The psycho troll stalker (PTS) doesn’t realize that their rapid posts automatically trigger social media platforms’ algorithms into boosting the original post into more people’s feeds since they’re engineered to believe that such a spree of interactions (especially if they include images/video and/or if the original poster interacts with the PTS) is of interest to that platform’s larger community. Triggering a literal troll into promoting one’s work via the algorithm, which they initially sought to suppress through their trolling, is proper comeuppance and what true power looks like.
The Alt-Media Community (AMC) is institutionally disadvantaged relative to its Mainstream Media (MSM) rivals since they don’t have the money to make as big of a splash in the discourse, plus they’re often shadowblocked or even outright censored from some social media platforms. Nevertheless, its members are very passionate about sharing their interpretation of relevant events with the rest of the world, including that which contradicts the MSM’s and the US Government’s (USG) that their rivals support. Creative means therefore have to be employed in order to break through this de facto censorship firewall and thus ensure that the AMC’s message is heard by as many people as possible.
Therein lies the genius of manipulating psycho troll stalkers (PTS, which also refers to the post-traumatic stress disorder that likely shapes these folks’ obsessive behavior) on social media. A PTS is a random stranger who is triggered by a member of the AMC sharing an interpretation of events that contradicts the MSM’s and USG’s narrative into wildly trolling that person. They do so because they literally cannot control themselves due to some underlying and likely undiagnosed psychological problem (psychopathology, with those who suffer from such casually being referred to by many as psychos). Their reactions usually take the form of obsessively sharing of memes and/or ad hominem attacks.
The average member of the AMC might understandably feel uncomfortable whenever a PTS suddenly starts attacking them, which is normal whenever a stranger is aggressively punishing someone for expressing their freedom of speech, especially with the intent of pressuring them into self-censoring in order to avoid being attacked again. The PTS will keep at it for an extended period of time, perhaps posting upwards of a dozen or more attacks in just as many minutes and sometimes returning to attack their target over a several-day period if not longer. They’re liberal-totalitarians whose psychopathology influences them to try to force everyone into seeing the world the twisted way that they do.
For as uncomfortable as these literal psychos might make their victims feel, those who are have the mental and emotional fortitude to not be distressed by their attacks can actually turn these PTS into invaluable assets. That’s because the attackers don’t realize that their rapid posts automatically trigger social media platforms’ algorithms into boosting the original post into more people’s feeds since they’re engineered to believe that such a spree of interactions (especially if they include images/video and/or if the original poster interacts with the PTS) is of interest to that platform’s larger community. In other words, the PTS ironically ends up amplifying the same content that their trolling sought to suppress.
Those among the AMC who attempt to experiment with this will likely reap the dividends almost right away depending on just how deranged their particular PTS might be. For instance, I just employed this exact same reverse-trolling tactic to turn my latest PTS into an asset who I affectionally described as my “unpaid PR intern”. The account going by the name “Barry Gropp” came out of nowhere to spew around two dozen troll attacks under one of my tweets yesterday within just as many minutes. Realizing that this deranged individual is algorithmic gold, I promptly engaged him with the intent of triggering more trolling, which succeeded in getting under his skin since he returned the day later to troll some more.
By giving my latest PTS a little bit of attention that fed into its delusional ego, I achieved something that’s statistically exceptionally, and that’s to have had him trigger the algorithm into boosting my tweet to the extent that it generated approximately 4,500 more impressions than my total number of followers (over 22,500 impressions compared to around 18,500 followers). That’s almost a 25% boost in visibility more than my actual audience, which confirms that this PTS successfully ensured that Twitter’s algorithm boosted my tweet into a large number of people’s feeds that therefore achieved my aim of raising greater awareness of my analysis.
Here’s a screenshot confirming the number of impressions:
This proves that my method of manipulating PTSs can indeed be successful.
The lesson for the AMC to learn is that it’s therefore not always the best course of action to block PTSs if the victim is strong enough to weather their attacks and turn their own trolling against them. Letting the PTS run wild, even sometimes engaging with them with the intent of triggering them more by feeding into their delusional ego or even simply mocking them for amusement’s sake like I proudly do to those who deserve it, can maximize the effectiveness of this clever social media amplification strategy. The value to be derived by doing so is that it results in Twitter boosting content from accounts that one might suspect are shadowblocked like I’ve speculated that mine might have been for some time.
Even in the absence of being potentially being shadowblocked, the modus operandi that I’ve explained in this analysis is indisputably beneficial for the victim since it results in their unprovoked PTS actually working to actively amplify the same content that they sought to suppress through their toxic trolling. The results as proven in my latest employment of this tactic just yesterday speak for themselves, and they wouldn’t have been possible without my latest PTS. That’s why I also encouraged him to tag fellow trolls in order to take everything even further and help my work go viral. In connection with that, I also tempted him to troll under my other tweets since that serves to further promote my work too.
By turning PTSs against themselves, the AMC victim flips the power dynamics by literally triggering the troll into doing their bidding by promoting their posts pro bono in exchange for the boost that they receive to their delusional ego by doing so, especially if the victim engages with the troll in order to trigger them even more. Nobody should ever forget about social media’s algorithm, which can both result in shadowblocking an account but also in unwittingly breaking through that same de facto censorship if one cleverly manipulates PTS through the means that I’ve devised. Triggering a literal troll into promoting one’s work via the algorithm is proper comeuppance and what true power looks like.