consequently, we are stuck with an official explanation long championed by the presstitutes that no one believes. In addition to the human casualties of the 9/11 attack, we can list the credibility of the US government and the US media.
I wrote many columns about 9/11 and reviewed the careful work of those proving the counterfactual and implausible nature of the official account. Over the two decades, I wrote anniversary articles.
Here is the one on the 11th Anniversary: https://www.unz.com/proberts/the-11th-anniversary-of-911/
What gave the utter implausibility of the official narrative away to everyone who has ever served in a high government office is the fact that “the world’s only superpower” suffered the most embarrassing defeat at the hands of a few Saudis armed only with box cutters, and there was no outcry for an investigation how the entirety of an annual trillion dollar military/security complex totally failed, every single part of it.
Never in world history had a superpower experienced such a total defeat, and there was no outcry from the White House, Congress, the Pentagon, the media for an investigation. Indeed, there was active resistance to any investigation. People too stupid to see what this means are too stupid to justify their existence.