‘Angel Mom’ Says Biden Creating ‘Super Highway’ to Border – Charlotte Cuthbertson | The Epoch Times

An Arizona mother whose son was killed by an illegal alien said the Biden administration’s border policies are “absolutely” going to create more “angel families.” Angel families are relatives of those who have been killed by an illegal immigrant. “That’s the saddest thing to me of all,” Mary Ann Mendoza told The Epoch Times on Feb. 8. “I’ve been speaking out on this for 5 1/2 years now.” Mendoza’s son, Brandon, was killed in a 2014 car crash caused by an illegal immigrant who was drunk, high on meth, and speeding along a Mesa, Arizona, highway in the wrong direction. Brandon, a sergeant on the Mesa police force, was 32 years old. “Biden decides he’s going to open our borders, and every one of our lives are in jeopardy,” she said. “It’s just going to be a super highway now.” President Joe Biden has issued executive orders to stop border …
An Arizona mother whose son was killed by an illegal alien said the Biden administration’s border policies are “absolutely” going to create more “angel families.” Angel families are relatives of those who have been killed by an illegal immigrant. “That’s the saddest thing to me of all,” Mary Ann Mendoza told The Epoch Times on
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