At Least Two US Supreme Court Judges And Their Families Moved To “Safe Locations” Due To Death Threats

At least two US Supreme Court Justices have been moved to “safe locations” according to federal law enforcement sources, Red State editor Jennifer Van Laar reported.

It is unclear which justices were moved to safe locations.

BREAKING: According to federal law enforcement sources, “at least” 2 Supreme Court justices have been moved to “safe locations”

— Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) June 25, 2022

Earlier Friday pro-abortion activists were filmed handing out the home address of Justice Clarence Thomas to outraged protesters outside the Supreme Court.

The protesters were carrying signs with messages such as “ABORT SCOTUS.”

Justice Brett Kavanaugh already had a foiled assassination attempt at his home after abortion activists posted all of the conservative justice’s addresses online.

Thousands of screeching demons gathered in front of the Supreme Court on Friday chanting, “F*ck this court!”


HAPPENING NOW: Thousands of Pro Abortion Protesters pack the street in front of the Supreme Court and chant “F*CK THIS COURT” here in DC | @TPUSA

— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) June 24, 2022

Far-left Antifa terrorists set an American flag on fire.


BREAKING: ANTIFA lights an American flag on fire here in DC in the middle of the street | @TPUSA

— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) June 25, 2022

Watch Live: ‘Pissed the F*ck Off’ Activists Outside Justice Thomas’s House, BREITBART NEWS reports.

Pro-abortion activists are protesting outside Justice Clarence Thomas’s home Friday night, hours after the Supreme Court handed down its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.


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