A Digital Apartheid Is Upon Us John Mills RSS Feed | The Epoch Times

Commentary It started innocuously. It was an acceptable drag coefficient from Facebook, just be careful what you say politically when you post something. The quick and seemingly inexpensive brown boxes from Amazon were addictive, so just accept the sneers and derision of the self-appointed newspaper of record (subsidized by Jeff Bezos, the common owner of both). Tweet away but be careful next time you were released from the penalty box. Search all you want with Google, just ignore the first 100 returns that were algorithm-ed to shape your world view. It’s been 10 years since the kindred dalliance between the Obama Administration and the titans of Silicon Valley began to form and solidify. I point to 2010 and the summer push for Cybersecurity legislation as when the alliance began to take shape. The initial encounters were tepid and taken initially with baby steps, but now it’s difficult to tell the …
Commentary It started innocuously. It was an acceptable drag coefficient from Facebook, just be careful what you say politically when you post something. The quick and seemingly inexpensive brown boxes from Amazon were addictive, so just accept the sneers and derision of the self-appointed newspaper of record (subsidized by Jeff Bezos, the common owner of
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