On Western Support for Nazism, Mark Taliano writes
It would be obvious and widely accepted that we in the West are responsible for the rebirth and growth of Nazism, if the truth was a staple in our cultural diets.
Beneath veils of distactions and obfuscations, for example, the Canadian government has a long history of quietly supporting nazism. (1)
Drawing false equivalencies between the USSR and Nazi Germany furthers the support for nazism, which, through such operations, is being whitewashed. Canada voted against a UN initiative condemning the glorification of nazism.
Russia is combating the cancer of nazism and NATO expansionism in Ukraine, whereas the West seeks to fight “to the last Ukrainian” as it uses Ukrainians, and nazism, as proxies against Russia.
Largely censored and forgotten, Washington is behind the nazi-infested coup that overturned the elected Ukrainian government in 2014. This was followed by about eight years of genocide in which nazi battalions bombed Eastern Ukrainian (Russian-speaking) civilians and civilian infrastructure. (2)
Former Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel and former Ukraine President Pyotr Poroshenko even admitted to using the Minsk Peace accords as a stalling mechanism to build up the Ukrainian military. They were never negotiating in good faith. They never wanted Peace. (3)
Western support for nazism goes back to WW2 with Western corporate support (Rockfeller’s Standard Oil) of Operation Barbarossa and the nazi rampage across the USSR.
“(w)ithout US support to Nazi Germany, the Third Reich would not have been able to wage war on the Soviet Union. Germany’s oil production was insufficient to wage a major military campaign. Throughout the war, the Third Reich relied on regular shipments of crude oil from US Standard Oil owned by the Rockefeller family.” (4)
Furthermore, writes Chossudovsky,
“Wall Street creditors are the main actors. They were firmly behind Nazi Germany. They financed Operation Barbarossa and the invasion of the Soviet Union.
The Rockefellers funded Hitler’s election campaign.
Wall Street also “appointed” the head of Germany’s Central Bank (Reichsbank).” (5)
WW2 didn’t need to happen, and the current war in Ukraine didn’t need to happen either.
The complex web of Western war propaganda which obfuscates these facts enables the permanent warfare state and its war against us all.