One Moroccan And Two British Mercenaries Who Fought For Kiev, Sentenced To Death By Donbass Supreme Court

A Donetsk tribunal has sentenced to death three foreigners, who fought on Kiev’s side against Russia and its allies. Two UK citizens and a Moroccan man, who fought for Kiev, appeared before the Supreme Court in Donetsk.

A court in Donetsk has sentenced to death three foreign men, who served in the Ukrainian armed forces and fought for Kiev in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). British citizens Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner, as well as Moroccan Saadun Ibrahim, were found guilty, on Thursday, of acting as mercenaries and attempting to seize power by force in the DPR.

They were also accused of undergoing training in order to carry out terrorist activities on territory of the state, which was recognised by Russia, in February. Kiev, and most of the world, regards it as a breakaway province of Ukraine. 

Under the laws of the DPR, the forcible seizure of power carries a penalty of between 12 and 20 years behind bars, but it can be escalated to capital punishment due to the aggravating circumstances of war time. Performing as a mercenary is punishable by a prison sentence of three to seven years.

The tried the three men on several criminal charges. They pleaded guilty to joining a terrorist organization and attempting to forcefully topple the government in Donetsk, but denied being mercenaries hired by Kiev.


The three fighters were captured in or near Mariupol, a port city that the DPR claims as part of its sovereign territory. It saw weeks of intensive fighting and eventually a blockade of thousands of Ukrainian troops at a steelmaking plant. They later surrendered to Russian and DPR forces. 

London has demanded that its citizens be treated as prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions. However, Britain is not formally being at war with the DPR.

Authorities in the DPR have said they consider them to be mercenaries, who are not granted the same privileges as regular combatants, under international law.

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