American Kids Struggling In An Economically Hollowed Out Country – Madame DeFarge

The children and parents that provide the political support for the Deep State and socialists are only capable of superficial thought with a heavy dollop of estrogen on top. They will soon pay the price for their hysteria. The current multi-color flags being flown are just the latest iteration of a long process of socialist control that now has their goal in sight after a 70 year march through the entrails of the country.  Joe McCarthy was correct in his analysis and was the initial recipient of a media propaganda blitz and treatment by the virtuous socialists and the same program was resurrected for Donald Trump.

A new societal dynamic has appeared and will be the next step in the disintegration of our society. The industrial-government model has joined with the credentialed educational class to flood our society with experts.  We have a lush crop of committees, surveys, grants, zoning boards, welfare and healthcare groups, advisory boards and commissions. They are supported by credentials handed out by colleges and societies. The path forward as always leaves at least one group out, those that foot the bill.  This plan was conceived  generations ago and has not been brought up to date with current affairs and new technologies such as AI.

Many teenagers sit for hours with video games and the newest iPhone bought by Mommy for their fun and games. Mommy’s’ basement is the continuing living and social space for the fruits of her inadequate parenting abilities.  A small group of normal children gathers and talks about data transmission, faster and smaller chips and more efficient search engines. They quickly move on and create new technologies for society while mommy waits patiently to purchase the new toys for her valium drugged 18 year old baby.

The recent  AI system release has opened the road to penury and redundancy for the group that plays with toys.  They will quickly become unnecessary.  Maybe they will really appreciate eating bugs instead of doughnuts. I am sure the opportunity will arise.  What is the current situation for these young social outcasts that are arrested at political rally’s supporting BLM? What will the kids do in the future to survive? Will they continue to suffer from too much mommy?

The information age and learning to code as a career for these American kids is rapidly receding into the mirror.  The first step to oblivion was bringing in the H2 Visas from India that lived in hot bunks for low wages.  Next, communications had advanced to the point of customer service being moved overseas to a guy who is eating curry and mumbling while trying to stay awake.    The con-vid shot has also eliminated our idea of children and a family unit due to still-births and sterility.

It also appears that a long life will be precluded for many by heart malfunctions caused by the shot. In a perfect socialist world, what are their options to justify their caloric intake and carbon footprint to the local “Board of Personal Efficacy” that will be created in a few years?  Everyone knows they must contribute to the success of the state and the party.  What skills do you have to donate to the leader?  If there are none, you have a reservation on the trains for the reeducation camps.

The other pot on the same stove is that the idea of a college education that was dreamed about for many middle class kids has turned into a terrible swamp of debt with no job prospects.  The only recourse is a box of doughnuts and a job picketing racists downtown.  The diversity programs in college are designed to allow the poor black kids into the old brick halls while pumping government money into the administrations.  What is not discussed are two major problems.

Sitting in an old  building with white kids is not going to raise their abilities because sitting quietly and listening is beyond their emotional capability and also the entire education complex has eliminated the value of a diploma.  After accumulating years worth of debt that cannot be repaid and receiving no educational benefit, most leave the campus for drug dealing and welfare. The intellectual level of playground studies and sexuality majors is rather low,  which leaves employment in the US State or Defense Department as the only options.

Actual working knowledge instead of filling out forms is always valuable.  Those that lack the ability of analytical thought are easily displaced with AI. Design, building, manufacturing and repair type professions require independent analysis and cannot be replaced by AI.

That is our future as engineering jobs are still heading overseas.  When this wall ending opportunity is discovered, things will have to change or a new population cull will have to be arranged.

The coming shake out of the pompous old ruling class will be rude, crude and unbecoming to a gentleman as well as great fun to watch!

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