America: No Country for Old Men, Оr Just Burn It All Down – Justin Smith

“A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, (or by any other name indicating his true character,) or by millions, calling themselves a government.” ~ Lysander Spooner

American traditions, once thought immutable, have sustained one withering assault after the next over the past eighty years or so, while taking even harder hits from the Bush administration to the present Biden regime, traditions supported by America’s core principles found within Natural Law, Christianity and the Declaration of Independence. These traditions exist because they were well-founded in truth and practical ideas that worked for the benefit of all in the best of all possible manners, respecting mankind’s reality and existence within nature as a free born and sovereign, each to their own, and the sanctity of marriage, one man one woman, and life itself, and the right to pursue our own life without any oppressive government intrusions.

Our traditions time have not come to pass but still survive precisely due to their foundations in truth, and they need only to be defended and brought to bear in the hearts of America’s families, Her sons and daughters and Her patriots once more, ever more fiercely and fervently.

Gustav Mahler, an Austrian composer, said, “Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”

However, one is left wondering these days if the red, radical, Marxist-Maoists and their RINO allies within our country have succeeded in killing what is left of the once storied “American Dream” in our country, as they press on in their attempts to cow American patriots under a constant barrage of anti-Christian, anti-conservative and anti-American political propaganda and the guise of “saving democracy”, especially with the rise of so many millions on natural born amerikkans and their legal and illegal anti-American allies who violently express their hatred for America, Her traditions, freedoms and liberties, capitalism and this republic by and large and on the whole.

For the detractors of American “capitalism” as the general cause of a lack of upward mobility and social mobility in general, we should all note that the U.S. hasn’t had a true capitalist system in well over a hundred years. We have a heavily regulated fascistic system, corporatism, whereby far too many big businesses find the means to have their particular niches of the market protected, with the help of lobbyists and well-connected fixers. This has worked to drive an untold number of small businesses to close shop for decades now, much to the detriment of individuals and communities everywhere.

A massive sector of American society tied to both government and corporate entities promotes suicidal ideas and does its utmost best to ram them down our throats against our will and our fierce protestations. “Climate change” initiatives that have hamstrung and destroyed much of our energy infrastructure, authoritarian policies that can only be called “fascist”, and assaults on our culture and history exhibits the fact that nothing is safe from the ire of the Marxist-Maoist Democrats and those ignorant RINOs who regularly aid them in their destructive actions. It doesn’t make sense, until one understands and accepts that their idea of “the fundamental transformation of America” means the total destruction of traditional America and the republic.

Even when those proponents for freedom and our inalienable God-given rights win landmark cases within the Supreme Court to halt the Democrat Party Communists agenda for the fundamental transformation of America into an authoritarian socialist state, these Marxist-Maoists proceed in illegal and criminal fashion with their plans as if nothing was in place to stop them. They are acting in an ongoing lawless manner, despite every conservative counter move, because they can, and they have not been made to suffer any consequence of any significance enough to make them rethink their course or come close to halting its destruction of our republic.

This very minute, the Democrat Party Communists are registering illegal aliens to vote in major cities across the U.S., and according to a recent short video documentary, by Anthony Rubin of Muckraker, many have already voted in the early elections, which will make it incredibly difficult to audit and verify the actual legal results of the 2024 election in the short time given. And yes, it is still illegal for non-citizens to vote in U.S. elections, for what good it does.

As noted journalist and commentariat, Paul Harvey, stated in 1965:

“If I were the devil … if I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness. And I’d have a third of its real estate, and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree — Thee. So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first — I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please’.”

And this is exactly what the Democrat Party leadership has done, by way of convincing millions to “Do as you please”, so long as what pleases you aligns with their vision for a new world order and a utopian nightmare where we are all made to serve the Leviathan rather than be masters over our own government and our own lives.

But what better way to destroy the republic and bring the people under the heavy boot of socialist authoritarianism if not by opening the borders to flood the country with millions more people heavily inclined to vote for big government socialist agendas and take jobs from citizens, tons of death dealing fentanyl, destroy the energy and agriculture sector [killing thousands of heads of beef and dairy cattle, chickens and hogs] and the economy in the process. And all the while they stoke the fires of unrest and move our country’s radical communists, anarcho-communists, islamofascists, and fascists of all stripes to riot, loot and burn our cities.

These so-called “progressives” are using any means they deem necessary to destroy America’s traditions and Her traditional values and principles, Her heritage, in the name of “progress” and modernization, as they advance their lunatic, immoral policies focused on a transhuman, totalitarian system overseen by a massive surveillance state, unlike anything ever before witnessed by humanity.

Rather than support the nuclear family, they suggest we are somehow out of line and even a danger to society, if we acknowledge we do not answer to Government or Corporate slave masters and we are our own man or woman. Certainly, to hear the Biden regime apparatchiks tell it, conservative, independent and Christian Americans must be “domestic terrorists” and “transphobic” if we insist there is actually a being known as a real, biological woman.

Heaven forbid we stand in opposition to the Marxist-Maoist Communist Green New Deal, which is anything but “green” or “new”, as it is revealed to be just one more communist redistribution of the wealth scheme once one scratches the surface of its goals and mechanisms. It remains inefficient while it costs ten times more than using oil, coal and natural gas, and it also still relies on fossil fuels for its own operations in many instances, especially regarding windmills. And rather than actually act towards conservation of our environment in any true manner, too often, the advocates of this economy-killing insanity become cheerleaders for the industrial activities of the globalists they supposedly oppose, enabling and advancing the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization plans for a “Great Reset” and the industrial-military-pharmaceutical complex at its core.

But we are told this is how it works now, how things must be, in order to ensure a prosperous and secure future for ourselves and our families, despite all the evidence that tells us none of it will materialize under their illiberal and tyrannical delusion-driven policies and crazy legislation aimed at forcing us all into neat little controllable boxes, as they pursue it for nothing less than complete and total raw power.

One can almost see it now, only a handful of wealthy Americans will be permitted to drive cost-prohibitive Electric Vehicles in their utopia, although they attempt to convince each of the 258.3 million American adults that they will be one of the chosen few. And how good will that real meat cheeseburger taste, as you don’t give a second thought to the great unwashed masses eating their bug paste sandwiches.

Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones to escape digital serfdom and regular cancellation or bans from travel and making food purchases, by rigidly obeying the party line of the day to keep your social credit score at an approved level. Just think how happy you will be to be accepted as one of “the gang” by your masters, the global psychopaths, who have convinced you that you really can “own nothing and be happy”. Treason against America has never before come with so many privileges, benefits and rewards.

It wouldn’t surprise me to see unhinged supporters of the Democrats and their allies manufacture a few more deadly existential threats, in order to gain acceptance into the ranks of the “ruling elite”, even if it meant detonating ammonium-nitrate or semtex bombs at every power station in existence to drive us all into serfdom, begging at the altar of the Leviathan to be saved.

Through the insane rhetoric of it all, we find the true believers and their useful idiots, who really don’t know any better, accepting all the unscientific, unfounded claims of the Democrat Party Communists that their disastrous, rapidly accelerating behind the destruction of America can [and should] become “sustainable”, as the rest of us — we few or many, the normal — watch the unfolding disaster through a veil of angry tears.

The truth of the matter where our country is concerned barely stands a chance as a blizzard of lies flies daily from the propaganda machine of America’s enemies-from-within and the mainstream communist-loving media, like MSNBC. But the truth will always come into the light, although it takes much too long sometimes, and truth stands solid throughout time, still here with us yet, after all the lies told are disproven and finally forgotten.

At its own core, the Biden regime is tyrannical, nothing more and nothing less. It seeks to be the master of all — all our lands, all our water, all our minerals and every single human being born in America or shipped in from all points of the world, no matter what beliefs those people hold tightly, no matter how anti-American they may be as recently witnessed through all the pro-Hamas Muslims and their crazy commie amerikkan allies across our universities and in the streets of major cities from New York to Chicago and Boston to San Francisco.

It’s worth noting here that some 2300 years ago, Chuang Tzu, a Chinese Taoist, asked:

“If the nature of everything under Heaven is not distorted, if the world’s Virtue is not despoiled, then what need is there to govern the world?”

What kind of hope is it that so many now place in our toothless Constitution and the equally useless Convention of the States Article V mechanism, a corrupted system and an unbelievably corrupt and immoral society other than a false hope. Every single safeguard within the Constitution has been circumvented, manipulated, shaped and shifted and turned upside down to bring us to where the country sits today, by some of the most unimaginably evil men and women across history, whether we start with Abe Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson or jump on up to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson and Nixon and on to Obama, who is still pulling the strings in the Oval Office at the moment.

As a side note, it’s worth mentioning that Wilson took America into WWI, unnecessarily so, which directly led to a bankrupt Europe and the eventual totalitarianism in Russia and Germany, also resulting in “the [eventual] Great Depression, the Welfare State, Keynesian economics, WWII, the holocaust, the Cold War, the permanent Welfare State and its military-industrial-surveillance complex”, as explained by David Stockman (August 3rd 2024/ ‘Indispensable Nation Meme’).

Don’t say “Trump’s gonna’ fix everything” either, because you are about to get a very unpleasant surprise as the Big Spending, Big Government Behemoth just keeps on growing larger, more expensive and more powerful under his people, should he win — or outfox and outcheat the Democrat cheaters in 2024.

The ideology of the Marxist-Maoist Democrats we witness being touted as America’s salvation is one of a nearly unimaginable gross and vile cult of immorality that has deeply wounded our society more than anything else in American history, heretofore thought to be an inconceivable thing.

In the meantime, America is going to hell in a handbasket, to quote an age old adage, but I’m “just getting old” as so many of the young Millennials tell me time and again, as if everything is coming up roses and they’re just fine with it. They love being serfs to the State, the Leviathan, and could care less that they haven’t earned, don’t deserve and cannot pay for all the new government shiny objects and welfare they demand, or that the weight of it all will fall to those responsible citizens of the nation. And as this pathetic culture of nationalist collectivism rolls on like a mad juggernaut, this is absolutely no country for old men, or young alike, not if they love their families and freedom and liberty.

Some may claim to be conservative, independent or Christian patriots, and yet we see them offering only the bare minimum of any real resistance to this mad march towards tyranny and the total subjugation of the American people, too meek, weak and timid to wield their power when they actually do hold it. This weakness constantly results in defeat and surrender, each time victory should have been assured in the electoral process, and it has resulted in the constant gains we see the Marxist-Maoists and the RINO globalists make to control our culture, economy and our society’s institutions on every level. It smacks of a kind of cowardice that permeates the ranks of today’s GOP across all age groups, that can only be the result of some sixty years, a lifetime, of conditioning that has beat them into a sort of submission to the notion that somehow it is always illegitimate to serve the best interests of yourself, your family, and community.

Too many so-called “American patriots” don’t love freedom, liberty and our inalienable God-given rights enough. Or can they really be so ignorant as to have little to no true awareness of the real situation at hand in America? Whatever the case, ignorance isn’t any real excuse and they will deserve every bad thing that happens to them, due to their inaction, from this day forward.

Review the annals of history and the dynamics that brought civilization the French Revolution, Russia’s 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Spain’s Civil War, China’s Civil War and America’s 1960s “Revolution” and culture war, and one will soon realize that the same sort of forces and spirit that manifested these past horrors have been gathering strength in our beloved America for the past twenty-four years, or more, depending on one’s baseline event.

Be prepared for violence directed at all opposition to the Biden regime and the Marxist-Maoist Democrat ideology, from the middle of this month on through the next eight years on an exponentially greater level than we have witnessed over the past decade, no matter who wins in November. They will target defenders of American virtues, principles and traditions with vandalism, arson and even murder wherever and however they can, because they view violence as necessary to hasten their political goals into being realized, sooner rather than later. And when they come, we should not hesitate to help them make a quick departure from this world into the next.

America finds Herself at this incredibly dangerous juncture in time not only because every enemy She knows has sent men of military age to invade Her, but also due to those traitors who live in our midst, coddled, comforted and treated so well by America on the whole. It has not been so much the poor and less fortunate Americans who have engaged in treason against our nation, tho’ many have, as much as it has been those fortunate sons who have had all the entitlements, perks and benefits that the wealthiest country on Earth has had to offer to them — from the finest homes and universities and sent on to the finest jobs in government. See Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, John McCain, Susan Collins, Mitch McConnell, Adam Kinzinger, Marco Rubio, Joe Biden and a few million more of their ilk.

Time is not on our side at the moment, and our enemies within our government at all levels both federal and state aren’t operating in good faith by any leap of one’s imagination. What we are witnessing in the here and now aren’t the unintentional consequences of people meaning well for the country, and American patriots had better come to this realization sooner rather than later. We are rapidly approaching the endgame.

Some days it’s hard not to want to just burn it all down, pick up one’s rifle and fight to push freedom and real liberties through the chaos to emerge from the fires of revolution victoriously. At some point in the not-too-distant future, most of us will have nothing left to lose, and this will be the easiest choice we’ve ever made.

The good and decent Americans of our country must muster the will and the strength to defend ourselves, our families and this country we love so well in order that our children and their children’s children and many generations to come may live free, independent and with liberty for all.

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