American Freedom: A Long and Arduous Road – The Burning Platform

Via GenZConservative

american freedom: a long and arduous road

I was at a loss as to whether I would try to write anything today.

As I thought about our country and all she faced today, rather than go deep into any specifics and details of any one major issue, I thought to explore the general health of freedom and liberty in this America we love so well. Needless to say, both are on life-support and failing fast, due largely to American ignorance, apathy and traitorous complicity.

I have to wonder at those who would suggest that I am the traitor, for not offering up my own blind allegiance to an illegitimate, criminal usurper to the seats of power and a traitor to America, but one must never give one’s most precious gifts to those so undeserving. By their own attacks upon all Americans’ Inalienable God-Given Rights, they have been found lacking and unworthy of the slightest bit of loyalty or allegiance from any true American Patriot, especially those of Us who have served this nation in many capacities over the decades and took our oaths to the Constitution and America, before God and Country, as something not to be taken lightly.

This government has lost all semblance of legitimacy, and a large segment of America’s population, whether Conservatives or Independents, of all religions and creeds, have lost their faith in our nation’s institutions and most of the people currently heading and directing them. The Democrats and Republicans alike, but mostly the Democrats, have lost the “consent of the governed”, by way of their repeated unconstitutional, tyrannical injuries and usurpations against the American people.

“And, if ever there was a time in American history that demanded civil disobedience, at the very least, and a civil war — as I see necessary — to settle the direction ahead for our great country, to be set in freedom and liberty, the time and the day and the hour is now.” ~ J.O.S.

“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” ~ Barry Goldwater

Americans today are facing the most dangerous times for freedom and liberty our country has ever faced, and America needs Her men and woman of courage to stand firm and strong, together and true to their bonds of friendship, family and community, with every fiber of our being consecrated to the cause of freedom and liberty, in order that we may stop the Democratic Party Communists’ advancing tyranny and all the destruction it brings.

We must do so much more than mouth pretty words, like “I will not submit”, as we take to heart and resolve, that no matter how dire the circumstances and the consequences, we will stand prepared to lose everything and even die for the American principles and virtues that this nation was founded upon, refusing to bend our knee to the tyrants and refusing to forsake our beloved America, for anything less will not be enough to win the coming war.

Suffice it to say that enough known votes were illegally cast and counted to exhibit the Democrats were, in fact, illegally seated in the federal government’s halls of power, by a weak, feckless Congress and a cowardly Vice-President who certified those illegally obtained Electoral College Votes. Although I could go into a lengthy and accurate explanation of why Pence absolutely had the authority and the duty to reject the election results, I’ll leave that to you, the reader.

However, no matter the legality of the action, in that the votes themselves were known to have been cast illegally, Pence should have automatically rejected them and let his peers wail that his act was “unconstitutional”, which would have forced the Supreme Court to do what it should have in the first place and put an end to this election steal.

And, the American people are left little to no choice on any course of real resolution and the redress of their grievances, when faithless Congress and ever more feckless and faithless Courts have failed to uphold America’s principles, virtues and the Constitution as written. The problem is further compounded by the massive growth of the administrative state, just as we witnessed in that unelected election officials arbitrarily changed election law illegally, usurping the power of the states and Congress, as though they were “the law” themselves.

Americans now bear witness to the dismantling of our democratic republic, with virtually no opposition from the Republican Party due to its own corrupt nature; and all of this has combined in a perfect political disease that suggests any peaceful effort to reverse this through future elections does, in fact, represent an impossible thing, leaving only a path to submission and serfdom or rebellion and civil war.

As for the complicit traitors it took to pull this coup off, that’s something else entirely, as a massive element of like-minded Marxist and Maoist sympathizers across the country acted in a knowing and organized orchestrated manner to bring it about, while many others, who were so indoctrinated over the decades made separate and knowing decisions to violate the law on their own initiative to undermine the election and bring about the win for Biden, “by any means necessary”.

Now, the Democratic Party Communists are in charge, for the time being, and moving to end the filibuster, in order to lock in their criminal election mechanisms through HR1, eradicate the Second Amendment through HR 127 & 8, destroy protections for women through HR 5, and further destroy existing immigration law through HR 6 that will make millions of illegal aliens U.S. citizens and ensure a new massive addition to the Democratic Party voter-base.

All of this is designed to destroy the American Founding, guarantee Democratic Party control over all of America for the rest of the century, and fundamentally transforming America into an authoritarian regime that will have Us all living in poverty and under a tyrannical state, a composite of every vile thing we witnessed in the 20th century under the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Tito, Mao, Pieck, Castro and Pol Pot. And, if anyone believes this to be hyperbole, what a surprise they are going to receive, should they succeed in ending the filibuster and force their anti-God, anti-Freedom, and anti-American agenda into “law”.

Of course, there are also millions of useful idiots readily seen in the ranks of the Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA organizations, as well as other Marxist/Maoist communist supporters of the Biden administration’s totalitarian policies, that have already shown their willingness to enforce those policies and use violence to threaten and intimidate others into bending their knee to the will of the tyrants. They do so as the Democratic Party Communists’ boot-lickers, demanding their payoffs and their place at the table of power, in anticipation of things to come, if the Biden administration’s terrible plans for America come to fruition.

And these Biden criminals and traitors to America, these tyrant wannabes, keep coming for every little bright spot of liberty that are left anywhere in our country.

We’ve actually heard Democratic Congressmen such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demand the violation of our Free Speech Rights, through the creation of a “media literacy” initiative that would have a commission to be the arbiters of the “Truth”, essentially ensuring the press would become even rifer with Democratic Party Communist propaganda than it already is.

This is in conjunction with the Cancel Culture phenomena and Leftists taking it upon themselves to silence and/ or destroy the lives of anyone not in line with the Democratic Party agenda, by getting them fired, making them unemployable, blocking education and other opportunities from them, and destroying their reputation.

As one of the best Americans to ever have lived, Patrick Henry, an Anti-Federalist, once said:

“Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.”

In Democrat and RINO-controlled areas of America, the tyrants are still attempting to force Americans to stay at home and stay out of school, especially in California, Michigan, and New York, and, unfortunately, far too many of our people are obeying them and staying home.

Some Know-Nothing Fat Ass Commie Bureaucrat issues a diktat from City Hall that demands businesses remain closed, or only partially open at 25% capacity, and most business owners have simply fallen in line, keeping their businesses closed, even though it wipes them out financially and ends their life’s work. And still, the tyrants come for the last vestiges of liberty, not willing to give us the slightest few moments of peace unto ourselves, as Lady Liberty sings Her death song.

Worse of all, our children are being forced to abide by arbitrary diktats, such as mask mandates, that are based on outright lies, false science and Democratic Party desires to exert complete control over the entire society, without rhyme or valid reason, other than the Teachers of the Unions want to be paid from government funds while sitting home and doing nothing.

The children are being regimented and taught to bend their knee to whatever arbitrary authority figure is placed before them, and heaven forbid that they should ever defend themselves against a bully in school; and as every waking moment is now controlled in some fashion, the largest segment of our children are missing out on the most wonderful joys of childhood, such as playing spontaneous games of baseball or basketball, swimming, horsing around together and living free to experience the best adventures life has to offer.

It gives me a whole new appreciation for my Dear Ol’ Pop who taught me to question authority, from my earliest childhood days, and if I ever thought someone was trying to make me do something wrong, to come and get him or call him right away. And Pop, a Combat Veteran of WWII, Korea and Vietnam wasn’t playing any games either.

One only needs to read the words of George Orwell from his prescient book, 1984, to see the Democrats’ “Utopian Paradise” will be. Orwell writes:

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”

Joe Biden, the Dictator-In-Chief, and whoever is really in control whispering in his ear, seek absolute power, and every single thing they call “good” represents the most “evil” one can imagine. America won’t see “heaven on earth” under Biden — not even close — but rather, She will experience the most hellish tyranny, as we recently heard Joe say that if we did like he said, regarding mask mandates and social distancing, we might be able to celebrate the 4th of July. His ideological views demand a conformity that is based in despotism, rather than liberty for all, as prescribed by our Founding Fathers.

I guess he wants us to ask permission. Free men don’t ask permission.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely and it must be countered and combatted every step of the way, until it is eradicated from the halls of government, whenever and should it arise. The current movement that has been running against freedom and liberty must not be allowed to stand, and it must be eradicated, for the sake of all Americans, in order that liberty not be consigned to the lawless liberty we witnessed during the mayhem and violence of the Summer of Love, that allows the mobs of BLM and ANTIFA license to hold the nation hostage to the law of the jungle.

At the heart of it all, one finds the Democratic Party Communists, the Enemy From Within, that proves to be, time and time again, an existential threat and a rising menace in America to personal safety, to life, limb, and property, American homes, our businesses, our churches and our cities, and no true American takes this fact lightly today.

Americans who love their families and America, with all Her flaws and all Her exceptional strengths, have a duty and an obligation to themselves and all that they hold dear to protect and defend American principles, the Constitution and our Inalienable God-Given Rights against this Communist assault, this Communist-inspired treason against the United States of America. This America we love so well was raised up by the Good Lord to be the Home of the Brave and to thrive and prosper as the Land of the Free, not to be dragged into the stagnating Collective Swamp or be subjugated under the iron fists of Communist tyrants.

Too many good, decent, and fine Christian, conservative and independent liberty-minded Americans have fought and died for the people of America’s right to live in freedom and liberty, to let it be all for naught. Americans, righteous and true Americans, have fought and lived for freedom and liberty, to preserve it for future generations. Americans created the model for freedom that so many other countries look towards for guidance in their own yearnings to be free, to create free societies, and those ideas and principles of freedom have lived too long and deep within the hearts of too many Americans, for us to simply allow the evil men do to take that from us.

The road to freedom for America was a long and arduous road, and the road along which our freedom and liberty is maintained may prove to be an even longer one. We’ll soon see who has the spine for this fight and who will run from it to cower and submit to the Marxists and Maoists just to save themselves and to accept the false security offered within the Communist Collective, at the cost of all of one’s freedom.

We will not go into that thousand years of darkness and the tyranny that Democrat policies are forcing upon the nation as a whole. Many of Us will fight, many to their deaths.

Via GenZConservative I was at a loss as to whether I would try to write anything today. As I thought about our country and all she faced today, rather than go deep into any specifics and details of any one major issue, I thought to explore the general health of freedom and liberty in this … Continue reading “American Freedom: A Long and Arduous Road”
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