Another Western Vassal Puppet In Africa Gone, Niger Military Overthrows The President

Niger’s military says President Mohamed Bazoum has been removed from power. Soldiers in the West African country declare a curfew, along with border closures, in a televised address.

Niger’s top military officers have declared a coup, saying President Mohamed Bazoum has been removed from power and all state institutions are suspended.

“We have decided to put an end to the regime that you know, due to the continued deterioration of the security situation, and poor economic and social governance,” Colonel Amadou Abdramane announced in a short statement on national television late on Wednesday.

Abdramane, who was surrounded by a group of other high-ranking officers, including the commanders of the presidential guard and special forces, said the West African nation’s borders have been closed, and a nationwide curfew is in place.

He warned that the military is ready to resist any attempts by foreign powers to interfere in the country.

Abdramane also gave assurances that the human rights of the president and members of his government will be respected.

According to media reports, Bazoum was blockaded inside his residence in the capital, Niamey, early on Wednesday by members of his own security detail. French-language news website Jeune Afrique earlier reported that the coup may have been provoked by the head of state’s plans to dismiss the commander of the presidential guard, General Omar Tchiani.

On Thursday, Niger’s Foreign Minister Hassoumi Massoudou insisted in an interview with France24 that “the legal and legitimate power is the one exercised by the elected President of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum.”

He confirmed that the president, who took office in April 2021, was detained, but said he remained “in good health.”

Massoudou also issued several messages on Twitter (recently rebranded as X), saying: “a coup attempt has been underway in Niger.” He suggested that the plot by the military leaders “will fail because it will come up against the outcry of democratic forces everywhere in Niger.”

White House National Security adviser Jake Sullivan earlier called upon the presidential guard to release President Bazoum from detention and refrain from violence. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has also condemned what he called an “effort to seize power by force,” urging all sides to show restraint.

Nigeria has been through four military coups since gaining independence from France in 1960. The latest was in 2010, in which then-president Mamadou Tandja was deposed.

The country is seen as an important ally of the West. Last year, France moved its troops to Niger from Mali after the military came to power, now they will have to move them again, back to France this time. 

The United States and EU countries have already condemned the coup d’etat, calling for the immediate release of Bazum. The FT notes that President Bazum has consistently advocated democratic principles, a progressive attitude towards women’s rights and education, and also sought Western assistance in the fight against terrorists on the continent. In addition, Bazum was one of the few African leaders who refused to participate in the Russia-Africa summit, which began in St. Petersburg this week.

The impoverished Niger supplies half of the uranium for French nuclear power plants. And now France has very big problems.

It seems that we will soon see Wagner PMCs guarding Niger’s uranium mines.

Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane and other military leaders announce overthrow of Niger’s President Mohamed Bazoum in a TV address. © AFP / AFP / ORTN – TÉLÉ SAHEL

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