After Terrorizing Her Country, Authoritarian New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Drops Mask And Vaccine Mandates – Jim Hoft

The authoritarian Prime Minister of New Zealand has finally dropped all remaining pandemic restrictions, but not before she subjected her country to discrimination and terror for failing to comply with her demands.

After imposing a dystopian zero-Covid policy that resulted in New Zealanders stuck offshore or stuck in other countries and unable to return home, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that she would get rid of the world’s toughest pandemic rules at a news conference on Monday in Wellington.

The wearing of masks will no longer be required in public places, and the last vaccination mandates will be removed in around two weeks.

However, the government remains firm on its position despite proposals to reduce the mandatory isolation period for those with the virus from seven to five days, according to the Guardian.

And just like that, authoritarian Jacinda Ardern announced, “we all just need to respect people’s individual decisions.”

“People will use masks for their own individual reasons. They may personally be vulnerable. They may have events they want to make sure they’re not unwell for. They may not have had Covid-19. We all just need to respect everyone’s individual decisions” Ardern said.

“This is the time when finally, rather than feeling that Covid dictates what happens to us, our lives, and our future, we take control back as we continue to drive economic activity and our recovery,” she said.

One reporter bravely told her that it’s not her taking back control but it’s her giving up her totalitarian grip over New Zealand.

Reporter: “You talk about taking back control, but isn’t this about you giving up control you have over New Zealander’s lives?”

“This is about New Zealanders finally having certainty,” Ardern refuted.

“Certainty that was taken away by Covid. It’s fair to say that I think cast a cloud because whilst we had long periods without Covid in this country, there was always that sense of potential anticipation. Now those periods are gone. We move forward with confidence, knowing that we’re not going to use those measures in the future. And we have a new period to move into this summer,” she added.

Back in 2021, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern happily admitted she created two classes of people: The vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

New Zealand also went into a nationwide lockdown after one person tested positive for Covid-19.

Far-left Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told New Zealanders not to talk to each other after the country’s first Covid case in 6 months was reported.

“Don’t talk to your neighbors. Please, keep to your bubbles,” Jacinda Ardern said during a press conference.

“We only get one chance,” she added. “The best thing we can do to get out of this as quickly as we can is to go hard.”

“We have made the decision on the basis that it is better to start high and go down levels rather than to go low, not contain the virus and see it move quickly.”

New Zealanders desperate to return home were forced to participate in a ‘quarantine lottery’ in order to secure a bed in a military-run ‘quarantine hotel.’

Many New Zealanders were stuck waiting in other countries as their visas expired.

High Court Justice Jillian Mallon ruled this violated New Zealand’s Bill of Rights Act, which guarantees every citizen the right to enter New Zealand.

“New Zealanders’ right to enter their country could be infringed in some instances in a manner that was not demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society,” the judge concluded.

Last year, the wicked New Zealand Prime Minister announced that the easing of the COVID-19 restrictions would allow for orgies of up to 25 people.

Ardern giggled as she spoke about the resumption of New Zealand orgies.

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