Anglo-Saxon Power Elite Plays The Nuclear Conflict Card – Luciano Lago

The Anglo-Saxon oligarchies are not resigned to the defeat of their proxies in Ukraine and the NATO apparatus that supports them. Too important are the stakes: the new world order dominated by them or by the antagonists of Anglo-Saxon power (Russia and China).

To prevent the collapse of Ukrainian/NATO forces, government officials in London and Washington are contemplating not only the deployment of even more offensive weapons but also the use of nuclear ones. See the latest statements by British PM Johnson during his Kiev visit and by various members of the US Congress and the Pentagon.

With the collapse of the Ukrainian front, the plan of the elites and the “Deep State” is in danger of collapsing and with it the world order foreshadowed and carefully planned by U.S. strategists who saw with this a restoration of U.S. unipolar dominance over the world.

The situation is getting out of hand, Russia was supposed to be defeated but has fought back and taken the Anglo-US strategies in Europe by storm. Washington’s maneuver of encirclement was interrupted by Russia’s “special operation” and Russia itself was not isolated, as the Anglo U.S. had hoped, on the contrary it brought to its side Xi Jinping’s China, Modi’s India and large emerging countries such as Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa, as well as Islamic countries and even Mexico and Argentina. All countries that repudiate the world order dictated by Washington and its rules.

A large part of the world rejects the dominant U.S.-brand Western order, that of big finance, liberalism, cultural colonialism, and neocolonial domination and this third world, from Africa to Latin America, shows solidarity with Russia and cooperation with China and its major development projects (the Belt and Road Initiative).
In fact, we have arrived at what Samuel Huntington called the “clash of civilizations” with an anti-Western alliance made up of various heads of State from different backgrounds and cultures but united by a worldview different from that of the West.

The consequences of the sanctions are proving fatal for Europe and many other countries with the spectre of economic recession, famine, social unrest and uncontrolled migration that may deal the final blow to existing balances. An effect intended by the hegemons, the Anglo Zionist Masonic elites to whom Covid Operation / Pandemic was not enough but who are now aiming directly at war and chaos in the hope of regaining control of the world that is now slipping away from the rulers in Washington and London.

Biden’s Administration

Despite this and the obsessive media propaganda disseminated by the powerhouses, the first rifts are beginning to appear in European states as well, see the outcome of the elections in France and the emergence of movements dubbed populist in Italy and other countries. An anger of revolt smoulders under the ashes and the crisis and economic recession will sooner or later make this anger, exacerbated by social inequalities and the arrogance of power, explode.

However, at this time, power elites, such as the U.S. “Deep State”, are particularly dangerous in that they can be driven by desperation to unconscionable acts. It is no coincidence that there are various observers who are predicting a coming collapse of the European Union itself torn apart by its contradictions. A top-down, bureaucratic body dominated by business/financial lobbies and run by unelected but elite-imposed figures that has proven to be totally at the service of the powerhouses across the Atlantic.

The financial system on which the West and its domination has hitherto rested is disintegrating and the signal is given by the end of the dominance of the dollar, now eroded by the return to the national currencies of the large countries. The Deep State is at war with all those who oppose Anglo-US domination but is unable to reverse the trend that is present today with the repudiation of this order dictated by bankers and transhumanists.

The big countries draw on their culture, their national and religious traditions, Orthodox Christianity (in the case of Russia), Taoism and Confucianism (China), Hindu tradition (India), the dictates of Shiite or Sunni Islamism, in the case of Islamic countries, with the repudiation of the Americanized, materialist, individualist, hedonist and transhumanist world.

This is the real paradigm shift that frightens the elites in Washington and London and drives them to provoke war and chaos.

Original column by Luciano Lago:

Translation by Costantino Ceoldo

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