“I despise them; I despise George Soros and I can’t wait for people to realize how much he is an agent of the Chinese plan to take down America…”

As a Canadian peaking over the fence and an America watcher for the last half century I feel well qualified to make the following comments. It is utterly painful to watch a close neighbor burn down their own house and the collateral damage that ensues.

They are about caring, sharing and all pulling together. The critical issues at hand are not just local, national or continental. As I have said on numerous occasions we have to start thinking globally and act locally.

My own nationalist leanings are now superseded by global concerns as this is the forum where our futures are being defined. We can all be roundly contemptuous of our elites for their lack of competence and vision in addressing the crises we are now facing. Both leaders and the institutions of leadership have failed us miserably.

Powerful forces have been working hard at burying us in passive indifference blocking our visions with propaganda and well-honed weapons of mass distraction. They are counting on our indifference and passivity.

Western societies are suffering the siege of endless wars and our elites are blind to the consequences of their actions.

What prompted this blog is the quote above with the emphasis on “I despise them; “I despise George Soros and I can’t wait for people to realize how much he is an agent of the Chinese plan to take down America.”

What the writer forgets is that before you despise you had better get your facts straight.

George Soros in fact is an enemy of China and was kicked out for attempts to establish his Open Society there. Like a lot of other western billionaires he thought he could buy up China like they have bought up everything else and use China as a pool of cheap labor. Soros hates Xi Jinping as he has claimed Chinese prosperity for China not for selling off to greedy Western investors.

Soros’ Open Society is a fraud from the word go as he wants a global oligarchy with all roads leading to Washington.

The commenter is laughably dead wrong when he refers to “the Chinese plan to take down America”— another tragic victim of too much propaganda and to few facts.

For the last half century the US has been holding the world hostage to its fantasy of owning the whole world and everybody in it. This is the fundamental fact that is key to understanding the present world crisis. But one too few are people willing to knowledge. They just can’t bring themselves to accept that the home team is in the wrong as it tries to play the game of -winner -take -all— and it is a game where we are all paying the price in ways we can’t even imagine. This is why we have seen perpetual war for decades. In its three hundred year history most of that time it has been at war some where in the world. It is the most interventionist country the world has ever seen.

Eurasia , led by Russia and China account for 70% of the world’s wealth production. They are pursuing prosperity and progress and the last thing they want is war and rebuilding their economies. They have no imperial ambitions and are promoting the emerging multipolar world.

The problem is America’s refusal to take its place as one of the world’s great powers. For the sake of the world no one country can ever be allowed to dominate. Their must be a balance of power among leading nations where they countervail each others power and agree to peaceful co-existence with diplomacy paramount. This is essential for planetary survival.

They have very effectively indoctrinated us to be hateful, racist and xenophobic as this is what licenses them to go to war, with our complicit approval. The wars they fight are not fought for our freedoms but to save the bacon of greedy bankers and corporate profits. They are playing the utterly— stupid and craven game-of-winner-takes-all and they have been playing for too long at the expense of too many lives and trillions of dollars.

They foment the infantile attitude of a world divided between good and evil. They have ordained themselves the good guys and everybody else the bad guys— like the old wild west which they never out grew. If only the world was that simple we would still be living in caves, and our return is beginning to become more apparent given the attitudes of our failed elites.

What drives the totally insane winner-take-all-attitude is they have tens of trillions of dollars invested in militarism, The Military Industrial Congressional Complex(MICC), is central to their economy and if it was reduced to realistic levels the national economy would have to be restructured. They are slaves to the outlandish militarism they created.

They are living the legacy of their own endless crimes and corruptions and don’t have the honor or contrition to step back and pursue a more sane foreign policy. They are running from the humiliation of failure after decades of death and destruction, trapped in their irrational rage presiding over a dying empire.

Americans must take back their Republic and we must all view the world more objectively, keeping in mind the planet is more than ever a global village where we must all survive. There are no short cuts and we have to rid ourselves of the ruinous ideologies that have prevailed for too long

The leaders taking down America are in Washington not Beijing.

By Robert Billyard

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