Architects Of The Syrian Caliphate – Declan Hayes

The rise to power of the Syrian Caliphate has many fathers and this article has tried to highlight some of its smallest, slimiest and skankiest midwives.

You put a knife to his throat…that’s their cure. Strike with an iron fist. No media, no nonsense. No media, no nonsense. These diplomatic smiles are useless, ineffective. Their solution is combat. Their solution is force. The pride of this nation lies in jihad. The pride of this nation lies in jihad. If we abandon jihad, we remain humiliated. Jolani religious affairs spokesperson

Although this article disparages Europe’s Quislings, who helped foist Jolani’s Islamic Caliphate on Syria, it first peruses the ruins of Europe to get a better bead on those unsung collaborators, who helped Jolani establish his dictatorship. As I type, Latvians are marching in their tens of thousands to commemorate Adolf Hitler’s Estonian Nazis, Romanians are marching in their millions because von der Leyen has denied them a democratic vote, thousands of Irish NGO collaborators have lost their positions because of Trump’s DOGE cut backs, Duterte is in the Hague because he opposed war with China and Jolani’s bruisers are in Brussels to collect billions in aid for a job well done, for overthrowing the secular Syrian Arab Republic in other words. If it is ISIS collaborators you want, Europe has no shortage.

But then Europe never had any shortage of such sorts. Though Unity Mitford, Edward V111, Ezra Pound and TinTin creator Hergé are amongst those who did the (Nazi) state some service, William Joyce, Lord Haw-Haw, has enjoyed the sort of posthumous reputation those unsung minions who helped establish Jolani’s terror regime should also enjoy as they too have the blood of millions of innocents metaphorically on their hands.

Because Lord Haw-Haw was a journalist and propagandist of sorts, let’s start with his droppings. Some of the low hanging Irish riff raff I brought to Syria include Caelainn Hogan, who got articles into the New York Times and National Geographic (but not enough to pay for her board and lodgings with the Jesuits in Homs) and Sally Hayden, a more polished turd, whose screed milking the refugee industry I previously skewered. Following her National Geographic article, Hogan waxed how she used to read National Geographic at school, rather than study and this vacuous giraffe later spoke at meetings supporting the head hackers. Hayden, who had lied that she met head hackers in Damascus, simply wrote the hit jobs her handlers told her to write as part of their bigger agendas they pay bottom feeders like her to work towards. Although it would be unkind to call these pretentious bimbos whores, there are very broad similarities between their approaches to writing and that of the lowest Figueroa Street skank. Much the same goes for the likes of the intellectually challenged Ronan Tynan, who controls how they and other bottom feeders like ISIS groupie Norma Costello. In Ireland as in Britain, these modern day Lord and Lady Haw-Haws write as they are instructed to write and, though they should be as irrelevant as the skankiest Figueroa St whore, they should be held to account, just as many lowly Nazis were still being held to account until very recently.

Although Al Jazeera clips like this go to show these journalists are just second rate actors paid, like the White Helmets murder gang, to cover up for Jolani, they still must pay for their roles, when a day of reckoning arrives.

And not just pretend journalists. Although my first paragraph mentioned in passing the NGO grifters, those criminals have a very big case to answer themselves, as do Catholic priests like Fr William Stuart, who ran programs in the refugee camps the head hackers controlled. Not only did Stuart (unsurprisingly, a former military chaplain) and his clones get millions in donations that could have gone to infinitely worthier causes but they gave a very important sheen to the head hackers, one that continues to this day with von der Leyen giving them billions of euros to continue their genocides. Although there are countless Catholics who collaborated with the head hackers, I would put the entire Anglican cult into that same boat and, the more I see of them, the more revolted with every last one of them I get.

Athough USAID had the main Western religions totaly infiltrated, it was as nothing to their penetration of the secular groups, a perfect exemplar of which is GOAL, which became Ireland’s biggest NGO as a result of their complicity with USAID in the Syrian genocide. Leaving to one side their rampant and well documented corruption, GOAL also offered a way back from political suicide to NATO fanatic and current MEP Barry Andrews, who should be sitting alongside Duterte in the dock at The Hague because of his role in paving path to power for Jolani’s head hackers with his underhanded roles in GOAL, in his NATO think tank and in the Europeran Parliament.

Andrews is not the only Irish politican complicit in the Syrian genocide and other NATO plants such as Labour leader, trust fund babe and pathologicial Russophobe Ivana Bacik (grand da a leading Nazi collaborator in war time Czechoslovakia) should answer for her rabid sectarian attacks on Syria’s political leaders when they visited the Irish Parliament. What is noteworthy about that Jolani apologist is, following her performance in the Irish Parliament, Irish state controlled media had her on its main news bulletin displaying her rampant ignorance of Syria and her hatred for Syrians, Jolani’s head hackers excepted.

To further frustrate Syria’s religious leaders, Bacik got Robin Yassin-Kassab, whose father was a notorious Muslim Brotherhood field commander, to address the parliament, where he threatened the assembled MPs for having allowed Syria’s Christian and Muslim leaders to speak there. As Kassab is nothing more than a remedial English teacher (this is a pen, that is a pen), he was patently under qualified for the job in hand, even if he was amply qualified for Bacik’s agenda and that of her handlers.

The role of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Clonskeagh Mosque also played a decisive role in this, with Dr Ali Selim, its then notorious commanding officer, threatening to get very heavy with those offending his Islamic sensibilities. Selim is noteworthy as Irish state sanctioned media used him as their main pointsman. As Selim also taught Islamic remedial English at Dublin’s Trinity College which was for long Bacik’s power base, there is that further important link to this deceitful web. Here, for what it is worth, is my article on Qaradawi, the Clonskeagh Mosque’s ultimate boss and here is that CIA agent calling, in 2013, for the extermination of the Alawites, a policy none of these pretend Sunnis has ever disavowed.

Altthough much of this might seem like water under the bridge, Unherd saw fit to print this rabid article by Robin Yassin-Kassab as recently as March 2025, where Kassab justifies the ongoing genocide of Alawite, Armenian and Christian men, women and children in Syria. His justification for indiscriminate genocide is worth perusing, if only to look at the main photo which shows a (Kurdish? Alawite?) babe, with uncovered head, holding aloft an AK 47, an indication of how perverse and compromised by MI6 Unherd is.

Not that Unherd is alone in this. The British Stop the War movement have totally regressed and have not only sidelined their former workhorses like George Galloway and Jeremy Corbyn but, like its sister group in Ireland, are a major obstacle to having a united platform opposing the Syrian, Congolese and other genocides. Far better to march around in circles about Palestine, collect donations and get more members for the various Trotskyist groups running it on behalf of MI6 than to actually achieve anything worthwhile.

They say that success has many fathers but that failure is an orphan. Though I am unsure of how slaughtering Syrians fits into that binary option, the rise to power of the Syrian Caliphate has many fathers and this article has tried to highlight some of its smallest, slimiest and skankiest midwives. Though it is by no means a complete or exhaustive survey, in time, a fuller account will emerge detailing which of today’s Lord and Lady Haw-Haws have the most blood of Syria’s innocents on their grimy, little hands. My hope is that you and others will help complete this picture by naming and shaming those Lord and Lady Haw-Haws known to you and that modern day Simon Wiesenthals will emerge to give every last one of these Quislings the summary justice they so richly deserve.

By Declan Hayes

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